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Stress akademik akibat Covid-19 Mufadhal Barseli; Ifdil Ifdil; Linda Fitria
JPGI (Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia) Vol 5, No 2 (2020): JPGI
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Therapy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/02733jpgi0005


Selama proses pembelajaran daring yang diberlakukan selama pandemic Covid-19 banyak menimbulkan stress akademik terutama pada siswa . Hal ini menunjukkan perlu adanya upaya guru Bimbingan  dan  Konseling  atau  konselor  untuk melakukan  pengembangan  pada  praktik pelayanan Binbingan dan konseling untuk meningkatkan kualitas atau potensi siswa  dalam mengantisipasi   muculnya   stres   akademik   siswa   selama covid-19 dan   faktor-faktor   yang mempengaruhi munculnya stres akademik. Naskah ini akan mengenalkan gambaran stres akademik siswa selama covid-19 meliputi;  konsep  stres,  konsep  stres  akademik,  dan memngelola stres selama pandemic Covid-19 Semoga ini dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu rujukan.
Kontribusi dukungan keluarga terhadap motivasi belajar anak broken home Linda Fitria; Mufadhal Barseli
JPGI (Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): JPGI
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Therapy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/02697jpgi0005


This study aims to determine the contribution of family support to the learning motivation of broken home children in grade X even semester SMK Negeri 9 Padang Academic Year 2019/2020. The population of this study was 418 people who were taken using 2019/2020, with a sample of 56 people who were taken using purposive sampling technique. The method used in this research is correlational quantitative descriptive. The data collection instrument used in this study was a questionnaire with a Likert scale model. Data analyzes were performed using statistical programs on the IBM Statistical 20 computer and Microsoft Excel. Based on the results of the study, data shows that there is a contribution of family support to the learning motivation of broken home children
Konsep Stres Akademik Siswa Mufadhal Barseli; Ifdil Ifdil; Nikmarijal Nikmarijal
Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan Vol 5, No 3 (2017): JKP
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Therapy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (480.703 KB) | DOI: 10.29210/119800


Siswa yang mengalami stres akademik memiliki persepsi yang maladaptif terhadap tuntutan akademik. Stres akademik adalah persepsi subjektif terhadap suatu kondisi akademik atau respon yang dialami siswa berupa reaksi fisik, perilaku, pikiran, dan emosi negatif yang muncul akibat adanya tuntutan sekolah atau akademik. Hal ini menunjukkan perlu adanya upaya guru Bimbingan dan Konseling atau konselor untuk melakukan pengembangan pada praktik pelayanan Binbingan dan konseling untuk meningkatkan kualitas atau potensi siswa dalam mengantisipasi muculnya stres akademik siswa dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi munculnya stres akademik. Naskah ini akan mengenalkan konsep dasar stres akademik siswa meliputi; konsep stres, konsep stres akademik, faktor yang mempengaruhi stres akademik, gejala-gejala stres akademik, respon stres akademik. Semoga ini dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu rujukan.
Pengembangan modul bimbingan dan konseling untuk pengelolaan stres akademik siswa Mufadhal Barseli; Ifdil Ifdil; Mudjiran Mudjiran; Z. Mawardi Efendi; Nilma Zola
Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan Vol 8, No 2 (2020): JKP
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Therapy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (817.228 KB) | DOI: 10.29210/141700


The purpose of this study was to reveal whether the guidance and counseling module for the management of academic stress of students eligible materially and appearance, and to describe the usefulness level guidance and counseling module for the management of a student's academic stress by counselor. The method used in this research is model ADDIE. Research carried out by testing product research and FGD. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. The results showed that the guidance and counseling module for the management of a student's academic stress can be used as a media in the service guidance and counseling in school. Thus, prototype of guidance and counseling module for the management of a student's academic stress can be used by the counselor to help a student in academic stress anticipate in the learning process.
The concept of student interpersonal communication Mufadhal Barseli; Kristinus Sembiring; Ifdil Ifdil; Linda Fitria
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) Vol 4, No 2 (2018): JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Theraphy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.388 KB) | DOI: 10.29210/02018259


Interpersonal communication skills are one competency of students to interact with others. Students who experience problems in interpersonal communication will be hampered in the process of developing creativity and increasing their academic achievement at school. This shows the need for efforts by counselors to develop the counseling service practices to increase students’ understanding of the importance of interpersonal communication and the factors that influence low interpersonal communication skills. This paper will introduce the basic concepts of interpersonal communication including; the concept interpersonal communication, the characteristics of interpersonal communication, the importance of interpersonal communication, interpersonal communication criteria, factors that effect interpersonal communication, the process of interpersonal communication, the purpose of interpersonal communication and, communication this can a reference.
Hubungan stres akademik siswa dengan hasil belajar Mufadhal Barseli; Riska Ahmad; Ifdil Ifdil
Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Therapy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.803 KB) | DOI: 10.29210/120182136


This research is based on the  lack of students’ learning outcomes,  which is influenced by the academic stress. The purpose of the study is to describe the academic stress, students’ learning outcomes, and the identification of the relationship between academic stress with students’ learning outcomes. The study showed that the  students’ in general academic stress are in middle category, and generally students’ learning outcomes are in the sufficient category, there is a significant relationship between academic stress with student learning outcomes. The implications of the study are expected to provide counseling teacher guidance and counseling services that are preventive against academic stress and improve student learning outcomes.
Pengaruh Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan (LDK) Terhadap Perkembangan Soft Skill Peserta Didik Pada Mata Kuliah Kegiatan Ko/Ekstrakurikuler Di Sekolah Mufadhal - Barseli; Vera - Sriwahyuningsih
Ristekdik : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 6, No 2 (2021): RISTEKDIK : JURNAL BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING - JULI-DESEMBER 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/ristekdik.2021.v6i2.300-304


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi untuk melihat perkembangan soft skill peserta didik. Latihan dasar kepemimpinan (LDK) dianggap salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan soft skill peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh LDK terhadap perkembangan soft skill peserta didik. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan statistik desriptif korelasional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 150 Peserta Didik Tingkat SMA di Wilayah Sumatera Barat yang sudah mengikuti LDK dengan menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh  secara signifikan antara LDK terhadap perkembangan soft skill sebesar 26,36%. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai analisis kebutuhan peserta didik dalam merancang program bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah.
Efektifitas Pengembangan Soft Skill Peserta Didik dalam Berpikir Kritis melalui Kegiatan Ko/Estra Kurikuler di Sekolah Vera Sriwahyuningsih; Mufadhal Barseli
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.002 KB) | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v6i2.5094


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi untuk melihat efektifitas pengembangan soft skill peserta didik melalui kegiatan Ko/Ekstra Kurikuler. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran tentang soft skill peserta didik terlihat pada aspek mempunyai inisitaif, etika/integritas, berpikir kritis, kemampuan belajar, memunyai komitmen, motivasi, bersemangat, kreatif, mampu mengatasi stress, dapat memenejemen diri sendiri, mandiri, tangguh, dapat memenejemen waktu, dapat berkomunikasi yang baik dan dapat bekerjasama dengan orang lain. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif kauntitatif dengan besaran sampel 150 peserta didik pada tingkat SMA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan soft skill sangat dibutuhkan untuk membentuk karakter pada peserta didik disesuaikan dengan kurikulum merdeka belajar pada saat ini.
Academic Stress Among Male and Female Students After the Covid-19 Pandemic Ifdil Ifdil; Lela Lela; Yuda Syahputra; Linda Fitria; Nilma Zola; Rima Pratiwi Fadli; Mufadhal Barseli; Yola Eka Putri; Berru Amalianita
COUNS-EDU: The International Journal of Counseling and Education Vol. 7 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Indonesian Counselor Association (IKI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23916/0020220740130


This study aims to describe the condition of students' academic stress and examine differences in academic stress in male and female students after the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a comparative research obtained through random sampling. The sample of this study was 118 students consisting of several high schools in Padang City. Data was collected with an academic stress scale with 57 items. The analysis technique uses the item response theory (IRT) approach with the Rasch Model analysis. This study examines descriptive and differences with Welch with the help of WINSTEPS Version 4.7.0. The results show that there is a significant difference between male and female academic stress. Other findings found that women's academic stress tended to be higher than that of men, and what was interesting from this data was that there was a woman who was at the highest logit or an outlier, meaning that this woman needed to be given intervention to reduce her stress by providing individual counseling services. Based on the results of this study it is hoped that school counselors will focus more on women for academic stress prevention programs.
Efektifitas Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan (LDK) pada Peserta Didik Tingkat SMA dalam Menumbuhkan Jiwa Kepemimpinan Vera Sriwahyuningsih; Mufadhal Barseli
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v6i2.4087


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi untuk melihat efektifitas latihan dasar kepemimpinan (LDK) pada peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran tentang pembentukan jiwa kepemimpinan, kemampuan berorganisasi, keberanian dan berperan aktif. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 150 peserta didik tingkat SMA di Wilayah Sumatera Barat yang mengikuti kegiatan LDK. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan LDK dapat membantu peserta didik dalam membentuk jiwa kepemimpinan, kemampuan berorganisasi, dan memperoleh keberanian, serta berperan aktif di lingkungan sekitar. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai studi kebutuhan bagi guru Bimbingan Konseling dalam membuat program dan pemberian layanan bimbingan konseling.