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Journal : Mediagro

MEDIAGRO Vol 9, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.785 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v9i2.1329


Excessive fertilization and pesticides will lead to soil and water receives more weight than chemical content,which resulted in pollution of the environment in which the growth of plants. This study aims to determine the nitrate content in the roots , stems and leaves of cabbage and nitrate in agricultural land in the village Plumbon, Tawangmangu Karanganyar. This study is a descriptive survey , which determines the content of nitrates in vegetables cabbage. This study was performed on March until September 2013. From research to know that the concentration of nitrate (NO 3-) at a depth of 0 cm -20 cm ranged between 10.98 ppm - 70.32 ppm, the accumulation of nitrate (NO 3-) at a depth of 20 cm - 40 cm ranged between 20.21 ppm - 240 ppm , the accumulation of nitrate (NO 3-) at a depth of 40 cm - 60 cm ranged between 20.53 ppm - 180 ppm. Accumulation of nitrate (NO 3-) at this depth is affected by the process of leaching and leaching of nitrate in the soil layer above it. Accumulation of nitrate in cabbage leaves are below the limits Decision No. 1168 / Men / Per / 1999 on food consumption , but the roots are already exceed the quality standards set.. Keyword : Accumulation, Nitrate, Cabbage
Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Durian Sebagai Produk Briket di Wilayah Kecamatan Gunung Pati Kabupaten Semarang Rossi Prabowo
MEDIAGRO Vol 5, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (138.767 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v5i1.889


Seiring datangnya musim penghujan maka seiring itu pula datangnyamusim buah durian, buah yang sangat harum dengan aroma dan rasa yangsangat khas. Begitu banyak penggemar buah khas asli Kalimantan Selatan inisampai - sampai apabila sudah waktunya musim panen maka akan banyakbermunculan pedagang kaki lima yang menjajakan buah ini di pasar - pasar, ditepi pinggir jalan raya, di bawah pohon serta di tempat umum lainnya yangtentunya akan di kerubuni para pembeli. Pemandangan seperti ini akan takterkecuali di sepanjang jalan Kecamatan Gunung Pati Kab. Semarang yangnotabene merupakan daerah penghasil buah durian terbesar di Ibu kotaPropinisi Jawa Tengah ini. Banyak pedagang yang mengelar dagangannya dipinggir - pinggir jalan raya tersebut, berderet - deret pedagang menggantungbuah durian tersebut dengan ukuran dan harga yang bervariasi. Imbas dari itusemua, bagi petugas sampah dan kebersihan kota, pada musim buah-buahaninilah merupakan saat paling merepotkan karena volume sampah tentunya akanmengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dengan adanya kulit buah tersebut.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, sampah organik di Indonesia mencapai 60-70persen dari total volume sampah yang dihasilkan, sehingga apabila diabaikanmaka dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan, munculnya penyakit danmenurunkan nilai estetika/keindahan kota serta masalah-masalah lainnya, (HjViolet Hatta, 2007).
MEDIAGRO Vol 8, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.405 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v8i2.1311


Industrial development along Garang Watershed has been worrying people for allegedly nearly all plants waste products into Garang watershed that would trigger changes in water quality, which can lead to contamination of the river water. Cadmium and Lead are toxic substances that cause chronic poisoning in human. Both types of heavy metals have very high toxicity value and much produced as industrial waste that is along Garang Watershed. This research is an exploratory observation with a quantitative approach that has purpose to describe the content of heavy metals Cd and Pb in water, sediment, wader fish (Puntius bramoides), nilem fish (Osteochilus hasselti), lunjar fish (Rasbora argyrotaenia)  in Kaligarang. The result of this research suggests that the content of heavy metal Cd on Kaligarang average of 0008 mg/l and the content of heavy metal Pb average of 0020 mg/l. The content of heavy metals Cd and Pb in Kaligarang sediment vary. The content of heavy metal Cd between 0.0071 mg/kg - 0.0474 mg/kg, while the content of heavy metal Pb between 0.0493 mg/kg - 0.3481 mg/kg. The research of the content of Cd and Pb in wader fish (Puntius bramoides), nilem fish (Osteochilus hasselti), lunjar fish (Rasbora argyrotaenia) in Kaligarang suggests that the highest content of Cd and Pb is found in nilem fish (Osteochilus hasselti)  liver, that is the content of Cd 0.096 mg/kg and Pb 0.180 mg/kg at station 3. This value is substandard set by the FDR New Zealand, FAO, and SNI. 7387.2009, About Heavy Metal Contamination Maximum Limit in Food. Accumulation of heavy metals Cd and Pb in fish between Tugu Suharto and Simongan station is relatively similar. It is caused the location both of stations adjacent to the condition of water are relatively slope slightly and quiet, making it easier for fish organism migrates between both of stations. Nilem Fish (Osteochilus hasselti) is the best bio indicator for heavy metals Cd and Pb because it can accumulate heavy metals Cd and Pb greater than wader fish (Puntius bramoides) and lunjar fish (Rasbora argyrotaenia). Kaligarang is a standard water source of drinking water, it should be intensified in Garang Watershed management, so it can reduce contamination into Kaligarang. Keywords: Accumulation, Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb), Bioindicator
ANALISIS PENDAPATAN KARYAWAN PENYADAP TETAP TANAMAN KARET (Havea brasiliensis Muell Erg) (Studi Kasus di Perkebunan Biting PT.J.A. WATTIE Kecamatan Limbangan Kabupaten Kendal) Aji Pustotok; Dewi Hastuti; Rossi Prabowo
MEDIAGRO Vol 10, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.996 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v10i1.1581


Payment of the employee is influence by some factors, there are the difference of age, education level and working experience of employee. Those differences can cause difference income of employee. The purpose of this research are to know the components of income, the level of income, and to know the correlation between age, education level and working experience with the level income of permanent employees of rubber tapper. The sampling methode had been conducted by taking  populations of permanent employees  tapper in  PT. J.A. Wattie Biting plantation for about 73 employees to be sample. Whereas the data collection methode had been taken by interview and quotation. The income component of permanent employees  tapper are consist of basic salary, subsidy, and premium. The average of  income that are gotten by them  in every month in 2012 is Rp. 985.878,-. The income are consist of Rp. 904.500,- for basic salary, Rp. 6.003 for premium and Rp. 75.375,- for subsidy. Sectoral Minimum Wage of Kendal Regency (UMKS Kendal in 2012), the income that are accepted by permanent employees  tapper in PT. J.A. Wattie Biting plantation have qualified, it is Rp. 904.500,-. Based on data analysis with  double correlation and SPSS 16,00 have known that  coefficient correlation between age and income show very weak correlation. Education to age show very weak correlation, while working experience to income show there are no correlation. To know correlation from three predicator had been conduct by multiple correlation calculation. The result of calculation show tarithmatic < rtable,  from it can be conclused that H0 is accepted and H1 is refused. So there are no correlation among age of employees, education level and working experience of employees tapper to total income that accepted.   Keywords : Revenue, Permanent Employes, Tappers, Rubber
MEDIAGRO Vol 4, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.474 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v4i2.552


Potensi plasma nutfah Indonesia cukup banyak dan beragam terutama tanaman padi varietas lokal, contohnya varietas Rajalele. Penelitian pemuliaan tanaman padi varietas Rajalele bertujuan agar diperoleh  benih lokal unggul dengan deskripsi sebagai berikut : rasa enak dan harum, umur pendek, anakan banyak, potensi produksi tinggi, dan tinggi tanaman kurang dari 100 cm. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara menyilangkan varietas Rajalele dengan IR-64, Sintanur, Mentik wangi, dan Pandan wangi. Hasil benih F1 perlu ditanam sampai F16 mebutuhkan waktu 5-10 tahun untuk memperoleh hasil yang mantap dan dapat diandalkan. Hasil penelitian berupa benih F16 diuji dilaboratorium untuk mengetahui deskripsi varietas dan diuji multilokasi untuk mengetahui karakteristik F16 diberbagai kondisi lahan dan iklim. Hasil temuan padi varietas baru tersebut perlu dipatenkan sebagai hak kekayaan intelektual (HAKI).   Kata kunci  : plasma nutfah, varietas rajalele, persilangan, deskripsi varietas baru
Potensi Urin Sapi dan Rock Phosphat Terhadap Produksi Benih Tanaman Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) Renan Subantoro; Rossi Prabowo
MEDIAGRO Vol 8, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (396.207 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v8i2.1316


Alfalfa is often referred to as medic purple  or lucerne was originally a wild plant that comes from the forest, before the cultivated by humans. Habitat cultivated by native plants are located in the Mediterranean mountains in southwest Asia Asia. From this plant was introduced to Europe by the Persians around the year 490 SM. Rock phosphate is a natural fertilizer that can be obtained easily in Indonesia and has a phosphorus content which can be used as an alternative to the relatively expensive TSP fertilizer and phosphorus are the elements that affect the growth and crop production. Cow urine and rock phosphate have the potential to used as a source of nutrients for growth and development of alfalfa flower and seed  . Key word: alfalfa, rock phosphate, cow urine, flowers and seeds
MEDIAGRO Vol 12, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.694 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v12i1.1609


Rubber plant productivity is affected by production factors such as amount of labour, amount of land area, number of productive tree, manure and rainfall. Production factors must be controlled to meet optimum rubber production, due to the increasing need of rubber. Rubber consumption on 2009 is 9,277 millions ton, while on 2010 increase become 10,664 millions ton. World crude rubber is able to provide 9,702 millions ton on 2009 and 10,219 million ton on 2010. Factor that influence rubber harvest result is the benchmark to get the decision to support the rubber achievement harvest optimally. The purposes of this research is to know the production factor that influence rubber production in PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (PTPN IX) Sukamangli estate. This research used descriptive analytical method. The data analysis uses multiple linear regresion with dummy. The regression analysis showed regression equation do not contain symptoms multikolinier, autocorrelation, heterokedastisitas. While the production factor significantly rubber production are amount of the harvesting of labour, amount of land area, the number of tree/hectare, cost of production, Ethrel stimunlansia, dummy tapping system and dummy tapping technology. Based on regression analysis, production factors that partially significantly influencing the rubber production is the harvest of labour, amount of land area, the number tree/hectare, cost of production, Ethrel stimulansia, dummy tapping system and dummy tapping technology.   Keywords: production factors, rubber production, multiple regression, ARIMA
MEDIAGRO Vol 9, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (496.413 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v9i1.1321


Heavy metal pollution is very harmful to the environment around us, especially to the aquatic environment. Disposal of industrial waste around Garang watershed directly or indirectly cause pollution of heavy metals, especially Pb. Lead is toxic, Bioaccumulative, biomagnifications and carcinogenic. Of the occurrence of heavy metal pollution in the waters Pb Kaligarang. The fish that live and breed in Kaligarang will also accumulate Pb heavy metal. This study aims to identify water quality downstream, middle and upstream of Kaligarang. ,identify  pollution of heavy metal Lead (PB)  in Kaligarang Lower, Middle and Upper, and identify the accumulation of heavy metals Lead (Pb) in Red Wader fish. The method used was exploratory observational research with quantitative approach which aims to describe the heavy metal content of Pb in red Wader fish in Kaligarang. From research to know that the water quality of the Kaligarang rivers appropriate based environmental parameters such as temperature, Ph, BOD, DO Kaligarang not exceed the quality standards that apply to water quality classification based on class I. The content of heavy metals Pb at Station I (Ungaran), Station 2 (Monument Suharto) and Station 3 (Simongan) still below the maximum limit criteria for water quality standards according the PP . No. 82 Th 2001. Heavy metal accumulation of Pb  in fish is known that the levels of heavy metals contained in red wader fish still be well below the standards set both of FDR New Zealand, FAO , and SNI. 7387.2009. Keyword: Accumulate, Lead, Red Wader
ANALISIS PENDAPATAN PETANI KANGKUNG DARAT(Ipomea Reptans Poir) TRADISIONAL (Studi Kasus Desa Waru Kecamatan Mranggen Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah) Ridwan Ridwan; Dewi Hastuti; Rossi Prabowo
MEDIAGRO Vol 10, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (303.698 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v10i2.1591


This study aims to determine the income of farmers Ipomea reptans, knowing Ipomea reptans Farmers' Income Level and to determine the feasibility of Ipomea reptans business. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis of samples using purposive sampling method. Research results revealed that the cultivation of kale kale Mranggen Army in Waru subdistrict, Demak ranging from land preparation to harvest Ipomea reptans. Ipomea reptans can be harvested seven times in one growing season, in one growing season lasts for four months. Cultivation swamp land by farmers in Waru still traditional. During the production season swamp land an average of 4 months, the income of farmers Rp.1.984.369 with a total area of 2402.63 m2. The average cost incurred by Rp.1.318.039,06 farmers, farmers' income by Rp.666.329,94., BEP value of farmers reached a value of BEP / breakeven in 2197 belt. so agriculture Ipomea reptans is worth the effort   Keywords : Ipomea reptans, Income, Swamp Land,
MEDIAGRO Vol 12, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.83 KB) | DOI: 10.31942/mediagro.v12i2.1614


Rubber plant productivity is affected by production factors such as amount of labour, amount of land area, number of productive tree, manure and rainfall. Production factors must be controlled to meet optimum rubber production, due to the increasing need of rubber. Rubber consumption on 2009 is 9,277 millions ton, while on 2010 increase become 10,664 millions ton. World crude rubber is able to provide 9,702 millions ton on 2009 and 10,219 million ton on 2010. Factor that influence rubber harvest result is the benchmark to get the decision to support the rubber achievement harvest optimally. The purposes of this research is to know and forecasting the harvest result of rubber production in PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (PTPN IX) Sukamangli estate in the future i.e. 2015, 2016 and 2017. This research used descriptive analytical method. The data analysis used forecasting with ARIMA analysis. The base on ARIMA model, forecasting result for rubber production in 2015 amounted to 325675.9 kg (Quarter I), 396571.3 kg (Quarter II), 338552.1 kg (Quarter III), 258359.4 kg (Quarter IV). In 2016 amounted to 356854.6 kg (Quarter I), 442136.9 kg (Quarter II), 387335.1 kg (Quarter III), 293983.5 kg (Quarter IV). In 2017 amounted to 395750.9 kg (Quarter I), 492849.0 kg (Quarter II), 424360.7 kg (Quarter III), 328790.9 kg (Quarter IV). The result of forecasting rubber production showed that the rubber production while be increases on 2017.   Keywords: ARIMA,  multiple regression, production factors, rubber production