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Journal : Jurnal Kesehatan

Hubungan Rasionalitas Penggunaan Antibiotik Terhadap Outcome Klinik Pasien Pneumonia Komunitas Rawat Inap di RSUD. Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2019 Asih Widiyastuti; Shirly Kumala; Hesty Utami R; Anton Pratama
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 14, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Tanjung Karang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26630/jk.v14i1.3483


Pneumonia is a lung parenchyma disease caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. Irrational use of antibiotics will lead to antibiotic resistance, so the goal of therapy has yet to be achieved. This study evaluates the rationality of using community antibiotics for the clinical outcome of community pneumonia patients in RSUD. Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek.This research is descriptive-analytic with a cross-sectional design and retrospective data retrieval from medical records in 2019. The data analysis was carried out descriptively, and the correlation analysis of the rationale of antibiotic use with clinical outcomes using the Spearman test. The study's results of 144 analyzed showed the characteristics of community pneumonia patients, 78 male, and 66 female patients. The evaluation of the use of antibiotics using the ATC/DDD method showed that Ceftriaxon DDD was 46.80 DDD/100 patient-days, Azithromycin (23.91 DDD/100 patient-days), Levofloxacin (22.70 DDD/100 patient-days). With the Gyssen method, patients used antibiotics correctly (category 0) by 72.91% and incorrectly (categories I – VI) by 27.09%. Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship (p-value=0.003) between the rational use of antibiotics and patient clinical outcomes. Further research is needed regarding the incidence of Drugs Related Problems on the clinical effects of community pneumonia patients.
Co-Authors . Desi . Suhaimi . Yuliani Abdul Aziz Setiawan Ahmad Subhan Anton Pratama Anwar Wahyudi Ariyani Kiranasari Ariyani Kiranasari Armansyah, Septiyana Lia Asih Widiyastuti Atut Ruswita Ayuditiawati, Meita Bekti, Novi Dyah Purnama Bekti, Novi Dyah Purnama Delina Hasan Deni Rahmat Dian Indriani Dian Ratih L. Didik Tulus Dimas Adrianto Dwi Hapsari Juniarti Dwi Windi Sapitri Elvina Dhiaul Iftitah Erlita Agustina Esti Mumpuni Febbyasi Megawaty Gabriel Gabriel Gabriel, Gabriel Gandes Winarni Halim, Marta Hasan, Delina Herru Setiawan Hersunaryati, Yetti Heru Santosa Heru Santosa Hesty Utami Hesty Utami R Hesty Utami R Huda, Badrul I Ketut Suada Iha Haryani Hatta Kurota Aini Lea P. Retnoningsih Leonardus B.S. Kardono Lestari Rahayu Mardiastuti, . Mardiastuti, . Marlin M. Raunsai Mochtar, Dede Mochtar, Dede Nancy Dewi Yuliana Nancy Raisa Nancy Raisa, Nancy Nur Aji Nurmaini Nurmaini Partomuan Simanjuntak Partomuan Simanjuntak Pasanema, Dimas A. M. Pasanema, Dimas A. M. Pasaribu, Rita Kristina Pieter Hazmen Pratiwi Sudarmono Prih Sarnianto Priyo Wahyudi R, Hesty Utami Rachmani, Rum Rachmani, Rum Restu Restiani Reubun, Yonathan Tri Atmodjo Reza Agung Sriwijaya Risma Marisi Tambunan, Risma Marisi Rita Kristina Pasaribu Robert Utji Rochimah Ros Sumarny Sarnianto, Prih Saru Noliqo Rangkuti Sesilia A. Keban Sesilia Andriani Keban Setiadi, Feri Setiyarini, Setiyarini Shanny, Fransisca Shanny, Fransisca Simanjuntak, Partomuan Siswa Setyahadi Siswa Setyahadi Sofi Nurmay Stiani Sofyan Ramani Suhaimi Suhaimi Suhaimi, . Syarifah Aini Syilvi Adini Teti Indrawati Umilawati Rawi Utami R, Hesty Violeta, Violeta Wahyudi Uun Yelfi Anwar Yusransyah Yusransyah