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Journal : Indonesia Berdaya

Sosialisasi Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi dalam Program Merdeka Belajar di SMP Gajah Mada Medan Beslina Afriani Siagian; Sri Natalia Situmorang; Roida Siburian; Angelin Sihombing; Ruth Yuni Ria Harefa; Suci Ramadhani; Alexandra Sitorus
Indonesia Berdaya Vol 3, No 2: February-April 2022
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/ib.2022227


The purpose of this service is to help each student grow as much as possible according to his abilities and help each teacher know the progress of each student and the development of the class as a whole. One of the social problems faced during the COVID-19 pandemic is the decline in students' motivation and interest in participating in learning. The online system using the application is not enough to help students increase student motivation. This PkM activity will be held on February 2-26, 2022, at: 13.30 - 15.30 WIB which is located at the Gajah Private Junior High School Medan. The number of students as the PkM implementation team is 6 people, the priority is for Class VII, VIII-A, VIII-B SMP students. The first time the implementation was carried out for 2 hours and for 3 meetings by conducting briefing and teaching to students in grades VII, VIII-A, VIII-B of SMP Swasta Gajah Medan. The impact obtained from this PkM are various types of positive activities that can be carried out in encouraging student interest in learning and also activities that foster students' communication ethics, as well as generate creativity in developing the potential of each student in a social and social environment
Meningkatkan Budaya Literasi Siswa SD Swasta HKBP Sidorame Melalui Perkenalan Adat dan Budaya Indonesia dan Republik Ceko Elza Leyli Lisnora Saragih; Rolan Manurung; Beslina Afriani Siagian; Harlen Simanjuntak; Tigor Sitohang
Indonesia Berdaya Vol 3, No 4: August-October 2022
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/ib.2022301


The purpose of this community service is to increase knowledge and experience regarding the language, customs and culture of the Czech Republic, which of course will be very different from Indonesia. The method used in this service is the method of preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The activity was carried out using the Active, Creative, Effective, and Fun Learning model so that elementary school students felt more comfortable and less tense in following the explanations of students from the Czech Republic. Community Service is held for 2 meetings with a time of 3 hours 1 meeting so that students get to know FKIP lecturers and students as well as students from the Czech Republic so that students at SD HKBP Sidoprame Medan are more free to ask questions and easily understand the culture and customs of the Czech Republic. The evaluation of the introduction of Indonesian and Czech cultural customs got good or satisfactory results, so that this service had a positive impact on the students of SD HKBP Sidorame Medan. This is because after listening to direct explanations from CULS students about the education system in the Czech Republic, students become more enthusiastic in learning so they can study higher in the Czech Republic. Students of SD HKBP Sidorame Medan also have a better understanding of tolerance and have high empathy such as being easy to help and willing to listen to others
Co-Authors Adella Girsang Alexandra Sitorus Ance S.N. Siregar Angelin Sihombing Anita Theresia Saragih Bangun, Kartini Banurea, Enda Gloria N.M Bella Maya Sitorus Christina Sitepu Depa, Ade Tria Desi Amelia Sitanggang Devitasari Purba Diana Mawati Fransiska Nainggolan Drs. Pontas Jamaluddin Sitorus Elida Gries Simbolon Elza L.L. Saragih Elza Leyli Lisnora Saragih Evi Bunga Rosari Tumanggor Harefa, Ruth Yuni Ria Harry Maruli Siagian Hasibuan, Ronald Hendro Yoni Ganda Imelda Butar Butar Kartini Bangun Lesnaria Br Girsang Manalu, Elsa Novianti Manalu, Risdayanti Br Manik, Helmi Nofitawina Manik, Ruth Valentina Monalisa Frince S Mulyadi Mulyadi Munthe, Alfonsus Rikardo Natalia Perbina Br Tarigan Nia Rusadi Silalahi Nia Rusadi Silalahi Nove Lastri Situmorang Nurhayati Sitorus Nurhayati Sitorus Nurhayati Sitorus Nurilam Harianja P Jamaluddin Sitorus Pontas J. Sitorus Pontas J. Sitorus Pontas Jamaluddin Sitorus Pontas Jamaludin Sitorus Popy Agustina Doloksaribu Pujiono, Mhd. Purba, Rosalinda Rachel Sidabutar Roida Siburian Rolan Manurung Rosalina Damayanti Pasaribu Ruth Yuni Ria Harefa Sara Sidabutar Saragih, Elza Leyli Lisnora Saragih, Ita Meylina Sarma Panggabean Sarma Panggabean Sentaria Pasaribu Shindi Englida Togito Aritonang Shinta Uly Monalisa Sihombing Sidebang, Elisabet Silitonga, Febri Dungo Silvia Julinda Hutajulu Silvia Julinda Hutajulu Simanjuntak, Harlen Simanjutak, Harlen Sinaga, Fransandy Sintia Kaisya Siregar, Golda Novatrasio Sauduran Sitohang, Tigor Sitorus, Pontas J. Sri Natalia Situmorang Suci Ramadhani Tarigan, Dewi Maya Widia Oktavia Manurung Windi Asria Lumbangaol Yohanna Tampubolon Yuniarta Hutasoit Yurni Kristina Pakpahan