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Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jpt.v7i1.1884


The role of coastal communities in the preservation of coral reefs is an important thing to supporting the sustainable management of coastal areas. This article is objected to determine the coastal communities’ role in the management of coral reefs in water conservation areas and the level of knowledge of the coastal communities about the importance of protecting coastal ecosystems. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires, direct interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and the results were elaborated based on descriptive analysis. The results showed that the community had begun to realize how important it is to protect coral reefs for the sustainability of fisheries and other benefits of coral reefs. Healthy reefs provide many benefits to people including improving the economy of the community and increasing tourists. Community awareness is shown by their participation in activities that lead to the conservation and management of coral reefs such as transplantation of coral reefs, beach cleaning, banner making, tree planting and provision of trash bins along the coast. Those who knew the benefits and functions of coral reefs both for increasing fish populations, increasing tourists and improving the economy of the community, as well as other benefits of coral reefs for the coastal areas, was 74.5%. The role of community in the aspects of coastal and marine ecosystems management was high, as many as 72% of the community participate in every coastal and marine ecosystem management activity carried out by the government and local NGOs.
TEKNOLOGI PENANGANAN DAN PENGAWETAN DI ATAS KAPAL PADA NELAYAN KABUPATEN ACEH BARAT Nabila Ukhty; Ikhsanul Khairi; Nurul Najmi; Mira Mauliza Rahmi; Heriansyah; Samsul Bahri; Yasrizal
Jurnal Ilmiah Tatengkorang Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Tatengkorang
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Politeknik Negeri Nusa Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54484/tkrg.v5i2.415


Teknik penanganan dan pengawetan ikan merupakan hal penting yang harusdilakukan dalam indsutri perikanan. Tujuan dari penanganan dan pengawetan ini yaitu menjagakualitas ikan hingga ke tangan konsumen. Kegiatan penanganan harus dilaksanakan dari huludan hilir, yaitu dari kegiatan penangkapan hingga ke pengolahan menjadi produk. Penanganandan pengawetan yang tepat dan baik dapat menghasilkan komoditas yang prima, nilai jual yangtinggi, dan dapat memperluas akses pasar. Hal ini secara tidak langsung berpotensimeningkatkan pendapatan nelayan. Kegiatan sosialiasi dilaksanakan di aula Dinas Kelautandan Perikanan (DKP) Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Tujuan kegiatan ini dilaksanakan yaitu untukmemberikan pemahaman kepada nelayan terkait cara penanganan ikan yang baik di atas kapaldan teknik pengawetan yang bisa dilakukan di atas kapal. Sosialisasi dilaksanakan dua sesi.Sesi pertama memaparkan teknologi penanganan di atas kapal dan sesi kedua teknologipengawetan di atas kapal. Kegiatan sosialisasi ditutup dengan sesi diskusi bersama paranelayan, pada sesi ini banyak informasi-informasi yang diterima dari neayan terkait kondisi dilapangan (laut), sehingga dapat menjadi masukan untuk kami dalam mencari solusi terbaikuntuk para nelayan di Aceh Barat. Salah satu solusi yang diberikan yaitu, mendesign ulangruang palka dengan dengan menambahkan alufo pada bagian insulator palka sehingga bisadimanfaatkan secara optimal dan lebih memperhatikan rasio jumlah es dan ikan selamapenyimpanan di atas kapal sehingga dapat mempertahankan mutu ikan hingga ikan didaratkan. Fish handling and preservation techniques are important things that must be applied in thefisheries industry. The purpose of this handling and preservation is to maintain the quality ofthe fish until it reaches the consumer. Handling activities must be carried out from upstreamand downstream, namely from fishing activities to processing into products. Proper and goodhandling and preservation could produce prime commodities, high selling value, and expandmarket access. This indirectly has the potential to increase fishermen’s income. Thesocialization activity was carried out in the hall of the Department of Marine Affairs andFisheries (DKP) of West Aceh Regency. The purpose of this activity is to provide fishermenwith an understanding of how to properly handle fish on board and preservation techniquesthat can be applied on board. The socialization was held in two sessions. The first sessionpresented onboard handling technology and the second session preservation technology on board. The socialization activity was closed with a discussion session with the fishermen, inthis session a lot of information was received from fishermen regarding conditions in the field,so that it could be input in finding the best solution for fishermen in West Aceh. One solutiongiven is to redesign the hatch space by adding aluminum foil to the insulator of the hatch sothat it can be used optimally and pay more attention to the ratio of the amount of ice and fishduring storage on the boat so that it can maintain the quality of the fish until the fish is landed.
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jpt.v7i1.1884


The role of coastal communities in the preservation of coral reefs is an important thing to supporting the sustainable management of coastal areas. This article is objected to determine the coastal communities’ role in the management of coral reefs in water conservation areas and the level of knowledge of the coastal communities about the importance of protecting coastal ecosystems. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires, direct interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and the results were elaborated based on descriptive analysis. The results showed that the community had begun to realize how important it is to protect coral reefs for the sustainability of fisheries and other benefits of coral reefs. Healthy reefs provide many benefits to people including improving the economy of the community and increasing tourists. Community awareness is shown by their participation in activities that lead to the conservation and management of coral reefs such as transplantation of coral reefs, beach cleaning, banner making, tree planting and provision of trash bins along the coast. Those who knew the benefits and functions of coral reefs both for increasing fish populations, increasing tourists and improving the economy of the community, as well as other benefits of coral reefs for the coastal areas, was 74.5%. The role of community in the aspects of coastal and marine ecosystems management was high, as many as 72% of the community participate in every coastal and marine ecosystem management activity carried out by the government and local NGOs.
Jurnal Marine Kreatif Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmk.v5i2.4484


Plastic waste in the sea is a global problem that directly harms the marine environment (damaging marine ecosystems and threatening the lives of marine organisms), and can indirectly interfere with human health and life. This activity aims to provide knowledge to students at State Elementary School 6 Meulaboh West Aceh about the impact of plastic waste on the marine environment and human life indirectly, as well as instilling an awareness of the importance of keeping the sea clean from an early age. This activity was carried out using the lecture method and interactive discussion with the students of State Elementary School 6 Meulaboh West Aceh. The output of this activity is to increase the awareness of elementary school students about the importance of keeping the marine environment clean and not littering. At the end of the activity, the distribution of tumblers and trash cans was carried out to minimize the use of plastic and provide a garbage disposal container at State Elementary School 6 Meulaboh. With this educational activity, students have been provided with knowledge from an early age about the importance of keeping the marine environment clean from plastic waste, so that in students there is a passion not to throw garbage into the sea or that ends up in the sea because of the large environmental impact that will arise if the polluted sea.
TEKNOLOGI PENANGANAN DAN PENGAWETAN DI ATAS KAPAL PADA NELAYAN KABUPATEN ACEH BARAT Ikhsanul Khairi; Nabila Ukhty; Nurul Najmi; Mira Mauliza Rahmi; Heriansyah Heriansyah; Samsul Bahri; Yasrizal Yasrizal
Jurnal Marine Kreatif Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmk.v5i2.4487


Fish handling and preservation  techniques are important things that must be applied in the fisheries industry. The purpose of this handling and preservation is to maintain the quality of the fish until it reaches the consumer. Handling activities must be carried out from upstream and downstream, namely from fishing activities to processing into products. Proper and good handling and preservation could produce prime commodities, high selling value, and expand market   access.  This  indirectly   has  the  potential   to  increase  fishermen’s   income.  The socialization  activity  was carried  out in the hall of the Department  of Marine  Affairs  and Fisheries (DKP) of West Aceh Regency. The purpose of this activity is to provide fishermen with an understanding of how to properly handle fish on board and preservation techniques that can be applied on board. The socialization  was held in two sessions. The first session presented  onboard handling technology  and the second session preservation  technology  on board. The socialization activity was closed with a discussion session with the fishermen, in this session a lot of information was received from fishermen regarding conditions in the field, so that it could be input in finding the best solution for fishermen in West Aceh. One solution given is to redesign the hatch space by adding aluminum foil to the insulator of the hatch so that it can be used optimally and pay more attention to the ratio of the amount of ice and fish during storage on the boat so that it can maintain the quality of the fish until the fish is landed.
Jurnal Marine Kreatif Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmk.v5i1.4654


One of the most visited tourist attractions in Nagan Raya Regency is the Naga Permai beach area. The beautiful natural panorama makes the Naga Permai beach area a tourist attraction. The high number of tourists is inversely proportional to the quality of the coastline which is increasingly being eroded by abrasion, so more efforts are needed from the local government and also the community in protecting the coast from the threat of increasingly severe abrasion. The purpose of this activity is to provide socialization about the importance of managing coastal areas from the threat of large waves and fast coastal currents, as well as to provide an overview and consequences that will arise in the future if large waves and heavy currents are not anticipated and watched out for and provide direct examples to the community on how to maintain coastal areas in order to reduce the impact of abrasion. This service will be carried out using an approach method with lectures / mentoring. While the steps to solve these problems are by doing examples of social service. The output obtained is the emergence of awareness and initiative from café owners and visitors to maintain and preserve the shoreline from abrasion.
MITIGASI PERUBAHAN IKLIM MELALUI PENANAMAN MANGROVE DI DESA LHOK BUBON KECAMATAN SAMATIGA KABUPATEN ACEH BARAT Mira Mauliza Rahmi; Nabil Zurba; Dini Islama; Friyuanita Lubis; Mai Suriani; Neneng Marlian; Ikhsanul Khairi; M. Arif Nasution; Zulfadhli Zulfadhli
Marine Kreatif Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmk.v6i1.5532


Mitigation of climate change is a business activity to reduce the risk of increasing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, gases can occur naturally in the environment and can also arise due to human activities. Mangroves are carbon-rich ecosystems and have an important role in climate regulation, namely by their ability to store large amounts of carbon as an effort to offset anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Mangrove ecosystems are able to store high carbon which is useful in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, mangrove ecosystems are also able to store carbon three to four times greater than ordinary tropical forests. The activity was carried out in Lhok Bubon Village, Samatiga District, West Aceh District. This activity was attended by the academic community of FPIK UTU with 50 participants. The method of implementing community service activities used was counseling and demonstration methods with students through planting 100 mangrove stems, namely Rhizopora sp. Protecting the mangrove ecosystem is our common awareness, especially students as the next generation of the nation, one of which is by not cutting down mangrove trees to be used as firewood or charcoal, opening up ponds and destroying the original habitat of mangrove ecosystems that can disrupt coastal aquatic biota. Students are given education (counseling) about the importance of conserving mangrove ecosystems from the threat of climate change mitigation. Students are very enthusiastic and active, it can be seen from the seriousness in participating in mangrove planting activities through discussions, questions and answers, and hands-on practice. Sustainability of a program like this is needed and efforts are made to become a routine program of gampong activities, NGO activities and also academic activities, because with sustainability it will be faster to see the results that have been expected together.
Struktur Populasi Gastropoda (Terebralia palustris) Di Area Ekowisata Mangrove Gampong Baro Kabupaten Aceh Jaya Fitriani Fitriani; Mai Suriani; Samsul Bahri; Mohamad Gazali; Mira Mauliza Rahmi
Jurnal Laot Ilmu Kelautan Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Laot Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jlik.v4i1.4921


ABSTRAKEkowisata mangrove Gampong Baro mempunyai beberapa tempat yang dapat dikunjungi, bentuk dari aktivitas kunjungan ini secara langsung memberikan dampak terhadap  beberapa jenis biota pada ekologi mangrove adalah jenis Gastropoda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Bulan Oktober 2021-Januari 2022 di area mangrove Gampong Baro Kabupaten Aceh Jaya Provinsi Aceh, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kepadatan, distribusi ukuran dan pola distribusi dari Terebralia palustris. Pengambilan data dilakukan di 3 stasiun pengamatan dengan menggunakan metode transek kuadrat. Pada setiap stasiun pengamatan di pasanng  plot utama ukuran 10 x 10 m untuk pengambilan data mangrove dan disetiap plot utama dibuat subplot ukuran 1 x 1 m  untuk pengambilan data gastropoda.  Hasil  dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa kepadatan Terebralia palustris bernilai antara 4-16 ind/m2, ukuran sebaran Terebralia palustris berkisar antara 3-12,3 cm. Indeks pola distribusi sebaran adalah Id<1 yang artinya pola sebarannya merata/seragam. Hubungan kerapatan mangrove dengan kelimpahan gastropoda Terebralia palustris antar stasiun dianalisis menggunakan Regresi Linear Sederhana diperoleh nilai r= 0,9663, yang berarti memiliki korelasi yang sangat kuat antara kepadatan gastropoda Terebralia palustris dengan kepadatan mangrove
GERAKAN MENANAM BIBIT MANGROVE (Rhizophora sp) SEBAGAI UPAYA REHABILITASI EKOSISTEM MANGROVE DI DESA KUALA BUBON ACEH BARAT Neneng Marlian; Nabil Zurba; Mira Mauliza Rahmi; Fryuanita Lubis; Fitria Rahmayanti; Dewi Fithria
Marine Kreatif Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmk.v6i2.6550


Mangrove rehabilitation is an activity to restore damaged mangrove ecosystems into an ecosystem that functions as it should. The mangrove rehabilitation program is an ongoing program consisting of site surveys, outreach to the community, planting of mangrove seedlings, and post-planting maintenance of mangrove seedlings. This community service was carried out on February 20, 2022 in Kuala Bubon Village, West Aceh Regency. This activity was attended by the academic community of the Aquatic Resources Study Program and the local community who live in Kuala Bubon Village. The implementation of community service aimed  to increase public and student awareness to preserve the mangrove ecosystem and restore degraded mangrove ecosystems through rehabilitation. The method used  is the counseling methode and live demonstration in the field. The mangrove rehabilitation program carried out by the academic community of the Aquatic Resources Study Program through the mangrove rehabilitation program has had an effect on increasing public and student awareness in an effort to preserve the mangrove ecosystem and restore the function of the damaged mangrove ecosystem through replanting mangrove seedlings and maintaining post-planting mangrove seedlings.
VARIABILITY ANALYSIS OF CHLOROPHYLL-A DISTRIBUTION ON THE COAST OF SOUTHWEST ACEH USING AQUA MODIS IMAGE Mai Suriani; Mira Mauliza Rahmi; Ika Kusumawati; Dini Islama; Astrid Fauzia Dewinta; Heriansyah Heriansyah
Asian Journal of Aquatic Sciences Vol 5 No 2 (2022): August 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ajoas.5.2.285-290


Chlorophyll-a has an important role in determining the trophic status and estimation of the fertility level of water. The aim of this study was to analyze the variability of the concentration of chlorophyll-a on the coast of Southwest Aceh. This study uses remote sensing technology using Aqua MODIS imagery, the image used is an annual Level 3 Standard Mapped Image (SMI) chlorophyll-a image with a period of 7 years from 2015 to 2021 and has a spatial resolution of 4 km. The image is processed using software, namely SeaDAS and ArcMap. The results of this study showed that the distribution of the highest annual chlorophyll-a concentration was in 2019 at 0.29 – 2.27 mg/m3, and the lowest chlorophyll-a concentration was found in 2020 ranging from 0.29 – 1.02 mg/m3. The average concentration of chlorophyll-a in Southwest Aceh waters for 7 years (2015-2021) shows a low chlorophyll-a concentration ranging from 0.29 to 1.22 mg/m3 and belongs to oligotrophic and mesotrophic waters