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Implementasi Fuzzy Logic dan Trajectory Pada Manipulator Mobile Robot Untuk Deteksi Kebocoran Gas R Rendyansyah; Aditya Putra Perdana Prasetyo; Kemahyanto Exaudi
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 15, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1388.381 KB) | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v15i1.12373


Developing technology can facilitate work activities, one of which is technology in the field of robotics. One of the purposes of creating the robot was to assist in investigating suspected targets. The target can be a gas source leak object. On the other hand, gas leaks in industrial estates have a large impact on the environment. Robots are needed to facilitate the inspection process of targets suspected of gas leakage. Robots generally have systems that are integrated with sensors as interfaces and intelligent computing. In this study mobile robots and manipulators have been designed and have the purpose of inspecting objects suspected of being gas leaks. This robot system is called a mobile robot manipulator equipped with a wireless camera for object detection, two gas sensors for aroma detection, each sensor is mounted on the end-effector manipulator and next to the camera. The methods used in robots are fuzzy logic and cubic trajectory. Fuzzy logic is used to navigate robots to objects, and cubic trajectory for navigating manipulators based on the specified route. In the experiments that have been done, the mobile robot can navigate to the target until it stops at a distance of 20cm, and the manipulator is also successful in navigating. In the testing instrument, two leaking points have been determined. Each point is tested six times. The robot succeeded in detecting gas leaks with a success rate of 91.67%, and the position of coordinates read by the manipulator can be observed through the monitor.
Application of Template Matching on Hand Gestures for Movement Control of a 4-DoF Robotic Arm Rendyansyah Rendyansyah; Aditya P.P. Prasetyo; Kemahyanto Exaudi; Sarmayanta Sembiring
Jurnal Fokus Elektroda : Energi Listrik, Telekomunikasi, Komputer, Elektronika dan Kendali) Vol. 8 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Fokus Elektroda Vol 8 No 3 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Halu Oleo

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Humans are very dependent on technology to lighten their work in various fields. One robotics technology that is often applied is in industrial and medical areas. Robotics is a machine that can work automatically or receive instructions from the operator. In general, the application of robots in the industry provides advantages in terms of time and production results. One example of robots in Industry is Robotic Arms, such as medical robots, assembling, welding, picking up and moving objects, and others. In this study, the robot arm has freedom within 4-DoF, and the robot is controlled based on hand gestures using the Template Matching method. The robotic arm navigates based on hand gestures captured by the camera and then processed in the computer. The object used is adjusted to the experimental instrument. The experimental results show that the arm robot 4-DoF can move based on commands from hand gestures with a success rate of 90%.
Robot Vision Pattern Recognition of the Eye and Nose Using the Local Binary Pattern Histogram Method Ahmad Zarkasi; Huda Ubaya; Kemahyanto Exaudi; Alif Almuqsit; Osvari Arsalan
Computer Engineering and Applications Journal Vol 12 No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18495/comengapp.v12i3.444


The local binary pattern histogram (LBPH) algorithm is a computer technique that can detect a person's face based on information stored in a database (trained model). In this research, the LBPH approach is applied for face recognition combined with the embedded platform on the actuator system. This application will be incorporated into the robot's control and processing center, which consists of a Raspberry Pi and Arduino board. The robot will be equipped with a program that can identify and recognize a human's face based on information from the person's eyes and nose. Based on the results of facial feature identification testing, the eyes were recognized 131 times (87.33%), and the nose 133 times (88.67%) out of 150 image data samples. From the test results, an accuracy rate of 88%, the partition rate of 95.23%, the recall of 30%, the specificity of 99%, and the F1-Score of 57.5% were obtained.
Implementasi Fuzzy Logic dan Trajectory Pada Manipulator Mobile Robot Untuk Deteksi Kebocoran Gas R Rendyansyah; Aditya Putra Perdana Prasetyo; Kemahyanto Exaudi
Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika Vol 15, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17529/jre.v15i1.12373


Developing technology can facilitate work activities, one of which is technology in the field of robotics. One of the purposes of creating the robot was to assist in investigating suspected targets. The target can be a gas source leak object. On the other hand, gas leaks in industrial estates have a large impact on the environment. Robots are needed to facilitate the inspection process of targets suspected of gas leakage. Robots generally have systems that are integrated with sensors as interfaces and intelligent computing. In this study mobile robots and manipulators have been designed and have the purpose of inspecting objects suspected of being gas leaks. This robot system is called a mobile robot manipulator equipped with a wireless camera for object detection, two gas sensors for aroma detection, each sensor is mounted on the end-effector manipulator and next to the camera. The methods used in robots are fuzzy logic and cubic trajectory. Fuzzy logic is used to navigate robots to objects, and cubic trajectory for navigating manipulators based on the specified route. In the experiments that have been done, the mobile robot can navigate to the target until it stops at a distance of 20cm, and the manipulator is also successful in navigating. In the testing instrument, two leaking points have been determined. Each point is tested six times. The robot succeeded in detecting gas leaks with a success rate of 91.67%, and the position of coordinates read by the manipulator can be observed through the monitor.
PURWARUPA SISTEM PEMANTAUAN POLUSI UDARA DI RUANG TERTUTUP MENGGUNAKAN PLATFORM THINGSPEAK Kemahyanto Exaudi; Nabillah Selva Setiawan; Aditya P P Prasetyo; Rossi Passarella; Huda Ubaya; Purwita Sari; Rido Zulfahmi; Roswitha Yemima Tiur Mediswati
Jurnal Teknologi Terapan Vol 9, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi Terapan
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31884/jtt.v9i2.412


Smoking is an act of negligence that a person commits intentionally and causes personal harm. The habit of smoking has spread to children and adolescents. One of the health impacts of smoking is the smoke that is released. Therefore, cigarette smoke is categorized as one of the causes of air pollution. A bad habit that smokers do is smoking in a closed room with minimal ventilation. As a result, the air in the room is contaminated by harmful substances from cigarette smoke. This study aims to monitor the quality of air exposed to cigarette smoke in a prototype closed room and measure the effectiveness of sansevieria plants placed in the room to absorb cigarette smoke in real-time. Air quality is displayed in graphical form using the Thingspeak Platform. The stages carried out in this research are air quality detected using an MQ-7 sensor integrated with the MCU8266 WiFi Node, converting sensor data into smoke density values in units of PPM (parts per million), displaying air PPM graphs in real-time and displaying the absorption ability of sansevieria against air contaminated with cigarette smoke. The results prove that one pot of sansevieria plants (5 leaves) placed in a prototype room with a size of 70cm x 30cm x 45cm can absorb cigarette smoke within 1 hour 39 minutes. While for two pots of sansevieria plants (10 leaves), it takes 1 hour and 11 minutes. Visualization of the absorption graph and normalization of air in the room can also be monitored in real-time through the Thingspeak platform based on the smoke density value against time.
Pemantauan Kangkung di Dalam Showcase Hidroponik Cerdas Menggunakan Teknologi Internet of Things Kemahyanto Exaudi; Aditya P P Prasetyo; Sarmayanta Sembiring; Komang Mita Sari
Generic Vol 15 No 2 (2023): Vol 15, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Sriwijaya

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Bercocok tanam menggunakan teknik hidroponik memberikan kontribusi baru bagi dunia pertanian terutama dalam penggunaan media air dan tidak membutuhkan lahan yang luas. Teknik ini telah banyak di implementasi sebagian masyarakat umum selain petani untuk budidaya sayuran segar di lingkungan rumahnya. Dengan menerapkan teknologi Internet of Things pada sistem hidroponik, pertumbuhan sayuran yang dibudidaya dapat dengan mudah di pantau dari jarak jauh menggunakan perangkat smartphone. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sistem pemantauan budidaya hidroponik yang diimplementasikan pada purwarupa smart showcase cerdas dan digunakan khusus didalam ruangan. Sistem pemantauan yang dirancang berbasis webserver dan menggunakan platfom IoT Thingsboard untuk visualisasi parameter berbasis grafik. Teknik mengumpulkan data secara online menggunakan google spreedsheet. Thingsboard sebagai user interface untuk memvisualisasikan parameter yang dipantau dalam bentuk grafik. Parameter yang dipantau adalah suhu, kelembapan didalam dan luar showcase dan kontrol lampu grow light sebagai pengganti intensitas cahaya matahari. Penelitian ini telah berhasil membuktikan bahwa pertumbuhan sayuran didalam showcase hidroponik cerdas dapat dipantau dari jarak jauh secara realtime. Pemantauan dilakukan selama ± 18 jam/hari dengan waktu pengambilan data selama 7 hari. Dalam proses pengambilan data terdapat error data 3.25% yang disebabkan koneksi internet terputus pada waktu yang berbeda-beda. Namun ini tidak menyebabkan kegagalan yang signifikan terhadap proses monitoring. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan 8 batang kangkung yang di uji, terdapat 4 batang yang mengalamai gagal tumbuh mulai dari hari ke 4 dan 4 batang lainya tumbuh dengan sempurna.
Scheduling Information System at SMA N 1 Madang Rasuan OKU Timur Dedy Kurniawan*; Rossi Passarella; Sutarno Sutarno; Ahmad Rifai; Rahmat Fadli Isnanto; Huda Ubaya; Kemahyanto Exaudi; Purwita Sari; Izzati Millah Hanifah; Tharisa Antya Perdani
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i1.18009


The development of technology and information systems is currently so rapid, especially after the corona pandemic era, everything began to use technological assistance, not spared until the elements of the school were required to use technology as a means of learning, one of the considerations of the school in using technology including as a schedule management system. In this website-based scheduling application system for SMAN 1 Madang Suku 1, the author and co-author create a scheduler application that can easily manage schedules that already have integrated data between subjects, teachers, majors, classes at school. the purpose of making this application system is to increase efficiency in the process of scheduling classes and rooms at SMA 1 Madang Rasuan OKU Timur, and also make it easier for students to access the required schedule so that the schedule does not have to be taken at school again. The final result of this research is to produce a web-based application program that can help teachers or school admins to create and manage subject schedules with a good appearance and equipped with various features so that the subject scheduling process becomes more efficient and organized.
PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN DATA KEPENDUDUKAN DESA GELEBAK DALAM KECAMATAN RAMBUTAN KABUPATEN BANYUASIN Sutarno Sutarno; Kemahyanto Exaudi; Rossi Passarella; Ahmad Rifai; Huda Ubaya; Dedy Kurniawan; Rahmad Fadli Isnanto; Purwita Sari
Jurnal Abdikom Vol 1 No 1 (2022): JURNAL ABDIKOM
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

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Desa Gelebak Dalam memiliki luas wilayah 17.779 Ha dengan jumlah penduduk ± 2.100 jiwa dari 552 kepala keluarga. Pekerjaan utama masyarakat desa adalah bertani sawah. Selain itu budidaya ikan sungai dan perkebunan seperti jagung dan buah naga juga dilakukan oleh masyarakat setempat. Informasi ini diperoleh berdasarkan penjelasan perangkat desa tanpa bukti tertulis. Hal ini menyebabkan perangkat desa sulit untuk memetakan potensi sumber daya yang ada dan berakibat pada kurang tepatnya bantuan, penyuluhan dan pendampingan yang diberikan pemerintah maupun swasta untuk mengembangkan potensi desa. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah menerapkan sistem e-government pedesaan yang dapat membantu perangkat desa dalam mengelola informasi yang berkaitan dengan administrasi kependudukan, surat-menyurat, data sumber daya dan potensi desa, serta pelaporan informasi yang dapat membantu pemerintah mengambil keputusan dalam perencanaan pengembangan desa. Tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan ini menggunakan metode FAST yaitu survei dan diskusi di desa, analisa permasalahan dan kebutuhan desa, menentukan model bisnis sistem, analisa kebutuhan sistem, serta pengembangan dan implementasi sistem. Hasil akhir dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat desa dapat dengan mudah dan cepat memproleh informasi secara transparansi. Potensi desa dapat ditingkatkan dengan penyuluhan yang tepat sasaran melalui rekomendasi data sistem. Perangkat desa dapat mengelola dan menemukan data kependudukan dengan mudah melalui sistem database yang terpusat.
Implementasi Scoreboard Digital untuk Pertandingan Bulutangkis pada Gedung Olahraga Fasilkom Unsri Berbasis Teknologi Wireless Kemahyanto Exaudi; Sarmayanta Sembiring; Aditya P.P Prasetyo; Rahmat Fadli Isnanto; Huda Ubaya; Ahmad Zarkasi; Adi Hermansyah
Jurnal Abdikom Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Bidang Ilmu Komputer (ABDIKOM)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

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Implementasi Scoreboard pada lapangan bulutangkis sangat penting bagi para pemain maupun penonton didalam suatu pertandingan. Scoreboard memiliki peran penting dalam memberikan informasi angka yang diperoleh untuk menentukan yang menang dan kalah. Fasilkom Unsri memiliki gedung olahraga baru dengan fasilitas lapangan bulutangkis berstandar internasional. Namun perhitungan skor-nya masih menggunakan metode manual. Tujuan pengabdian ini dilakukan adalah untuk mewujudkan lapangan bulutangkis Fasilkom memiliki sistem perhitungan skor menggunakan Scoreboard digital berbasis wireless. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan langsung kepada para penggiat olahraga bulutangkis dalam menggunakan Scoreboard digital. Sistem Scoreboard digital ini terdiri dari dua bagian utama, yaitu Scoreboard digital berbasis wireless sebagai informasi skor perolehan dan aplikasi skor yang diaplikasikan oleh wasit menggunakan smartphone. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa Scoreboard digital ini berhasil diimplementasikan dengan baik dan memberikan dampak positif terhadap permainan bulutangkis di gedung olahraga fasilkom. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan semakin banyaknya pengguna lapangan bulutangkis di gedung fasilkom, sehingga dibutuhkan pembagian waktu penggunaan bagi yang ingin bermain bulutangkis.