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Efektivitas Beauveria bassiana vuill. dengan Berbagai Media Pembiakan Massal untuk Mengendalikan Wereng Coklat (Nilaparvata lugens stal.) Rosita Rosita; Samharinto Soedijo; Noor Aidawati
JURNAL PROTEKSI TANAMAN TROPIKA Vol 5 No 3 (2022): Edisi 5(3): Oktober 2022
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jptt.v5i3.1496


Oryza sativa L. can be called an important commodity because it is used as a staple food. Farmers in cultivating rice expect high yields, but there are obstacles that cause yields to decline, namely the attack of the Brown Stem Planthopper (BSP) (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) which can lead to crop failure. Farmers controlling N. lugens still use insecticides. Control by using insecticides is known to have a negative impact on users and the environment and can cause resistance, resurgence and residue. One of the safe controls is the use of Beauveria bassiana as an entomopathogenic fungus. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of B. bassiana cultured on various media in controlling WBC attacks. The design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 treatments, namely control treatment without B. bassiana, control with B. bassiana grown on PDA media, B. bassiana grown on corn media, and B. bassiana growing on media. grown on rice media, given B. bassiana grown on bran media, given B. bassiana grown on husk ash and repeated 4 times. Observations were made after one application by observing mortality (mortality) every 24 hours for 7 days. The results of the observation that the highest mortality percentage was found in the corn media treatment reaching 47.50%, rice media 40%, bran media 18.75% while the lowest was found in the husk media, namely 15%.
Daya Rusak Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith pada Tanaman Jagung yang Diberi Perlakuan Pestisida Nabati Daun Pepaya dan Bawang Putih Hartini Hartini; Muhammad Indar Pramudi; Samharinto Soedijo
JURNAL PROTEKSI TANAMAN TROPIKA Vol 5 No 3 (2022): Edisi 5(3): Oktober 2022
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jptt.v5i3.1497


Plant Pest Organisms (PPO) that have recently become a problem in corn cultivation are Fall Armyworm (FAW) or the armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith. The damage of S. frugiperda on sweet corn and feed is thought to be different and is not yet known. This study aims to determine the level of destruction of S. frugiperda on sweet corn and feed with control treatment of biological pesticides on papaya leaves and garlic, 30 ml/l water, 40 ml/l water, and 50 ml/l water. This study used a completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors. Corn varieties and concentrations of vegetable pesticides. The treatments used in this study were water control, chemical control, and three treatments of biological pesticide concentration with four replications. The results of observations 1-3 (age 0-2 weeks after planting/ WAP) have not found an attack, occurred on the study to 4-7 (age 3-6 WAP). Pesticides of papaya leaf and garlic affected the destructive power of S. frugiperda, where the concentration factor on the incidence of attack and attack intensity had a very significant effect, an interval of the variety factor had to make a difference on the incidence of attack but did not significantly affect the potency of the attack. The 50 ml/l concentration treatment on sweet corn and feed varieties was the best in suppressing the percentage of attack (12.50; 23.40%), attack intensity (5.92; 8.00%), and damage to the cob (1.79); 4.79%).
Pelatihan Pembuatan Pupuk dan Pestisida Organik bagi Petani Cabai di Desa Tajau Landung Kabupaten Banjar: Training for producing Organic Fertilizers and Pesticides for Chili Farmers in Tajau Landung Village, Banjar District Mariana Mariana; Elly Liestiany; Ismed Setya Budi; Samharinto Samharinto; Muhammad Indar Pramudi; Dewi Fitriyanti
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 6 (2022): PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/pengabdianmu.v7i6.4130


Chili is one of the vegetable commodities that have excellent and promising business opportunities in Tajau Landung Village. In this village there are 16 farmer groups and 75% of them grow chilies, both large chilies and cayenne peppers. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers are the main production factors in chili farming. Prices and access to subsidized pesticides and chemical fertilizers are a constraint for farmers, and their residues have a negative impact on consumers and the environment. This activity aims to provide training to farmers in Tajau Landung Village to produce organic fertilizers and pesticides. The activity began with counseling about Chili Pests and Diseases and how to control them organically, as well as pretest and posttest using a questionnaire. The next activity was training on making bokasi fertilizer enriched with Trikoberas, and PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria). Based on the results of the evaluation, it was concluded that there was an increase in participants' understanding of chili pests and diseases and their control before and after being given counseling. %). Participants already have skills in making organic bokasi fertilizer from water hyacinth and kiyambang weeds, PGPR, and Trikoberas added to bokasi fertilizer to become Trikokompos, and showed very good acceptability assessment results.
The Increase of Arthropods Biodiversity in Paddy Field Ecosystem Managed by Using Integrated Pest Management at South Borneo Samharinto Samharinto; Abdul Latief Abadi; Bambang Tri Raharjo; Hakimah Halim
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol. 2 No. 3 (2012)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

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We have studied the arthropods biodiversity in two paddy field ecosystems, namely, paddy field ecosystem using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system and non-IPM paddy field ecosystem. This study was conducted from April 2011 - November 2011 in three locations, that is, Pasar Kamis village and Sungai Rangas village in Banjar regency, and Guntung Payung village in Banjarbaru city, South Borneo Province. In this study, we used insect nets, yellow sticky traps, light trap and pitfall trap to get the sample or catch the arthropods in one period of planting season. The arthropods caught were then classified into some classes: pest (herbivore), natural enemy (parasitoid and predator), and other arthropods. After that, the Species Diversity Index was determined using its Shannon-Wiener Index (H), Evenness (e), Species Richness (R), and Species Similarity Index (IS). The sum of arthropods which have the characteristic of pest and parasitoid were higher in the IPM paddy fields than in the non-IPM paddy fields, and the sum of other arthropods were the same. The highest H and e values were in the IPM paddy field in Pasar Kamis village. The IS value for each three locations were 77.5% in Pasar Kamis village, 93.42% in Guntung Payung village, and 78.76% in Sungai Rangas village.Keywords: diversity, arthropods, ecosystem, and SLPHT
Pengaruh Pemberian Pestisida Nabati Pada Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Terhadap Keanekaragaman Arthropoda di Dalam Tanah Lahan Gambut Puspa Aulia Ghanisa; Salamiah Salamiah; Samharinto Soedijo
Rawa Sains: Jurnal Sains STIPER Amuntai Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Edisi Desember 2022
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Amuntai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36589/rs.v12i2.236


Bawang merah merupakan salah satu komoditas penting di pasaran dan bawang merah memiliki sifat mudah rusak/busuk. Hal ini dikarenakan beberapa faktor, termasuk faktor alam yang seringkali terjadi dan tidak dapat diprediksi. Salah satu faktor alam tersebut adalah organisme pengganggu tanaman. diantaranya yang termasuk dalam filum arthropoda. Tujuan dilakukan nya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian beberapa pestisida nabati pada tanaman bawang merah terhadap keanekaragaman arthropoda di dalam tanah di lahan gambut dan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan arthropoda. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) satu faktor, yang terdiri atas lima perlakuan yaitu tanpa pestisida, pestisida kimia, ekstrak daun kirinyuh, ekstrak biji kepayang dan ekstrak daun galam dengan ulangan empat kali, sehingga terdapat 20 satuan percobaan. Parameter yang diamati adalah jenis arthropoda dan kelimpahannya. Terdapat pengaruh pemberian insektisida nabati terhadap keanekaragaman arthropoda dan kemerataan jenis arthropoda pada tanaman bawang merah di lahan gambut, Keanekaragaman tertinggi ada pada perlakuan kontrol (1,49) dan keanekaragaman terendah ada pada ekstrak daun galam (0,96). Kelimpahan arthropoda tertinggi ada pada kelompok arthropoda jenis perombak yang memang mendominasi di dalam tanah sebesar 86,67%.
Neraca Kehidupan Spodoptera pectinicornis (Hampson) dengan Pakan Gulma Kayu Apu Pistia stratiotes Linn yang diberi Pupuk NPK dan AB Mix Kurnia Komala Sari; Muhammad Indar Pramudi; Samharinto Soedijo
Rawa Sains: Jurnal Sains STIPER Amuntai Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Edisi Desember 2022
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Amuntai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36589/rs.v12i2.239


Penelitian ini bertujiuan untuk mengkaji neraca kehidupan agens pengendali hayati Spodoptera pectinicornis yang diberi pakan kayu Apu Pistia stratiotes dengan perlakuan pemupukan NPK dan AB mix. Penelitian dilakukan bulan Maret sampai bulan Mei 2021 di Laboratorium Pengendali Hayati danRumah Kaca Entomologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarbaru. Datapenelitian ini di analisis secara deskrptif yaitu menghitung populasi S. pectinicornis dalam satu siklushidup. Terdapat 3 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan dalam 100 butir telur S. pectinicornis. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dari masing – masing perlakuan menunjukkan kurva pertumbuhan hidup serangga ini jumlah keperidian yang dihasilkan tinggi dengan tingkat kemampuan hidup yang rendah pada awal pertumbuhan hingga meningkat seiring bertambahnya waktu. Pada nilai gross reproductive rate (GRR) tertinggi pada perlakuan AB mix sebesar 1912 individu/generasi. Nilai laju reproduksi bersih (Ro) paling tinggi terdapat pada perlakuan AB mix sebesar 129,520. Nilai rataan masa generasi (T) paling singkat pada perlakuan pupuk NPK hanya 26,334 hari. Nilai laju pertumbuhan intrinsik (r) paling tinggi terdapat pada perlakuan pupuk AB mix sebesar 0,164 individu/iinduk/hari. Perhitungan laju pertumbuhan terbatas (λ) menunjukkan perlakuan AB mix mengalami peningkatan populasi tertinggi sebesar 1,174 individu/iinduk/hari. Kayu apu yang diberi perlakuan pupuk NPK dan AB mix dapat meningkatkan laju perkembangan populasi dalam neraca serangga S. pectinicornis.
Pengaruh Pemberian Pestisida Nabati pada Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Terhadap Keanekargaman Anthropoda di Dalam Tanah Lahan Gambut Samharinto Soedijo; Puspa Aulia Ghanisa; Salamiah Salamiah
Rawa Sains: Jurnal Sains STIPER Amuntai Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Edisi Desember 2022
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Amuntai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36589/rs.v12i2.211


Shallots are one of the most important commodities in the market and they are easily damaged/rotten. This is due to several factors, including natural factors that often occur and cannot be predicted. One of these natural factors is plant-disturbing organisms. Some of them belong to the phylum Arthropods. This study aims to determine the effect of giving some botanical pesticides on shallots to the diversity of arthropods in the soil in peatlands and to determine the abundance of arthropods. This study used a one-factor Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of five treatments, namely without pesticides, chemical pesticides, kirinyuh leaf extracts, kepayang seed extracts and galam leaf extracts with four replications, so that there were 20 experimental units. The parameters observed were arthropod type and abundance. There was an effect of giving botanical insecticides on the diversity of arthropods and the evenness of arthropod species in shallot plants on peatlands. The highest diversity was in the control treatment (1.49) and the lowest diversity was in galam leaf extract (0.96). The highest abundance of arthropods was in the group of arthropods of the scavenger type, which indeed dominated the soil by 86.67%.
Neraca Kehidupan Spodoptera pectinicornis (Hampson) dengan Pakan Gulma Kayu Apu Pistia stratiotes Linn yang diberi Pupuk NPK dan AB Mix Muhammad Indar Pramudi; Kurnia Komala Sari; Samharinto Soedijo
Rawa Sains: Jurnal Sains STIPER Amuntai Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Edisi Desember 2022
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Amuntai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36589/rs.v12i2.213


This study aims to examine the life balance of the biological control agent Spodoptera pectinicornis fed Pistia stratiotes with NPK and AB mix fertilization.. The research was carried out from March to May 2021 at the Laboratory Pengendalian Hayati and Greenhouse Entomology Faculty of Agriculture University Lambung Mangkurat Banjarbaru. The data in this study were analyzed descriptively by calculating the population. S. pectinicornis in one life cycle. There are 3 treatments and 3 replications on the 100 egg s. pectinicornis, The highest gross reproductive rate (GRR) was in the AB mix treatment of 1912 individuals/generation. The highest net reproduction rate (Ro) was found in the AB mix treatment of 129.520. The average value of the shortest generation period (T) in the NPK fertilizer treatment was only 26.334 days. The highest intrinsic growth rate (r) was found in the AB mix fertilizer treatment of 0.164 individuals/parent/day. The calculation of the limited growth rate (λ) showed that the AB mix treatment had the highest population increase of 1,174 individuals/parent/day. Apu wood treated with NPK and AB mix fertilizers can increase the rate of population development in the life table of the insect S. pectinicornis.
Efektivitas Beberapa Jenis Feromon Organik Sebagai Atraktan Lalat Buah Pada Tanaman Cabai Fendi Andiko; Muhammad Indar Pramudi; Samharinto Soedijo
JURNAL PROTEKSI TANAMAN TROPIKA Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Edisi 6(1): Februari 2023
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jptt.v6i1.1695


Red chili (Capsicum annuum L.) is a commodity that has high economic value, but the potential loss experienced in chili cultivation is also quite high, because chili is quite vulnerable to fruit fly pests. This study aims to determine the response of fruit flies to the use of pheromones derived from various kinds of fruit peels and flesh added with yeast (organic pheromones). This research took place on chili farmers' land located in the village of Tambak Langsat, West Ulin Platform, Banjarbaru City. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with 11 treatments including the control. The results showed that the treatment given organic pheromones was able to trap fruit flies. Of all the pheromones that were most effective at getting lots of fruit flies was the chili pheromone (0.2 ml) with a catch of 25 individuals and for organic pheromones that were less effective was the mango pheromone (0.2 ml) with a catch of 4 individuals. The type of fruit fly B. dorsalis dominates of the four species with the Diversity Index (H´) of fruit flies being classified as moderate, namely 1.1082, the Dominance Index (D) being high 1 and for fruit flies dominating B. dorsalis.
Agroecosystem Management on Green Mustard Plants in Wetlands during Dry Season Ilhamiyah Ilhamiyah; Salamiah Salamiah; Samharinto Samharinto; Hakimah Halim
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management Vol 7, No 1 (2019): January-June
Publisher : Center for Journal Management and Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (445.628 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jwem.v7i1.189


This research aimed to find a pattern of agroecosystem management that can increase arthropod diversity, production, and Return Cost Ratio (RCR) values in organic wetlands planted during the dry season.  This research was set in Randomized Block Design (RAK) with seven treatments and five repetitions, namely:  1) Intercropping  between green mustard  and basil, with chicken manure and without Bacillus thuringiensis;  2) Intercropping between green mustard and basil with water hyacinth compost, and without B. thuringiensis;  3)  intercropping between green mustard and leek, given water hyacinth compost, and without application B. thuringiensis;  4)Intercropping between green mustard  and leek, given chicken manure, and without application B. thuringiensis;  5) Intercropping between green mustard and leek, given chicken manure, and given B. thuringensis application, doubled of recommended dosage; 6) Intercropping between green mustard and leek with chicken manure, and B. thuringensis application according to recommended dosage; 7) Monoculture of green mustard without organic fertilizer and without the application B. thuringiensis.  From this research, it was concluded that the pattern of agroecosystem management of green mustard that can increase arthropod diversity in organic wetlands planted during dry season was the intercropping treatment between green mustard with basil, together with chicken manure and without B. thuringiensis. Meanwhile, the pattern of agroecosystem management of green mustard that can increase the production of green mustard and RCR value on the organic wetlands planted in the dry season was the intercropping treatment between green mustard with leek, together with chicken manure, and without B. thuringiensis.