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Realisasi Pronomina dalam Bahasa Mooi: Analisis Tipologi Morfologi Winci Firdaus
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa
Publisher : Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (151.035 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/rnh.v7i2.496


This study on relation of pronouns and affixation discusses about pronouns structure and affixes usage in Mooi language. Pronouns structures in Mooi language include personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, interrogative pronouns and demonstrative pronouns. The pronouns forms in Mooi language recognize gender forms and will experience sound changes if they are side by side with the first, second and third personal pronouns. On the other hand, affixations in Mooi language include preffixes, confixes, time marker confixes and personal confixes. The method used in this research is synchronic descriptif method, and the data collecting technique is spoken and listening technique. The data analysis technique is generalisation analysis technique that include several stages of forms and units determination in the corpus to morphology generalisation examination. ABSTRAKKajian tentang relasi pronomina dan afiksasi ini membahas tentang struktur kata ganti dan penggunaan afiks pada bahasa Mooi. Struktur kata ganti pada bahasa Mooi meliputi pronomina persona, pronomina milik, pronomina penanya dan pronomina penujuk. Bentuk pronomina dalam bahasa Mooi mengenal bentuk gender dan akan mengalami perubahan bunyi apabila berdampingan dengan kata ganti orang ke I, II, dan III. Sedangkan afikasasi pada bahasa Mooi meliputi prefiks, konfiks, konfiks penanda waktu dan konfiks persona. Metode yang digunakan dalam peneltian ini adalah metode deskriptif sinkronis, dengan teknik pengumpulan data adalah teknik cakap dan simak. Teknik analisis data yaitu teknik analisis generalisasi yang meliputi beberapa tahapan dari penentuan bentuk dan satuan dalam korpus sampai pada pemeriksaan generalisasi morfologi.
Kekuasaan Semantik dalam Analisis Wacana Kritis Debat Capres-Cawapres Wati Kurniawati; Ririen Ekoyanantiasih; Santy Yulianti; Menuk Hardaniawati; S. S.T. Wisnu Sasangka; Winci Firdaus
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa
Publisher : Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/rnh.v11i1.4966


The use of language in relation to the ideology brought by the party in its political speech is important to study in relation to the life of the nation and state. The formulation of the problem in this research is how to use the language of politicians based on semantic power. The purpose of this study is to identify the language of politicians in terms of semantic power. This research uses descriptive and qualitative research methods. The data is taken from transcripts of Jokowi-Amin and Probowo-Sandiaga political speeches. The results showed that speech texts produced by political party figures had utilized linguistic features, such as text structure, vocabulary, language style or figure of speech, sentences, cohesion, coherence, transitivity, and pronouns. Textually, discourse and social show semantic features that are used to launch a social process: the formation of a positive image of a party in fighting for the interests of the people. The social processes and practices channeled by the political party figures are closely related to their social background, politics, and cultural values in particular and Indonesia in general. Verbal discourse in Jokowi-Amin, Prabowo-Sandiaga speeches was expressed in the form of a series of transitive active sentences and intransitive active sentences. Sentences that are expressed are sentences in the form of invitation sentences, exclamatory sentences, sentences of hope, sentences of promises, and sentences of statements. The speech discourses expressed by the orators also contain the use of language styles, namely hyperbole, metaphor, personification, and repetition. AbstrakPenggunaan bahasa yang berkaitan dengan ideologi yang dibawa oleh partai dalam pidato politiknya sangat penting untuk dikaji, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini ialah bagaimana penggunaan bahasa para politikus berdasarkan kekuasaan semantik. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengidentifikasi bahasa para politikus yang ditinjau dari kekuasaan semantik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dan kualitatif. Data diambil dari transkrip pidato politik Jokowi-Amin dan Probowo-Sandiaga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teks pidato yang diproduksi oleh tokoh-tokoh partai politik telah memanfaatkan fitur-fitur linguistik, seperti struktur teks, kosakata, gaya bahasa atau majas, kalimat, kohesi, koherensi, ketransitifan, dan kata ganti. Secara tekstual, wacana dalam pidato politik tersebut menunjukkan fitur-fitur semantik yang digunakan untuk melancarkan suatu proses sosial: pembentukan citra positif suatu partai dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat. Proses dan praktis sosial yang disalurkan oleh tokoh-tokoh partai politik tersebut berkaitan erat dengan latar belakang sosial, politik, dan budaya mereka. Wacana verbal dalam pidato Jokowi--Amin, Prabowo--Sandiaga diekspresikan dalam bentuk rangkaian kalimat aktif transitif dan kalimat aktif intransitif. Kalimat-kalimat yang diungkapan adalah kalimat yang berbentuk kalimat ajakan, kalimat seruan, kalimat harapan, kalimat janji, dan kalimat pernyataan. Wacana pidato yang diungkapkan oleh para orator tersebut juga mengandung pemakaian gaya bahasa, yaitu gaya bahasa hiperbola, metafora, personifikasi, dan repetisi.
REPRESENTASI BUDAYA DALAM NOVEL BOENGA ROOS DARI TJIKEMBANG Syihaabul Hudaa; Ahmad Bahtiar; Novi Diah Haryanti; Winci Firdaus
JENTERA: Jurnal Kajian Sastra Vol 10, No 1 (2021): Jentera: Jurnal Kajian Sastra
Publisher : Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/jentera.v10i1.3316


Novel bukan hanya menyajikan unsur seni, melainkan unsur budaya, sejarah, dan nilai estetik lainnya melalui bahasa. Akan tetapi, tidak semua pembaca menemukan nilai tersebut dan sekadar menikmati cerita yang dituliskan oleh penulisnya. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk menemukan nilai budaya apa saja yang terdapat di dalam novel Boenga Roos dari Tjikembang karya Kwee Tek Hoay yang merupakan keturunan Tionghoa. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam jenis kualitatif deskriptif di mana peneliti memaparkan hasil penelitiannya menggunakan teks secara deskriptif. Kemudian, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan di dalam penelitian berupa analisis isi dengan memfokuskan pada novel dengan melakukan kajian objektif. Kajian objektif dipilih karena peneliti dapat menelaah secara mendalam nilai-nilai yang terdapat di dalam novel tersebut. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, ditemukan unsur kebudayaan Sunda, Jawa, dan Tionghoa dalam novel Boenga Roos dari Tjikembang.
Linguistik Indonesia Vol 40, No 2 (2022): Linguistik Indonesia
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/li.v40i2.341


Markers of the identity of a group can be seen from the language and culture. A group that lives in an area usually names its territory using their language and cultural characteristics of the place. However, heterogeneity in Indonesia society makes the naming of regions experience changes and shifts over time. This can be seen from the naming of the administrative area in Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Province. As a border area between Indonesia and Malaysia, the naming of administrative areas becomes necessary and important to be preserved as an identity marker. In this regard, this study explores the naming of administrative areas in Sanggau Regency. This study aims to describe the pattern of naming administrative areas as language documentation, explore identity markers in naming administrative areas, and preserve language and cultural characteristics in naming administrative areas. The research method is based on toponymy research with descriptive qualitative analysis. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and interviews. The research data includes the naming of sub-village, village, and districts in Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Province. The research respondents were 50 people who were selected proportionally based on their language and ethnicity. The results of this study are the naming of administrative areas in Sanggau Regency has several semantic categories, such as fruit, rivers, trees or plants, places, people, ethnics, objects, and animals. In terms of language, the naming of the administrative area in Sanggau Regency comes from Malay, Dayak, Javanese, and Indonesian. This result was obtained from local knowledge, although not all administrative area names were explored. The number of administrative areas that have not been explored makes language documentation efforts need to be followed up by the local government. 
Topik Perkara Pelanggaran Pasal 27 UU ITE di Wilayah Hukum Nusa Tenggara Timur: Analisis Wacana Kritis (Topics of Violations of Article 27 of the ITE Law in the East Nusa Tenggara Legal Territory: Critical Discourse Analysis) Salimulloh Tegar Sanubarianto; Winci Firdaus
Indonesian Language Education and Literature Vol 8, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/ileal.v8i1.11286


This study aims to describe the topic of cases of violations of Article 27 of the ITE Law in the jurisdiction of East Nusa Tenggara through the corpus with the help of AntConc software. The results of the study show personal pronouns of the second-person singular and greeting words such as kau, kamu, saudara, lu, anjing, lelak, puki, nona, pukimai, babi, pelacur, mai, wanita, lonte, betina, situ, tolo, perempuan, ular, lasu, Yang Mulia, nyong, anak, dan laknat, predominately appear in the corpus. The second-person singular personal pronouns and greeting words that appear are mostly associated with women. The results of the collocation and concordance analysis show that the topic of infidelity is the main and very dominant topic, followed by the topic of inheritance rights and conflict at work. It is necessary to conduct research with a much larger corpus of data so that potential conflicts in the digital world can be mapped and mitigated.Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan topik perkara pelanggaran Pasal 27 UU ITE di wilayah hukum Nusa Tenggara Timur melalui korpus dengan bantuan peranti lunak AntConc. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan pronomina persona orang kedua tunggal dan kata sapaan seperti kau, kamu, saudara, lu, anjing, lelak, puki, nona, pukimai, babi, pelacur, mai, wanita, lonte, betina, situ, tolo, perempuan, ular, lasu, Yang Mulia, nyong, anak, dan laknat, secara dominan muncul dalam korpus. Pronomina persona orang kedua tunggal dan kata sapaan yang muncul pun kebanyakan berasosiasi dengan perempuan. Hasil analisis kolokasi dan konkordansi menunjukkan bahwa topik perselingkuhan menjadi topik utama dan sangat dominan, disusul topik hak waris, dan konflik dalam pekerjaan. Perlu dilakukan penelitian dengan data korpus yang jauh lebih besar sehingga potensi konflik di dunia digital dapat dipetakan dan diredam.
Students’ Literacy Skills and Quality of Textbooks in Indonesian Elementary Schools E. Oos M. Anwas; Anggi Afriansyah; Khofifa Najma Iftitah; Winci Firdaus; Yuni Sugiarti; Evi Supandi; Deni Hadiana
International Journal of Language Education Vol. 6, No. 3, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/ijole.v6i3.32756


Purpose of the study:  to find out: 1) basic literacy skills (ability to read, write and count) elementary school early grades students; (2) quality of textbooks in aspects of content, presentation, language, and graphic design; and (3) The significance of the relationship between the quality of textbooks and students' basic literacy skills.Methodology: This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. It was conducted in eight provinces in Indonesia. The sampling technique used stratified random sampling, 805 teachers. Data collection used a questionnaire for elementary school teachers who teach in low grades. The data analysis used descriptive statistics and correlation analysis.Main Findings: It was found that there are still relatively many early grades elementary school students who are not fluent in reading, writing, and arithmetic. These students' basic literacy skills have a significant and positive relationship with the quality of textbooks in the aspects of substance, presentation, language, and graphic design.Applications of this study: To improve basic literacy skills (reading, writing, and arithmetic) in early grades elementary school students, it is also necessary to improve the quality of textbooks in the aspects of substance/Content, presentation, language, and graphic design.Novelty/Originality of this study: It was found that there is a significant and positive relationship between basic literacy skills (reading, writing, and arithmetic) of early grades elementary school students and the quality of the textbooks they used both in terms of substance/Content, presentation, language, and graphic design.
How Competence of Production, Attention, Retention, Motivation, and Innovation can Improve Students’ Scientific Writing Skills Indrya Mulyaningsih; Wahyudi Rahmat; Djohar Maknun; Winci Firdaus
International Journal of Language Education Vol 6 No. 4, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/ijole.v6i4.34360


This research aimed to prove the role of production, attention, retention, motivation, and innovation in students’ scientific writing skills at the Islamic Study College (PTAI) in Cirebon. This experimental research used a quasi-experimental design and a nonequivalent control group design. The experiment was conducted in two groups, experiment and control groups. The research samples included Lecturers from a public Islamic University. The experiment group samples were 38 students of the Philosophy of Religion Department. The control group consisted of 33 Islamic Guidance and Counseling Department students. The collection technique used was tested, comprised of a pretest and posttest. The two groups were given the same tests (pretest and posttest), and the results were compared. The instrument used in this research was a test. Validity determination for the scientific writing ability variable was not measured statistically but through construct validity. The reliability test resulted in a reliability coefficient from an assessor of 0.82, while all assessors' average rating reliability coefficient was 0.93. The normality test results on scientific writing ability data with the control class show Lo = 0.106 < Lt = 0.154. Meanwhile, the normality test on the experiment class’s scientific writing ability data results in a maximum Lo of 0.106 and Lt = 0.144. The balance test results show the score of tcount = 1.51 < ttable = 1.67. The data analysis with t independent test resulted in the score of tcount > ttable (10.45 > 1.65). This shows that the competence of production, attention, retention, motivation, and innovation can improve students’ scientific writing skills.
ISTILAH KEKERABATAN PADA MASYARAKAT CINA BENTENG Sonya Ayu Kumala; RMT Multamia Lauder; Frans Asisi Datang; Winci Firdaus
Widyaparwa Vol 51, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/wdprw.v51i1.1372


Language as part of our culture refers to both general and specific aspects. Specifically, a language has a distinctive aspect that makes it different from other languages. One of the distinguishing aspects can be seen from the greeting or register in terms of kinship. The term kinship in the discipline of linguistics falls into the scope of sociolinguistics. The term kinship according to Wardaugh (2009) is a characteristic in a language that is generally found in every language. The term kinship is being used to address or refer to other people in relation to ourselves (ego) in a structural system that is connected by blood relations, descent, or the occurrence of marriage. The Chinese Benteng community in Tangerang uses a different and distinctive kinship term compared to the Chinese community in other cities in Indonesia. In general the Benteng Chinese community no longer uses their original language as a whole, but speaks Indonesian with a mix of surrounding languages, namely Sundanese and Javanese. The language of their ancestors is still found used by the older generation, trading activities, traditional rituals, and kinship. In addition to the aspect of language use, other forms of cultural acculturation also can be seen such as in dance, musical instruments, and culinary arts. In general, it can be said, China Benteng has a peculiarity that is still upholding the culture of the ancestors but also absorbs the surrounding culture well. This study aims to describe the terms in the Chinese Benteng kinship system, namely through the classification of kinship terms (Chaer, 1997) and analysis of the language distribution of kinship terms. This study was structured using a qualitative descriptive approach. The interview method was used in extracting information from informants, besides that note-taking techniques were also used to document data mining. The results of the analysis show that the terms of kinship in the Cina Benteng community are grouped into three, namely the terms of direct kinship, indirect kinship, and due to marital relations. The distribution of forming languages or used in Chinese Benteng kinship terms are Chinese, Sundanese, and Javanese.Cina Benteng dan Tangerang menjadi satu kesatuan yaitu sebagai objek dan konteks yang potensial dikaji dari sudut pandang bahasa dan budaya. Cina Benteng dengan kemampuan adaptasi dan akulturasi yang unik serta khas apabila dibandingkan dengan model komunitas Tionghoa lain yang ada di Indonesia. Pada tingkat kebahasaan, istilah kekerabatan menjadi hal yang universal yaitu ditemukan di semua bahasa dan juga sekaligus unik yaitu mencirikan masyarakat pemilik istilah kekerabatan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan istilah dalam sistem kekerabatan Cina Benteng yaitu melalui klasifikasi istilah kekerabatan yang dianalisis secara semantis dan analisis bahasa pembentuk istilah kekerabatan. Penelitian ini disusun dengan menggunakan ancangan deskriptif kualitatif. Metode wawancara digunakan dalam menggali informasi dari informan, selain itu juga digunakan teknik catat untuk mendokumentasikan penggalian data. Hasil analisis menunjukan istilah kekerabatan dalam komunitas Cina Benteng dikelompokkan menjadi tiga yaitu istilah kekerabatan langsung, tidak langsung, dan karena hubungan perkawinan. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa istilah kekerabatan Cina secara umum masih mengikuti struktur dan sistem kekerabatan seperti Tionghoa pada umumnya di kota lain di Indonesia, misalnya perbedaan sebutan kerabat dari pihak ayah dan ibu. Akan tetapi juga sekaligus menunjuk kekhasan dengan mengkombinasikan istilah kekerabatan tionghoa yang beradaptasi dengan konteks budaya dan bahasa yang bersinggungan. Distribusi bahasa pembentuk atau yang digunakan dalam istilah kekerabatan Cina Benteng adalah bahasa Cina, Indonesia (Melayu), Sunda, dan Jawa.
Sistem Nama Diri Masyarakat Adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar Dede Kosasih; Dian Hendrayana; Winci Firdaus; Denny Adrian Nurhuda
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa Vol 12, No 1 (2023): Ranah: jurnal Kajian Bahasa
Publisher : Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/rnh.v12i1.6106


The background of this research is the curiosity about the practice of giving personal names in the Kasepuhan Ciptagelar indigenous people. In the name string generally implies faith and wisdom (wisdom) and can reflect prayer, ideals (expectation). This means that the name given (bears) will be in accordance with the demands (expectations) of the community at the time it was made. The purpose of this study is to photograph the practice of giving personal names in the Kasepuhan Ciptagelar indigenous people and to examine the factors and values underlying this practice. This study uses a qualitative methodological approach, namely descriptive analytical method. The data source in this study is the Kasepuhan Ciptagelar indigenous people in three generations. Data collection techniques in this study were participant observation and observation and note-taking techniques. Data analysis techniques begin with collecting data, reducing data, conducting analysis based on classification. The results of this study show that the pattern of giving and changing names is caused by several reasons. First, driven for psychological reasons, in the form of hopes such as for the sake of glory, fame, profit and avoidance of disaster as well as inner satisfaction. Second, related to socio-cultural values that have roots in the past. From the diachronic study, the pattern of naming the Kasepuhan Ciptagelar indigenous people has experienced a shift, although the shift or change is relatively not that massive. This is because the Kasepuhan Ciptagelar indigenous people still adhere to traditions and customs that have been passed down from generation to generation. AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keingintahuan praktik pemberian nama diri di masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar. Dalam untaian nama itu umumnya menyiratkan keyakinan dan kebijaksanaan (wisdom) serta dapat merefleksikan doa, cita-cita (expectation). Artinya bahwa nama yang diberikan (disandangnya) tersebut akan sesuai dengan tuntutan (harapan) masyarakat pada masa dibuatnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memotret praktik pemberian nama diri dalam masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar dan akan mengkaji faktor-faktor dan nilai-nilai apa saja yang melatarbelakangi praktik tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metodologi kualitatif yakni metode deskriptif analitis. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar dalam tiga generasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi partisipan serta teknik simak dan catat. Teknik analisis data dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data, mereduksi data, melakukan analisis berdasarkan klasifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa pola pemberian maupun pergantian nama disebabkan oleh beberapa alasan. Pertama, didorong karena alasan psikologis, berupa harapan seperti demi kejayaan, ketenaran, keuntungan dan terhindar dari malapetaka serta kepuasan batiniah. Kedua, yaitu berkaitan dengan nilai sosio-kultural yang mempunyai akar ke masa silam. Dari kajian secara diakronis pola pemberian nama masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar telah mengalami pergeseran, walaupun pergeseran atau perubahan itu relatif tidak begitu masif. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat adat Kasepuhan Ciptagelar masih pengkuh (kuat) memegang tradisi dan adat istiadat yang sudah diwariskan secara turun-temurun.
PENAMAAN DOMBA SEBAGAI MEDIA REKONSTRUKSI SEJARAH DAN BUDAYA: KAJIAN ZOONIMI DI KABUPATEN GARUT (Name of Sheep as a Media of Historical and Culture Reconstruction: A Zoonymy Study in Garut District) Denny Adrian Nurhuda; Winci Firdaus
SAWERIGADING Vol 29, No 1 (2023): Sawerigading, Edisi Juni 2023
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/sawer.v29i1.1198


This research is motivated by the practice of naming animals (zoonim), especially the garut sheep in the Priangan region. The purpose of this research is to examine the history of the naming of the sheep and to reconstruct the linguistic name of the garut sheep. This study uses a qualitative approach, namely descriptive analytical method. The data collection techniques used in this study were fishing techniques, all-encompassing techniques, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. Data analysis begins with collecting data, reducing data, analyzing based on classification. The source of the data in this study were the garut sheep that competed in the 2022 Garut League Agility Competition. The results of this study were: 1) the naming of the sheep is inseparable from the culture and history of agility competitions carried out by nobles since ancient times, and in the end this activity became an activity favored by the community and spread to several areas, 2) Based on the reconstruction, the naming of garut sheep can be classified into several categories, namely: based on physical aspects, psychological aspects of one's title and name, natural environment, place names, weapons names, and nuanced names automotive. Based on the word class and language origin, the naming of sheep includes: noun, verb, and adjective word classes. The languages used to name the garut sheep are Indonesian, Sundanese, and English. AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh praktik pemberian nama pada hewan (zoonim), terutama domba garut di wilayah Priangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah  meneliti sejarah penamaan domba garut dan merekonstruksi penamaan domba garut secara linguistik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, yakni metode deskriptif analitis. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik pancing, teknik cakap semuka, teknik rekam, dan teknik catat. Analisis data dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data, mereduksi data, melakukan analisis berdasarkan klasifikasi. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah domba garut yang bertanding pada ajang Adu Ketangkasan Liga Garut 2022. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) penamaan domba garut tidak terlepas dari budaya dan sejarah adu ketangkasan yang dilakukan oleh para ningrat sejak zaman dahulu, dan akhirnya kegiatan ini menjadi sebuah kegiatan yang digemari oleh masyarakat serta menyebar ke beberapa wilayah, dan 2) berdasarkan rekonstruksi penamaan domba garut dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi beberapa kategori, yaitu: berdasarkan aspek fisik, aspek psikologis, gelar dan nama seseorang, lingkungan alam, nama tempat, nama senjata, serta nama bernuansa otomotif. Berdasarkan kelas kata dan asal bahasa penamaan domba mencakup: kelas kata nomina, verba, dan adjektiva. Bahasa yang digunakan untuk menamai domba garut adalah bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Sunda, dan bahasa Inggris.