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Matrik : Jurnal Manajemen, Strategi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Volume 12 Nomor 2 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.006 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/MATRIK:JMBK.2018.v12.i02.p06


ABSTRACT Business environment are facing rapid and often uncertainty. Surviving in these turbulent situations will be possible in organization have the essential capabilities, known as agility. This study investigated the relationship between corporate culture, knowledge sharing, and organizational agility. Survey data was collected from 394 respondens from three organization. Multiple regression was used to assess the research model. According to the regression analyses, corporate culture influence on knowledge sharing and whether more leads to organizaitional agility, simultaneously. Potential avenues for further research are explored. Keywords: agility, corporate culture, knowledge sharing
Social Capital sebagai Mediator antara Trust dan Knowledge Sharing Studi Empiris di Minimarket Sri Raharso
Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha Vol. 15 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (681.229 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/jmm.v15i2.19


The objective of this study is to identify the relation between trust, social capital, and knowledge sharing of mini market employee in Bandung. Employee have to depend on trust in their cooperative activities to justify their expected benefits from the knowledge sharing. Hence, cooperative act as mediator between trust and knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing is an activity through which knowledge (namely, information, skills, or expertise) is exchanged among people, friends, families, communities or organizations; they are social processedfacilitated by social capital. The results of the analysis highlight significance relationship between trust – knowledge sharing and trust – knowledge sharing via social capital as mediator. As a result, trust is highly overrated as a main driver of knowledge sharing. Hence, social capital plays important role in knowledge sharing process, not trust.Keywords: trust, social capital, knowledge sharing
Penentu Perilaku Knowledge Sharing Para Karyawan Minimarket: Pendekatan Kualitatif Sri Raharso; Sri Surjani Tjahjawati
Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha Vol. 14 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (247.446 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/jmm.v14i1.72


ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to explore factors affecting knowledge sharing behaviour of workers in the minimarket’s organization in West Java. Knowledge sharing behaviour is the degree to which knowledge worker actuallyshares knowledge with other members of his/her organization. Based on the theory of planned behaviour, we tried to explore determinants of knowledge sharing in minimarket setting. Structural interview was then use to get the factors thatpromote knowledge sharing. This research identified behavioral and psycho-sociotechnological determinants as enablers of knowledge sharing activity.Keywords: knowledge sharing, behavioral, psycho-socio-technological, minimarket
Pengembangan Pembelajaran Kearsipan Melalui Pelatihan Electronic Filing System (EFS) dengan Program IWSM di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Ma'mun Sutisna; Titin Suhaeni; Maya Setiawardani; Mukaram Mukaram; Sri Raharso; Ermina Tiorida; Harmon Harmon
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam
Publisher : Pusat P2M Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/abdimas.v2i1.1875


The review of Vocational High School Curriculum 2013 in 2017 brought significant changes to the learning process at the Vocational High School level, it is a change of the expertise competency name that was originally an Office Administration into Automation and Office Governance (AOG). There is a subject in the AOG expertise competency, Archive, which is included in the Basic Subject Group of Expertise Program (C2). In the syllabus of archival subjects, which were originally only manual archiving not only containing manual archive management but also the application of electronic archive management. According to the new topic, teachers do not have competence in the field yet, therefore the training is needed. The purpose of this training is to improve teacher’s competence in the field of Electronic Filing System (EFS) by using the Scan Manager program. This training lasts for five days on the campus, and one week on the field under the guidance of a lecturer at the Business Administration program, Politeknik Negeri Bandung. The result of the training showed that the attendance of participants in the training was 95%, the mastery of training material before and after was 97.6%, and all participants as many as 16 people were declared competent, 2 people were quite competent and entitled to get the certificate. Electronic Filing System (EFS) competency improvement training to maximize the teaching of e-filing with the Scan Manager program in vocational high schools, can be done well and reach suggestions in accordance with the proposals.
Program Kemitraan Masyarakat: Pembuatan Identitas Merek dan Pembinaan Penerapan Branding untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Usaha Mikro Kuliner Kupat Tahu Padalarang di Kecamatan Batujajar Tintin Suhaeni; Sri Raharso; Ivon Sandya Sari Putri; Abdul Malik Sayuti; Tangguh Dwi Pramono; Marceilla Suryana; Chandra Budhi Septiyandi
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam
Publisher : Pusat P2M Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/abdimas.v2i2.2528


This community partnership program aims to develop the Kupat Tahu Padalarang business in Kecamatan Batujajar, Jawa Barat by building a business brand identity, personal branding, excellent service, and good customer communication. The survey was conducted to obtain information on brand awareness, business conditions, and customer satisfaction before and after the program was implemented. The creation of a business brand identity starts with creating logo, banner, product packaging, employee uniforms, and structuring the business environment. Personal branding itself is created through the development of excellent service and good and friendly customer communication. Business brands that have been created have also been registered to protect business actors from imitating them. The brand is a capital that can be developed by business actors to be used in promotion on social media in order to increase business brand equity
Peremajaan Merek Melalui Redesign Logo Usaha & Kemasan Wajit Cililin Tintin Suhaeni; Ivon Sandya Sari Putri; Ira Siti Sarah; Abdul Malik Sayuti; Maya Setiawardani; Sri Raharso; Harmon Chaniago
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam
Publisher : Pusat P2M Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/abdimas polibatam.v3i2.3443


Intense competition, uncertain market conditions, and social and lifestyle factors are often the reasons why a brand must always keep up with the times, either by changing some aspects of the brand partially or totally. Brands that experience stagnation or even losses have to be decided whether to be dismissed or retained. If the choice is maintained, then brand rejuvenation can be an alternative. Brand rejuvenation is an attempt to bring a brand that can’t make money into money-making with new positioning. Our partners, Wajit Cililin craftsman, have started their business decades ago. Since the business was founded, not many changes and innovations have been made in terms of supply so that partners are currently experiencing a phase of stagnation in their business. For this reason, the team offers a solution, namely a brand rejuvenation assistance program. The output of this program, in addition to the report, is also in the form of a scientific article, a scientific poster, and registration of intellectual property rights in the form of partners’ brands. Specifically, this program will produce logo and packaging designs for partners, to the point that the packaging is ready to use according to the design plan. The program consisted of a series of activities begins with a pre-survey to see the latest conditions of partners, personal interviews with potential partners to raise priority needs for which solutions will be made, literature studies to enrich to theoretical foundations of packaging design, surveys to get the preference of consumers, packaging design, packaging production process and evaluation of consumer perceptions of the logo and packaging that has been made.