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Optimalisasi Jenis Olahan Kering dan Cara Pengolahan Akhir Ketela Harsojuwono, Bambang Admadi; Ngurah Agung, I Gusti; Pramana Mahardika, M. Surya
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 12, No 1 (2011): Februari
Publisher : Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (163.843 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/JTIUMM.Vol12.No1.76-81


The research was aimed to determine the effect of the form of dry food products, and final processing of sweet potatoand their interaction, on the nutrition content, resistant starch of the products, and the increasing level of blood glucoseof mice after consuming the products. The method of the research was based on the completed random design with thefactorial experiment two factors were experimented, the first factor was the form of dry food products with four kinds of theproduct from namely: crispy, chip, cracker and snack. The second factor was final processing with two kinds of methodswere experiment was done using so nice which divided into eight blocks of combination treatments of the experiments. The crispy form of dry sweet potato product and final processed by oven roasting was the best product which could suppress the increasing level of blood glucose of mice to 8 mg/L and has resistant starch of about 39.29%. This product also had the best nutrition content such as content of protein, lipid, total sugar and starch of about 3.42%, 1.79%, 7.98%, and 50.02%.
Pengaruh Jenis Dan Konsentrasi Plasticizer Terhadap Karakteristik Bioplastik Maizena Purba, Dillon Marichman; Harsojuwono, Bambang Admadi; Hartiati, Amna
IPTEKMA Volume 8, No. 2, Agustus 2019
Publisher : Bidang Kemahasiswaan Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/iptekma.2019.v08.i02.p02


PENGARUH JENIS DAN KONSENTRASI PLASTICIZER TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK BIOPLASTIK MAIZENA. Maizena adalah tepung jagung yang mengandung 24 - 26 persen amilosa dan 74 - 76 persen amilopektin memiliki sifat kaku dan mudah rapuh sehingga perlu ditambahkan plasticizer untuk meningkatkan karakteristik maizena bioplastik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis dan konsentrasi plasticizer terhadap karakteristik maizena bioplastik, dan mengetahui jenis dan konsentrasi plasticizer yang dapat menghasilkan karakteristik maizena bioplastik terbaik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan dua faktor. Faktor I adalah jenis plasticizer yang terdiri dari gliserol, sorbitol dan propilen glikol. Faktor II adalah konsentrasi plasticizer terdiri dari tiga level yaitu 0,5 g; 1 g; dan 1,5 g. Percobaan menghasilkan 9 kombinasi pengobatan dan dikelompokkan menjadi 2 kelompok untuk mendapatkan 18 unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis dan konsentrasi plasticizer memiliki pengaruh yang sangat signifikan terhadap kekuatan tarik, perpanjangan putus, elastisitas dan pembengkakan. Sedangkan interaksi memiliki pengaruh yang sangat signifikan terhadap kekuatan tarik dan pembengkakan dan memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap elastisitas maizena bioplastik. Karakteristik maizena bioplastik terbaik ditemukan pada perlakuan plasticizer propilen glikol dan konsentrasi 1 g dengan karakteristik kekuatan tarik 2,325 MPa, perpanjangan putus 14,5 persen, modulus muda 16,055 MPa, pembengkakan 29,16 persen, durasi degradasi 8 hari dan mengandung gugus fungsional alkohol hidroksil (?OH), (NH2) amina, (–COOH) karboksilat, (C?C) alkuna, (–COOR) ester, (C = C) aromatik, (R – O – R ') eter, (C = C) alkena dan hidrokarbon - (CH2) n.
Potensi Minuman Kunyit Asam (Curcuma domestica Val. - Tamarindus indica L.) sebagai Minuman Kaya Antioksidan Sri Mulyani; Bambang Admadi Harsojuwono; Gusti Ayu Kadek Diah Puspawati
agriTECH Vol 34, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.811 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9524


The purpose of this study were to determine which part of tamarind (asam) that had highest antioxidant activity and which formula of kunyit asam baverages had highest antioxidant activity and preferred by consumers. The experiment was conducted in two stages namely: part of tamarind and formula of kunyit asam baverages. The results showed that tamarind leaves with cooking time 2.5 minutes had the highest antioxidant activity with total phenol 0.75 g GAE/100g tamarind leaves extract; antioxidant capacity 0.053% evaluated by DPHH method and vitamin C: 0.252 mg/100 g. The kunyit asam baverages which the highest antioxidant activity and preferred by consumers, produced from formula: 5 part of turmeric, 25 part of tamarind leaves, 70 part of water, with total phenol: 1.06 g GAE/100g formula baverages, antioxidant capacity: 0.123% and vitamin C: 0.688 mg/100 g.ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan bagian asam yang menghasilkan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi dan formulasi minuman kunyit asam yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi dan disukai panelis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu bagian asam dan formulasi minuman kunyit asam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bagian daun asam dengan pemasakan 2,5 menit memiliki aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi dengan total fenol 0,75 g GAE/100 g ekstrak daun asam; aktivitas antioksidan 0,053% diuji dengan metode DPPH dan vitamin C 0,252 mg/100 g. Minuman kunyit asam yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi dan disukai panelis adalah pada formula 5 bagian kunyit, 25 bagian daun asam, 70 bagian air dengan total fenol 1,106 g GAE/100 g formula minuman kunyit asam, aktivitas antioksidan 0,123% dan vitamin C 0,688 mg/100 g.
Optimalisasi Jenis Olahan Kering dan Cara Pengolahan Akhir Ketela Bambang Admadi Harsojuwono; I Gusti Ngurah Agung; M. Surya Pramana Mahardika
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol. 12 No. 1 (2011): Februari
Publisher : Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/JTIUMM.Vol12.No1.76-81


The research was aimed to determine the effect of the form of dry food products, and final processing of sweet potatoand their interaction, on the nutrition content, resistant starch of the products, and the increasing level of blood glucoseof mice after consuming the products. The method of the research was based on the completed random design with thefactorial experiment two factors were experimented, the first factor was the form of dry food products with four kinds of theproduct from namely: crispy, chip, cracker and snack. The second factor was final processing with two kinds of methodswere experiment was done using so nice which divided into eight blocks of combination treatments of the experiments. The crispy form of dry sweet potato product and final processed by oven roasting was the best product which could suppress the increasing level of blood glucose of mice to 8 mg/L and has resistant starch of about 39.29%. This product also had the best nutrition content such as content of protein, lipid, total sugar and starch of about 3.42%, 1.79%, 7.98%, and 50.02%.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 16 No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1617.422 KB)


Tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian adalah pemberdayaan kelompok tani, penerapan teknologi tepat guna, dan pendampingan petani jambu mete di Kabupaten Karangasem. Tujuan khusus adalah menguatkan kelompok tani dan kewirausahaannya, meningkatkan kemampuan penanganan pasca panen jambu mete serta mewujudkan kesinambungan penerapan teknologi tepat guna agar petani dapat mengelola tanaman jambu metenya secara mandiri. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah pendekatan participatory kepada kelompok tani melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat/pengembangan SDM melalui penyuluhan dengan penguatan kelompok usaha, pelatihan penanganan pascapanen dan pengolahan jambu mete, pendesainan alat pengering serta pendampingan teknologi tepat guna. Target luaran yang dicapai adalah produk kacang mete berkualitas sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) dan diversifikasi produk olahan buah semu jambu mete berupa jelly dan abon yang siap pasar. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah 1) respon mitra kegiatan sangat tinggi dengan disepakatinya beberapa kegiatan yaitu pembuatan mesin pengering, penguatan kelompok, pelatihan penanganan pasca panen mete dan pengolahan buah semu mete serta pendampingan kegiatan, 2) mesin yang dibutuhkan mitra adalah mesin pengering tipe kabinet dengan delapan rak yang mempunyai kapasitas 75-100 kg per proses, 3) penguatan kelompok meliputi pemberian bantuan mesin pengering dan pelatihan mampu menguatkan organisasi kelompok dalam berproduksi maupun perbaikan tata kepengurusan, pengorganisasian kegiatan, administrasi serta meningkatnya jiwa kewirausahaan kelompok, 4) pelatihan penanganan mete glondong maupun pengolahan buah semu mete meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota kelompok dalam menghasilkan kacang mete yang bermutu serta produk baru berupa jelli dan abon buah semu mete, 5) pendampingan terhadap mitra mampu meningkatkan mutu dan penampilan dari kacang mete, jelli dan abon buah semu mete yang siap pasar.
Perbaikan Penanganan Pascapanen Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) dari Petani di Kecamatan Petang hingga Pengecer di Denpasar Luh Gede Arista Pradnyani; Bambang Admadi Harsojuwono; I Wayan Gede Sedana Yoga
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (235.82 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JRMA.2019.v07.i04.p04


The aim of this study were to determine the number of asparagus distribution lines and types of distribution, find out the impact of postharvest handling and to determine the impact of improvements postharvest on asparagus damage from farmers in Petang district to retailers in Denpasar. Postharvest improvements in this study by replacing the packaging using styrofoam box and placing the asparagus vertically. There are three lines in the distribution of asparagus. The first line (Farmers ? Cooperative ? Suppliers ? Retailer ? Consumer), line II (Farmer ? Middleman ? Suppliers ? Retailer ? Consumer) and line III (Farmer ? Middleman ? Suppliers ? Consumer). Postharvest handling includes harvesting, cleaning, cutting, sorting, grading, binding, storage, packaging, distribution and displaying. The impact of handling postharvest loss in the sorting stage at the farmers level is 2.5% (non significant), cooperative level is 1.8% (non significant), middleman level is 4% (insignificant), supplier level is 5.4% (significant) and retailers level is 6.69% (significant). Postharvest improvement by changing the packaging could reduce the level defect of asparagus to 7.81%. Keywords: asparagus, styrofoam packaging, CSAM, postharvest handling, improvements
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.206 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JRMA.2019.v07.i03.p11


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of temperature and pH on the gelatinization process of cassava peel starch on the characteristics of bioplastics and determine the temperature and pH in the gelatinization process of cassava peel starch to produce the best characteristics of bioplastics. This research was carried out in the Faculty Food Analysis laboratory, Agricultural Technology Natural Resources (PSDA) laboratory, Production Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering and Bioscience laboratory, Udayana University. This research was conducted from February to March 2018. The experimental design in this study was factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors. Based on the analysis in the research conducted, getting conclusions, namely temperature and pH and their interactions have a large influence on tensile strength, elongation and elution, in the manufacture of bioplastics from cassava peel starch and samples of best cassava peel starch bioplastic found at a temperature ratio of 75? and pH5 with a tensile strength characteristic of 1.181Mpa, the breakdown extension was 13.591% and the elasticity was 8.744MPa. Keywords : temperature, pH , gelatinization, bioplastics
PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN pH BUFFER-EKSTRAK KUNYIT, EKSRAK DAUN ASAM DAN KOMBINASI EKSTRAK KUNYIT – DAUN ASAM (Curcuma domestica Val. - Tamarindus indicia L.) TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK KRIM I Kadek Alit Susendiana Adi; Sri Mulyani; Bambang Admadi Harsojuwono
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (444.992 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JRMA.2019.v07.i03.p02


This research aims to : 1) know the effect of pH buffer and active ingredients of turmeric extrac, tamarind leaves extract and combination turmeric–tamarind leaves extract on the characteristics of the cream produced. 2) determine the pH buffer and active ingredients of turmeric extrac, tamarind leaves extract and combination turmeric–tamarind leaves extract which produce the best cream characterstics. The study used factorial pattern randomized block design. The first factor is the addition of a buffer of the three levels, namely pH buffer 4, 5, 6. The second factor is the amount of turmeric exctrac, tamarind leaves extract, and mixied turmeric exctrac - tamarind leaves extract. The results of the study showed that the treatment of adding pH buffer had an effect on the pH of the cream, and did not affect the homogeneity of the cream, separation ratio, dispersion, viscosity, adhesion time, total phenolic. The addition of turmeric extract, tamarind leaves extract, and combination of turmeric-tamarind leaves extract had an effect on the pH of the cream and total phenolic acid, whereas it did not affect homogeneity, separation ratio, spreadability, viscosity, adhesion time. All cream formulations meet SNI, namely homogeneity cream characteristics, separation ratio =1, pH, dispersion time, and total phenolic cream, with the best formulation at pH 4 buffer and turmeric extract namely pH cream (6,68), power spread of cream (5,39) cm, cream viscosity (20,200) cp, cream sticky time (16.90) second, and total phenolic cream (10.83) mg GAE/g. Keywords : cream, pH buffer, turmeric extrac, thamarin leaves exctrac, and combination turmeric-thamarin leaves extrac.
Optimasi Suhu dan Lama Pengeringan pada Pembuatan Komposit Bioplastik Campuran Maizena dan Glukomanan Liza Natasya Pongmassangka; Bambang Admadi Harsojuwono; Sri Mulyani
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (180.534 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JRMA.2020.v08.i03.p02


This study aims to determine the effect of temperature regulation and the appropriate drying time on the manufacture of bioplastic composites of maize and glucomannan mixtures, as well as providing information on science and technology in the field of bioplastics. This experimental design uses the complete random design method. The first factor is the drying temperature of bioplastic composites from a mixture of cornstarch and glucomannan which consists of 3 levels, namely 60 ± 1; 65 ± 1; 70 ± 1 ° C. Factor 2 is the drying time which consists of 3 levels, namely for 16, 17.5 and 19 hours. The variables observed were tensile strength, elongation at break, elasticity, swelling and biodegradation. Data were analyzed for diversity and continued with the Tukey test to find out the difference of design experiment. The results showed that temperature and drying time and their interactions had a very significant effect on tensile strength, elongation, elasticity, and water absorption. but the temperature treatment and interaction have no significant effect on the ability of biodegradation. The interaction between treatments has a very significant effect on elongation, elasticity and water absorption. and has a significant effect on tensile strength. The best biodegradable plastic characteristics were determined by tensile strength test at a temperature of 70 °C with 16 hours drying time which resulted in tensile strength values ??of 2,395MPa. Bioplastics produced in this study did not meet the criteria of mechanical tensile strength, elasticity and thickness development. Keywords: Bioplastics, glycerol, glucomannan and maizena.
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.062 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JRMA.2018.v06.i04.p03


The purpose of this study was 1) to determine the number of chrysanthemum distribution lines and distribution types from farmers in Pancasari to retailers, 2) to find out the system, people, and the impact of chrysanthemum postharvest handling in distribution from farmers in Pancasari to retailers, 3) to determine the impact of improvements postharvest on chrysanthemum damage from farmers in Pancasari to retailers with soaking treatment using sodium metabisulfite solution. The method used is the snowball sampling method in the form of surveys and interviews with the Commodity System Assessment Method (CSAM) application using a questionnaire. Treatment of postharvest repair by soaking the flower stalk in sodium metabisulfite solution. There are two lines in the distribution, lane I (Farmers ? Wholesalers ? Retailer ? Consumer) and lane II (Farmers ? Retailer ? Consumer). Postharvest handling includes harvesting, sorting, binding, wrapping, soaking, storing, packaging, distributing, and displaying. Impact of handling postharvest loss in the sorting stage at the farm level 2% (insignificant), wholesaler level 3% (insignificant), and retailer level 8% (significant) Post-harvest improvement can prolong the duration of freshness of flowers.Using water, chrysanthemum cut flowers can last 2.38 days, using sodium metabisulfite can last 6.25 days. Keywords : Chrysanthemum, sodium metabisulfite, CSAM, postharvest improvements.