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Journal : Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement

Implementasi Sains Teknologi Engineering dan Matematika (STEM) berbasis kewirausahaan budidaya lele dumbo dengan media bioflok dan pakan Bungkil Inti Sawit (BIS) di SMP Purnama Pekanbaru Yustina Yustina; Nursal Nursal; Indra Suharman; Arif Riandra; Oky Priawan; Winda Sari
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 1 (2019): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.1.401-410


Community Service aims to determine the ability of students in the Implementation of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Based on Entrepreneurship of Dumbo Catfish Cultivation with Bioflok and Feed Media made by Palm Kernel Oil (BIS). P2M activities are conducted at Pekanbaru Purnama Middle School through Extracurricular learning activities from March to June 2019. Participants are 20 students consisting of 4 groups. The method of using the STEM approach with the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model consists of 3 stages, namely: 1. Preparation: bioflok making training, feed making and seed procurement; 2. Implementation: treatment, maintenance, supervision and collection of growth data, operational costs: 3. Analysis of entrepreneurial economic data and STEM capabilities. Instrument for collecting growth data and operational costs using logbooks and observation sheets. Data on STEM and Entrepreneurship Capabilities using Student Worksheets. Data on fish growth and operational costs, then percentage, were scaled, tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The results of STEM abilities were obtained namely Science ability with a score of 80 (good category); Engineering 50 ability (less category), Technology ability with a score of 60 (sufficient category) and Mathematical ability with a score of 65 (sufficient category). Entrepreneurial economic analysis with a score of 75 (sufficient category) and 50% of participants get a profit of 30% from catfish production within 3 months.
Pembinaan kelompok pembudidaya ikan melalui kegiatan diversifikasi produk olahan hasil budidaya ikan Lele di Kelurahan Tangkerang Utara Kota Pekanbaru Iesje Lukistyowati; Niken Ayu Pamungkas; Adelina Adelina; Mulyadi Mulyadi; Indra Suharman
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 3 (2021): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.3.181-189


The main problem faced by catfish farmers in North Tangkerang Village is that the market of catfish is only in fresh form, so that when the catfish harvesting activities is abundant, the price of fish decreases. The solution to overcome this was by conducting training activities for the PKK group of North Tangkerang Village, about the processing techniques of catfish cultured products into crackers and catfish nuggets. This service activity goes through three stages in the form of lectures on processed fish product innovations, processed product manufacturing practices, process evaluation and knowledge improvement evaluation. The results of the evaluation of the process and increasing knowledge of the implementation of the training activities carried out showed that during practice all extension participants were directly involved at each stage carried out and seemed enthusiastic in following each stage of the activities. After the training activities, all participants were able to independently make the technique of making catfish crackers and nuggets. Increased knowledge and skills of training participants by 81%. In general (79%) strongly agree with the implementation of this activity and 21% agree. The impact of this activity is expected to be an alternative source of income for the PKK group in this village and can continue in the future because of the assistance in the form of equipment for the processed production from the UNRI LPPM ABDIMAS TEAM.
Co-Authors ', Adelina Abdul Rasyid Lubis Ade Irma Agustina Adelina ' Adelina Adelina Adelina Adelina Adelina, Adelina Adelina, Adelina Adelina, Adelina Afan Sholeh Afdola, Afdola Agussani Mendefa Ahmad Zulfahmi Aidil Irvan Aisenodni, Aga Fifty Al Fajri S alfi chaniago Amaliah, Novi Amirah Mardhiyah Andri Hendrizal Andri Hendrizal Andri Yosia Anggi Wulandari Annisa Nur Aliyah Anri M Shaleh Deana, Anri M Shaleh Anugrah Aurora Dhearesta Arif Riandra Ayu Lestari Azyzi Syahren Revina Bunga Cantika Citra Panjaitan Dani Yosi R.Sibarani David Sibarani delpa anda restu depi nopika Desenieli Harefa Desi Rahmadani Siagian Deta Anjellyta Divo Afrianto Eka Wahyu Ningsih Enggar Akbar Nur Izza Erica Silvia Erlangga Putra Febri Ridho Putra Febri Samuel L.G Febrico Febrico Ferdhi Aulio Rahmad Fitrahadi Halil fitriyasari Fx. Jodhi P.U Geri Gunawan Hamdan Alawi Hamdan Alawi Hana Delia Hutabarat Herlita Noveni Samosir Iesje Lukistyowati Iesje Lukistyowati Indra Lesmana Irma Apri Nanda James Panjaitan khairani putri Khairudin Khairudin Kurniawan, Dhidy Lala Indriani Mahdi Arif Siregar Malik Malik Marni Anita Silalahi Masjudi, Heri metty aliya setiyani Mika Handayani Muhammad Andryan Juliardy Muhammad Arief Wibowo Muhammad Fadil Ghifari Muhammad Firdaus Muhammad Ilham Syarif Muhammad Sorim Arkan Mulyadi . Mutya Syaraswati Nababan, Fatisah Nadya Oviantari Lubis Netti Aryani Niken Ayu Pamukas Niken Ayu Pamungkas Nirwan Fadli Pulungan Nova Sintya Sary Novendri, Rizki Novreta Ersyi Darfia Novreta Ersyi Darfia nur aida ningsih Nur Asiah Nur Asiah Nur El Fajri Nuraini Nuraini Nurhidayatina Kamil, Nurhidayatina Nursal Nursal Oky Priawan Operiman Hulu Puji Haryadi Puspita Dewi Putri Tri Ghaziah Radhiansyah Fikri Radiatul Husnaini Rahmat Kurniawan Raudah, Peggi Rehma Natalia Silaban Retno Tri Pratiwi Rian Hidayat Riatman Cahyadi, Riatman Ridho Ahadana Riga Oganda Riko Martinus S Rima Maisarah Riski Rahmadana rizki auliya Rizky Rinaldi Roma Uli Purba Ronal P Sianturi Ronna Ginting Rudy Agam Rudy Hartawan Rambe, Rudy Hartawan Rusliadi Rusliadi Saberina Hasibuan Samuel Sitorus Santi Ramayani Sella Nur Happy Septia Nursa Shafira Nurjannah Simangunsong, Gidion Simbolon, Lensofa Sirait, Lestari Roindah Siska Wulan Sari Sitanggang, Firnando Sitorus Sitorus Slamat Harianto Sukran Sofwan Said Daulay Soufyana Zahra Minda Sunarto Sunarto Syahputra Syahputra T. Nalacintia Miazara Tomi Ramadona Triani Cahya Fitri Sabilah Trisla Warningsih Winda Sari Yudho Harjoyudanto Yudho Harjoyudanto Yuliani Yuliani Yustina Yustina Yusuf Subiantoro