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Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 25, No 1 Mar (2015)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

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AbstrakTelah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui uji aktivitas anti-osteoporosis secara in vivo dari tanaman Spilanthes acmella terhadap sel osteoblas tulang trabekula proksimal femur mencit jantan model osteoporosis induksi deksametason. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan rancangan penelitian posttest only control group, 60 ekor mencit jantan sehat (usia >5 bulan) dikelompokkan secara random menjadi 10 kelompok yaitu kelompok sehat tanpa induksi deksametason dan kelompok osteoporosis induksi deksametason. Kontrol positif mendapat suspensi alendronat dan kelompok latihan fiik menggunakantreadmill mencit berjalan 10m/menit bertahap selama 5 -12 menit, 3 kali dalam satu minggu, kelompok kombinasi ekstrak etanol 70% dan latihan fiik serta kelompok uji fraksi butanol, heksan, etil asetat dan air. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 4 minggu. Osteoporosis akibat pemakaian glukokortikoid menjadi penyebab osteoporosis sekunder yang meningkatkan risiko fraktur. Telah banyak bukti klinik tentang peran fioestrogen dalam pengobatan osteoporosis pada pascamenopause. Spilanthes acmella, atau yang dikenal masyarakat dengan sebutan Legetan, termasuk famili Asteracea merupakan satu tanaman obat di Indonesia yang mempunyai kandungan senyawa polifenol dan flvonoid. Dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya diketahui bahwa baik fraksi butanol dan air dari tanaman tersebut mampu meningkatkan aktivitas enzim alkalin fosfatase yang merupakan marker pembentukan tulang. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol 70% Spilanthes acmella dikombinasikan dengan latihan fiik meningkatkan jumlah sel osteoblas secara bermakna bila dibandingkan dengan hanya ekstrak etanol atau latihan fiik. Ini membuktikan bahwa ekstrak etanol 70% Spilanthes acmella mempunyai efek additive terhadap efek latihan pembebanan aksial pada kondisi osteoporosis. Fraksi heksana, etil asetat dan air juga meningkatkan secara bermakna jumlah sel osteoblas. Fraksi non polar merupakan fraksi yang lebih potensial untuk pembentukan tulang karena fraksi tersebut banyak mengandung senyawa turunan amida dan sesquiterpena. Kesimpulan penilitian ini menunjukan adanya efek additive ekstrak etanol 70% dari Spilanthes Acmella pada latihan fiik dengan meningkatkan jumlah sel osteoblas.Kata kunci: Spilanthes acmella, osteoporosis sekunder, osteoblasAbstractStudy was conducted to analyse the anti-osteoporosis effect of Spilanthes acmella plant in vivo on osteoblast cell trabecular bone of femur male mice with dexamethasone- induced osteoporosis. This study using a post test control group design, 60 male healthy mice (>5 months old) were randomizely devided into 10 groups, there are healthy control group (without induction dexamethaxone), and osteoporosis groups (induction with dexamethaxone). The positive control receive suspension alendronat suspension and the exercise group walking using mice treadmill 10m/minute, 5-12 minutes 3 times a week,the combination group of 70% extract ethanol and exercise, the butanol, hexane, etil asetat and water fraction group. The study conducted for 4 weeks. Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is leading cause of secondary osteoporosis and an increase in fracture risk. There were clinical evidence suggest a role for phytoestrogen in the treatment of post-menopausal osteoporosis. Spilanthes acmella, or already known by public society as Legetan, include in Asteracea family, is one of Indonesia medicinal plants that contain of polyphenol and flvonoids. Previously in vitro study showed that buthanol and water fraction from this plant have increased alkaline phosphatase that known as marker of bone formation.The results showed that 70% ethanol extract of Spilanthes acmella that combined by physical exercise increasing osteoblast cells signifiantly than only 70% ethanol extract or physical exercise. Additionally hexane, ethyl acetate and water fractions from Spilanthes acmella also increasing osteoblast cells signifiantly. Non-polar fraction is a potential fraction of bone formation because it contains many nonpolar compounds such as amides derivatives and sesquiterpene. The study concluded that 70% ethanol extract of Spilanthes acmella have an additive effect to weight bearing exercise in osteoporotic condition.Keywords : Spilanthes acmella, secondary osteoporosis, osteoblast
Jurnal NERS Vol 11, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Ners
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.452 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/%oj.Ners111%y34-39


Latar belakang. Terapi bekam basah banyak digunakan untuk mengurangi nyeri,  namun mekanisme penurunan nyeri terapi bekam basah belum jelas. Peregangan dan tusukan pada terapi bekam basah menimbulkan stres pada sel. Sel yang mengalami stres mengekspresikan HSP 70 dan reseptor opioid mu.Tujuan penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan korelasi  peningkatan ekspresi HSP 70 dan peningkatan reseptor opioid mu pasca terapi bekam basah.Bahan dan Metode. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan randomized control group post test only design. Dua puluh empat tikus jenis Wistar (Rattus norvegicus)  secara random dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yang masing-masing terdiri dari 8 ekor tikus yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif (tikus normal), kelompok induksi nyeri dengan Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA) saja (kontrol positif) dan kelompok  yang diberi induksi nyeri dan terapi bekam basah (10 tusukan dan tekanan negatif: - 200 mmHg, 5 menit).  Sampel diambil dari kulit dan dilakukan pemeriksaan imunohistokimia dengan antibodi monoklonal anti reseptor opioid mu. Waktu reaksi ambang nyeri diukur memakai hot-plate. Data dianalisa dengan Anova oneway dan Pearson Correlation dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 17.Hasil. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan ekspresi HSP 70 (20,25 ± 3,53; p< 0.05) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol positif (10,50 ± 2,44; p< 0,05) dan peningkatan ekspresi reseptor opioid mu  (21,00 ± 6,34; p< 0.05) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol positif ( 4,25 ± 3,58; p< 0.05). Terdapat peningkatan waktu reaksi ambang nyeri (22,81 ± 6,34; p< 0,05) dibandingkan kontrol positif (11,78 ± 3,56). Terdapat korelasi antara peningkatan ekspresi HSP 70 dan peningkatan reseptor opioid mu  (β= 0.893; p= 0.000) dan ada korelasi antara peningkatan reseptor opioid mu dengan waktu reaksi ambang nyeri (β= 0.713; p= 0.002).Kesimpulan. Terjadi peningkatan ekspresi HSP 70 dan reseptor opioid mu pada terapi bekam basah dan terdapat korelasi antara peningkatan ekspresi HSP 70 terhadap ekspresi reseptor opioid mu.Kata kunci : HSP 70, reseptor opioid mu dan bekam basah 

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Background: Aging is termed as same as degenerative process, in which all part of tissue organs retarted the microstructure either macrostructure, forming and function even the colour, including black hair change to white hair. Several researchers have been recommended that estrogen hormone be able ease black to white hair, but hormone without any presenting of receptor won’t be work properly. The main aim of this study were to determine amount of estrogen receptor contents in famales and males black and white hairs included the microscopically structure. Method: Twelve females and males there were 50 -56 years old each pairs black and white head hairs were plucked along with follicles. This estrogen receptors analyzed using radioreceptor binding assay there were 5mm eah hair follices including the root cutted and each pair put its in 2 ml glass tube already filled in with 500 µl 125I-estradiol and incubated in 37oC for 3 hrs. Following times were over the tube flushed twice carefully the hair won’t be flushed. Then count by putting in the gamma counter chamber for 1 minute each. The values that shown in the monitor as CPM (count per minute), recorded as receptor of estradiol. Results: Mean (±SD) sum estrogen receptor in females black and white hairs were 479.3 ± 37.5 and 387.7 ± 33.0, but significantly decreased in male black hair was 316.9±17.8 and 274.0 ± 19.8. All those pairs significantly different either female black and white hairs or male black and white hair and also significantly different among groups. Conclusion: The lowest estrogen receptors recorded in male white hairs and microstructure decreasing of melanin contents.

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Background: Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is leading cause of secondary osteoporosis by decreasing formation activity and increasing resorption activity. Spilanthes acmella, is one of Indonesia medicinal plants that contain of polyphenol and flavonoids. Previously in vitro study showed that buthanol and water fraction from this plant have increased alkaline phosphatase that known as marker of bone formation. The objective of this study to analyze the effect of Spilanthes acmella and physical exercise in increasing testosterone and osteoblast cells of femoral’s trabecular glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis male mice. Method: This study using a posttest control group design, 36 male healthy mice (5 months old) were randomizely devided into 6 groups, there are : 1.Healthy control group (without induction dexamethaxone), 2.Osteoporosis groups (induction with dexamethaxone without treatment), 3.Positive control receive suspension alendronat, 4.70% Ethanol extract of Spilanthes acmella group, 5.Combination group of 70% extract ethanol of Spilanthes acmella and exercise, and 6.Exercise group (walking using mice treadmill 10m/minute, 5-12 minutes 3 times a week). All of the intervention were given for 4 weeks. The serum levels of testosterone were determined using immunoserology (ELISA) and osteoblast cells were determined histomorphometry by light microscopy. All statistical test were carried out using SPSS 23 and statistical significance was set at p
Tomato (Lycopersicum commune) Juice and Physical Exercise Increase Number of Neurons and ER? expression in Post-Ovariectomy Rats Brain Laswati, Hening; Subadi, Imam; Andriana, Meisy; Kurniawati, Patricia Maria; Pangkahila, Jahya Alex

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Background: Estrogen deficiency condition can degrade the quality of life, decline in cognitive function will be more severe trough age. Phytoestrogen compounds can be found in pegaga leaf extract, tomatoes, and papaya is an easy and inexpensive way to increase estrogen levels in post menopause women through extra gonadal estrogen induction. Therefore, the aims of this study were to examine the effect of tomato juice, physical exercise, and combination of these treatments on promoting neurons and ER? expression in somatosensory cortex that contribute to cognitive function of post-ovariectomy rats. Method: Twenty-eight female healthy Wistar rats (Rattus novergicus), 8-10 weeks old, from Laboratory of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University include in this experiment. The animals were housed in the animal-care facility with ad libitum food and water. The temperatur was maintained at 18°C-24°C. The treatments were done 2 weeks after ovariectomy. Tomato were made in Laboratory of Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, from inner part of the tomato fruits (mucous like substance) with freeze dry method (-40°C). Results: The weight of white rat Rattus norvegicus post ovariectomy in this study was between 133-170 gram with a mean weight 154.32 ± 9.72 gram. Hematoxylin/eosin staining showed neuronal deficit in the control rats brain. In figure 1, the tomato group showed the largest of neurons number (145.43 ± 17.728), followed the combination group (140.57 ± 22.449), the exercise group (136.86 ± 23.104) and the smallest number in the control group (96.43± 28.965). Four weeks after treatments the number of neurons increased significant in the tomato group (p=0.001), exercise group (p=0.004) and combination group (p=0.002) from the control group. This study showed no significant different between tomato and exercise group (p=0.500), tomato and combination group (p=0.701) and between exercise and combination group (p=0.769). Conclusions: In conclusion, our data demonstrated that post ovariectomy rats showed deficit numbers of neurons and decreased ER? in the somatosensory cortex. Treatment with physical exercise, tomato juice, and combination of these treatments increased the number of neurons and ER? expression in the somatosensory cortex.
Analisis in Silico Senyawa Fitokimia dari Fraksi n-Heksana Daun Semanggi (Marsilea crenata Presl.) sebagai Agen Neuroprotektif Ma'arif, Burhan; Jatmiko, Ricky Arie; Megawati, Dewi Sinta; Annisa, Rahmi; Sugihantoro, Hajar; Muchlisin, Muhammad Artabah; Laswati, Hening; Agil, Mangestuti
Journal of Islamic Pharmacy Vol 5, No 1 (2020): J. Islamic Pharm.
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jip.v5i1.9180


Estrogen deficiency causes various health problems in postmenopausal women, including neurodegenerative disease. Phytoestrogens emerged as a group of compounds that can replace the estrogen function in the body, and prevent the neurodegenerative disease to occur. Semanggi (Marsilea crenata Presl.) is a typical plant in Surabaya, Indonesia, that contain phytoestrogens. The aim of this research was to determine the metabolite profile of n-hexane fraction of Semanggi leaves using UPLC-QToF-MS/MS, and then to predict the neuroprotective activity of compounds with in silico study using PyRX 0.8 software. The 100 ppm of n-hexane fraction of Semanggi leaves in DCM and methanol were injected 5 µl each into the UPLC-QToF-MS/MS, and then analyzed by Masslynx 4.1 software to determine the compounds. The compounds from metabolite profiling then prepared with SwissADME webtool and Avogadro 1.90.0 software, molecular docking was done using Autodock Vina and Biovia Discovery Studio Visualizer 2016 to 3OLS protein. Metabolite profiling process shows a total of 34 predictable compounds and 28 unknown compounds. From in silico study, it shows a total of 7 compounds that are predicted to have activities similar to estrogen. This result indicate that n-hexane fraction of Semanggi leaves has potential as a neuroprotective agent for treatment for postmenopausal women who experience estrogen deficiency.Keywords: Marsilea crenata Presl., phytoestrogens, metabolite profiling, in silico, neuroprotective
Correlation of Quadriceps and Hamstring Muscles Strength with Knee Osteoarthritis Stages and Pain Levels in Elderly Female Subjects Mohammad Fathul Qorib 1, Hening Laswati1
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v14i2.3351


Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common disease occur in elderly. It is commonly occurs in knee, hips and interphalangeal joints Pain caused by knee OA may result in functional disorders that affect patient’s life quality. Objective: To analyze correlation of quadriceps and hamstring muscles strength with knee OA stages and pain levels in elderly female subjects. Methods: 38 elderly female subjects (average age of 67.18 ± 4.91) were assessed for pain scale using numeric rating scale (NRS). We used 1RM protocol (EN-Tree) to measure quadriceps and hamstring muscles strength. We performed anterior-posterior and lateral knee X-rays to determine OA stage. The process of data analysis was conducted using several tests, including Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson’s correlation test, Spearman’s correlation test and Mann-Whitney test to measure difference between knee OA level using 1RM quadriceps muscle and quadriceps/hamstring (Q/H) ratio. Results: The average NRS was 3.68 ± 1.19, 1RM quadriceps and hamstring muscles strength were 2.68 ± 1.23 and 1.11 ± 0.44, respectively, quadricep/hamstring ratio (Q/H) was 2.53 ± 0.95. A total of 30 subjects had OA stage 2, while 8 subjects had OA stage 3. Conclusion: The 1RM quadriceps and hamstring muscles was not correlated with NRS. There was no difference in 1RM quadriceps and hamstring muscles between subjects with OA stage 2 and 3. We found a positive correlation between Q/H ratio and the NRS. The Q/H ratio in subjects with OA level 2and 3 was different.
Relation between Cardiorespiratory Fitness Measured with Six-Minute Walk Test and Walking Speed Measured with 1— Meter Walk Test in Patients of Post-Subacute and Chronic Ischemic Stroke Hening Laswati1, Cut Jaswanita Eka Putri1, Patricia Maria Kurniawati1
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v14i2.3362


Background: Cardiorespiratory fitness measurement using 6MWT (Six Minute Walking Test) and walking speed measurement using 10MWT (Ten Minute Walking Test) in post-stroke patients are measurement to assess post-ischemic stroke patients in subacute or chronic phase. This study is to assess cardiorespiratory fitness and to measure walking speed of post-stroke patients in subacute and chronic. We also aim to observe the relation between cardiorespiratory fitness and walking speed in post-stroke patients. Method: This study involved 38 subjects as samples. 6MWT assessment was conducted by measuring the mileage in six minutes. Walking speed was conducted afterwards with self-speed and fast-speed which were respectively assessed through three repetitions. Results: We found string correlation in 6MWT assessment results with mileage in meter and VO2 max (r = 0.680 and p = 0.000). The result of 6MWT measured with VO2 max (ml/kg/minute) indicated strong correlation with 10MWT both with self-speed (r = 0.715, p = 0.000) and fast-speed (r = 0.687 p = 0.000). Conclusions: We concluded that there was a relation between cardiorespiratory fitness and walking speed in post-subacute and chronic ischemic stroke patients.
Physical Exercise in Clinical Stage IIhuman Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Patients’ Increasesskeletal Muscle MAss Through the Increasing of Myogenic Regulatory Factors Expression Sri Mardjiati Mei Wulan; Hening Laswati; Usman Hadi; Nasronudin Nasronudin
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 4 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i4.17091


Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection is a chronic diseasethat threatensthe health ofmillionsof people inthe worldand causing disability. One of the factors that causedisabilityis HIVmusclewasting,causing a decrease inthe quality of lifethat interferethe daily activitiesand evenincreased mortality. Properphysical exercise is needed to prevent and treat muscle wasting.Methods: This studyusinghuman subjectswithclinicalstageII HIVinfection. Subjectswere groupedinto two:Intervention (n =9) that subjects whogetmoderate-intensity physicalexercise (HIVA) for 8weeks andControl (n=9) as subjects wereobservedfor 8 weeks. Muscles samples were taken fromthe vastuslateralismusclebiopsiesthat performed24 hoursafterthe lastphysical exercise,immunohistochemicalexaminationwithmonoclonalantibodyanti-Pax7, anti-MyoD1 andanti-myogenin and measurement of thigh circumference.Results: Therewere significant increase in regeneration of skeletal muscle in the intervention group(increasing of Pax7, MyoD1 and myogenin) than the control groupand significant increase in quadricepsmuscles mass as measured by thigh circumference (p < 0.001).Conclusion: HIVA physical exerciseof moderate intensityincreasesskeletal muscleregenerationinclinicalstageII HIVinfectionthroughthe increasingPax7, MyoD1, myogeninexpression and followed by an increaseof quadriceps muscles mass.
Comparison of Dynamic Balance between East Java Puslatda Athletes with Plantar Fasciitis and without Plantar Fasciitis Wicaksono Alim Budihartanto; Hening Laswati Putra; Indrayuni Lukitra Wardhani; Yudith Dian Prawitri; Rosy Setiawati
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 3 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i3.16017


Lower extremity injuries are the most common cases of athlete’s injury. Sports athletes often experience perturbations that disturb their balance. Poor balance is associated with an increased risk of injury in athletes. Plantar fasciitis affects the biomechanics of the foot and impairs pressure distribution and balance during walking and running. To compare the dynamic balance between athletes with plantar fasciitis and without plantar fasciitis. This analytic observational with a cross sectional retrospective study design was performed on 101 athletes, aged 16-32 years. There were 49 male athletes and 52 female athletes have undergone dynamic balance checked with the star excursion balance test (SEBT) and plantar fasciitis examinations based on ultrasonography (USG) examination. There was no difference in the normalized SEBT value between the athlete’s group with plantar fasciitis and the athletes without plantar fasciitis, with p value for the anterior direction = 0.317, anterolateral = 0.215, lateral = 0.062, posterolateral = 0.180, posterior = 0.246, posteromedial = 0.354, medial = 0.409, and anteromedial = 0.245. In summary, there is no difference in the dynamic balance between athletes with plantar fasciitis and without plantar fasciitis. Further research is needed to determine the compensation mechanism in athletes with plantar fasciitis and specific exercises for different sport.