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Pengaruh Temperatur Terhadap Entalpi dan Kinetic Rate Gas Pirolisis Kayu Mahoni Suwandono, Purbo; Wijayanti, Widya; Hamidi, Nurkholis
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 6, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (563.683 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jrm.2015.006.01.9


This study was conducted to determine the effect of temperature on gas enthalpy and kinetic rate of mahogany wood powder pyrolysis results. Research process carried out experimentally with the temperature 673 K, 773 K, 873K, 973 K and 1073 K. Pyrolysis process is carried out for 2 hours with a particle size of sawdust from 0.5 to 1 mm. The results showed that the enthalpy value increase as the temperature increase. Highest enthalpy value achieved at 1073 K, with enthalpy value is 35015.97J.Kinetic rate for temperature 873 K, 973 K and 1073 K is 𝑘 = 1,484𝑒 −2759/𝑇 , kinetic rate for temperature 673 K and 773 K is 𝑘 = 16,5306𝑒 −5368/𝑇 and 𝑘 = 3,0373𝑒 −2980/𝑇 respectively. As the temperature increase, activation energy (Ea) to decompose biomass into gases is decrease.
Pengaruh konduktivitas thermal pada hot cylinder mesin stirling menggunakan energi surya terkonsentrasi Fanani, Akhmad Rizal; Sahbana, Muhammad Agus; Suwandono, Purbo
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Jurnal TURBO
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v10i2.1741


Renewable energy is one of the businesses sector that will develop rapidly after the changing economic order due to the corona outbreak. The characteristics of Indonesia's tropical climate by getting good sunlight throughout the year can be used as alternative and renewable energy. The Stirling engine is one type of external combustion engine, because combustion is carried out outside the engine using a closed regenerative cycle in which the working fluid is compressed or expanded in a separate reservoir and then distributed to drive the power piston reciprocatingly. The method developed is the use of solar energy which is concentrated by a parabolic reflector to the hot cylinder of the Stirling engine to convert heat energy into motion energy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the thermal conductivity of several material specimens used in the hot cylinder of the Stirling engine including copper, stainless steel, & glass. This study uses an experimental method to describe the performance of a stirling engine prototype using various types of hot cylinder material specimens. The results showed that the gamma stirling engine using hot cylinder glass material had the best performance because with a heat conductivity of 0.78 W/m˚C it was able to drive a stirling engine with a speed of 132 rpm and a torque of 0.57 at the temperature difference between hot cylinder and cold cylinder of 88˚C and with a thermal efficiency of 20.39%.
The cascade optimal control of steer by wire system using hardware in the loop simulations Fachrudin Hunaini; Fressy Nugroho; Purbo Suwandono; Gatot Subiyakto
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) Vol 13, No 2: June 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v13.i2.pp764-772


This paper aims to further improve the performance of the control system on the steer by wire (SbW) of vehicle steering system, by presenting the development of optimal control system strategy for lateral motion and yaw motion which is arranged in a cascade so that the vehicle can always be maintained on the desired trajectory. The control system strategy to be developed is fuzzy logic control (FLC) as a lateral motion control and proportional integral derivative (PID) control as a yaw motion control, and to obtain an optimal control system, the modified-quantum particle swarm optimization (MQPSO) optimization method is used. The simulations are carried out using hardware in the loop simulations (HILS) which involve hardware, namely; motor stepper actuator and rotary encoder to determine and monitor the direction of the front wheels which are applied to the vehicle dynamics model in a real time. HILS test results show that vehicle movement can be maintained according to the desired trajectory (double lane change) with an average continues-root mean square (C-RMS) error of 0.015366 for lateral motion and 0.014967 for yaw motion, the average C-RMS error is greater 23.75% for lateral motion and 28.18% for yaw motion against the results of the software in the loop simulations (SILS) test.
Pengaruh ukuran serbuk kayu jati dan temperatur pemanasan terhadap volume dan nilai kalor tar pada proses pirolisis Mochammad Nurcholis Majid; Nova R. Ismail; Purbo Suwandono; Dadang Hermawan
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Indonesia Vol 16 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Mesin Indonesia
Publisher : Badan Kerja Sama Teknik Mesin Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36289/jtmi.v16i2.247


Kebutuhan akan bahan bakar minyak masih tinggi dan bahan bakar minyak tidak mudah untuk di perbaharui, sehingga di perlukan alternatif bahan bakar dari Biomas. Bahan bakar biomas dapat di peroleh dari limbah serbuk kayu jati. Dengan demikian di perlukan penelitian tentang pengaruh ukuran serbuk kayu jati dan temperatur pemanasan terhadap volume dan nilai kalor tar pada proses pirolisis. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan membandingkan ukuran serbuk kayu jati, yaitu ukuran 1,18 mm dan 2,36 mm dengan variasi temperatur pemanasan pirolisis sebesar 250ËšC, 350ËšC, 450ËšC, dan 550ËšC. Massa limbah serbuk kayu jati yang digunakan 200 gram dengan waktu pemanasan selama 3 jam. Penelitian ini menghasilkan volume tar terbanyak pada temperature pirolisis 550oC sebanyak 64 mililiter untuk ukuran serbuk 1,18 mm dan 50 mililiter pada ukuran serbuk 2,36 mm. Pada proses pirolisis ukuran serbuk 2,36 mm di dapatkan nilai kalor tertinggi sebesar 612 (cal/gram) dan pada ukuran 1,18 mm nilai kalor sebesar 565 (cal/gram pada temperatur 550oC). Hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa ukuran serbuk kayu jati berpengaruh terhadap jumlah volume tar dan nilai kalor yang dihasilkan.
Peningkatan Produktivitas Usaha Sambal Kemasan Bagi Usaha Kecil Menengah Purbo Suwandono; Dadang Hermawan; Hangga Wicaksono
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/js.v4i2.2675


Program PKM ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi sambal di Dusun Leses Kabupaten Malang. Sambal merupakan salah satu unsur khas hidangan Indonesia. Ada bermacam-macam variasi sambal yang berasal dari berbagai daerah. Masyarakat kota Malang yang didominasi remaja dan mahasiswa baik dalam kota maupun luar kota Malang rata-rata menyukai makanan dengan citarasa pedas atau menggunakan sambal. Permintaan pasar akan sambal kemasan di kawasan ini semakin meningkat. Lokasi mitra Dapur Uni Amel berada di RT 04 / RW 09 Dusun Leses, Kelurahan Ngijo, Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang. UKM Dapur Uni Amel yang dimiliki oleh Ibu Darnety ini telah berproduksi sejak tahun 2017. Mitra UKM telah berusaha untuk mengembangkan produksinya dengan menambah varian jenis sambal. Hingga saat ini ada 5 macam varian rasa yang berhasil diproduksi yaitu: Sambal hijau, Sambal merah, Sambal bawang, Sambal teri dan Sambal pencit.  Beberapa kendala utama yang dapat diungkapkan disini adalah kurangnya modal pembuatan produksi sambal, sehingga produksi dilakukan dengan skala kecil yang menyebabkan cash flow tidak terjadi dengan baik. Proses produksi pada mitra masih menggunakan alat-alat masak yang sederhana dan masih manual menggunakan cobek, yang tentunya kesulitan jika pesanan yang masuk banyak. Ada beberapa tahap dalam proses produk pembuatan sambal, dikarenakan ada beberapa varian rasa dan tiap varian sambal memiliki proses yang berbeda. Penyelesaian masalah yang dialami mitra melalui pelatihan peningkatan kualitas sistem pengelolaan keuangan UKM, pelatihan manajemen organisasi, pengadaan alat produksi yaitu mesin sealer plastik dan mesin penggiling sambal.
Pengaruh Bentuk Permukaan Absorber Pelat Terhadap Produktivitas dan Efisiensi Solar Still purbo suwandono; nova risdiyanto ismail
Jurnal Energi dan Teknologi Manufaktur Vol 2 No 02 (2019)
Publisher : Polinema Press, Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jetm.v2i02.42


Based on previous research, research on the development of solar distillation models is needed. Development of absorbent plates (absorber) using cast concrete material with fin, wave and flat models as a comparison. The fin and wave absorber plates can expand the surface, thereby increasing the intensity of solar radiation received by the absorber. Cast concrete is a porous material that can absorb sea water and make a thin layer, making it easier for the evaporation process and can improve solar distillation performance In this study using the experimental method. Solar still research by examining the surface of a cast concrete absorber plate. The surface of the absorbent plate used is the fin, wave and flat / conventional models. Cast concrete uses stone, iron sand, PCC cement and water. The study used variations in water volume The research resulted in the surface shape of the fin model can increase the productivity of fresh water and the efficiency of solar still using a plate absorbent fin model is higher than the wave and flat models. A smaller volume of sea water can increase productivity higher than a larger volume of sea water.
Pengaruh Temperatur Pirolisis terhadap Kinetik Rate dan Volume Tar pada Limbah Serbuk Kayu Mahoni Purbo Suwandono; Andy Hardianto
R.E.M. (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Jurnal Vol 4 No 1 (2019): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/r.e.m.v4i1.1782


Pyrolysis is an alternative technology that is a method for obtaining hydrocarbon energy sources. This technology is a combustion technology without involving O2 in the combustion process. The source of fuel from pyrolysis comes from renewable resources such as biomass / plants. Wood powder itself can be obtained from wood waste around us, so wood powder which is a biomass can also be used as raw material in the pyrolysis process. So far wood waste has only been used as a medium for planting mushrooms and fires. Whereas the use of wood waste in the manufacture of liquid smoke and charcoal has received attention in recent years, which can be produced by the pyrolysis method. The hypothesis of the study is that the higher the temperature, the higher the kinetic rate and volume of tar. this is because the energy given to biomass is also higher. The research method is to pyrolyze the material into the pyrolyzer machine with temperature variations, and later the reaction rate kinetic of the formed tar will be calculated. From this study we can conclude a number of things, namely: The higher the temperature of the volume of tar produced will be more numerous where the maximum volume obtained at a temperature of 500oC is 72 ml, but at very high temperatures the tar volume decreases because a lot of gas is formed. The higher the heating temperature, the kinetic rate that occurs in the decomposition of mahogany wood will also be faster, this has been validated the accuracy of the kinetic rate that occurs by comparing the actual volume with the volume of calculation results. The higher the heating temperature, the activation energy (Ea) and the exponential factor (A) will be smaller.
Analisis kelayakan bisnis pada UKM Kripik Pisang Ramesta di Tulungagung Arie Restu Wardhani; Purbo Suwandono; Silviana Silviana; Arief Rizki Fadhillah
JMM - Jurnal Masyarakat Merdeka Vol 2, No 1 (2019): MEI
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.204 KB) | DOI: 10.51213/jmm.v2i1.15


UKM Ramesta merupakan salah satu UKM yang memproduksi kripik pisang di Tulungagung Jawatimur. Permasalahan yang terjadi pada bisnis ini adalah manajemen tata kelola dan manajemen keuangan, karena bisnis ini dikelola oleh keluarga, sehingga mulai dari proses produksi, tata kelola, dan pemasaran dilakukan secara tradisional. Artikel ini, lebih khusus lagi membahas tentang analisa kelayakan bisnis untuk mengindentifikasi layak tidaknya bisnis dijalankan serta menganalisa sampai sejauhmana tingkat keuntungan berdasarkan Return on Investment (ROI). Berdasarkan analisa kelayakan bisnis dengan nilai R/C ratio adalah 1,3 dan B/C ratio adalah 0.314. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa bisnis kripik pisang pada UKM ramesta layak untuk dijalankan. Sedangkan prosentase keuntungan berdasarkan ROI menunjukkan hasil 31,4% yang berarti bahwa terdapat keuntungan namun cukup kecil. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan perbaikan aspek-aspek lain seperti proses produksi dan manajemen perusahaan agar dapat meningkatkan keuntungan.Kata Kunci: kripik pisang; analisis kelayakan bisnis.
Analisa parameter pada pemotongan plate menggunakan CNC fiber laser cutting terhadap kekasaran permukaan Muhammad Arief Hidayat; Akhmad Farid; Purbo Suwandono
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Jurnal TURBO
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v10i2.1737


With the advancement of advanced equipment, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) laser cutting as a manufacturing tool in plate cutting, where industri player make to get maximum result. Laser cutting Cutting is one of the tools used by the industrial world to maximize cutting results. The purpose of this research To find out the results of the difference using the parameters of air pressure and cutting speed on a Q235B carbon steel plate with a thickness of 3 mm using CNC fiber laser cutting on the surface roughness of the material. The method used in this study is a real experimental research method and data analysis to analyze parameters on plate cutting using laser cutting on surface roughness with this number of experiments 9 and 3 replications for the research process by testing surface roughness using Surface Roughness Sj – 210 Mitutoyo. The results showed that the higher the air pressure and the lower the cutting speed, the lower the surface roughness value and vice versa. The lowest surface roughness value is at air pressure of 16 Bar with a cutting speed of 3300/min which is getting a value of 1.499 μm and the highest surface roughness value is at air pressure of 12 bar with a cutting speed of 3400 mm/min which is getting a value of 2.986 μm. dengan kecepatan pemotongan 3400 mm/min yaitu mendapatkan nilai sebesar 2,986 μm.
SIMULASI KONTROL OPTIMAL LATERAL MOTION PADA MODEL STEER BY WIRE Fachrudin Hunaini; Purbo Suwandono; Gatot Subiyakto; Sumartono Ali Putra
Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH) CIASTECH 2021 "Kesiapan Indonesia Dalam Menghadapi Krisis Energi Global"
Publisher : Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Tujuan paper ini adalah mengoptimalkan kinerja sistem kontrol lateral motion pada model sistem kemudi kendaraan yang menggunakan Steer by Wire system, sehingga kendaraan dapat selalu dipertahankan pergerakannya pada lintasan yang diinginkan. Strategi sistem kontrol yang dibangun adalah Fuzzy Logic (FLC) Control sebagai kontrol lateral motion dan untuk mendapatkan sistem kontrol yang optimal digunakan metode optimisasi Modified-Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization (MQPSO). Simulasi dilakukan secara Software in The Loop Simulations pada model dinamika kendaraan secara real time. Hasil simulasi sistem kontrol lateral motion menggunakan FLC yang dioptimisasi oleh MQPSO menunjukkan bahwa kendaraan dapat melaju sesuai desired trajectory dalam bentuk double lane change. dengan nilai C-RMS error adalah 0.009807 yang lebih kecil dibanding dengan menggunakan PSO (0.021139) maupun QPSO (0.019200).