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MOSQUE-BASED ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT IN THE MALAY WORLD: Views of Ibnu Khaldun's Asabiyah and Malik Bennabi's Civilization Theories Rizqi Anfanni Fahmi; Suyitno Suyitno; Endang Rochmiatun
Al-Qalam Vol 29, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31969/alq.v29i1.1208


In the Malay world, mosque-based economic empowerment has grown in popularity, with Indonesia and Malaysia dominating the presentation of documents on the mosque economy. The purpose of this study was to conduct a literature review on the economic empowerment of mosques in the Malay world and its relationship to civilization. On the basis of keywords pertinent to the economic empowerment of mosques in the Malay world, scholarly articles indexed by Scopus and Google Scholar were reviewed. Using techniques of content analysis, 44 relevant articles were gathered and analyzed. The results indicated that mosque-based economic empowerment programs have increased in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, but not in Southern Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, or the Philippines, where mosques continue to be centers of religious activity. Mosque-based economic empowerment is consistent with Ibn Khaldun's Asabiyah concept, in which the mosque serves as a social organization for Muslims in Malay countries. In some countries, mosque-based economic empowerment has reached a spiritual and rational stage, according to Malik Bennabi. This study can be used as a resource by administrators of mosques and Islamic organizations in the Malay world region to promote economic empowerment to strengthen social cohesion and the Asabiyah of the Malay Muslim community.
Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Publisher : CV. Era Digital Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (84.239 KB) | DOI: 10.59066/ijoms.v1i1.77


This study aims to determine the effect of social media Facebook and Twitter on the political participation of the millennial Muslim generation. The population used in this study were students of the adab and humanities faculty of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, which is taking samples with certain considerations with a total sample of 81 respondents. The type of data used is primary data and the data analysis techniques used in this research are classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results of this study indicate that the influence of social media on political participation does not have a positive and significant effect on the political participation of the millennial Muslim generation. And partially Twitter influences the political participation of the millennial Muslim generation. The value of the coefficient of determination R Square shows a value of 0.233 or 23.3% . This value shows the influence of social media on Facebook and Twitter can be explained by the variables social media, Facebook, and Twitter by 23.3% . While the remaining 76.6% is influenced by other variables that are not explained in this study. If the value of R square has a value > 0.4 to 1, then it means that it has a strong influence. 6% is influenced by other variables that are not explained in this study. If the value of R square has a value > 0.4 to 1, then it means that it has a strong influence. 6% is influenced by other variables that are not explained in this study. If the value of R square has a value > 0.4 to 1, then it means that it has a strong influence.
The East Coast of Sumatra in the Spice Trade Network in the 19th Century Syahrul Rahmat; Amin Suyitno; Endang Rochmiatun
Criksetra: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 12, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/jc.v12i2.20001


This article discusses the dynamics of the spice trade that occurred on the east coast of Sumatra, to be precise in the areas of Singapore and Palembang in the 19th century. The spice trade on the east coast of Sumatra in the 19th century was inseparable from the involvement of many nations in the spice commodity produced in the archipelago. In addition, this article also aims to analyze the impact of the spice trade on the formation of inter-ethnic networks. This study uses historical research methods, starting from heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and writing of history.  Analysis of the results of research using the Islamic Maritime Civilization approach by K.N Chaudhuri and the Trade Network approach by J.C Van Leur, these two theories argue that maritime civilization is inseparable from the influence of agrarian civilization which has an impact on the formation of a network. The results of this study are; first, in the 19th century, Singapore and Palembang were areas that still existed as a place for the spice trade, and these two areas were not only a place for trade interactions, but also a spice producer. Second, the spice trade in this century has also formed networks between nations and ethnicities, such as local networks involving ethnic groups in Nusantara and international networks involving various ethnic groups and ethnic groups in the world.Keywords: Trade Network, Maritime Civilization, East Coast Of Sumatra, Spice.Artikel ini membahas dinamika perdagangan rempah yang terjadi di pantai timur Sumatera, tepatnya di wilayah Singapura dan Palembang pada abad ke-19. Perdagangan rempah di pantai timur Sumatera pada abad ke-19 tidak terlepas dari keterlibatan banyak bangsa terhadap komuditas rempah yang dihasilkan di wilayah Nusantara. Selain itu, artikel ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak dari perdagangan rempah terhadap terbentuknya jaringan jaringan antar suku bangsa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah, yang dimulai dari heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi dan penulisan sejarah. Hasil penelitian kemudian dianalisa dengan pendekatan peradaban bahari Islam oleh K.N Chaudhuri serta jaringan perdagangan oleh J.C Van Leur, kedua teori ini berpendapat bahwa peradaban maritim tidak terlepas dari pengaruh peradaban agraris yang berdampak pada terbentuknya sebuah jaringan. Beberapa hasil kajian ini dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut; pertama, pada abad ke-19, Singapura dan Palembang merupakan kawasan yang masih eksis sebagai tempat terjadinya perdagangan rempah, dan dua daerah ini tidak hanya sebagai tempat terjadinya interaksi perdagangan, tapi juga menjadi penghasil rempah. Kedua, Perdagangan rempah masa ini juga membentuk jaringan antar bangsa dan etnis, seperti jaringan lokal yang melibatkan etnis-etnis di Nusantara serta jaringan internasional yang melibatkan berbagai etnis dan suku bangsa di dunia.Kata Kunci: Jaringan Perdagangan, Peradaban Maritim, Pantai Timur Sumatera, Rempah.