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Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Kewajiban Dalam Izin Lingkungan di Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota Amalia Amalia; Fadjar Goembira; Ardinis Arbain
Dampak Vol 17, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.17.2.51-61.2020


The research aims to evaluate the implementation of obligations in environmental permits for several businesses or activities in the Limapuluh Kota Regency. The analysis implemented the survey methods. The implementation of environmental management and monitoring in the UKL - UPL documents was highlighted in the evaluation. Interviews were used to assess the barriers to adopting environmental management, monitoring, and oversight by the Environmental Services Agency Lima Puluh Kota. A business having an environmental permit serves as the research sample. The samples were selected based on size and repetitiveness of complaints. Three samples were taken. Based on the results of this study, the research found that businesses and activities in the Limapuluh Kota Regency have not yet entirely carried out environmental management and monitoring as stipulated in the UKL / UPL documents they have. A lack of willingness to work brought about the findings. Furthermore, the business or activities do not feel compelled to meet their duties. Environmental Services Agency Lima Puluh Kota also maintains its preventive supervision responsibilities. Preventive supervision is carried out without innovation, only routine activities according to the existing budget in the office, and are still waiting for written complaints from the public regarding alleged pollution by businesses and activities. While repressive supervision, namely implementing strict sanctions for violating businesses or activities, has not been carried out. Therefore businesses and or activities do not feel the deterrent effect and are not afraid of breaking the obligations in the environmental permit.  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan kewajiban izin lingkungan pada beberapa usaha atau kegiatan di Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota. Analisis menggunakan metode survei. Pelaksanaan pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan dalam dokumen UKL – UPL menjadi sorotan dalam evaluasi tersebut. Wawancara digunakan untuk menilai hambatan penerapan pengelolaan, pemantauan, dan pengawasan lingkungan oleh Badan Lingkungan Hidup Lima Puluh Kota. Suatu perusahaan atau kegiatan yang memiliki izin lingkungan dijadikan sebagai sampel penelitian, yang ditentukan berdasarkan pengaduan yang kasusnya cukup besar dan atau pengaduan yang berulang, sebanyak tiga  sampel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, penelitian menemukan bahwa usaha dan kegiatan di Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota belum sepenuhnya melakukan pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan sebagaimana diatur dalam dokumen UKL/UPL yang dimilikinya. Hal ini dikarenakan tidak adanya kemauan untuk melaksanakannya karena lebih cendrung berorientasi meningkatkan pelayanan konsumen, meningkatkan produksi yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan keuntungan perusahaan. Selain itu, usaha dan/atau kegiatan belum merasakan manfaat dari melaksanakan kewajiban dalam izin lingkungan. Lebih jauh lagi Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota melaksanakan tugas pengawasan masih bersifat preventif. Pengawasan preventif dilakukan tanpa ada inovasi, hanya rutinitas kegiatan sesuai anggaran yang ada di Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan masih menunggu  pengaduan tertulis dari masyarakat terkait dugaan pencemaran oleh usaha dan/atau kegiatan. Sementara pengawasan represif, yaitu menerapkan sanksi yang tegas bagi usaha dan/atau kegiatan yang melanggar belum dilakukan. Sehingga usaha dan/atau kegiatan tidak merasakan efek jera dan tidak takut melanggar kewajiban dalam izin lingkungan.         
Jurnal Dampak Vol 11, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.11.2.110-126.2014


Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk memprediksi pengaruh beroperasinya Rumah Sakit Pendidikan (RSP) di Kampus Universitas Andalas (Unand) Limau Manis terhadap emisi dan dispersi CO2 dari aktivitas transportasi, serta dampak lain terhadap tingkat pelayanan ruas jalan. Perhitungan volume kendaraan dilakukan di jalan-jalan yang direncanakan akan menjadi akses ke RSP Unand, yaitu Jalan Utama Gerbang Depan, Jalan Utama Gerbang Samping, dan Jalan Lingkar Selatan Unand dengan metode survei pencacahan lalu lintas. Perhitungan dispersi CO2 dilakukan menggunakan software Caline4. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa volume kendaraan terbesar terdapat di Jalan Utama Gerbang Depan sebesar 1.708 smp/jam, diikuti oleh Jalan Lingkar Selatan sebesar 266 smp/jam, dan Jalan Utama Gerbang Samping sebesar 157 smp/jam. Beroperasinya RSP Unand diprediksi meningkatkan emisi CO2 dari aktivitas transportasi di Jalan Utama Gerbang Depan, Jalan Utama Gerbang Samping, dan Jalan Lingkar Selatan sebesar 76.403,77 mg/m.jam, 7.356,61 mg/m.jam, dan 11.123,31 mg/m.jam, dan diperkirakan akan terdispersi ke arah timur laut. Diperkirakan akan terjadi kenaikan konsentrasi CO2 ambien di kawasan kampus hingga 6,5 ppm, serta derajat kejenuhan ruas jalan naik hingga 0,25. Pengoptimalan Jalan Utama Gerbang Samping sebagai jalan akses utama ke RSP Unand diperkirakan dapat mereduksi emisi CO2 dari aktivitas transportasi dan menurunkan derajat kejenuhan jalan di Jalan Utama Gerbang Depan Sebesar 15.449 mg/m.jam dan 0,05, serta menurunkan konsentrasi CO2 ambien hingga 1,5 ppm.Kata kunci: Laju emisi CO2, dispersi CO2, Transportasi, RSP Unand
Analisis Tingkat Kebisingan di Kawasan Kampus Universitas Putra Indonesia (UPI) di Kecamatan Lubuk Begalung Kota Padang Fadjar Goembira; Taufiq Ihsan; Muhammad Fahyudi
Jurnal Dampak Vol 13, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.13.1.26-34.2016


The purpose of this research is to analyze the data measuring the noise level in the campus of the University of Putra Indonesia (UPI). Measurement point exterior and interior consists of 12 points and 7 points. The measurement method is based on Decree of the Indonesia Minister of Environment No. 48 of 1996 on Baku Noise is a method simple way by using Sound Level Meter. The highest level of exterior noise when L1 at the point of the Campus Gate UPI (1A) of 73.72 dB (A). The noise level in the afternoon (LS) between 69.63 to 61.60 dB (A), the noise level night (LM) between 48.10 to 38.72 dB (A) and the day-night noise level (LSM) between 67.91 to 59.93 dB (A). The highest current interior noise levels of activity in Building D (2B) of 69.96 dB (A), while the highest level of interior noise occurs at the point when empty Building G (7B) of 69.37 dB (A). Value exterior noise when the time L1-L4 exceeds Raw Noise Level while the value of interior noise when the condition activity partly exceeded Raw Noise except Building G (7B) and the value of noise when empty condition partly exceeds the noise level except Building UPI Sport & Exhibition Hall (1B), Building B (3B) and Building A (4B). Control recommendations exterior form of vegetation while the interior of the control building construction improvements. Keywords: noise, University of Putra Indonesia (UPI) campus, exterior, interior, control alternative recommendationABSTRAKTujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis data pengukuran tingkat kebisingan di kawasan Kampus Universitas Putra Indonesia (UPI). Titik pengukuran eksterior dan interior terdiri atas 12 titik dan 7 titik. Metode pengukuran berdasarkan KepMen LH No. 48 Tahun 1996 tentang Baku Tingkat Kebisingan yaitu metode cara sederhana dengan menggunakan alat Sound Level Meter. Tingkat kebisingan tertinggi eksterior pada saat L1 di titik Pintu Gerbang Kampus UPI (1A) sebesar 73,72 dB(A). Tingkat kebisingan pada siang (LS) antara 69,63-61,60 dB(A), tingkat kebisingan malam (LM) antara 48,10-38,72 dB(A) dan tingkat kebisingan siang-malam (LSM) antara 67,91-59,93 dB(A). Tingkat kebisingan interior tertinggi saat aktivitas di Gedung D (2B) sebesar 69,96 dB(A) sedangkan tingkat kebisingan interior tertinggi saat kosong terjadi di titik Gedung G (7B) sebesar 69,37 dB(A). Nilai kebisingan eksterior saat waktu L1-L4 melebihi Baku Tingkat Kebisingan sedangkan nilai kebisingan interior saat kondisi aktivitas sebagian melebihi Baku Tingkat Kebisingan kecuali Gedung G (7B) dan nilai kebisingan saat kondisi kosong sebagian melebihi baku tingkat kebisingan kecuali Gedung UPI Sport & Exhibition Hall (1B), Gedung B (3B) dan Gedung A (4B). Rekomendasi pengendalian eksterior berupa penanaman vegetasi sedangkan pengendalian interior berupa perbaikan konstruksi bangunan.Kata kunci: kebisingan, kampus Universitas Putra Indonesia (UPI), eksterior, interior, rekomendasi alternatif pengendalian
Jurnal Dampak Vol 10, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.10.2.94-103.2013


One of the alternatives for biodiesel feedstock is oil from Jatropha curcas plant. The advantages ofusing this plant are due to its ability to grow in poor soils, different parts of the plant can also be usedfor different purposes, the by products of biodiesel productions have economic values, and biodiesel ismore environmentally friendly when it is being produced and being used, compared to mineral derivedoils. Although Indonesia has another alternative raw material for biodiesel production, i.e. palm oil,however the use of palm oil will affect its supply for the other sectors that have already established,e.g. for producing cooking oils. This situation will not happen to Jatropha curcas oil, due to itsinedible characteristic.Keywords: Biodiesel, Jatropha curcas, Indonesia
Analisis Konsentrasi PM2,5, CO dan CO2 di Dalam Ruangan Akibat Penggunaan Kompor Biomassa Berbahan Bakar Briket Tempurung Kelapa dan Briket Kayu Bakar Fadjar Goembira; Afifah Nazir; Amalia Husna; Taufiq Ihsan
Dampak Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.16.1.42-50.2019


The objective of this study was to analyze the concentration of PM2.5, CO and CO2 indoor due to the use of biomass stoves and to calculate the value of combustion efficiency and fuel use efficiency in biomass stoves. The test was conducted by the water boiling test method to simulate the cooking process that was divided into 3 phases. The fuel used was coconut shell briquettes and firewood briquettes. Based on the test results the obtained concentration of PM2.5 from the the use of coconut shell briquette was 21.03 µg/Nm3 during the cold start phase, 23.66 µg/Nm3 in the hot start phase, and 15.57 µg/Nm3 in the simmering phase. As for Firewood briquette, it had lower PM2.5 concentrations, i.e., 17.17 µg/Nm3 in the cold start phase, 20.63 µg/Nm3 in the hot start phase, and 12.17 µg/Nm3 in the simmering phase. The results of CO concentration measurement in coconut shell briquette for the cold start, hot start, and simmering phases were 4.57; 4.32 and 5.27 ppm, respectively, and for firewood briquette were 3.92; 3.69 and 4.61 ppm, correspondingly. While for CO2 concentration measurements, for coconut shell briquette at cold start, hot start, and simmering phases were 376.83; 364.56 and 443.11 ppm, respectively, and for firewood briquette were 397.4; 383.61 and 486.45 ppm, accordingly. The concentration of PM2.5, CO and CO2 did not exceed the indoor air quality standard regulated by the Minister of Health Regulation No. 1077 of 2011 which is 35 µg/Nm3 for PM2.5, 9 ppm for CO and 1,000 ppm for CO2. The ratio of the biomass stove CO / CO2 briquette fuel was below the value of 0.02 which means that the combustion process occurred perfectly. The efficiency value of coconut shell briquette combustion was lower than that of firewood briquette combustion which is influenced by heating value, water temperature, the amount of fuel used and the length of the testing process, while the efficient use of fuel from using briquettes was better than biomass stoves made from unprocessed/raw biomass fuels.
Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Akibat Pajanan Logam dalam PM 2,5 pada Masyarakat di Perumahan Blok D Ulu Gadut Kota Padang Shinta Silvia; Fadjar Goembira; Taufiq Ihsan; Resti Ayu Lestari; Mohammad Irfan
Dampak Vol 17, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/dampak.17.2.1-10.2020


ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the concentration of metals in PM2.5 and the environmental health risks due to metal exposure to residents. The PM2.5 measurement using Low Volume Air Sampler (LVAS) tool with a sampling time of 3; 6; 9 hours. Meteorological conditions were measured by using the PCE-FWS-20 Weather Station tool. Analysis of metal concentrations using the Inductively Coupled Plasma-MS (ICP-MS) tool. The Environmental Health Risk Analysis (ARKL) method was used to estimate the risk of exposure. Based on the measurement results, the concentration of PM2.5 in ambient air was 25.82 µg / Nm3 and in the house was 25.73 µg / m3. The results of PM2.5 concentration measurements did not exceed quality standards based on Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation No.41 of 1999 and Minister of Health Regulation No.1077 of 2011. Three metals (Cr, Ni and Mn) which have RfC and SF values followed by ARKL calculations. The average lifetime Excess Cancer Risk (ECR) value of carcinogenic Cr metal and Ni metal that was ECR> 10-4 means that the concentration of carcinogenic Cr metal and Ni metal in the house were inhaled unsafe for occupants of adult homes and children. The average lifetime RQ value of non-carcinogenic Cr metal and Mn metal shows an RQ value> 1 meaning that the concentrations of non-carcinogenic Cr metal and Mn metal in the house were inhaled insecure for adult respondents and children. Keywords: PM2,5, risk analysis, Cr, Mn, Ni, residential ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsentrasi logam dalam PM2,5 dan risiko kesehatan lingkungan akibat pajanan logam terhadap penghuni rumah. Pengukuran PM2,5 menggunakan alat Low Volume Air Sampler (LVAS) dengan waktu sampling 3; 6; 9 jam. Kondisi meteorologi diukur menggunakan alat Weather Station PCE-FWS-20. Analisis konsentrasi logam menggunakan alat Inductively Coupled Plasma-MS (ICP-MS). Metode Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan (ARKL) digunakan untuk memperkirakan besarnya risiko pajanan. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran, konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara ambien yaitu 25,82 µg/Nm3 dan di dalam rumah sebesar 25,73 µg/m3. Hasil pengukuran konsentrasi PM2,5 tidak melebihi baku mutu berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah RI No.41 Tahun 1999 dan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No.1077 tahun 2011. Tiga logam (Cr, Ni dan Mn) yang memiliki nilai RfC dan SF dilanjutkan penghitungan ARKL. Nilai Excess Cancer Risk (ECR) lifetime rata-rata logam Cr karsinogenik dan logam Ni yaitu ECR>10-4 artinya konsentrasi logam Cr karsinogenik dan logam Ni di dalam rumah secara inhalasi tidak aman bagi penghuni rumah dewasa dan anak-anak. Nilai RQ lifetime rata-rata logam Cr non-karsinogenik dan logam Mn menunjukkan nilai RQ>1 artinya konsentrasi logam Cr non-karsinogenik dan logam Mn didalam rumah secara inhalasi tidak aman bagi responden dewasa dan anak-anak. Kata kunci: PM2,5, analisis risiko, Cr, Mn, Ni, permukiman
Pengaruh Penambahan Gliserol Mentah Limbah Industri Biodiesel Terhadap Produksi Biogas dari Kotoran Sapi Menggunakan Anaerobic Digester Sistem Batch Nelsy Mariza Syahyuda; Fadjar Goembira; Shinta Silvia
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 20, No 3 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.20.3.465-473


Biogas adalah gas yang dihasilkan oleh aktivitas anaerobik dalam menguraikan bahan organik dengan kandungan utama metana (CH4) dan karbon diokasida (CO2). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh gliserol mentah dengan campuran kotoran sapi dalam memproduksi biogas. Digester menggunakan sistem batch skala laboratorium. Variasi pada penelitian ini adalah campuran kotoran sapi dengan penambahan gliserol mentah sebanyak 0, 4, 8, dan 12%. Semua variasi dengan volume total 350 mL. Pengukuran volume biogas dilakukan setiap hari. Pengukuran konsentrasi CH4 dan CO2 diukur menggunakan alat Geotech Biogas 5000 analyzer. Parameter yang diukur adalah COD, BOD, TS dan VS dan untuk pH diukur di awal serta di akhir proses. Suhu lingkungan diukur setiap hari dengan interval waktu selama 30 menit menggunakan alat Weather Station model PCE-FWS 20. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi biogas adalah 14 hari. Volume biogas tertinggi adalah 836 mL, pada variasi penambahan gliserol mentah 12%. Gliserol mentah yang ditambahkan memiliki COD 475,2 mg/L, BOD 133,22 mg/L, TS 20% dan VS 14,8%. Konsentrasi CH4 tertinggi juga didapatkan dari variasi penambahan gliserol mentah 12% yaitu 44,1%. Sedangkan volume biogas terendah adalah 292 mL pada digester tanpa penambahan gliserol mentah. Konsentrasi CH4 terendah didapatkan pada variasi penambahan gliserol mentah 8% yaitu 15,5%. Identifikasi bakteri yang berperan dalam proses produksi biogas berdasarkan uji biokimia dengan Bergey’s manual adalah genus Bacillus. Bakteri ini berperan dalam proses pendegradasi bahan organik yang ada di dalam digester. ABSTRACTBiogas is a gas produced by anaerobic activity in decomposing organic matter with the main content of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). This study aims to analyze the effect of crude glycerol with a mixture of cow dung in producing biogas. The digester used in this research was a laboratory-scale batch system. The variation in this study was a mixture of cow dung with the addition of 0, 4, 8, and 12% crude glycerol. All variations with a total volume of 350 mL. The measurement of the biogas volume was carried out every day. Measurements of CH4 and CO2 concentrations were measured using a Geotech Biogas 5000 analyzer. The COD, BOD, TS, and VS, and pH parameters were measured at the beginning and the end of the process. With parameters COD 475.2 mg/L, BOD 133.22 mg/L, TS 20%, and VS 14.8%. The ambient temperature was measured every 30 minutes using a PCE-FWS 20 Weather Station model. The results showed that the length of time needed to produce biogas was 14 days. The highest biogas volume was 836 mL, when 12% cured glycerol was added. The highest CH4 concentration of 44,1% was also obtained from variations in the addition of 12% crude glycerol. The lowest biogas volume of 292 mL was obtained from the absence of crude glycerol in the reactor. The lowest CH4 concentration was found in the variation of the addition of 8% crude glycerol, namely 15.5%. Identification of bacteria that play a role in the biogas production process based on biochemical tests using Bergey's manual is the Bacillus genus. These bacteria contribute in these bacteria contribute in organic matter degradation inside the digester.
Analisis Ketersediaan, Kebutuhan dan Kualitas Air Pada DAS Batang Merao Sri Rahayu Ningsih; Eri Gas Ekaputra; Fadjar Goembira
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 18, No 3 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.18.3.545-555


Sungai Batang Merao dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber air baku air bersih PDAM, sumber energi alternatif PLTMH, sumber air irigasi dan kebutuhan masyarakat sehari-hari di Kabupaten Kerinci dan Kota Sungai Penuh. Terganggunya kawasan hulu DAS berdampak terhadap pasokan dan kualitas air ke daerah tengah dan hilir. Ketebatasan ketersediaan air bersih dan penurunan kualitas air antara lain disebabkan oleh adanya kegiatan penambangan pasir dan batu di kawasan hulu, terjadinya konversi lahan dari lahan pertanian menjadi lahan terbangun terutama di daerah bantaran dan sempadan sungai serta pemanfaatan sungai sebagai tempat pembuangan limbah cair domestik dan peternakaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif. Analisis ketersediaan air menggunakan metode debit andalan (Q80) dan kebutuhan air dihitung berdasarkan kebutuhan air pada sektor domestik, non domestik, pertanian, peternakan dan perikanan. Analisis status mutu air menggunakan metode indeks pencemaran (IP) untuk melihat kondisi kualitas air Sungai Batang Merao sesuai dengan KepmenLH Nomor 115 Tahun 2003. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan ketersediaan air DAS Batang Merao adalah sebesar 22.70 m3/detik dan total kebutuhan sebesar 26.71 m3/detik. Status mutu air Sungai Batang Merao berdasarkan nilai indeks pencemaran (IP) berada dalam kondisi tercemar ringan dengan kisaran nilai indeks 2,41 – 6,43 berdasarkan baku mutu air kelas II PP No. 82 Tahun 2001 dengan parameter TSS, BOD, COD, T-Pospat, Nitirit, Minyak dan Lemak serta MBAS melebihi nilai baku mutu. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas air Sungai Batang Merao tidak layak untuk dikonsumsi dan tidak seusi dengan peruntukannya sebagai sumber air baku air bersih. Ketersediaan sumber daya air DAS Batang Merao tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air masyarakat pada DAS Batang Merao dengan neraca air dalam kondisi defisit sebesar 4.01 m3/detik.ABSTRACTThe Batang Merao River is used as a source of raw water for PDAM, an alternative energy source for PLTMH, a source of irrigation water and daily needs of the people in Kerinci Regency and Sungai Penuh City. The disruption of the upstream watershed area has an impact on the supply and water quality to the middle and downstream areas. Limited availability of clean water and a decrease in water quality are due to, among others, sand and rock mining activities in the upstream area, the conversion of land from agricultural land to developed land, especially in riverbanks and river boundaries and the use of rivers as a place for disposal of domestic liquid waste and livestock. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. Analysis of water availability uses the reliable discharge method (Q80) and water needs are calculated based on water needs in the domestic, non-domestic, agriculture, livestock and fisheries sectors. Analysis of water quality status using the pollution index (IP) method to see the condition of the water quality of the Batang Merao River in accordance with KepmenLH No. 115/2003. Based on the results of the study, the availability of water in the Batang Merao watershed is 22.70 m3/second and the total demand is 26,71 m3/second. The status of the Batang Merao River water quality based on the value of the pollution index (IP) is in a lightly polluted condition with an index value range of 2,41 – 6,43 based on class II water quality standards PP No. 82/2001 with parameters TSS, BOD, COD, T-Pospat, Nitrite, Oil and Fat and MBAS exceeding the quality standard value. Based on this, it can be concluded that the water quality of the Batang Merao River is not suitable for consumption and is not compatible with its designation as a source of raw water. The availability of water resources in the Batang Merao watershed cannot meet the water needs of the community in the Batang Merao watershed with the water balance in a deficit of 4,01 m3/second.
Analisis Konsentrasi PM2,5, CO, dan CO2, serta Laju Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Biopelet Sekam Padi dan Jerami pada Kompor Biomassa Fadjar Goembira; Debby Maurine Aristi; Defri Nofriadi; Nilda Tri Putri
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 19, No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.19.2.201-210


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis konsentrasi PM2.5, CO dan CO2 dalam ruangan ketika dilakukan penggunaan bahan bakar biopelet pada sebuah kompor biomassa, serta menghitung laju konsumsi bahan bakar tesebut. Pengujian menggunakan metode water boiling test (WBT) untuk mensimulasikan proses memasak yang terbagi ke dalam 3 fase, yaitu cold start (CS)/fase dingin, hot start (HS)/fase panas, dan simmering (SM)/fase mendidih. Biopelet dibuat dari limbah sekam dan jerami padi. Pengukuran PM2,5 dilakukan menggunakan low volume air sampler (LVS) yang dilengkapi dengan elutriator untuk memisahkan partikel berukuran di atas 2,5 mikron dan filter fiberglass untuk menangkap partikel berukuran kurang dari 2,5 mikron pada kecepatan aliran udara 3,5 liter per menit. Sedangkan pengukuran CO dan CO2 menggunakan Portable Air Quality Monitor. Didapatkan konsentrasi PM2,5 biopelet sekam padi pada fase CS, HS, dan SM berturut-turut 33,13,30,81, dan 24,76 μg/Nm3, sedangkan untuk biopelet jerami padi diperoleh 23,29, 29,98, dan 30,42 μg/Nm3.Terkait konsentrasi CO, pada ketiga fase berturut-turut untuk biopelet sekam padi yaitu 5,29, 5,14, dan 6,09 ppm, sedangkan untuk biopelet jerami padi didapatkan 6,13, 5,86, dan 5,67 ppm. Terakhir, pengukuran konsentrasi CO2 biopelet sekam padi yaitu 436,74, 451,71, dan 472,82 ppm, sedangkan pada biopelet jerami padi terukur 419,87, 417,93, dan 453,43 ppm, pada ketiga fase berturut-turut. Konsentrasi PM2,5, gas CO dan CO2 biopelet masih memenuhi baku mutu udara indoor sesuai dengan PERMENKES/1077/2011. Rasio CO/CO2 berada di bawah nilai 0,02 yang menunjukkan pembakaran bahan bakar biopelet menghasilkan karbon monoksida yang kecil sehingga terjadi pembakaran sempurna. Laju konsumsi bahan bakar biopelet lebih kecil dibandingkan jika digunakan biomassa yang belum diolah menjadi biopelet. ABSTRACTThis research was conducted to analyse indoor PM2.5, CO dan CO2 concentrations during the use of biopellet fuel in a biomass stove, and to calculate the fuel consumption rate. Water boiling test (WBT) was used to simulate cooking activities, which comprises of three phases, i.e., cold start (CS), hot start (HS), and simmering (SM). The biopellet was made from rice husk and straw wastes. PM2.5 were measured by using a low volume air sampler (LVAS) that was equipped with an elutriator to separate particulates with more than 2.5-micron size and a fiberglass filter to trap particulates with less than 2.5-micron size at air flow rate of 3.5 liter per minute. Meanwhile, a portable air quality monitor was used to measure CO dan CO2. It was found that PM2.5 concentrations for rice husk biopellet during CS, HS, and SM were, respectively, 33.13,30.81, and 24.76 μg/Nm3. While those for rice straw biopellet were 23.29, 29.98, and 30.42 μg/Nm3. Regarding CO concentrations during the three phases for rice husk biopellet were, respectively, 5.29, 5.14, and 6.09 ppm, whilst for the rice straw biopellet the concentrations were 6.13, 5.86, and 5.67 ppm. Lastly, the CO2 measurements for rice husk biopellet were 436.74, 451.71, and 472.82 ppm, while those for rice husk biopellet were 419.87, 417.93, and 453.43 ppm, during the three phases correspondingly. All PM2.5, CO and CO2 gas concentrations still met indoor air quality standard, in accordance with Minister of Health Regulation Number 1077/2011. Moreover, the CO/CO2 ratios were below 0.02, which indicates that the combustion of the biopellet fuels emited small amount of carbon monoxide, thus, perfect combustion were achieved. The biopellet fuel consumption rates were smaller than those of virgin biomasses that had not been converted into biopellet
Emission and Heavy Metal Content Characteristic of Densified Refused Derived Fuels of Oil Sludge and Biomass Combination as an Alternative Fuel for Cement Plant Rati Yuliar Ningsih; Fadjar Goembira; Puti Sri Komala; Nino Perdana Putra
Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability Vol. 3 No. 3 (2019): September
Publisher : Research Centre of Inorganic Materials and Complexs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (700.205 KB) | DOI: 10.26554/ijems.2019.3.3.100-105


Hazardous Waste such Oil Sludge combined with biomass (coconut shell and rice husk) was utilized as an alternative fuel in cement plant in form of Densified-Refused Derived Fuel (D-RDF). D-RDF were Co-Processed with primary fuel into Rotary Kiln in order to reduce usage of fossil fuel and eliminate the hazardous waste by thermal treatment, meanwhile to recover the energy contained in the D-RDF, the utilization of these waste are expected without causing adverse effect into the environment. Co-Processing of D-RDF as alternative fuels into cement plant kiln must follow the regulation applied in Indonesian Environment and Forestry Minister regulation 19/2017 and European Union for Responsible Incineration and Treatment of Special Waste (EURITS). Based on previous research, D-RDF composition of oil sludge and biomass at 1:1 ratio with 5% starch addition was choose as they give best calorific value at 6000 kcal/kg. The objective of these research are to observe the emission caused by the utilization of these D-RDF and potential effect into cement or clinker product. The result show NOx and CO value are meet the standard requirement by government regulation meanwhile SO2 value which are 1251 mg/Nm3 and 1500 mg/Nm3, over the regulation standard which is 650 mg/Nm3. This issue could be overcome in the plant with pre treatment of D-RDF and utilization of Bag House Filter or Electostatic Precipitator before release the emission to the stack. Trace element analysis of D-RDF ashes (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn dan Zn) show the result are meet the EURITS regulation, which mean utilization of D-RDF will not give quality deffect to cement or clinker product.