Yuliana Setyaningsih
Universitas Sanata Dharma

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Linguistik Indonesia Vol 37, No 2 (2019): Linguistik Indonesia
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1578.359 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/li.v37i2.102


AbstractThis research focuses on the description of local wisdom values contained in the traditional children’s games based on the local Javanese culture. The locational research data source was the Javanese children living in a Javanese community, especially those living in Yogyakarta. The substantive data was the local wisdom values presumably contained in the traditional children’s games. The data was gathered using the observation method, namely by observing texts of traditional children’s games available during the research timeline. The technique used to apply the observation method was recording and note-taking techniques. Besides the observation method, speaking or interviewing methods were also applied. Interview was conducted to several experts who understand the local wisdom values contained in the Javanese traditional children’s games. In addition, the interview was conducted to children who play the traditional children’s games. Data analysis was carried out using distributional and content analysis methods. Then, the local wisdom values were found in this research were: (1) Solidarity; (2) Balance; (3) Synergy; (4) Sportsmanship; (5) Agility and Resilience; (6) Agility and Precision; (7) Obedience to Norms; (8) Affection; (9) Agility and Fighting Spirit; (10) Creativity and Adaptability; (11) Creative Imagination; (12) Acceptance to Facts of Life; (13) Fulfilling the Destiny; (14) Obedience and Discipline; (15) Intelligence Test; (16) Synergy and Collaboration. The local wisdom values found in the traditional children’s games are: (a) Jejamuran, (b) Umbul Gambar, (c) Egrang, (d) Sunda Manda,  (e) Gobak Sodor, (f) Cublak-Cublak Suweng, (g) Delikan, (h) Biyok, (i) Nekeran, (j) Yeye. Keywords: Local wisdom; traditional children’s games; ecolinguistic perspective  
SIMULASI PENYIARAN RADIO DAN REPORTASE TELEVISI DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BERBICARA MONOLOGIKA Rahardi, R. Kunjana; Setyaningsih, Yuliana; Pranowo, Pranowo; Yudono, Kristophorus Divinanto
Jurnal Pena Indonesia Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jpi.v6n2.p55-70


AbstrakPraktik berbicara kategori monologika dapat dilakukan dengan beragam cara, serta dilakukan dengan mengintegrasi penggunaan media teknologi, informasi, dan komunikasi. Penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran dan penilaian yang dilakukan dalam praktik berbicara monologika. Penelitian dilakukan bersama pelajar dan guru yang mengikuti perkuliahan pengembangan keterampilan berbicara. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan dengan tiga tahap yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik berbicara monologika dilakukan dengan melakukan praktik simulasi penyiaran radio dan reportase televisi. Penilaian dilakukan dengan menyusun rubrik penilaian kinerja yang disusun berdasarkan aspek-aspek masing-masing praktik kegitan berbicara.Kata kunci: berbicara, monologika, simulasi pembelajaran. Abstract The practice of talking monologic categories can be done in a variety of ways, and is done by integrating the use of media technologies, information, and communication. Qualitative descriptive research is conducted in order to describe the learning and assessment processes conducted in the practice of speaking monologic. Research is conducted with students and teachers who follow the teaching skills development course.  Data collection is done with observation and interviews. Data analysis is done with three stages: data reduction, data presentation and withdrawal of conclusions. The results showed that the practice of speaking monologic was done by practicing radio broadcasting simulations and television reportage. The assessment was conducted by drafting a performance assessment section based on the aspects of each speech-related practice.Keyword: talking, monologic, education simulation.
Measuring Students’ Critical Thinking Ability by Adapting California Critical Thinking Skills Test to Primary School Students Kurniasari, Yohana Rina; Setyaningsih, Yuliana
Lingua Didaktika: Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Vol 14, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : English Department FBS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/ld.v14i2.109126


This research aims to describe (1) the validity and reliability of the instruments adapted from the California Critical Thinking Skills Test and (2) its implementation to measure elementary schools students’ critical thinking skill in the Indonesian language learning. The research data were the scores obtained from the validity and reliability testing and from the implementation of the instrument to measure the students’ critical thinking skill, from class observation and interview with the teacher, which were analyzed using the descriptive statistics. The results are (1) the adapted instrument to measure students’ critical thinking skill has a quite high validity (in interpreting, analyzing, and regulating) and high validity (in concluding, evaluating, and explaining). The reliability testing shows that the instrument is highly reliable with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.634; and (2) the implementation of the instrument shows that 5% of the students have a high critical thinking skill, 14% high, 45% medium, and 36% low. The degree of critical thinking skill is described respectively: interpreting (48%), analyzing (51%), concluding (14%), evaluating (45%), explaining (74%), and self-regulating (56%). Thus, intensive efforts to increase students’ critical thinking skill must be done through the Indonesian language learning.
Kompetensi Pedagogik dan Profesional Guru Bahasa Indonesia SMA di Bawah Naungan Yayasan Pendidikan Nusa Cendana Sumba Barat Daya Engel Bertha Halena Gena; B. Widharyanto; Yuliana Setyaningsih
Jurnal Edukasi Sumba (JES) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : SekolahTinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53395/jes.v3i1.2


Abstrak: Kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional merupakan dua kompetensi guru yang sangat erat hubungannya dengan tugas profesi seorang guru. Kompetensi pedagogik yaitu kompetensi guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran sedangkan kompetensi profesional yaitu kompetensi guru dalam melaksanakan tugas kependidikan yang berkaitan dengan bidang studi. Tulisan ini menyoroti kemampuan penguasaan pedagogik, penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran (RPP), keterampilan mengajar, dan pengetahuan profesional guru Bahasa Indonesia SMA di Bawah Naungan Yayasan Pendidikan Nusa Cendana Sumba Barat Daya Tahun 2017. Peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif dalam mengungkapkan data yang terkumpul melalui teknik tes, teknik observasi, dan studi dokumenter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi pedagogik guru termasuk dalam kualifikasi Baik sedangkan tingkat penguasaan dalam penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran, keterampilan mengajar, dan pengetahuan profesional guru termasuk dalam kualifikasi Kurang. Artinya, perlu adanya upaya peningkatan khususnya pada penyusunan RPP, keterampilan mengajar, dan pengetahan profesional guru Bahasa Indonesia.Kata kunci: Kompetensi pedagogic; kompetensi professional; guru bahasa Indonesia.
Kata-kata emotif pengungkap rasa kasih dalam Anak Bajang Menggiring Angin Sindhunata: Perspektif stilistika pragmatik Yuliana Setyaningsih; Kunjana Rahardi
KEMBARA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/kembara.v7i2.16983


Ekspresi terhadap objek dapat disampaikan melalui kata-kata yang memiliki daya stilistika untuk mewakili kondisi objek tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan makna pragmatik dari pemanfaatan kata-kata emotif bernuansa makna kasih sayang. Sumber data substantif penelitian ini adalah novel Anak Bajang Menggiring Angin karya Sindhunata yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2010. Data penelitian berupa tuturan tokoh yang mengandung kata-kata emotif bernuansa kasih sayang. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode simak dengan teknik baca dan teknik catat. Selanjutnya, data yang terkumpul diidentifikasi dan diklasifikasikan berdasarkan maksud kata-kata emotif pengungkap rasa kasih. Langkah berikutnya adalah triangulasi data untuk mendapatkan data yang benar-benar valid untuk dianalisis. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode analisis padan ekstralingual dengan mendasarkan pada konteks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan 10 macam makna pragmatik kata-kata emotif pengungkap rasa kasih sayang. Makna pengungkap rasa kasih tersebut dinyatakan dengan: (1) janji, (2) kekecewaan, (3) kebahagiaan, (4) kesedihan, (5) perasaan haru, (6) ratapan, (7) penyesalan, (8) permohonan doa, (9) belas kasih, dan (10) nasihat.
Comparative Study of Generating Metacognitive Competence Strategy of Elementary School Students Yuliana Setyaningsih; Fransisca Despa Listiani; Kristophorus Divinanto Adi Yudono
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 10, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.705 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.10.1.2020.117-136


This study aims to compare teachers' strategy in generating students’ metacognitive abilities in elementary schools. The substantive data source of this research is the texts produced by transcription of teacher's speech records in carrying out the teaching-learning process with students in which there are strategies for generating students' metacognitive abilities. The locative data sources of this research are Demangan Baru Kanisius Elementary School Yogyakarta (Elementary School A) and Pius Bhakti Utama Elementary School Kutoarjo (Elementary School B). The data of this study were the form of speech footage from the transcription of teacher records containing strategies for generating students' metacognition. The data collection method used was the method of listening, both referring to both involved and able to see and be involved freely. The technique used was the note taking technique and record technique. Furthermore, the data analysis method used was the content analysis method. The results of the study were presented by the informal presentation method. The results indicated that the metacognitive competence generation strategies undertaken by teachers in School A and School B include the following strategies: (1) affirm critical thinkers' self-worth, (2) listen attentively to critical thinkers, (3) show that you support critical thinkers 'efforts, (4) reflect and mirror critical thinkers' ideas and actions, (5) motivate people to think critically, (6) regularly evaluate progress, (7) help critical thinkers create networks, (8) be critical teachers . The strategy of making people aware of how they learn critical thinking is only implemented in one school. The realization of students’ metacognitive competence strategies in the two schools varies according to the experience of the teacher in teaching, the background of students' abilities, and the perspective of the teachers in learning, etc.
Urgensi pengembangan TPACK bagi guru bahasa Indonesia Etheldredha Tiara Wuryaningtyas; Yuliana Setyaningsih
BAHASTRA Vol 40, No 2 (2020): Bahastra
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/bahastra.v40i2.16898


TThe objectives of this reseaerch were to describe: (1) Teachers’ competencies in integrating Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in lesson plan; (2) The urgency of developing TPACK for Indonesian junior high school teachers. The type of research was the descriptive research with the lesson plans of Indonesian junior high school teachers as substantive data source. The locative data source of this research was the junior high schools in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. The data collection technique is done by using document observation and questionnaires. This technique is used to obtain identification of the lesson plan components related to Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and Technological Content Knowledge (TCK). Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic method to show the degrees of mastery percentage of Indonesian teachers’ PCK and TCK. The conclusions of this study were stated as follows: (1) the ability of teachers to integrate technology is still limited to the use of PowerPoint, (2) the learning resources used by teachers are still limited to conventional textbooks, not the technology-based online sources, (3) the integration of technology by teachers in preparing lesson plans is still minimum, and (4) teachers are already using technology, but are still limited to CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction). Based on the research results above, it is concluded that the development of TPACK for Indonesian language teachers at the junior high school level is urgent.
Strategi Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa dengan Model Learning Cycle pada Mata Kuliah Sejarah Sastra Indonesia Titian Gea; R. Kunjana Rahardi; Yuliana Setyaningsih; Pranowo Pranowo
BAHASTRA Vol 40, No 2 (2020): Bahastra
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/bahastra.v40i2.17028


The study aims to describe a strategy for improving the student learning motivation with a learning cycle model in Indonesian literary subjects. Studies are conducted using qualitative descriptive methods. And then data was collected using observation methods, and interviews. The objective of observation is students' activities in the learning process in the Indonesian literature history class at the sanata dharma university. Interviews were conducted to get some information that was not obtained from observation The data obtained is compiled by deciphering notes, summarizing and selecting data that matches the purpose of the research. Research shows that the learning cycle is one of those strategies to improve the motivation to study in a course on the history of Indonesian literature.   
Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/kls.v6i1.13751


Abstrak This article aims to describe the steps of implementing environmental learning models in learning creative writing fable material and describing its effectiveness. This research is a type of research mix research using a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods. Data collection techniques using observation methods, questionnaires, and tests. Through research can be known measures implementing environmental learning model in learning creative writing fable material include: (1) environmental exploration, (2) reporting on the results of environmental exploration, (3) determining themes, figures, background, moral messages, and other elements of builders, (4) making the framework according to structure, (5) developing the skeleton into the text fable, (6) editing fable text, and (7) publication of fable. Fable text analysis and test results show that the fable text written by a student group using environmental learning models has good quality in terms of content, organization, vocabulary, linguistic, and writing. The average group of students who use environmental learning models in writing fable 85.58, while the group of students using conventional models is 76.52. It provides ample evidence that an effective environmental learning model is used in learning to write fable rather than conventional models that are commonly performed.
Efektivitas Penggunaan Teknik Latihan Terbimbing dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Kreatif melalui Media Whatsapp Fransiskus O Sanjaya; R Kunjana Rahardi; Pranowo Pranowo; Yuliana Setyaningsih
Komposisi: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Seni Vol 21, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/komposisi.v21i2.109044


The study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of guided training techniques in learning creative writing through whatsapp media during the corona pandemic (covid-19). The population in this study were students of the Indonesian language and literature education study program, Sanata Dharma University totaling 17 people who took creative writing classes. The method used in this research is experiment. Researchers use quasi-experimental methods or pre-experimental design. The experimental design used in this study is one-group pretest-posttest design. Researchers only use one group without requiring a comparison group. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used in this study is descriptive statistics. Based on the results of the study note that the learning of creative writing using guided training techniques through whatsapp media is carried out according to the principles and characteristics of interactive learning. Then there are differences in the average value between pretest and posttest. Posttest value is greater than pretest (75.05> 66.58). This shows that the use of guided training techniques in learning creative writing through whatsapp media is effective. Keyword: effectiveness, guided training techniques, whatsapp media, creative writing  AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan teknik latihan terbimbing dalam pembelajaran menulis kreatif melalui media whatsapp. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia, Universitas Sanata Dharma berjumlah 17 orang yang mengikuti kelas menulis kreatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. Peneliti menggunakan metode eksperimen semu atau pre-Experimental design. Desain eksperimen yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yaitu one-group pretest-posttest design. Peneliti hanya memakai satu kelompok tanpa memerlukan kelompok pembanding. Sementara itu, teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pembelajaran menulis kreatif menggunakan teknik latihan terbimbing melalui whatsapp dilakukan sesuai prinsip pembelajaran interaktif. Kemudian terdapat perbedaan nilai rata-rata antara pretes dan postes. Nilai postes lebih besar daripada pretes (75,05 > 66,58). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan teknik latihan terbimbing dalam pembelajaran menulis kreatif melalui media whatsapp efektif. Kata kunci: efektifitas, teknik latihan terbimbing, media whatsapp, menulis kreatif