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RETORIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol 13, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/retorika.v13i2.13994


The research aims to describe the speech variation of the Benteng Somba Opu community. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data were gaining from the verbal speech of the Benteng Somba Opu community in the form of dialogue. Data collection techniques conducted by doing observation and recording techniques. The data analysis carried out through data identification, data classification, data interpretation, and description of the result based on the sociolinguistics theory. The results of the research show that the Benteng Somba Opu community speech variation marked by using suffix, prefix, particle, and code-mixing. The suffix form contains -mi, -ma, -mo, -na, -nu, -ni, -ka, -ki, -ko, -ku, -ji, -pi, -di, -i, and - e. The prefix form marked by na-, ku-, ta-, and -i. The particle seems to the words, iyo, tong, tomma (i), mako, mami, paeng, dih, and tawwa. Code mixing conveyed using the English language (off and reward), and Arabic (alhamdulillah). Those variations are adjusting with the level of social, position, age, and familiarity between the speaker and the addressee in the Benteng Somba Opu community, resulting in a good, respectful, and polite speech.
The Effectiveness of Letters Card Media in Writing Lontara’ Alphabet Makassar at SMP Negeri 1 Pallangga in Gowa District Hamriani Hamriani; Idawati Garim; Usman .
Lingua Cultura Vol. 10 No. 2 (2016): Lingua Cultura Vol. 10 No. 2
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v10i2.1422


The purpose of this study was to explain the effectiveness of writing Lontara’ alphabet Makassar via letters card media in Class VII SMPN 1 Pallangga, Gowa district. This research used quantitative method. The steps was taken, namely (1) The initial test (pre-test) or measurement prior to treatment, (2) the implementation of the action (treatment), and (3) the measurement that was done after post- test. The object of this study was the students of Class VII students in SMP Negeri 1 Pallangga, while the selected students as sample were students of class VII-18 woth total 50 students. Data collection techniques used were participatory observation, test, and interviews. Data analysis techniques used include data description, the average similarity test, and requirements analysis test. The results show that learning by using letters card media is very effective. It can be seen from the results of post-test analysis which shows higher level of achievement by using a lontara’ alphabet Makassar letters card media compared to the pre-test. In addition, in learning process the students are more active by using the letter card media compared to not using these media. While other factors that influence the effectiveness of learning can be affected by three factors, they are motivation, educational qualifications of teachers, and the environment.
Exploring the impression of university students on "Teaching Camp" based on "Free to Learn-Independent Campus" program in developing students' speaking skill Nurlaela Nurlaela; Idawati Idawati
International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): June
Publisher : Center for Humanities and Innovation Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33750/ijhi.v5i2.146


The teaching camp is a program during the pandemic. This study aims to explore the university student's impression of the Teaching Camp program that is expected to challenge the university students to connect between universities and the real world or the world of work. This study applied qualitative descriptive research to summarize specific events experienced by individuals or groups of individuals in everyday words. This research was conducted in the Department of English Education, University of Bosowa, Makassar, Indonesia. Four university students participating in the Teaching Camp program were willing to support this study. There are three steps in qualitative analysis in this study using data reduction, data display, and conclusions, namely, to find out the interview answers that have been given to students, then each answer is analyzed using words and according to student answers. This study found that university students have an important role in implementing the ministry of education and culture program. The role referred to here is that university students are the driving force by providing new innovations in learning and being involved in implementing the learning process by teaching literacy and numeracy. Class 1 of the Teaching Camp program enables university students to have an academic and social experience while serving as education facilitators in suburban areas. With so many shortcomings, it is hoped that this first-class Teaching Camp program will become an in-depth evaluation material for the Ministry of Education and Culture and the university.
Students’ English Learning Experiences on Virtual Project-Based Learning Instruction Raida Asfihana; Kisman Salija; Iskandar Iskandar; Idawati Garim
International Journal of Language Education Vol. 6, No. 2, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/ijole.v6i2.20506


Project-based learning is a learner-centered process that gives freedom to the students to design their own project works. Though numerous research results on the enactment of Project-Based Learning instruction have already been reported, only a limited number has reported its enactment in an online classroom situation. This present research, employed Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), unpacks the students’ learning experience after being exposed to Virtual Project-Based Learning, henceforth Virtual PBL. The researchers administered in-depth interviews to eighteen students who came from two different classes in an Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia. Findings show that five major themes emerged from data collection and analysis; increase active participation and motivation, develop critical thinking skills, participate in collaborative group discussion, build peer and lecturer communication, and develop skills in using digital tools. This result contributes to the earlier studies dealing with students’ learning experience of Virtual PBL instruction. It also adds the pedagogical implications to the research related to Virtual PBL enactment in Islamic higher education setting. 
Konstruksi Morfologis Bahasa Tae’ di Kecamatan Tomoni Kabupaten Luwu Timur Irmawati Rasyid; Ambo Dalle; Idawati Idawati
Wahana Literasi: Journal of Language, Literature, and Linguistics Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Wahana Literasi: Journal of Language, Literature, and Linguistics
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (645.171 KB) | DOI: 10.59562/wl.v1i1.27464


Abstrak. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan empat macam afiks dalam bahasa Tae’, yaitu: prefiks, sufiks, konfiks dan simulfiks. (1) Prefiks meliputi: ma-, mi-, me-, na-, di-, si-, ti-, pa-, ki-, me-, dan  pi-. (2) Sufiks meliputi: -ang, -i, -kang, -ngi, dan -mi. (3) Konfiks meliputi: di-i, di-ang, di-kang, na-i, na-ang, pa-i, si-i, si-an. Selain afiks juga terdapat reduplikasi yang meliputi: reduplikasi penuh, reduplikasi parsial, dan reduplikasi dengan imbuhan, dan pemajemukan yang meliputi: majemuk dasar, majemuk berafiks, dan majemuk berulang. Kata Kunci: konstruksi morfologis, afiksasi, reduplikasi, pemajemukan, bahasa Tae’.
PKM Pelatihan Model-Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Kepada Guru MGMP Bahasa Indonesia SMP Kabupaten Pinrang Sulastriningsih Djumingin; Idawati Garing; Muhammad Saleh
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PROSIDING EDISI 9: SEMNAS 2020
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (591.38 KB)


    Abstrak. Mitra Program Kemitraan Komunitas (PKM) ini adalah Guru MGMP Bahasa Indonesia Kabupaten Pinrang. Masalahnya adalah: (1) kurangnya pengetahuan tentang jenis-jenis model pembelajaran inovatif, (2) kurang keterampilan memilih model pembelajaran pada RPP, (3) desain model-model pembelajaran sangat kurang pada perangkat pembelajaran (RPP) dan (4) kualitas penerapan model-model pembelajaran inovatif sangat kurang. Metode yang digunakan adalah: ceramah, demonstrasi, diskusi, tanya jawab, dan mitra pendamping. Hasil yang dicapai adalah: (1) Mitra memiliki pengetahuan tentang jenis model-model pembealajaran inovatif, (2)    Mitra memiliki keterampilan memilih dan mendesain model pembelajaran pada RPP, (3) Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran disusun dengan bermacam-macam model pembelajaran inovatif, (4) Mitra memiliki kemampuan meningkatkan kualitas dengan bermacam-macam penerapan model-model pembelajaran sesuai desain yang telah disusun. Kata kunci: model pembelajaran, desain, RPP, MGMP, bahasa Indonesia
Kemampuan Menulis Teks Eksposisi Menggunakan Media Gambar Karikatur Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Irmayanti Irmayanti; Muhammad Rapi Tang; Idawati Garim
HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Human: South Asean Journal of Social Studies
Publisher : HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.322 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/human.v2i2.37067


Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kemampuan menulis teks eksposisi menggunakan media gambar karikatur siswa Kelas X IPA SMA Negeri 1 Gowa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan siswa Kelas X IPA SMA Negeri 1 Gowa yang berjumlah 245 siswa terbagi dalam 7 Kelas. Sampel yang ditetapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 30 siswa. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini adalah instrumen tes eksposisi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil pembelajaran keterampilan menulis teks eksposisi menggunakan media gambar karikatur siswa Kelas X IPA SMA Negeri 1 Gowa dikategorikan sudah mampu. Karena hasil persentase siwa yang memperoleh nilai 71 sampai 100 mencapai kriteria yang ditentukan yaitu 80%. Dari 30 jumlah sampel, 27 siswa (90%) yang mencapai nilai 71-100 dan 3 siswa (10%) yang memperoleh nilai 0-70. Keywords: Karikatur, Eksposisi, Menulis.
Sikap Bahasa Siswa Sekolah Menengah terhadap Bahasa Makassar Idawati Idawati; Asia M.
HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Human: South Asean Journal of Social Studies
Publisher : HUMAN: South Asian Journal of Social Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.211 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/human.v2i1.34337


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sikap bahasa siswa kelas VIII SMPN 1 Tarowang Kabupaten Jeneponto terhadap bahasa Makassar yang terbagi menjadi 3 ciri yaitu (1) kesetiaan  bahasa (2) kebanggaan bahasa dan (3) kesadaran adanya norma  bahasa. Jenis penelitian ini yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Teknik Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan  menggunakan angket luring. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 71 siswa sehingga dalam penarikan sampel penelitian menggunakan  total sampling. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMPN 1 Tarowang yang berjumlah 71 siswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan  yaitu analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan perhitungan  statistic dalam bentuk presentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) kesetiaan bahasa siswa terhadap bahasa Makassar berkategori positif karena secara umum persentase jawaban siswa berada  pada kategori tinggi pada pernyataan positif dengan pilihan alternatif jawaban setuju; (2) kebanggaan bahasa siswa terhadap bahasa Makassar yang berkategori positif karena secara umum presentase jawaban tertinggi siswa pada pernyataan positif ada pada alternatif  jawaban setuju; (3) kesadaran adanya norma bahasa Makassar siswa yang berkategori positif karena secara umum  presentase jawaban tertinggi siswa pada pernyataan  positif ada pada alternatif jawaban setuju. Kata Kunci : Sikap, Bahasa, Bahasa Makassar.
INDONESIA: Jurnal Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 3, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/indonesia.v3i3.34407


Learning Meaning Learning in Tale Texts in Class X SMA. The purpose of this study was to implement learning to identify meaning in saga texts carried out by teachers and students in class X IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Toraja Utara. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data used are learning data by teachers, data on the implementation of learning by teachers and students, learning the meaning of saga texts by students. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out through three steps, namely documentation, observation, and interviews. The results showed that the implementation of learning to identify meaning in saga texts was carried out by: (1) preparing a Lesson Plan, and (2) the teacher using authentic assessment techniques, namely the assessment used to assess the domains of attitudes, knowledge, and skills.
INDONESIA: Jurnal Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Volume 1 Number 1 February 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.265 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/indonesia.v1i1.12393


Analysis of Learning Media for Children with Special Needs of the Deaf Type. This study studies describing the use of Indonesian language learning media for children with special needs as Deaf, and describing the interaction of the media used in learning Indonesian. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The data in this study are the media in learning Indonesian language for Deaf children of class IX SMPLB-B YPPLB Makassar. The results showed that: the use of learning media for children with hearing impaired special needs in learning Indonesian in accordance with the characteristics of deaf children and the material to be discussed is the procedure text. Learning media, such as powerpoint media, whiteboard media, print media (loose sheets) and visual media that are not projected (pictures). While the use of these media is (1) activating students in learning, (2) students are responsive, (3) the media used are in accordance with the characteristics of Deaf children, and (4) achievement of learning goals that have not been maximized.