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Journal : Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran

Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran Vol 15, No 30 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran
Publisher : Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran

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ABSTRACT: Many EFL students produce many errors in their writing regarding grammatical aspect. The previous study focused on grammatical errors for EFL students but in different places and levels of student’s written text. And the result showed that the students had difficulties in using English grammar both of written and oral.This present study aims to analyze the most dominant errors made by the last semester students of English department of University of Islam Malang on their thesis especially in the part of discussion.This study was designed to be descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected by simple random sampling from some of skripsi discussion made by EFL students of University of Islam Malang in the last two years 2018 and 2019. The researcher took from the library of FKIP UNISMA Malang. Then, the researcher analyzed based on the steps of errors analysis. The steps were identification, classification and description of errors by using tabulation.Furthermore, the researcher followed the error analysis procedures to analyze the data. Moreover, the errors were classified into surface strategy taxonomy theory as proposed Dulay et al. the result shows that the most dominant errors were misformation 34 (40%) followed by omission 33 (38.83%), misordering 10 (11.77%), and addition 8 (9.42%) so, the total errors from the skripsi discussion were 85 errors. The current study investigated that the causes of errors were inter-lingual interference.Based on the result of this study, the researcher found that the students still have problem with understanding their English grammar rules to their writing process. Therefore, the researcher suggested for the EFL students to pay attention in the term of using grammar rule on their written text or oral and be aware to increase their knowledge about English grammar correctly. For the lectures, the researcher also suggested to pay more attention to students grammatical errors in their writing. And the last, for the future researcher, the researcher suggested to conduct the deeper study of grammatical error not only in the skripsi discussion but also in the whole written English at a higher level of students. Keywords: Grammatical errors, skripsi discussion, omission, addition, misformation, misordering.
Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran Vol 15, No 26 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
Publisher : Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran

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Abstract: The aims of this research is to improve students’ reading comprehension using Collaborative Strategic Reading. The method used in this research is experimental research with one group pre-test posttest design. The populations in this study were fourth semester students of the Department of English Education in the academic year 2019/2020. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. Data collection techniques are tests and observation. Data analysis technique used is Paired sample t-test.The result shows that the average value of the post-test reading comprehension was higher than the results of the pretest reading comprehension (81,250> 51,875). From the mean data obtained it can be seen that there are differences in reading comprehension students of English Education with Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) techniques. In addition, it was proven statistically, the results of the paired sample t-test revealed that the value of thitung obtained was 30,371 or thitung greater than ttabel (30,371> 1,684). In addition, the significance value obtained was 0,000 or the significance value was smaller than the significance standard of 0.05 (sig <0.05). Thus, it indicates that Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) learning model can improve reading comprehension students of English Education in Islamic University of Malang. Key words: Collaborative Strategic Reading, Reading Comprehension, Teaching Strategy
Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran Vol 14, No 12 (2019): Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran
Publisher : Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran

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The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of video recording feedback on student speaking skill at first grade of SMAN 7 Malang. The design of this research was experimental research with types of Quasi-Experimental research. The researcher focused on two classes, that were X MIPA 3 was 29 for experimental group, and X MIPA 4 was 28 for control group. The instruments test was five topics which were chosen by the students’ self. The researcher conducted pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The data from both pre-test and post-test was analysed using t-test analysis. The score of experimental class was significantly higher than controlled class. The result of analysing pre-test score and post-test showed that the significant level of 0.038 was less than level of significant (α) 0.05. It means that using video recording feedback was effective in improving speaking skill at first grade of SMAN 7 Malang. It can be concluded that the student who was taught using video recording feedback was better than using conventional method as it helped the students to improve their speaking performance and speaking ability, so it could improve their speaking score.
Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran Vol 14, No 12 (2019): Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran
Publisher : Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran

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The aim of this study is to find out the most strategies used by ESP students in learning speaking and to find out whether or not a correlation between learning strategies and achievement in speaking. The subject of this study was 30 students of business administration of the seventh semester. The data were collected using a questionnaire and score of speaking. The result of this research showed that the finding that correlation between learning strategies and achievement in speaking is positive result means that there is correlation between learning strategies and students achievement in speaking skill but the level of correlation is small. The level sig. (2 tailed) was greater than the level of significant (0.140 < 0.05), then H0 was accepted H1 was rejected. It can be said that not all students of business administration use strategies in learning English especially speaking skill. Meaning that the students who use strategies have good score and students who lowest score also use strategies but the strategies is not suitable with them. These finding imply that resource-based strategy is the most influential strategy in speaking class to help students, particularly for ESP students to overcome their problem in speaking performance. The students suggested applying the strategies provided to overcome their difficulties. However, this research was expected to be developed by the future researchers who had the same interest.
Implementation of Using Small Group Method to Improve Speaking Skill Muhammad Husein Ali; Mutmainnah Mustofa; Dzul Fikri
Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran Vol 15, No 26 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
Publisher : Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran

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Abstract: This article aims at knowing about implementation, result, advantages and disadvantages of small group method. The teaching and learning process is a core part of the school environment, both in the classroom and outside the classroom. In this case there needs to be a creative teacher, who is able to invite students to follow the learning well. The learning process can happen between teachers and students, and students with students. The research design in this study is a qualitative research. With this kind of qualitative research descriptive. The subject of this study is 36 students and the researcher used interview to some students in this research. in this study to obtain the required data is divided into several phases. First, the researcher approached the principal as the leader, and the English teacher. Secondly, researcher pre-observation the environment around school. Third, do observations, interviews, documents related to research and so on. In this case act of researcher as planners, implementers, data collection, analysts, data commentators, and research results reporters. The findings in my research are small group activities that are applied in this school to improve students ' speaking skills by inviting students to better fight their shyness in interacting with English. Speaking English is not an easy thing, so students should practice again to improve their skills. Key Words: Implementation, Improve, Small Group Method, Speaking Skill.
EXPLORING AUTONOMOUS AND SELF-REGULATION IN VOCABULARY LEARNING Thania Imani Janitra; Mutmainnah Mustofa; Imam Wahyudi Karimullah
Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran Vol 15, No 28 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran
Publisher : Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (253.778 KB)


Abstract: Vocabulary is the most fundamental aspect of language learning. However, the limitation of classroom-based vocabulary learning to cover large amount of vocabulary, implies the necessity of learning vocabulary independently and regulate their learning effectively. This study aims to identify the learners’ autonomy and self-regulation strategies in learning vocabulary as well as the benefits and difficulties of independent vocabulary learning. This study implements descriptive qualitative design with questionnaire as instrument in data collection. The researcher collects the data taken from 10 late-semester students in University of Islam Malang. The result shows that all students learn vocabulary independently on their own preferences, but only four students are autonomously self-regulate, the other respondents considered ineffective in self-regulation. In the identification of independent learning benefits and difficulties, the researcher found seven benefits and five problems. The research concludes that 10 out of 21 students are independent learners, but only 4 out of 10 students considered as an effective autonomous learners. Independent learners is greatly benefits vocabulary learning. Meanwhile most of the problems encountered by the students in this study aside from difficult words signify similar difficulties of other independent learning.Key Words: Autonomous, Independent-learning, self-regulated vocabulary learning
EXPLORING AUTONOMOUS AND SELF-REGULATION IN VOCABULARY LEARNING Thania Imani Janitra; Mutmainnah Mustofa; Imam Wahyudi Karimullah
Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran Vol. 15 No. 28 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran
Publisher : Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pembelajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract: Vocabulary is the most fundamental aspect of language learning. However, the limitation of classroom-based vocabulary learning to cover large amount of vocabulary, implies the necessity of learning vocabulary independently and regulate their learning effectively. This study aims to identify the learners’ autonomy and self-regulation strategies in learning vocabulary as well as the benefits and difficulties of independent vocabulary learning. This study implements descriptive qualitative design with questionnaire as instrument in data collection. The researcher collects the data taken from 10 late-semester students in University of Islam Malang. The result shows that all students learn vocabulary independently on their own preferences, but only four students are autonomously self-regulate, the other respondents considered ineffective in self-regulation. In the identification of independent learning benefits and difficulties, the researcher found seven benefits and five problems. The research concludes that 10 out of 21 students are independent learners, but only 4 out of 10 students considered as an effective autonomous learners. Independent learners is greatly benefits vocabulary learning. Meanwhile most of the problems encountered by the students in this study aside from difficult words signify similar difficulties of other independent learning.Key Words: Autonomous, Independent-learning, self-regulated vocabulary learning
Co-Authors Abd. Ghofur Abdul Moueed Abdul Moueed Abu Na&#039;im Rohman Aditama Melati ajib amala hafi Alfan Zuhairi Amy Fayla Sufa Anas Fawaid Andri Jamaul Rifyani Ani Sukma Sari Asrifi Maula Damayanti, Elok Dian Fajariyah Damayanti Dian Tri Riska Ekawati Dian Tri Riska Ekawati Dita Aulia Rahman Dwi Fita Heriyawati Dzul Fikri Dzul Fikri Dzulfikri Dzulfikri Elfiyanto, Sonny Elvin Nur Habibah Enny Irawati Erfan Efendi Erfan Effendi Erfan Erfendi Faiq Shabry Faridatul Istighfaroh Fatimatus Zahroh Fatimatus Zahroh Fatimatus Zahroh Ghovinda Ghovinda Huan Yik Lee Ika Meilinda Ummul Ma'rufa Iklila Ummu Sam'ah Imam Wahyudi Karimullah Imam Wahyudi Karimullah Imam Wahyudi Karimullah Iqbal Katrino Iqbal Rafiqi Irfan Susiyana Putra Iwan Darmawan Izza Amalia Rahman Izza Amalia Rahman Izzatin Nisa&#039; Jamilatul Mala Khaula Amelia Khusna Khusnul Khotimah Kurniasih Kurniasih Kurniawan Apgrianto Langgeng Budianto Latifah Fatimatuz Zahroh Lina Susanti Linda Chetsiana Dengah Lou Chien Gita Arista M Galuh Elga Romadhon M Galuh Elga Romadhon M Nabriis Raunaq M Nabris Raunaq M. Galuh Elga Romadhon M.Galuh Elga Romadhon Maftuhatul Faizah Maria Helmi Marifatun Najiyah Maziyyatus Shalihah Memy Wardani Elthia Mercy Aprilia Mercy Aprilia Dyah Arini Mercy Aprilia Dyah Arini Miftahur Rohmah Muh. Arbianto Muhamad Saiful Muhammad Husein Ali Muhammad Shofiyuddin Muhammad Syaiful Jihad Muhammad Yunus Muhammad Zainurroziqin Mukhamad Najib Muzayyanah Awaliyah Nabila Nilna Ghina Nadrotin Mawaddah Nadrotin Mawaddah Nafissa Tracy Naily Inayatul Maghfiroh Nofi Firmallah Asdiwarman Nunung Suryati, Nunung Nur Hasanah Nur Jamilah Nur Jamilah Nurhasanah Nurhasanah Nurus Syamsiyah Furotun Nurus Syamsiyah Furotun Nuzulul Rohmaniah Puji Rahayu Puji Rahayu Putri Kurniawan Aprilia R. Muhammad Nasrullah Rera Nadian Muryani Rulam Ahmadi S. Rizal Yazid Saiyidi Hasbullah Saiyidi Hasbullah Sania Alinda Mouli Asnas Shinta Amalia Solihatul Ulya Solihatul Ulya Suatmo Pantja Putra Suatmo Pantja Putra Sugeng Hariyanto Susana Aulia Thania Imani Janitra Torikin Torikin Try Ammalia Khoirunnisaa&#039; Ulil Fitriyah Utami Widiati wafiya ula Wardatun Nadzifah Wardatuz Zakiyah Wensi Alka Zakiyuddin Zakiyuddin Zalsa Febrina Syabilla ZK Abdurahman Baizal