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Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 15, No 2 (2019): SAINTEK PERIKANAN
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (77.219 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.15.2.119-123


Penelitian respons mimi terhadap cahaya light emitting diode merah dengan intensitas yang berbeda telah dilakukan pada skala laboratorium. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pola dan laju respons mimi terhadap lampu LED merah dengan intensitas yang berbeda serta menentukan tingkat intensitas LED merah yang tepat untuk mitigasi bycatch mimi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen skala laboratorium dengan tiga variabel intensitas cahaya LED merah, yaitu rendah (3,68 × 10-6 W/cm2), intensitas sedang (5,47 × 10-6 W/cm2), dan intensitas tinggi (1,05 × 10-5 W/cm2). Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengamati pola dan laju respons mimi terhadap tiga intensitas cahaya lampu LED merah. Spesies mimi yang dijadikan objek penelitian adalah Tachypleus gigas. Jumlah mimi yang digunakan sebanyak 20 ekor dengan panjang total 30-38 cm. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat respons mimi menjauhi cahaya terbanyak pada LED merah intensitas rendah sebanyak 60%, sedangkan intensitas sedang dan tinggi sebanyak 35% dan 34%. Adapun waktu respons mimi yang tersingkat terdapat pada intensitas cahaya LED rendah selama 32,05 detik dan waktu respons terpanjang terdapat pada intensitas tinggi selama 59,06 detik. Berdasarkan respons penghindaran tersebut, lampu LED dengan intensitas 3,68 × 10-6 W/cm2 dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dalam mitigasi bycatch mimi pada perikanan jaring insang dasar. Research on the response of horsehoe crab toward  red light emitting diode lamps with different intensities were carried out on laboratory scale. The purpose of this study were to analyze the pattern and response rate of horseshoe crab against red LEDs with different intensities and determine the intensity of red LED light that is suitable for mitigation bycatch of horseshoe crab. The research method used was experimental laboratory with three viriables, namely low intensity (3,68 × 10-6 W/cm2), moderate intensity (5,47 × 10-6 W/cm2), and high intensity (1,05 × 10-5 W/cm2). The experiment was carried out by observing the pattern and the response rate for the red LED lights. The type of spesies used in research is Tachypleus gigas. The number of horseshoe crabs used was 20 with a total lenght of 30-38 cm. Data analysis  used was deskriptive comparative method. The result showed that the intensity of the most avoided by horseshoe crab was a low intensity of 60%, while the moderate and high intensity  were 35% and 34% respectively. The shortest horseshoe crab response time is at low intensity for 32,05 seconds and the longest response time is at high intensity for 59,06 seconds. LED light with an intensity of 3,68 × 10-6 W/cm2 provide an avoidance response to horseshoe crab. Based on the avoidance response, LED lights with an intensity of 3,68 × 10-6 W/cm2 can be used as an alternative in mitigation bycatch of horseshoe crab for bottom gillnets fisheries.
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): Marine Fisheries: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Laut
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jmf.v14i1.44095


The need for fishery products that are healthy, safe, legal, sustainable, and democratic from time to time continues to increase. This makes the export destination country require a certificate issued by an institution. One of the standards used by such countries is the MSC ecolabel. MSC ecolabel is an endorsement of a product that meets the criteria of environmental sustainability procedures and hasbeen well managed. Ecolabel identifies fisheries governance properly based on established criteria, relating to the utilization of fishery resources and marine ecosystems. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an assessment related to the application of MSC ecolabels in the Sibolga tuna processing industry. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of gap (gap analysis) and the suitability of the application of the MSC ecolabel and examine various inhibiting factors. This research was conducted using survey methods and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with industry and Sibolga Archipelago Fishing Port. The analysis used was qualitative descriptive analysis, gap analysis, and conformity level analysis. The results showed that the level of conformity in the MSC CoC of 5 (five) criteria, only 1 criterion was in accordance with the standard, while the other four had not, with the level of conformity being 63.75%, 83.25%, 66.75, and 57.25%. The results of the assessment of the inhibiting factors were obtained from fishermen, processing industries, and government support. Keywords: MSC CoC, Sibolga, traceability, yellow fin tuna.
Fishing season of large pelagic fish in Idi Rayeuk waters, East Aceh, Indonesia M.A. Chaliluddin; Rizka Alfita; Thaib Rizwan; Rahmat Rizqi; Rosi Rahayu; Sayyid Afdhal El Rahimi; Ichsan Rusydi
Depik Vol 10, No 2 (2021): August 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.114 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.2.21203


Large pelagic fish live on the water surface in groups. Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis), mackerel (Scomberomous guttatus) are species of fishes that mainly catches by fishermen using purse seines. This study aims to determine the length and weight of large pelagic fish in the water of Idi Rayeuk and best the fishing season. This research was conducted in one month. Fish samples were collected from fishermen that used purse seine and landed their catches at the Idi Rayeuk Fishing Port, East Aceh. Additionally, the data was derived from the fishing port time-series during 2015 to 2019. The result showed that the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) has a length between 37 - 58 cm with a weight of 1.0 - 3.2 kg, skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) 32 - 58 cm in length and weight 0.5 - 3.0 kg, mackerel tuna has 33 - 54 cm of length with a weight of 0.6 - 2.5 kg, and mackerel has 44 - 66 cm of length and weighing 0.7 - 1.7 kg. Its also found that the peak season for catching yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and mackerel tuna is May and June, and the lowest season in December for the yellowfin tuna, and December and January for the mackerel tuna. The peak season for skipjack fishing occurs in May, August, and October, and the low season occurs in November and December. Meanwhile, the peak season for fishing mackerel occurs in May, September, and October, while the low season occurs in January, February, and March.Keywords:Fishing seasonLarge pelagicPurse seineIdi RayeukAceh
Performance analysis of catch fisheries in Sabang Waters Salmarika Salmarika; Imam Shadiqin; Muhammad Irham; Imelda Agustina; Rosi Rahayu; Ratna Mutia Aprilla; Alvi Rahmah
Depik Vol 11, No 3 (2022): DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.357 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.11.3.22182


Sabang waters is one of the centers of capture fisheries production at the tip of the Sumatera Island which has a large potential of fish resources. However, information related to the performance of capture fisheries including fish production, fishing gear, fishing fleet, number of fishermen and fishing areas is still limited. This study aims to analyse and describe information related to capture fisheries performances in the waters of Sabang. Performance data were analysed descriptive quantitatively and obtained by survey method. The results showed that the trend of capture fisheries production tends to increase by 15% annually and catches are dominated by large pelagic fish, namely tuna (Thunnus sp). The type of fishery business is dominated by fishermen who operate vessels measuring 0 - 5 GT (57.9%) with fishing areas between the coast to 2 nautical miles. Fishermen in Sabang Waters are categorized as small businesses. because use small boats and using handlines as fishing gear that aim to meet daily needs, not for business scale.Keywords:Fish productionFishing gearFishing fleetFishing groundCapture fisheries
Pemetaan Tangkahan Pendaratan Ikan Berdasarkan Komoditas yang di Daratkan di Pulau Banyak, Aceh Singkil: Pemetaan Tangkahan Pendaratan Ikan Berdasarkan Komoditas yang di Daratkan di Pulau Banyak, Aceh Singkil Muhammad Rizal; Hamidi Hamidi; Muhammad Arif; Hafinuddin Hafinuddin; Muhammad Agam Thahir; Afdhal Fuadi; Rosi Rahayu
Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management (on progress)
Publisher : Departement of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jppt.v7i1.44217


Pulau Banyak and Pulau Banyak Barat Districts. play an active role in advancing capture fisheries production, this can be seen from the larger number and size of vessels operated so as to produce larger capture fisheries production. To land and sell their catch, many private entrepreneurs do it in their private holdings, not in government-owned fishing ports. This Tangkahan generally has relatively little land and facilities, but the activities and production are relatively large. This study aims to analyze the catch landed on the Tangkahans of Banyak Island, Aceh Singkil and make a map of the location of the Tangkahans in Pulau Banyak, Aceh Singkil. The method used is in 2 stages, the first stage is conducting a field survey using interview questionnaires, and the second stage is collecting field data (coordinate points of Tangkahan, types of catches and aerial photos of Tangkahan Island many). The location of the research is on Banyak Island, Aceh Singkil. The results of the study showed that there were 12 Tangkahans in Pulawa many, of which 8 units were in Baguk Village and 4 units were in Balai Desai. The catches that landed consisted of Squid, Dencis Fish, Tuna, Coral Anchovy and others. This is because the fishing gear used by Pulau Banyak fishermen is dominated by Bagan.
Fishing season of large pelagic fish in Idi Rayeuk waters, East Aceh, Indonesia M.A. Chaliluddin; Rizka Alfita; Thaib Rizwan; Rahmat Rizqi; Rosi Rahayu; Sayyid Afdhal El Rahimi; Ichsan Rusydi
Depik Vol 10, No 2 (2021): August 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.2.21203


Large pelagic fish live on the water surface in groups. Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis), mackerel (Scomberomous guttatus) are species of fishes that mainly catches by fishermen using purse seines. This study aims to determine the length and weight of large pelagic fish in the water of Idi Rayeuk and best the fishing season. This research was conducted in one month. Fish samples were collected from fishermen that used purse seine and landed their catches at the Idi Rayeuk Fishing Port, East Aceh. Additionally, the data was derived from the fishing port time-series during 2015 to 2019. The result showed that the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) has a length between 37 - 58 cm with a weight of 1.0 - 3.2 kg, skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) 32 - 58 cm in length and weight 0.5 - 3.0 kg, mackerel tuna has 33 - 54 cm of length with a weight of 0.6 - 2.5 kg, and mackerel has 44 - 66 cm of length and weighing 0.7 - 1.7 kg. Its also found that the peak season for catching yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and mackerel tuna is May and June, and the lowest season in December for the yellowfin tuna, and December and January for the mackerel tuna. The peak season for skipjack fishing occurs in May, August, and October, and the low season occurs in November and December. Meanwhile, the peak season for fishing mackerel occurs in May, September, and October, while the low season occurs in January, February, and March.Keywords:Fishing seasonLarge pelagicPurse seineIdi RayeukAceh
Performance analysis of catch fisheries in Sabang Waters Salmarika Salmarika; Imam Shadiqin; Muhammad Irham; Imelda Agustina; Rosi Rahayu; Ratna Mutia Aprilla; Alvi Rahmah
Depik Vol 11, No 3 (2022): DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.11.3.22182


Sabang waters is one of the centers of capture fisheries production at the tip of the Sumatera Island which has a large potential of fish resources. However, information related to the performance of capture fisheries including fish production, fishing gear, fishing fleet, number of fishermen and fishing areas is still limited. This study aims to analyse and describe information related to capture fisheries performances in the waters of Sabang. Performance data were analysed descriptive quantitatively and obtained by survey method. The results showed that the trend of capture fisheries production tends to increase by 15% annually and catches are dominated by large pelagic fish, namely tuna (Thunnus sp). The type of fishery business is dominated by fishermen who operate vessels measuring 0 - 5 GT (57.9%) with fishing areas between the coast to 2 nautical miles. Fishermen in Sabang Waters are categorized as small businesses. because use small boats and using handlines as fishing gear that aim to meet daily needs, not for business scale.Keywords:Fish productionFishing gearFishing fleetFishing groundCapture fisheries
Komposisi Hasil Tangkapan Alat Tangkap Jaring Salam (Jaring Insang) Nelayan Tapanuli Tengah: Different To Floating Net Cages Composition Of Catch Result Using Gill Net Fishing Gear By Central Tapanuli Fishermen Ricky Winrison Fuah; Rosi Rahayu
Jurnal Rosenberg Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Politeknik Perikanan Negeri Tual

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Penyebutan jaring insang oleh nelayan Tapanuli Tengah yaitu jaring salam merupakan alat tangkap yang digunakan untuk menangkap ikan pelagis kecil dengan ikan dominan tertangkap yaitu ikan kembung. Walaupun demikian, jenis-jenis ikan lainnya kadang tertangkap terkadang tidak, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian terkait komposisi hasil tangkapan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui kontruksi dan komposisi hasil tangkapan jaring salam nelayan Tapanuli Tengah. Pengumpulan data secara metode survei, dan analisis data menggunakan metode statistik deskriptif. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu konstruksi jaring salam umumnya sama dengan jaring insang lainnya yaitu terdiri dari badan jaring, pelampung dan pemberat, tali ris atas dan bawah, tali pemberat dan tali pelampung, serta pelampung tanda. Jenis ikan yang tertangkap adalah ikan kembung, ikan belanak, ikan gulamah, ikan deman, udang mantis, dan rajungan dengan kembung merupakan ikan yang dominan tertangkap.
PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN IBU RUMAH TANGGA MELALUI PEMBUATAN OLAHAN IKAN SEBAGAI UPAYA PENCEGAHAN STUNTING Rahmawati; Akbardiansyah; Rosi Rahayu; Muhammad Arif; Sri Ayu Insani; Afdhal Fuadi; Hamidi; Muhammad Agam Thahir; Rudi Hermi
RAMBIDEUN : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): Rambideun: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Al Muslim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51179/pkm.v6i3.2166


The nutritional content of fish is very high in protein and omega 3 fatty acids, but there is still little interest in eating fish among children. The government is trying to prevent stunting by launching the GEMARIKAN (Gemar Makan Ikan/Fond of eating fish) program to fulfill nutrition sourced from fish. Fish are generally less popular because their shape makes them uninteresting and boring, so interest in eating fish decreases. Housewives are encouraged to play a role in fulfilling children's nutrition through fish intake using various techniques, one of which is processing fish into a variety fish-based food. Alternative fish-based food is made to attract families to consume it by empowering groups of housewives and young women. This training aimed to educate about alternative fish-based food and recommend business opportunities to support additional family income. Training activities were carried out through mentoring and counseling for 20 housewives and young women from Gampong Blang Padang, by forming small groups and providing education regarding techniques for processing fish into dimsum products, fish sticks and fish nuggets. The results of the training showed that housewives and young women were able to make more varied fish preparations. Apart from that, participants received counseling about the benefits of fish for health, not only as an ingredient in making various types of processed fish food that have nutritional and economic value.
Fishing season of large pelagic fish in Idi Rayeuk waters, East Aceh, Indonesia M.A. Chaliluddin; Rizka Alfita; Thaib Rizwan; Rahmat Rizqi; Rosi Rahayu; Sayyid Afdhal El Rahimi; Ichsan Rusydi
Depik Vol 10, No 2 (2021): August 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.10.2.21203


Large pelagic fish live on the water surface in groups. Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis), mackerel (Scomberomous guttatus) are species of fishes that mainly catches by fishermen using purse seines. This study aims to determine the length and weight of large pelagic fish in the water of Idi Rayeuk and best the fishing season. This research was conducted in one month. Fish samples were collected from fishermen that used purse seine and landed their catches at the Idi Rayeuk Fishing Port, East Aceh. Additionally, the data was derived from the fishing port time-series during 2015 to 2019. The result showed that the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) has a length between 37 - 58 cm with a weight of 1.0 - 3.2 kg, skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) 32 - 58 cm in length and weight 0.5 - 3.0 kg, mackerel tuna has 33 - 54 cm of length with a weight of 0.6 - 2.5 kg, and mackerel has 44 - 66 cm of length and weighing 0.7 - 1.7 kg. Its also found that the peak season for catching yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and mackerel tuna is May and June, and the lowest season in December for the yellowfin tuna, and December and January for the mackerel tuna. The peak season for skipjack fishing occurs in May, August, and October, and the low season occurs in November and December. Meanwhile, the peak season for fishing mackerel occurs in May, September, and October, while the low season occurs in January, February, and March.Keywords:Fishing seasonLarge pelagicPurse seineIdi RayeukAceh