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Deskripsi Sistem Pembelajaran Fisika Melalui Pendekatan Kontekstual Anderias Henukh; Merta Simbolon; Nur Arip Budiman
Musamus Journal of Science Education Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Musamus Journal of Science Education (MJOSE)
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mjose.v2i1.2235


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui bagaimana kemampuan guru dalam mengelola kegiatan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan kontekstual, bagaimana hasil belajar peserta didik kelas dengan pendekatan kontekstual, bagaimana respon peserta didik terhadap proses pembelajaran dengan pendekatan kontekstual. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru dan peserta didk kelas VIII SMP Kristen Tunas Bangsa Jakarta yang berjumlah 16 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kemampuan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran dengan menerapkan pendekatan kontekstual materi pokok Cahaya pada peserta didik kelas VIII SMP Kristen Tunas Bangsa Jakarta yang mecakup: perencanaan perangkat pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan perencanaan evaluasi pembelajaran adalah termasuk dalam kategori baik dengan total skor perencanaan 4,00, total skor pelaksanaan 3,75 dan total skor evaluasi 4,00. Hasil belajar peserta didik materi pokok Cahaya dengan pendekatan kontekstual semuanya tuntas dengan total proporsi hasil belajar kognitif 0,85, total rata-rata hasil belajar afektif 0,90 dan total rata-rata hasil belajar psikomotor 0,88. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menerapkan pendekatan kontekstual memperoleh respon yang sangat baik dengan skor rata-rata yang diperoleh 93,63%.
Penilaian Formatif Berbasis Quizizz Pada Mata Kuliah Fisika Dasar Pada Masa Covid-19 Anderias Henukh; I Made Astra; Hilary Fridolin Lipikuni; Kristina Uskenat
Musamus Journal of Science Education Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Musamus Journal of Science Education (MJOSE)
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mjose.v3i1.3515


Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Universitas Musamus, Merauke. Subjek penelitiannya adalah mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah fisika dasar pada tahun akademik 20192 yang berjumlah 39 orang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif kuantitatif, yaitu mendeskripsikan hasil penilaian formatif berbasis Quiziz yang diperoleh mahasiswa pada materi fisika dasar khususnya Hukum Newton dan Penerapannya. Tujuan penelitiannya adalah mendeskripsikan hasil penilaian formatif berbasis Quizizz pada mata kuliah fisika dasar pada masa Covid-19 Instrumen yang digunakan adalah soal pilihan ganda dengan 5 pilihan jawaban yang berjumlah 12 nomor. Validitas instrumen penelitian menggunakan product momen dan reliabilitasnya menggunakan KR-20. hasil analisis data menunjukkan rata-rata kemampuan mahasiswa pada 4 indikator materi hukum Newton dan Penerapannya diketahui bahwa indikator 1 yang diwakili oleh 3 nomor soal memiliki rata-rata persentase 68,67%. Indikator 2 yang diwakili 3 butir soal mencapai rata-rata persentase 70,67%. Indikator 3 yang diwakili 3 butir soal memperoleh presentase 77,33%. Indikator 4 yang diwakili 3 butir soal mencapai persentase 69,33%. Secara keseluruhan indikator dengan rata-rata skor tertinggi adalah indikator 3 dengan rata-rata 77,33% dan indikator dengan skor terendah adalah indikator 1 dengan rata-rata skor 68,67%. Rata-rata skor yang diperoleh pada 4 indikator tersebut adalah 71,5% sehingga berada pada kategori baik
Implementation of Google Classroom as Multimedia Learning Anderias Henukh; Haris Rosdianto; Sayaka Oikawa
JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika) Vol 5, No 1 (2020): January 2020
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (998.189 KB) | DOI: 10.26737/jipf.v5i1.1539


This research was carried out at Musamus University in academic year 2019/2020 by taking a basic physics class I as a research sample. The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of Google classroom as multimedia learning. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative supported by quantitative data. The instrument used was a material and multimedia expert validation sheet, questions that had been validated to test the effectiveness of implementing Google classroom as learning multimedia. Based on the description above it can be concluded that the implementation of google classroom as multimedia learning with average results of multimedia expert validation of 82.5% and 87% of material experts have a good impact on the learning process and outcomes of students. This is evidenced by an increase in the value of each student with average of pre-test score is 62 and post-test score is 83. N-gain score is 0.75 (high category).
Analysis of Students' Science Literacy Ability on Heat Concept Anderias Henukh; Merta Simbolon; I Made Astra; Haris Rosdianto
JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika) Vol 6, No 2 (2021): May 2021
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jipf.v6i2.2077


This study aims to describe the scientific literacy skills of students where the results can be used as a basis for implementing learning with the STEM approach based on local wisdom of Papua. This research was conducted at SMP YPPK St. Mikael Merauke in class VIII SMP students, especially in the heated material. This research uses a descriptive quantitative method. The instrument used in this study was multiple-choice totaling 30 numbers based on scientific literacy. The research instrument used has gone through a validation process and is declared valid. The results of the data analysis showed that the scientific literacy skills of students on the indicator of understanding scientific phenomena obtained an average score of 66%. The indicator explaining scientific phenomena obtains an average score of 62%. In the scientific problem identification indicator, the average score obtained is 65%. However, on the indicators of interpreting the data and scientific evidence the average score obtained was 59%. In the domain of scientific literacy, the aspect of scientific knowledge obtained an average score of 66%. Likewise in the scientific competency aspect, the average score obtained is 62%. Based on the results of the data analysis, it can be concluded that the overall score of students' scientific literacy skills is in a good category.
Publisher : Institut Penelitian dan Pengembangan Mandalika Indonesia (IP2MI)

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Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat telah mempengaruhi berbagai bidang, salah satunya adalah bidang pendidikan. Kurikulum 2013 yang diterapkan saat ini menuntut guru agar mampu menguasai teknologi dalam pembelajaran khususnya pemanfaatan teknologi internet. Guru-guru di SMP YPPK St. Mikael Merauke berjumlah 17 orang serta 1 orang kepala sekolah. Jumlah guru yang mampu menggunakan teknologi internet dalam pembelajaran seperti Google Classroom hanya 2 orang sedangkan Quizizz belum ada yang pernah menerapkannya. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk melatih guru-guru di SMP YPPK St. Mikael Merauke menggunakan Google Classroom yang terintegrasi dengan Quizizz dalam pembelajaran. Pelatihan ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu persiapan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan disertai evaluasi. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah dilakukan pelatihan yaitu semua guru dan kepala sekolah telah memiliki akun Google Classroom dan Quizizz serta mampu menggunakan fitur-fitur di dalamnya.
Analyzing the response of learners to use kahoot as gamification of learning physics Anderias Henukh; Yudi Guntara
Gravity : Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Fisika Vol 6, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (622.301 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/gravity.v6i1.7108


This study aims to investigate the response of learners to use Kahoot as a gamification of learning. Kahoot is available for free applications, and this platform can be used in gamification based learning. Kahoot allows educators to make games based on quizzed, surveys, and other things related. Kahoot can be accessed using a smartphone-based on android and ios as well as through a computer with address The method used in this research is descriptive method qualitative data support the results of analyzing the response of pesetas learners. This research was conducted in SMP Tunas Bangsa, West Jakarta learner class VII, with several 16 students. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. Instrument used validated using product moment formula and reliability using the formula KR-20. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, we can conclude that the response of learners in the use Kahoot as gamification of learning that is in the select category with an average overall score obtained is 87.28%.  
Musamus Devotion Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Musamus Devotion Journal
Publisher : Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mdj.v4i1.4141


The COVID-19 pandemic forces us to innovate in learning. However, the lack of awareness of teachers to use technology in learning, especially using Google Apps For Education and Kahoot as Gamification-based learning media. There is no special training related to learning using technology, especially using Google Apps For Education and Kahoot. There is not enough knowledge and skills regarding Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides as a medium to work together on a virtual worksheet effectively and efficiently. Teachers still use quizzes, assignments, and written tests on paper that are printed and distributed manually to students so that they are not accustomed to working on these instruments using computers or cellphones based on Android or IOS even though this is very much needed at this time. The method used for this service activity is socialization, training, mentoring, monitoring, and evaluation. The results of the service showed that the teachers experienced an increase in knowledge and skills after participating in the service. Keywords: Training, GAFE, Kahoot, Learning Media
Uji Kelayakan Instrumen Penilaian Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Menggunakan Multimodus Representasi Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Papua Merta Simbolon; Anderias Henukh
PASCAL (Journal of Physics and Science Learning) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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R. Widyastuti, B. Usodo, and Riyadi, “Proses Berpikir Siswa Smp Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika Berdasarkan Langkah- Langkah Polya,” Univ. Sebel. Maret Surakarta, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 239–249, 2017.A. Saregar, S. Latifah, and M. Sari, “Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran CUPs: Dampak Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Peserta Didik Madrasah Aliyah Mathla’ul Anwar Gisting Lampung,” J. Ilm. Pendidik. Fis. Al-Biruni, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 233–244, 2016, doi: 10.24042/jpifalbiruni.v5i2.123.E. P. Widoyoko, Evaluasi program pembelajaran. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2009.Z. Arifin, Evaluasi Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rosda Karya, 2012.Purwanto, Evaluasi Hasil Belajar. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar, 2013.D. R. and N. F. Kohl, P.B., “Strongly and weakly directed approaches to teaching multiple representation use in physics,” Phys. Rev. Spec. Top. Educ. Res., vol. 3, 2007.M. Simbolon, P. Sinaga, and S. Utari, “Effect of Application of Physics Learning material Using Multimode representation to Improve Problem Solving Ability,” vol. 57, no. ICMSEd 2016, pp. 150–153, 2017, doi: 10.2991/icmsed-16.2017.33.E. Angell, C. O, Guttersrud, dan Henriksen, Multiple representations as a framework for a modelling approach to physics education. UK: Department of Physics, University of Oslo, NORWAY, and Per Morten Kind, School of Education, 2007.M. Simbolon, D. K. Sari, and A. Reski, “The development of physics learning materials using multimodal representation to improve the problem-solving skill of high school students based on rosengrant stages,” IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci., vol. 343, no. 1, pp. 65–69, 2019, doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/343/1/012234.Merta Simbolon, “The Development of Physics Learning Materials Using Multimode Representation to Improve Cognitive Ability of High School Students,” J. Basic Appl. Sci. Res., vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 65–69, 2019.Supriyadi, Palittin I. D., and Cristiana Martini, “Kajian Etnosains pada Indigenous Science Suku Malind dalam Upaya Pengembangan Pembelajaran IPA Kontekstual Papua,” J. Pendidik. Fis. Tadulako Online, vol. 8, no. 1, 2020.S. Hadi, “Sindrom Sampah,” Kompas, Jakarta, 2018.Azwar, Reliabilitas Dan Validitas. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2015.D. Budiastuti and A. Bandur, Validitas dan Reliabilitas Penelitian: Dilengkapi Analisis dengan NVIVO, SPSS, dan AMOS. Jakarta: Mitra Wacana Media, 2018.Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan RD). Bandung: Alfabeta, 2016.Sukmadinata, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya., 2016.P. Miller, Measurement and Teachin. United States of America: Library of Congress Control, 2008.Zaenal Arifin, Evaluasi Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rosda Karya, 2012.L. U. Fatimah, “ANALISIS KESUKARAN SOAL, DAYA PEMBEDA DAN FUNGSI DISTRAKTOR,” J. Komun. dan Pendidik. Islam, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 37–64, 2019.S. R. Hidayat et al., “Pengembangan Instrumen Tes Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah pada Materi Getaran, Gelombang, dan Bunyi,” J. Penelit. Pengemb. Pendidik. Fis., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 157–166, 2017, doi: 10.21009/1.03206.
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Fluida Statis Terintegrasi Google Classroom Untuk Meningkatkan Belajar Mandiri Peserta Didik Anderias Henukh; Martha Loupatty; Supriyadi Supriyadi
Musamus Journal of Science Education Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Musamus Journal of Science Education (MJOSE)
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mjose.v4i2.4562


The purpose of this study is to describe the results of developing integrated static fluid teaching materials in Google Classroom and improving students' independent learning outcomes. The research method used is research and development using the ADDIE model. The research subjects are information systems students with a total of 65 people. The instrument used is a validation sheet. In addition, it also uses a questionnaire to assess students' independent learning outcomes. The validity of the research instrument uses the product moment and the reliability uses the KR-20. The results of the validation of material experts, media experts, and linguists got an average score of 92.33. Analysis of students' self-study obtained an average score of 88. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the development of integrated static fluid teaching materials in Google Classroom can improve students' independent learning.
The Impact of Transportation Traffic Noise on Merauke City Road Crossing Algiranto Algiranto; Anderias Henukh; Rikardus Feribertus Nikat; Martha Loupatty
JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika) Vol 7, No 3 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : STKIP Singkawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26737/jipf.v7i3.2842


Noise caused by transportation significantly exceeds the 55 dBA. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of transportation traffic noise at the Merauke city crossing and its solutions. Noise caused The lack of proper attention to the impact of noise from traffic flow at a crossroads. The Development of additional techniques for noise reduction in this area is needed. The results obtained are very important for areas with solutions at every highway intersection The results obtained are very important knowing the noise above the standard value at every highway intersection. This research develops techniques to reduce transportation traffic noise at the crossroads of Merauke city which are applied in design practice. Experimental studies in real conditions in the characteristic areas of Merauke City using sound level meter measurements. This research was carried out experimentally by taking measurements at each crossroads and theoretical solving methods. The good convergence results confirm the impact of noise on the immediate area with a slightly higher crossing than the value on a normal two-lane road. The proposed solution will allow providing additional protection against transportation noise.