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Keterlibatan Ulama dalam Pemenangan Caleg DPRD Provinsi Dapil VI Tahun 2019 (Studi Kasus Desa Sukacinta Kecamatan Sungai Rotan Kabupaten Muara Enim) Afip Afip; Endang Rochmiatun; Nico Oktario Adytyas
Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization
Publisher : Program Studi Politik Islam Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/ampera.v2i2.8030


this study aims, firstly to determine the interaction of ulama with the government and political figures and second to determine the form of ulama involvement in winning the Regional Legislative Council Candidates for Electoral District VI in Sukacinta Village, Sungai Rotan District, Muara Enim Regency. This research uses a qualitative method where the results of observations and some data related to the research are collected in order to interpret the study as detailed as possible, so that the results of the research are clear that the relationship between ulama and politics is not always caused by economic motives, dependence, or so on. More than that, both of them also stand as two entities that can form contributive and solution partners in practicing the humanist values ​​of Pancasila. Especially the implementation of the fifth principle, namely social justice for all Indonesian people. Therefore, it would not be wiser if scholars and politics were only seen tendentiously and excluded their potentialities which could significantly change the benefit of the people. Keywords: Ulama, Government, Politician
Peran PKS Dalam Pendidikan Politik Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Di Kalidoni Palembang Muhammad Yunizar; Endang Rochmiatun
Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization Vol 2 No 3 (2021): Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization
Publisher : Program Studi Politik Islam Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/ampera.v2i3.9590


Abstract The current condition of the Covid-19 pandemic that Indonesia is currently experiencing requires people to avoid gatherings and maintain social distancing. With this condition, how is the role of political parties in political education during the Covid-19 pandemic (Study on the Prosperous Justice Party at the DPC PKS, Kalidoni District, Palembang City. To analyze the research results, the writer uses role theory, political party theory and political education theory. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. By using the primary data sources, namely observations and interviews, while the secondary data is obtained from the results of documentation, books, journals, and other reports from the results of related research. The results of this study found that the forms of political education during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Prosperous Justice Party at the DPC PKS Kalidoni District, Palembang City were divided into three target audiences, namely for individual parties through the Political Recruitment and TOP (Party Orientation Training) program with regular carried out during the pandemic to facilitate party individuals with legal and political insight, then programs aimed at party administrators including the khalaqah program and political education through webinars, finally political education aimed at the community through the Mothers Motivator and Pioneer of Kindness Political Education program which is still being carried out at the sub-district level during the pandemic by implementing physical distancing and BPJE (Economic Network Empowerment Sector) which was conducted in a webinar and was specifically aimed at MSME actors. The supporting factors were technology facilities and quality The human resources owned by PKS and the inhibiting factor is the lack of community involvement where the community still does not have adequate technology and inadequate infrastructure The role and strategy of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in Conducting Political Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic by utilizing technology in the current era of the covid-19 pandemic Keyword : Covid-19, Political Parties, Political Education
Khazanah: Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam Vol. 11 No. 1 (2021): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.833 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/khazanah.v11i1.522


Wayang Palembang merupakan kesenian tradisional berupa seni pertunjukan dengan media tiruan orang yang terbuat dari kulit.Wayang Palembang mengandung nilai-nilai budaya yang universal karena menceritakan kehidupan manusia.Seni Wayang Palembang saat ini mengalami kemunduran bahkan punah. Kajian ini akan menguraikan eksistensi Wayang Palembang melalui jejak-jejak manuskrip (naskah-naskah kuno) yang membuktikan dahulu kesenian Wayang Palembang pernah eksis.
Relasi Dukun Dalam Pemilihan Kepala Desa (Studi Kasus Pemilihan Kepala Desa Sawah Pada Tahun 2017) Nanda Irawan; Endang Rochmiatun
Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization Vol 3 No 03 (2022): Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization
Publisher : Program Studi Politik Islam Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/ampera.v3i03.12844


Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi mengenai hubungan antara pemilihan kepala desa di sebuah daerah dengan kebudayaan yang terdapat di daerah tersebut dan dalam penelitian ini penulis melakukan di Desa Sawah Kecamatan Muara Pinang Kabupaten Empat Lawang pada kontestasi pemilihan kepada desa tahun 2017. Jika di jelaskan sedikit penelitian ini menguraikan hubungan anatara pemilihan kepada desa di Desa Sawah dengan tradisi masyarakat desa Sawah yang masih mempercayai akan keberadaan puyang. Adapun metode penelitian yang dilakukan penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sosial dengan tujuan deskriptif. Dengan menggunakan jenis penilitian kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini yang menjadi narasumber yaitu dukun, kepala desa dan masyarakat desa Sawah. Data diperoleh dengan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini keberadaan dukun di desa Sawah merupakan hal yang masih di percayai oleh semua masyarakat. Pada pemilihan kepela desa tahun 2017 di desa Sawah, semua calon mendatangi dukun yang berbeda-beda. Terdapat 5 calon dalam pemilihan kepala desa Sawah di tahun 2017 yaitu Ahmad Tabrani, Mad Panjang, Melly, Mawok dan Les. Setiap para calon kepala desa memiliki guru spiritual (dukun) masing-masing yang mereka datangi ada yang di perlihatkan dan ada juga yang tidak diperlihatkan. Pada umumnya kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh para calon saat mendatangi dukun adalah meminta restu dan izin kepada puyang melalui bantuan dukun. Biasanya saat mendatangi dukun, calon kepala desa memiliki beberapa pertanyaan mengenai hal yang harus mereka lakukan supaya memenangkan pemilihan kepala desa dan menanyakan pendapat dukun seberapa besar peluang kemenangan calon kepala desa tersebut. Saat mengunjungi dukun, ada ritual khusus yang harus di lakukan oleh calon kepala desa yaitu melakukan menanak minyak tumit bidadari.
Ngumbai Lawok Ceremony: Social Construction and 'Urf' Perspective of the Coastal Muslim Community of Lampung Muhammad Saidun Anwar; Izomiddin Izomiddin; Endang Rochmiatun; Muhammad Noupal; Choirudin Choirudin
Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/rjsalb.v6i2.17587


The study aims to explain the process of externalization, objectification, and internalization in the urf study of the implementation of ngumbai lawok. The research uses an ethnographic approach where data is taken by looking directly at the ceremonies and traditions to obtain details of the implementation carried out. Analysis of the data used is a descriptive analysis technique by describing the object's state under study. The results of this study describe ngumbai lawok is a form of traditional ceremony celebrated or carried out by the people of the West Coast as a form of gratitude to Allah swt to get fruitful results and avoid the calamity that will occur. The externalization process creates the ngumbai lawok ceremony, which is obtained based on his beliefs so far. The objectification process, which includes the ngumbai lawok ceremony, is obtained from the externalization process. Institutional agents consist of traditional leaders, community leaders, village heads, and fishing communities. The internalization process is explored in the name of the community again, perceiving and interpreting every meaning of the ngumbai lawok ceremony. Based on the urf theory review, ngumbai lawok is a form of gratitude in God's nature. In addition, it is a custom that has been accepted by the wider community, justified by considerations of common sense, brings good, and rejects damage. In ngumbai lawok, the request is also purely addressed to Allah and hopes for the blessing and salvation. In addition, in the ngumbai lawok ritual, in essence, the Coastal community only respects their previous ancestors and carries out traditions from generation to generation.
Perubahan Ekonomi dan Perkembangan Peradaban Islam di Palembang Abad XVII – XIX M: Telaah atas Naskahnaskah Kontrak Sultan Palembang Endang Rochmiatun
Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan Vol 13 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage, Agency for Research and Development and Training, Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4061.1 KB) | DOI: 10.31291/jlk.v13i2.231


Artikel ini berbicara tentang hubungan antara perubahan dan perkembangan ekonomi selama Kesultanan Palembang, terutama di era Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I (1724-1757). Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk menjawab pertanyaan: apa sektor ekonomi yang memberikan manfaat bagi Sultan, sehingga ia mampu memperluas peradaban? Bagaimana strategi Sultan Palembang dalam memajukan ekonomi yang mampu memengaruhi perkembangan peradaban Islam di Palembang. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa “lada” merupakan komoditas penting sebagai sumber pendapatan utama kesultanan. Sumber pendapatan lain datang dari “timah” yang berasal dari wilayah koloni yang bernama Bangka. Sultan Palembang melakukan dua bisnis yang saling bertentangan pada waktu yang sama: melakukan bisnis yang legal dengan pelindungnya VOC, dan di sisi lain, ia juga melakukan perdagangan timah di pasar gelap. Selanjutnya, ia juga menjual barang-barang lain yang benar-benar dilarang oleh VOC untuk membiayai penambangan timah. Keuntungan dari perdagangan ini mampu membawa kemakmuran Kesultanan Palembang dan kemajuan peradaban. Misalnya, Sultan mampu membangun kendaraan dan beberapa lembaga Islam.Kata Kunci: Palembang Sultanate, Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin, VOC, timah, lada This paper concerns on the relationship between the changing and development of economy during the Palembang’s Sultanate, especially in the era of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I (1724-1757) and the development of Islamic civilization. The objectives of this essay are to answer these questions; what economic sectors are that give benefits to the Sultan, so that he was able to expand the civilization? How are the Sultan of Palembang’s strategies to make economic advancement which affected to the development of Islamic civilization in Palembang. Finding of this research shows that the “pepper” from the headwaters area was an important commodity that played as the main source of income for sultanate. Another primary source of revenue came from “tin” which was from its colony named Bangka. Sultan of Palembang operated two contradict businesses at the same time; the first, he did a legal business with his protector namely VOC. On the other hand, he also traded tin in the black market in order to gain the redemption benefits. Furthermore, he also sold other goods which were actually prohibited by VOC, this aimed to finance the tin mining. The profits of trading on tin brought prosperity to Palembang Sultanate and advancement in civilization, for instance Sultan build vehicle and several Islamic institutions.Keywords: Palembang Sultanate, Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin, VOC, pepper, tin
Etno Parenting; Transformasi Buaian Anak-anak di Ogan Ilir Sumatera Selatan Muharrahman Muhar; Amin Suyitno; Endang Rochmiatun; Zaimuddin; Ani Nafisah; Zaenal Abidin
Kiddo: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/kiddo.v4i1.8154


This study aims to describe how the transformation of baby swings in Ogan Ilir, especially in Ridho Residence Indralaya Housing. The type of research used is ethnography with a qualitative descriptive approach. This study describes or explores information based on practical experience and ethnoparenting values. The transformation of the baby swing in the Ridho Residence Indralaya housing has undergone several changes, both in terms of shape and material, as well as changes from a more modern implementation aspect with the addition of various applications on the swing. Based on the findings in the field, there are still a few parents who use electric and electric swings because the prices are quite expensive. Meanwhile, the social status of parents at Ridho Residence Indralaya is still classified as lower middle class.
Implementasi Heuristik dalam Penelitian Sejarah Bagi Mahasiswa Ravico Ravico; Endang Rochmiatun; Ira Miyarni Sustianingsih; Berlian Susetyo; Nuzulur Ramadhona
CHRONOLOGIA Vol 4 No 3 (2023): Chronologia
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/jhe.v4i3.11089


The background of this research is that it is still weak and even feels very difficult for history students in writing their final project or thesis. This is due to a lack of understanding of historical research methods. Starting from heuristics to historiography. In order for an understanding of this research method to be carried out properly, it is necessary to have complete understanding of heuristics as a first step. This study uses qualitative research with the steps of observation, researchers see directly the problem and study the literature to examine relevant theories in research. The results of this study obtained that the strategy in the search is bibliographic search, oral source search, artifact search and online source search. Furthermore, the final step is regarding the management of the data sources obtained so that they are arranged periodically.
Tanjak: Sejarah dan Peradaban Islam Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Tanjak: Jurnal Sejarah dan Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam UIN Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/tanjak.v3i1.18184


Penelitian ini berjudul Tradisi Pembersihan Makam Usang Puyang Keleko Kelumpang Desa Lubuk Bandung: Telaah Historis, Antropologi, dan Arkeologis. pokok dari penelitian ini adalah: [1] Bagaimana awal mula sejarah Makam Usang Puyang Keleko Kelumpang di Desa Lubuk Bandung; [2] Apa saja makna yang terkandung dalam tradisi pembersihan makam Usang Puyang Keleko Kelumpang di Desa Lubuk Bandung; [3] Bagaimana bentuk-bentuk makam yang terdapat pada kompleks makam Usang Puyang Keleko Kelumpang. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Solidaritas Sosial dan kajian deskripsi Historis, Antropologi, dan Arkeologis dalam mengkaji tradisi pembersihan makam Usang Puyang Keleko Kelumpang. Dengan menggunakan teori Solidaritas, peneliti berharap dapat mengetahui bagaimana tradisi pembersihan makam Puyang tersebut sebagai media solidaritas masyarakat Desa Lubuk Bandung. selain itu dengan ketiga kajian tersebut, peneliti dapat mengetahui tentang sejarah makam dan tokoh Puyang, proses pelaksanaan tradisi pembersihan makam Puyang dan bentuk dari makam Puyang. Metode yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data dilakukan secara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi.Tradisi pembersihan makam Usang Puyang Keleko Kelumpang merupakan kegiatan pembersihan makam Puyang yang dilakukan sebagai wujud untuk mengenang dan menghormati Puyang leluhur Desa Lubuk Bandung, dengan diadakannya tradisi pembersihan makam Puyang ini, masyarakat akan selalu mengingat jasa Puyang leluhur mereka atas pendirian dari Desa Lubuk Bandung. dalam penelitian ini ada dua sumber data yang digunakan, yakni sumber primer yang diperoleh dari tokoh adat desa, masyarakat desa dan dokumen terkait penelitian, seperti data desa, tradisi pembersihan makam, dan juga tentang deskripsi makam Puyang, dan data sekunder dari literatur yang terkait dengan penelitian. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah diketahui bahwa Puyang bagi masyarakat Desa Lubuk Bandung sebagai seorang tokoh yang mendirikan desa dan tradisi pembersihan makam puyang ini dilakukan masyarakat setahun sekali.
Palembang-Malay Women's Resistance against the Domination of Patriarchal Culture in the XX Century Endang Rochmiatun
Indonesian Historical Studies Vol 7, No 1 (2023): In Progress
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ihis.v7i1.17624


Gender issues during the early twentieth century in Palembang were worth nothing. Among the reasons were that during the colonial period, women did not have equal opportunities to contribute to the public sphere as men. This proves that women's access to public activities is limited. This research manifests women's struggle for emancipation against patriarchal culture in the public sphere in the city of Palembang. This research uses historical research methods and qualitative research. It seeks to answer three questions; 1) How did the Palembang women carry out the emancipation movement against the domination of patriarchal culture? 2) What forms of movement did Palembang women take? 3) What public sectors could Palembang’s women be achieved in the twentieth century. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the traditions and understanding of the people in Palembang did not realize the importance of women obtaining formal education. Not many parents want to send their daughters to formal schools. Whereas in Palembang there were already formal schools in the early 20th century, including: Madrasah al-Islamiyah, HIS School, Muhammadiyah School. Many parents who have daughters still view formal education as unimportant, women are only obliged to be in the domestic sphere (become a wife, do household chores). This condition is the reason why some women who have realized the importance of women getting formal education then voiced the public's awareness of the importance of women getting the right to go to school. Several forms of women's struggle so that the tradition in Palembang that views formal education as not important for women can change, including: Writing in a newspaper published in Palembang. This research shows the struggle of Palembang women in voicing their rights in the public sphere in the twentieth century through the mass media despite many obstacles. The evidence of women's struggle for emancipation gradually eliminates the patriarchal culture.