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Identifikasi dan siklus hidup chydoridae (Cladocera) di Perairan Sulawesi Utara Pangkey, Henneke; Monijung, Revol D.; Mantiri, Rose; Lantu, Sartje
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 6, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.6.3.2018.24435


The purpose of this study was to identify chydoridae using conservative way, while the observations of the life cycle was done through a microscope to determine the egg production per parent and length of life. Individual chydoridae acclimatized to reach 10 generations (1 month), and 10 females were isolated for the production of seedlings. Based on literatures review, chydoridae used was derived from subfamily Aloninae (Alona spp.); while studies on the life cycle found: the egg size of chydoridae 150.2 ± 22.4 μm, and neonates have an average size of 291.82 ± 3.06 μm, and reached adult size after 2.3 ± 0.5 days, with an average size of 441.22 ± 10.2 μm. Time of embryonic development occured for 1-2 days. On the entire life cycle, only 2 eggs could be produced per individual. Based on this study, the number of eggs produced by the female during its lifetime ranges between 30-60 eggs. Similarly, the length of life of this organism on average 47.2 ± 11.7 days, with the longest lifespan was achieved 60 days. It was found also the maximum size was 1,037 ± 8.5 mm; while the average size of an organism's body was 800.42 ± 56.3 μm.Keywords: chydoridae, identification, life cycle, Alona spp
Iptek bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Kelompok Petani Ikan Kelurahan Rap Rap Kalesaran, Ockstan J.; Lantu, Sartje
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 4, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.4.3.2016.14741


The implementation of science and technology for society aimed to give knowledge and methods of application that can answer all problems encountered by fish farmers. Low cost of  feed manufacturing methods and high quality utilizing local raw ingredients had been given through counseling and basic training so that fish farmers can continue going forward and do not rely on commercial feed from the market.  Practical sex reversal methods were given, intended that fish farmers could get male tilapia seeds having rapid growth.   Keywords: Fish farmer, Rap Rap Village, feed, eeed, Sex Reversal Methods
Purification of carp (Cyprinus carpio) kidney cathepsin C Pangkey, Henneke; Lantu, Sartje
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Vol.1 No. 1 Januari 2013
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.1.1.2013.727


Pemurnian enzim cathepsin C diperoleh melalui penggunaan colom kromatografi S-Sepharose FF, Sephacryl S-200 HR, Concanavalin A-Agarose, Affi-gel 501 dan DEAE-Sephacel. Dari 160 g ginjal ikan mas diperoleh 0,33 mg enzim cathepsin C, dengan hasil pemurnian 150 kali. Berat molekul cathepsin C adalah 170 kDa yang terdiri dari 5 subunit, dengan berat molekul berkisar antara 10 sampai 20 kDa. Cathepsin C adalah oligomerik protein dan aktif sebagai eksopeptidase (pH 5) maupun endopeptidase (pH 7)
Pertumbuhan populasi pakan alami alona sp. pada media kultur dengan konsentrasi ragi berbeda Pangandaheng, Agreystin; Pangkey, Henneke; Lantu, Sartje; Mingkit, Winda M.; Mokolensang, Jeffrie F.; Wulur, Stenly
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.8.2.2020.29955


The goal of this research was to observe the effects of yeast on the density rate of Alona sp. with various concentrations compared to the density rate in horse manure media. The treatments are as follows, treatment A yeast 30 mg yeast/0.5 L water, treatment B yeast 10 mg yeast/0.5 L water, treatment C yeast 5 mg yeast/0.5 L water, treatment D yeast 1 mg yeast/0.5 L water, treatment E 0.5 L well water, treatment F horse manure media (horse manure 10 gr, soil 50 g in 0.5 L water). The research was carried out for two weeks, and the density calculation was done once a week. The results obtained based on Anova One Way analysis are that yeast with different concentrations does not have a significant effect on the density of Alona sp. Nevertheless, it was concluded that the giving of yeast to Alona sp. is much more efficient and effective compared to horse manure media, because it is more hygienic, easy to obtain and not expensive, also from nutritional value, yeast has a higher value compared to horse manure media. The measuring of water quality parameter during the research was temperature around 26-30°C.
Tingkat kepadatan populasi Alona sp. pada media tumbuh ragi Pangkey, Henneke; Lantu, Sartje; Silooy, Fanny
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.9.1.2021.31407


The purpose of this research was to investigate the population density of Alona sp. on yeast media with different concentrations. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 3 replications for 21 days. The treatments given were A: 10 ppm yeast, B: 5 ppm yeast, C: 1 ppm yeast, D: horse manure, and E: well water. The initial stocking density of Alona sp. for each treatment was 15 individuals/300 mL of well water. The water quality parameter measured during the study was temperature. The results of the one-way ANOVA test showed that there were significant differences between treatments on the density level of Alona sp. (p <0.05). Tukey's further test showed that treatment B was the best with a density of Alona sp. as many as 8059 individuals/300 mL of well water. The temperature during the study, in the morning was 26 ± 0.52°C and in the afternoon was 26 ± 0.46°C.
AKULTURASI: Jurnal Ilmiah Agrobisnis Perikanan Vol 9, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/akulturasi.9.1.2021.34618


AbstractThis study aims to determine the role and condition of smoked fish processing women in supporting the family economy during the Covid-19 pandemic in Bulawan II Village. The method used is the survey method. The survey method is a critical observation and investigation to get a good description of a particular case, by gathering various sources of information. The population in this study were women who processed smoked fish in Bulawan II Village. The data collection used a census. Census was an activity to collect data and information by observing all elements and populations. The data collected consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly through interviews guided by filling out questionnaires, some also through intermediary media (via telephone, WA). Secondary data is data obtained indirectly or data obtained through reading materials related to the required data. The results show that in addition to playing a role as a wife or a housewife, a woman in Bulawan II Village also plays a role in supporting the family's economy during the Covid-19 pandemic, by selling processed smoked fish to the market and also to neighboring villages. Most women who process smoked fish are in the productive age range so that they are still active in carrying out income-generating activities and jobs, their education is dominated by junior high school graduates. The role of women who process smoked fish is very supportive of the family economy.Keywords: Covid-19, Role of Women, Family Economy, Bulawan II  AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran dan keadaan usaha perempuan pengolah ikan asap dalam menunjang ekonomi keluarga pada masa pandemi covid-19 di Desa Bulawan II. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode survei. Metode survei adalah suatu pengamatan dan penyelidikan yang kritis untuk mendapatkan keterangan yang baik terhadap suatu kasus tertentu, dengan mengumpulkan beragam sumber informasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu perempuan pengolah ikan asap yang ada Desa Bulawan II, pengambilan data menggunakan cara sensus, Sensus adalah kegiatan mengumpulkan data dan informasi dengan cara mengamati seluruh elemen dan populasi. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri atas data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer merupakan data diperoleh secara langsung melalui wawancara (interview) yang di pandu dengan pengisian kuisioner, ada pula melalui media perantara (via telepon,wa). Data sekunder adalah data yang diperoleh secara tidak langsung atau data yang diperoleh melalui bahan bacaan yang berkaitan dengan data yang dibutuhkan. Hasil menunjukan bahwa selain berperan sebagai seorang istri atau ibu rumah tangga perempuan yang ada di Desa Bulawan II juga berperan dalam upaya menunjang ekonomi keluarga dimasa pandemi Covid-19, dengan menjual hasil olahan ikan asap ke pasar dan juga ke desa-desa tetangga. Perempuan pengolah ikan asap paling banyak dalam range umur produktif sehingga masih aktif dalam melakukan kegiatan dan pekerjaan yang menghasilkan pendapatan, pendidikan mereka didominasi oleh tamatan SMP. Peran perempuan pengolah ikan asap sangat mendukung perekonomian keluarga.Kata Kunci: Covid-19, Peran Wanita, Ekonomi Keluarga, Bulawan II
Kepadatan Daphnia magna yang diberi pakan Effective Microorganisme-4 dosis berbeda Simanjuntak, Erika E. L.; Lantu, Sartje; Sinjal, Hengky J.; Pangkey, Henneke; Manoppo, Henky; Ginting, Elvie L.
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.10.1.2022.35500


This study aimed to examine the effect of probiotic Effective Microorganism-4 (EM4) on the growth rate of the natural feed population of Daphnia magna and to determine the right dose to obtain the highest growth. This research was conducted at the Aquaculture Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado. The time of the study was carried out from April to May 2021. The experimental design used was designed according to a 4 x 4 factorial experimental design in Completely Randomized (CRD). The first factor was the dose of EM4 with 3 levels, namely 0.75 mL, 1 mL and 1.25 mL with 1 control, then the second factor is the time difference (weeks) I, II, III, and IV. The results of the study using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the JMP application showed 1. The dose difference in the density of daphnia on the culture medium was not significantly affected by the difference between the culture medium and chicken manure (value 'Prob>F)' = 0.1411), 2. The difference in density of daphnia on culture medium was very significant by differences in culture time (Value 'Prob>F' = 0.0003), 3. Interaction, The effect of culture medium factors (EM-4) dose and chicken manure on the density of daphnia changed significantly at the time of the change in the level of the time factor (weeks) (Value 'Prob>F' = 0.0439). Further contrast tests showed that the density of daphnia at week-I was significantly different from the density of daphnia at week-II, week-III, and week-IV and the density of daphnia at week-II, week-III and week-IV were not significantly different.
Strategi pengembangan budidaya perairan di Kecamatan Ratahan Timur, Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara Wungkana, Lucky; Sinjal, Hengky J.; Pangemanan, Novie P. L.; Lantu, Sartje; Salindeho, Indra R. N.; Wantasen, Adnan S.
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.10.1.2022.35349


This study aimed to analyze the development of aquaculture and determine aquaculture development strategies that are in accordance with the conditions and potential of the East Ratahan District, Southeast Minahasa Regency. The methodology used was descriptive research method. The research variables observed were the potential and quality of water, land area, and information about the prospects for developing aquaculture. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of the aquaculture development analysis using a SWOT analysis showed that the internal factors that influence the development of fish farming in East Ratahan consist of strength factors, namely: district government support, business location and water quality and number of fish culturists. Weakness factors were: Availability of Seeds Inadequate availability of seeds and lack of skilled culturists and lack of working capital. External factors that influenced the development of fish culturists in East Ratahan consist of opportunity factors, namely: high selling value of fish, high market share, and government policies. Threat factors were climate and holticultural crops and illegal fishing. Strategic steps for the development of fish farming businesses in East Ratahan, namely increasing the production capacity of fish aquaculture, improving and maintaining the quality of fish culture products, making agreements between fish culturists in maintaining the safety of aquaculture ponds, optimizing Fish Hatchery Centers, providing skills to fish culturists.
Efektivitas ekstrak daun akar kucing (Acalypha indica) dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan Nila, Oreochromis niloticus Ratusmanga, Jihan; Hutagaol, Anggun F.; Manoppo, Henky; Lantu, Sartje; Tumbol, Reiny A.; Mokolensang, Jeffrie F.; Kaligis, Erly Y.
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.10.1.2022.35531


The purposes of research were to examine the effect of extract of Acalypha indica leaf on the growth of Nile tilapia and determine the dose of leaf extract that could enhance the growth of tilapia optimally. The fish used were Nile tilapia taken from the Tatelu Center for Freshwater Aquaculture with an average weight of 3.79±0.50 g. The medicinal plant A. indica was collected from around the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science complex and from the North Bolaang Mongondow area. After being washed, the leaves were dried and then ground to obtain leaf powder. Leaf flour was then extracted by maceration method with 95% alcohol solvent. After being concentrated, the extract was then used as a treatment with different concentrations, including A: 0 g extract/kg feed, B:10 g extract/kg feed, C:20 g extract/kg feed, D:30 g extract/kg feed and E: 40g extract/kg feed. The data collected consisted of absolute growth, daily growth and relative growth. The results showed that the extract of A. indica leaf added to the feed had a significantly effect on the growth of tilapia indicated by an increase in absolute growth, daily growth, and relative growth (p<0.05). The best fish growth was achieved in fish fed with feed with the addition of 20 g extract/kg feed. In conclusion, leaf extract of A. indica can increase the growth of Nile tilapia
Peningkatan kepadatan Alona sp. pada jerami padi yang difermentasi Utami, Tiara; Pangkey, Henneke; Lantu, Sartje; Lumenta, Cyska; Salindeho, Indra R. N.; Kemer, Kurniati
e-Journal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/bdp.10.1.2022.35499


The objective of this study was to determine the difference in density of Alona sp in fermented rice straw and unfermented rice straw media. This research was conducted at the Aquaculture Technology Laboratory and the Fish Health, Environment and Toxicology Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, from March to June 2021.The experiment was based on four treatments, namely fermented rice straw media with Effective Microorganisms-4 (EM-4) solution, unfermented rice straw media, horse manure media and water media. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments, each treatment was repeated 3 times, so there were 12 experimental units. The results obtained are the density of Alona sp. cultured on fermented rice straw media were not significantly different from those cultured on unfermented rice straw media but significantly different from horse manure and water media. There was no significant difference between fermented straw media and unfermented straw media on the increase in density of Alona sp., apparently caused by the fermentation time of EM-4 solution of rice straw which was not long enough.