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Pola Pengendalian Banjir Kawasan Bambu Kuning Kota Jayapura Koyari, Elroy; Priyantoro, Dwi; Sisinggih, Dian
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Masalah yang paling sering muncul di daerah perkotaan akibat pesatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pembangunan adalah masalah banjir.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyiapkan pola dan rancangan penanggulangan banjir pada kawasan Bambu Kuning Kota Jayapura. Faktor penyebab banjir di lokasi studi, diantaranya adalah sistem drainase eksisting tidak mampu menampung debit limpasan permukaan, hal ini karena dimensi saluran drainase terlalu kecil yaitu lebar 0,3 m dan tinggi saluran 0,3 m dengan kapasitas tampungan sebesar 355m3, sedangkan volume banjir limpasan permukaan adalah 5.700 m3, selain itu tidak adanya outlet drainase dari kolam tampungan sehingga genangan meluap ke jalan raga serta adanya permukiman penduduk yang dibangun diatas kolam tampungan dengan cara menimbun kolam tampungan dengan tanah mengakibatkan kapasitas kolam tampungan berkurang dari volume 5.169 m3 menjadi 3.500 m3 Untuk itu diperlukan alternatif upaya penangan banjir di kawasan Bambu Kuning secara komprehensif meliputi normalisasi saluran dengan cara memperlebar dan memperdalam saluran eksisting, membuat saluran baru, membuat long storage channel kombinasi parafet dan gorong-gorong, dan melakukan pengerukan kolam tampungan.Kata kunci: Debit limpasan permukaan, penanggulangan banjir, normalisasi saluran, long storage channel.
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstrak: Muara Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat mempunyai morfologi melebar ke daerah hilirnya sehingga kecepatan aliran sungai kecil yang berpotensi menimbulkan sedimentasi di muara. Selain itu adanya pasang surut dari air laut yang mengakibatkan sedimen di muara tidak bisa terbawa arus sungai ke laut bahkan kembali ke muara sungai oleh adanya backwater. Berdasarkan perhitungan transpor sedimen sejajar pantai dengan menggunakan metode fluks energi diperoleh sedimen sejajar pantai sebesar 591.017,140 m3/thn, sedangkan untuk angkutan sedimen dari sungai menggunakan persamaan Engelund&Hansen sebesar 127.952,470 m3/th. Volume budget sedimen diperoleh sebesar 718.969,610 m3/th. Berdasarkan perbandingan prisma pasang surut dan angkutan sedimen total (budget sedimen) P/Mnetto didapatkan nilaiS = 6,320 berdasarkan nilai tersebut maka muara sungai Banjir Kanal Barat memiliki mulut sungai yang tidak stabil karena nilai S < 20 (Triatmodjo, 2012).Sistem penangan yang baik untuk mengatasi masalah sedimentasi di muara sungai Banjir Kanal Barat adalah  pengelolaan  mulut sungai yang selalu terbuka dengan membuat jetty panjang di kedua sisi muara dengan panjang 1080,45 meter di  sebelah kiri  dan 646,06 meter di sebelah kanan muara sungai.Kata Kunci : Muara sungai, Gelombang, Angkutan sedimen, Pantai, Jetty Abstract: The Western Flood Canal estuary has a widening morphology towards downstream areas, so that the velocity of small streams can create sedimentation in the estuary. In addition, there are also seawater tides that results in sediment in the river estuary not being carried to the sea, instead returning to the estuary due to the presence of backwater. Based on calculations of coastline sediment transport using the energy flux method, the coastline sediment transport is 591.017,140 m3/yr., while river sediment trasport is determined by the Engelund and Hansen equation to be 127952.470 m3/yr. The sediment budget volume is         718.969,610 m3/yr. Based on the comparison between prism tides and total sediment transport (sediment budget) P/Mnetto, a value of S = 6,320 was obtained. Based on these values, the Western Flood Canal estuary has an unstable river mouth because S < 20 (Triatmodjo, 2012). A good handling system to overcome the problem of sedimentation in the Western Flood Canal estuary is the management of an always-open river mouth by the creation of a long jetty on both sides of the estuary with a length of 1080,45 meters on the left and 646,06 meters on the right.Keywords: estuary of river, wave, sediment transport, shore, Jetty
Analisa Kuantitas Dan Kualitas Airtanah Di Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Karangasem Provinsi Bali Wijayanti, Putu Ratih; Sholichin, Moh.; Sisinggih, Dian
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Kubu Subdistrict is located at Karangasem District and belongs to Tejakula Groundwater Basin. It is droughty region with few rainfalls compared to other region. The purpose of this research is to determine the quantity and the quality of groundwater for agriculture. The analysis of groundwater quantity is by applying the pumping test. The pumping test is divided into two stages, which are well test and aquifer test. Result of well test at 7 (seven) production wells is obtaining the optimum discharge ranging from 10.107 liter/second to 18.604 liter/second. Aquifer test analysis involves the first stage is to determine the type of flow from each well that is steady or unsteady flows, and then determine the method that will be used based on the type of flow and type of aquifer. In determining the type of flow is obtained steady flow types for 3 (three) wells and unsteady flow types for 4 (four) wells. Groundwater quality analysis is conducted by Aquachem software version 2011.1 (demo version). Based on the analysis of groundwater quality, groundwater is containing low and medium Sodium and have high and very high salinity.Keywords: quantity, quality, groundwater, wells test, aquifer test, Sodium.
Studi Kerentanan Air Tanah Terhadap Kontaminan Di Cekungan Airtanah Negara Kabupaten Jembrana Provinsi Bali Frederich Gunawan, Wayan Andi; Sisinggih, Dian; Dermawan, Very
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The government of Jembrana Regency will exploit the groundwater to develop area potency. Seven thematic maps of the DRASTIC and SINTACS method were developed in order to asses the vulnerability of groundwater to contaminate and these include the depth to water table, recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity. Determination of the DRASTIC Index (DI) and SINTACS Index (SI) was done by multiplaying each parameter weight by its value rating and summing the total. Based on DI and SI values, a groundwater vulnerability map was produced using a Geographical Information System (GIS). The Result of this research is groundwater vulnerability in Negara groundwater basin consisted of medium to very high groundwater vulnerability. SINTACS Method is more suitable with the parameter of research location. The result of this research shown that Medium vulnerability is in a part of north Negara ground water basin, while in south area is dominated by high vulnerability level. It is mean that the parameter is give significant impact to the value are included recharge, soil media and topography. Jembrana regency area especially in north area is needed special treatment due to high potency of groundwater vulnerability.Keyword : Groundwater vulnerability, DRASTIC, SINTACS .
Studi Penanganan Konservasi Lahan Di Sub Das Keduang Das Bengawan Solo Kabupaten Wonogiri Rahman, Mahyaya M.; Harisuseno, Donny; Sisinggih, Dian
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The presence of reservoir Gajah Mungkur (WGM) has the primary function as flood control, irrigation, drinking water suppliers, and producing electricity. But the great flood of 2008 occurred along the Bengawan Solo River flow due to siltation (sedimentation). Studi JICA ascertainable average annual sediment 1993-2004 period of 3.18 million m3. Sediment Keduang largest river erosion is about 33% of the total sedimentation.The determination of the rate of erosion and sediment in the sub-watershed Keduang with Erosion AVSWAT 2000 obtained a total of 172.2379 tons/ha/year. While the total sediment entering the outlet approximately 1,152,435.58 tons/ha/year. In addition, there are forests only 319.17 ha or 0.87% of total sub-watershed. Vegetatif conservation treatment affects the long-term preservation of nature is a perennial plant that productive and economic value of crop Distance, cocoa, cashew, sugar cane, citrus and grass plants. But mechanical conservation measures only temporary sediment controls such as making buildings or Check Dam.Key words: erosion, sedimentation and conservation
Studi Perencanaan Bangunan Pengendalian Akresi Dan Abrasi Di Pantai Tanjungwangi Kabupaten Banyuwangi Hariyoni, Hariyoni; Sisinggih, Dian; Marsudi, Suwanto
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The Tanjungwangi Beach has a length of 4.52 km has been experiencing with accretion and abrasion in some area due to the dominant wave from northeast direction. Therefore, it is important to take any actions considered as necessary countermeasures to solve the problem of accretion and abrasion. The aim of this study is to understand the distribution of wave direction, the wave with the return period of 25 years H max , H , and the dominance of wave from northeast direction. In term of sediment transport and coastline stability problems, the study location is aiming to find the technical solution. The results indicated that the direction of highest wave comes from the south with rate of 51.505 %, while the highest wave was developed from the northeast direction was 12.596 %. Transported sediment based on data analysis were 13,267.552 m 10 3 /year (abrasion) and 812.239 m /year (accretion). However, the field observation within 10 year period showed that the transport rates are 13,294.955 m 3 /year (abrasion) and 808.018 m 3 3 /year (accretion). Based on the analysis, Tanjungwangi Beach is majorly experiencing with abrasion processes. The revetment structure of natural rock pile was suggested to be set up within the study area.Keywords: Tanjungwangi beach, wave, accretion, abrasion, revetment
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstrak: Debit sungai sangat dipengaruhi oleh hujan, sehingga memiliki pola yang dapat diteliti intensitasnya. Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui akurasi metode peramalan debit ARIMA yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman penyusunan pola operasi waduk khususnya waduk Sengguruh.Data yang digunakan adalah data debit selama 10 tahun dan data tahun terakhir (2011) dipergunakan sebagai pembanding. Peramalan dilakukan juga di titik pengukuran debit (Stasiun AWLR) Gadang dan Tawangrejeni guna mengetahui penerapan metode ARIMA tersebut untuk stasiun debit dalam satu skema sungai.Akurasi terbaik dalam peralaman debit sungai didapatkan pada peramalan Inflow Waduk Sengguruh dengan nilai MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) 14,47% dan nilai KR (Kesalahan Relatif) 1,41% dari akumulasi volume tampungan.Hasil analisa pola operasi Waduk Sengguruh diketahui bahwa debit aktual maupun ramalan tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan energi selama 1 tahun pada tahun 2011, dan hasil peramalan maupun aktual tidak memiliki selisih yang signifikan terhadap produksi energi PLTA. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa metode peramalan dengan menggunakan ARIMA baik untuk digunakan.Kata Kunci: Peramalan debit, Pola Musiman, Pola Operasi, Waduk Sengguruh Abstract: Streamflow is greatly influenced by rain, so it has a pattern that can be observed for its intensity. This study was conducted to determine the accuracy of forecasting discharge by ARIMA methods that can be used as guidelines for the preparation of reservoir operation pattern especially in Sengguruh reservoir.The data used is the flow for 10 years and last year's data (2011) is used as a comparison. Forecasting is also doing at the point of discharge measurements (AWLR Station) Gadang and Tawangrejeni to determine the application of the ARIMA method for discharge station in the river scheme.The best accuracy in forecasting streamflow obtained on Reservoir Inflow Sengguruh with MAPE value (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) 14.47% and the value of KR (Relative Error) 1,41% of the accumulated volume of the storage.Results of analysis of the pattern of Sengguruh reservoir operation reveals that actual and forecast discharge can not meet the energy needs for one year in 2011, and the actual results of forecasting are not have a significant difference to the energy production of hydropower. This proves that the using ARIMA forecasting method is good for application.Keywords: Forecasting Discharge, Seasonal Flow Pattern, Pattern of Reservoir Operation, Sengguruh Reservoir.
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 7, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstrak: Bendung Gerak Tempe yang berada dihilir Danau Tempe diperuntukkan untuk menjaga elevasi muka air Danau Tempe. Elevasi muka air yang harus dipertahankan pada Danau Tempe adalah elevasi +5,00 m.  Dari hasil evaluasi dan simulasi, bulan Januari sampai dengan bulan Agustus rata-rata muka air Danau Tempe dan Bendung Gerak adalah lebih tinggi dari elevasi +5,30 m, sehingga Pintu utama dan pintu navigasi dibuka penuh sehingga banjir tidak membahayakan daerah hulu Bendung Gerak Tempe. Sedangkan pada bulan September sampai dengan bulan Desember muka air pada Danau Tempe dan Bendung Gerak lebih rendah dari elevasi +5,00 m, sehingga muka air perlu dinaikkan sesuai yang harus dipertahankan yaitu pada elevasi +5,00 m, dengan jalan melakukan pengoperasian (penutupan) Pintu Utama maupun Pintu Navigasi. Kata Kunci: Bendung Gerak Tempe, Pintu Sorong, Danau Tempe, Banjir, Simulasi HEC-RASAbstract: Tempe Barrage is located on the  downstream of Lake Tempe that it functioned to maintain water level of Lake Tempe. Water levels of Tempe Lake to be maintained at elevation of +5.00 m. The results of evaluation and simulation shown that from January to August the average water level of Lake Tempe and Tempe Barrage is higher than the elevation of +5,30 m, main gate and the navigation gate was fully opened to control flooding at upstream area of Tempe Lake. Furthermore, on September until December the water level on Tempe Lake and Tempe Barrage is lower than the elevation of +5,00 m, so that the water level should be increased to maintain the elevation of +5,00 m, by closed the  Main Gate and Navigation Gate.Keyword: Tempe Barrage, Sluice Gate, Tempe Lake, Flood, HEC-RAS Simulation
Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Vol 3, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Lesti hanya 5094 Ha luas hutan atau hanya sekitar 8% dari luas total Sub Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Lesti yaitu sebesar 57777 Ha. Topografi yang ada pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Lesti termasuk cukup terjal dengan kemiringan lereng sampai dengan 40%. Kondisi Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Lesti yang sekarang ini menyebabkan pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) tersebut sering terjadi banjir dari tahun ke tahun. Pada jurnal ini upaya untuk mesimulasikan banjir yang ada pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) ini menggunakan pemodelan hidrologi fisik terdistribusi. Analisa sebaran curah hujan digunakan untuk mengevaluasi curah hujan serta debit pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). Memahami karakteristik Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) menjadi hal yang diperlukan untuk pemeliharan kondisi maupun penanggulangan bencana dimasa mendatang. Model fisik terdistribusi yang digunakan pada Jurnal ini ialah Block-wise use of TOPMODEL Muskingum-Cunge (BTOPMC). Aplikasi ini menggunakan analisa TOPMODEL untuk memperkirakan limpasan dan Muskingum-Cunge untuk penelusuran banjir aliran. Peta studi yang digunakan untuk pemodelan ini meliputi, Peta Tataguna Lahan, Peta Digital Elevation Map (DEM) dan Peta Tanah. Simulasi limpasan dilakukan pada 2 titik yaitu pada AWLR Tawangrejeni dan AWLR Bendungan Sengguruh. Hasil simulasi yang diterapkan menggunakan metode Nash-Sutcliffe Effiency dengan membandingan debit observasi dan debit simulasi. Pada simulasi yang sudah dilakukan model menunjukan efisiensi kalibrasi dan validasi berturut-turut sebesar 0,737 dan 0,604. Pemodelan ini sangat berguna untuk infomasi debit dan waktu serta memanajemen resiko bencana. Lesti watershed is only 5094 Ha of forest area or only about 8% of the total area of ​​Lesti watershed which is 57777 Ha. The topography in the watershed is quite steep with a slope of up to 40%. Condition of Lesti watershed which currently causes floods in these watersheds often occur flooding from year to year. In this journal, trying to overcome the floods in the watershed using physical distributed hydrological modeling. Precipitation data is used to calculate rainfall and discharge in watersheds. Understanding the characteristics of watersheds becomes necessary for the maintenance of needs or disaster risk management in the future. The distributed physical model used in this journal is block-wise use of TOPMODEL Muskingum-Cunge (BTOPMC). This application used TOPMODEL analysis for estimated runoff and Muskingum-Cunge for routing. Study maps data that used for this modeling is Land Use Map, Digital Elevation Map (DEM) Map and Soil Map. Runoff simulations were carried out at 2 points, namely Tawangrejeni AWLR and Sengguruh Dam AWLR. Simulation results are applied using the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency method by comparing the comparison of observations and discharge simulations. In the simulations that have been carried out the model shows the combined calibration and validation calculations of 0.737 and 0.604. This modeling is very useful for information on discharge and time as well as disater risks managemnt.
Analisa Neraca Air pada Waduk Sutami berdasarkan Data Pengukuran dan Data Satelit Berlian, Ramadhan Sangsang; Wahyuni, Sri; Sisinggih, Dian
Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Vol 3, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Kebutuhan air yang meningkat sejalan dengan perkembangan jumlah penduduk dan meningkatnya kegiatan manusia maka dilakukan antisipasi terhadap ketersediaan air dengan melakukan analisis terhadap ketersediaan air waduk sutami. Ketersediaan air yang dipengaruhi oleh besarnya curah hujan dan evaporasi. Ketersediaan data pengukuran yang kurang memadai menjadi salah satu permasalahan. Permasalahan ini dapat diatasi dengan memanfaatkan data satelit. Namun, data satelit harus dilakukan uji kesesuaian data terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui kecocokan antara data pengukuran dan data satelit. Metode uji kesesuaian data  yang digunakan yaitu, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Nash Sutchliffe Efficiency (NSE), Koefisien Korelasi, dan Uji Kesalahan Relatif (KR). Uji kesesuaian data dilakukan dengan dua perhitungan, yaitu uji kesesuaian dara tidak terkoreksi dan uji kesesuaian data terkoreksi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan uji kesesuain data terkoreksi  memiliki nilai yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan data tidak terkoreksi. Sedangkan untuk hasil analisis neraca air dengan menggunakan data pengukuran dan data satelit memiliki pola trend yang sama. Dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa data satelit yang digunakan dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif data pengukuran. The increasing of water demand is coherent with population growth and also the increasing of human activities, so it is imoortant to give an anticipation of water availability by analyzing the Sutami Reservoir water. Water availability is affected by the amount of rainfall and evaporation. The availability of inadequate measurement data is one of the problems. This problem can be solved by utilizing satellite data. However, satellite data must be tested in advance in order to determine the compatibility between measurement data and satellite data. Data suitability test methods used including, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Nash Sutchliffe Efficiency (NSE), Correlation Coefficient, and Relative Error Test (KR). The data suitability test is carried out with two calculations, the uncorrected data suitability test and the corrected data suitability test. The analysis shows that the corrected data suitability test has a better value compared to the uncorrected data. As for the results of water balance analysis using measurement data and satellite data have the same trend pattern. And it can be concluded that the satellite data used can be used as an alternative measurement data.