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Identification of Essential Oils From The Bark of Balik Angin (Alphitonia Incana (Roxb.) Teijsm. & Binn. Ex Kurz) Tika Nurjanah; Hafiz Ramadhan; Nella Faradillah; Putri Indah Sayakti; Dyera Forestryana; Nafila Nafila
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Suppl. 4, No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/ijpst.v1i1.42498


One of the components that make up essential oils is phenolic compounds which are widely containedin the leaves and bark of the Balik Angin plant (Alphitonia incana (Roxb.) Teijsm. & Binn. ex Kurz).This study aimed to identify phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of essential oils from thebark of the Balik Angin plant. The essential oils isolation using hydrodistillation and the compoundswere analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). Qualitatively antioxidantactivity test used thin layer chromatography (TLC) and quantitatively by measuring the absorbance of2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals residue that did not react against compounds reducer.The results showed the essential oils contain major compounds which are methyl salicylate followedby methyl palmitate, 2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione, and methyl 12-acetoxyoleate. Qualitativetest results of antioxidant activity with TLC there were four yellow spots on a purple background. Thescavenging activity showed the essential oils had an IC50 of 229.056 ppm, while the gallic acid as acomparative standard obtained an IC50 of 0.618 ppm. The conclusion is the essential oils of BalikAngin bark that produces very weak antioxidant activity.
Pencegahan Kekurangan Vitamin A (KVA) dengan Subtitusi Tepung Ubi Jalar Orange (Ipomoea Batatas L.) pada Masyarakat Wilayah Kerja Kelurahan Sungai Tiung Cast Torizellia; Dyera Forestriyana; Hafiz Ramadhan; Vebruati Vebruati; Abdurrahman Sidiq
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 6, No 5 (2023): Volume 6 No 5 Mei 2023
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v6i5.9233


ABSTRAK Prevalensi gizi kurang dan gizi buruk di Indonesia sebesar 17,7%. Balita yang menderita KEP sering disertai defisiensi zat gizi mikro seperti vitamin A. Tujuan Pengabdian ini adalah pencegahan Kekurangan Vitamin A (KVA) melalui subtitusi tepung ubi jalar orange. Metode Pengabdian dilakukan dengan penyuluhan kandungan gizi ubi orange dan pendampingan pengolahan tepung ubi jalar orange. Pengabdian di Wilayah Kerja Kelurahan Sungai Tiung pada bulan Desember 2022 dengan jumlah 15 responden berjalan dengan lancar. Hasil dalam pengabdian masyarakat yaitu tambahan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pengolahan tepung ubi jalar orange. Perlu dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian lanjutan tentang pemanfaatan tepung ubi jalar orange pada beberapa produk pangan lainnya yang bersumber dari bahan lokal. Kata Kunci: KVA, Pendampingan, Ubi Jalar Orange  ABSTRACT The prevalence of malnutrition and malnutrition in Indonesia is 17.7%. Toddlers who suffer from protein energy deficiency are often accompanied by deficiencies of micronutrients such as vitamin A. The aim of this service is to prevent vitamin A deficiency (VAD) through substitution of orange sweet potato flour. The service method is carried out by counseling the nutritional content of orange sweet potato and assisting in the processing of orange sweet potato flour. The service in the Sungai Tiung Village Working Area in December 2022 with a total of 15 respondents went smoothly. The results in community service are additional knowledge and skills in processing orange sweet potato flour. It is necessary to carry out further community service activities regarding the use of orange sweet potato flour in several other food products sourced from local ingredients. Keywords: KVA, Assistance, Orange Sweet Potato
Comparison of Extraction Solvents Towards Anti-Propionibacterium acnes activity of Alphitonia incana (Roxb). Teijsm. & Binn. ex Kurz Leaves Hafiz Ramadhan; Rahmi Muthia; Sari Wahyunita; Dyera Forestryana; Sherly Mar'atu Soleha; Lihimi Lihimi
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Suppl. 5, No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/ijpst.v0i0.45897


Alphitonia incana (Roxb.) Teijsm. & Binn. ex Kurz locally known as Balik Angin in Borneo Island is one of the endemic plants that have the potential to be an alternative antibacterial agent. Balik Angin leaves contain secondary metabolites that have to play a role to inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria. This study aimed to compare the different extraction solvents which are methanol and ethanol on the maceration of Balik Angin leaves in producing antibacterial activity against Propionibacterium acnes. The leaves were macerated using methanol and ethanol respectively. Antibacterial assay was carried out by the Well diffusion method. The results showed minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of ethanol extract which is 3.2% has a diameter of clear zone of 9.475±0.311 mm. Meanwhile, the methanolic extract with a similar MIC has a lower diameter of clear zone of 2.55±0.85 mm. The results correlate with the number of secondary metabolites groups that were identified based on phytochemical screening in ethanol extract containing alkaloid, phenolic, flavonoid, tannin, saponin, and phytosteroid, however, methanol extract not containing alkaloid. The conclusion of this study is ethanol solvent more effective to extract secondary metabolites from Balik Angin leaves compare to methanol solvent, so that can produce more powerful anti-Propionibacterium acnes activity.
Daya Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol 96% Umbi Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine Americana Merr.) Terhadap Bakteri Propionibacterium acnes Fitriyanti Fitriyanti; Ahmad Ridha; Hafiz Ramadhan
Lumbung Farmasi: Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol 4, No 2 (2023): Volume 4, No 2 (2023): Juli

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/lf.v4i2.12080


Umbi Bawang Dayak secara turun temurun dipergunakan masyarakat Dayak sebagai obat tradisional. Secara empiris, umbi Bawang Dayak (E.americana Merr.) dikenal memiliki khasiat untuk mengatasi bisul atau penyakit kulit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai KHM dan KBM dari ekstrak etanol 96% umbi Bawang Dayak (E.americana Merr.) terhadap bakteri P.acnes dengan menggunakan metode dilusi, serta untuk mengetahui konsentrasi yang efektif dari ekstrak etanol 96% umbi Bawang Dayak (E.americana Merr.) dalam menghambat bakteri P.acnes menggunakan metode difusi sumuran. Umbi Bawang Dayak (E.americana Merr.) diekstraksi menggunakan metode maserasi. Aktifitas antibakteri ekstrak etanol 96% umbi Bawang Dayak (E.americana Merr.) dengan variasi konsentrasi 30%, 15%, 7,5%, 3,75%, 1,875% dan 0,9375% menggunakan metode dilusi cair dan serta difusi padat. Pada dilusi cair tidak menunjukkan adanya kekeruhan yang artinya tidak terdapat pertumbuhan bakteri, dengan nilai KHM 0,9375%. Pada uji dilusi padat tidak menunjukan pertumbuhan bakteri pada media padat dengan nilai KBM yaitu 0,9375%. Pada uji aktifitas antibakteri menggunakan metode difusi sumuran menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol 96% umbi Bawang Dayak (E.americana Merr.) yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri P.acnes dengan kemampuan penghambatan tertinggi pada konsentrasi 30% yaitu sebesar 9,566 mm (kategori sedang). Sedangkan konsentrasi terendah yaitu 0,9375% dengan zona hambat sebesar 5,833 mm (kategori sedang).
Skrining Fitokimia Dan Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Infusa Daun Mundar (Garcinia forbesii King.) Menggunakan Metode DPPH (1,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl) Rahmi Muthia; Hafiz Ramadhan; Zyrzasya Sofia Nara Arsyad
Sains Medisina Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Sains Medisina
Publisher : CV. Wadah Publikasi Cendekia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Radikal bebas (oksidan) mencari dan menangkap elektron dari zat lain untuk menetralkan diri. Reaksinya menyebabkan terbentuknya senyawa abnormal yang dapat merusak sel-sel penting.  Salah satu sumber antioksidan alami adalah tumbuhan. Tumbuhan yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan yaitu  Mundar (Garcinia forbesii King.). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa dan  mengetahui nilai IC50 infusa daun Mundar. Simplisia daun Mundar diekstraksi dengan metode infusa. Skrining fitokimia diujikan secara sederhana ditunjukkan dengan adanya dengan perubahan warna atau terbentuknya endapan. Uji aktivitas antioksidan dengan metode DPPH menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Pembanding yang digunakan kuersetin. Berdasarkan hasil skrining fitokimia infusa daun Mundar menunjukkan positif mengandung senyawa fenol dan flavonoid. Hasil uji aktivitas antioksidan infusa menggunakan konsentrasi 25, 50, 100, 150 dan 200 µg/mL  dengan rerata inhibisi masing-masing 24,575 ± 0,311, 28,679 ± 0,237, 33,880 ± 1,086, 36,054 ± 2,064 dan 41,176 ± 0,518 dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 297,9279 µg/mL. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah, infusa daun Mundar mengandung senyawa fenol dan flavonoid. Hasil uji kuantitatif aktivitas antioksidan infusa daun Mundar termasuk kategori antioksidan sangat lemah.
Education and Training on Making Kelakai Syrup (Stenochlaena Palustris (Burn. F) Bedd.) as a Medicinal Plant: Edukasi dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Sirup Kelakai (Stenochlaena Palustris (Burn. F) Bedd.) Sebagai Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Hafiz Ramadhan; M. Andi Chandra; Dyera Forestryana
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i1.12082


Herbal drinks are a cultural heritage given by our parents that are useful in increasing our immunity. Until now, there are still many people who choose to consume herbal drinks because they are sourced from natural plant materials so that they do not cause side effects and harmful reactions to the body. This Community Service is located in North Landasan Ulin Village, Liang Anggang District. Banjarbaru City where the target is women. Providing education and training on making mandarin syrup (Stenochlaena Palustris (Burn. F) Bedd.) which has the potential to increase immunity. The results of this community service activity showed that the knowledge of making mantle leaf syrup has increased in the percentage of knowledge from the pretest and posttest scores by 70% and residents are able to make a syrup product that has the potential to be efficacious as traditional medicine during the covid-19 pandemic.
Perempuan Berdaya sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting di Desa Mekar Sari Kecamatan Tatah Makmur Kabupaten Banjar Hafiz Ramadhan; Cast Torizellia; Dyera Forestryana; Muhtadi Muhtadi; Haryoto Haryoto; Suranto Suranto
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 6, No 12 (2023): Volume 6 No 12 2023
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v6i12.12808


ABSTRAK Prevalensi stunting di Indonesia sebesar 30,8 %. Stunting disebabkan oleh faktor langsung seperti asupan makanan dan penyakit infeksi serta faktor tidak langsung seperti faktor sosial, ekonomi, budaya dan politik. Kegiatan yang diupayakan pemerintah untuk perbaikan gizi untuk pencegahan stunting adalah Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI (MP-ASI). Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI (MP-ASI) tidak terlepas dari pengetahuan orangtua terutama ibu dalam pengolahanya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pendampingan kepada masyarakat melalui penyuluhan dan pelatihan pengolahan MP-ASI yang terbuat dari bahan pangan lokal daun kelor dan ubi jalar orange sebagai upaya pencegahan stunting. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah penyuluhan dan Pelatihan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan selama 3 bulan yaitu sejak bulan Agustus sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2023 dengan jumlah responden 26 orang terdiri dari kader posyandu, ibu hamil, ibu menyusui, ibu yang memiliki bayi dan balita. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat menunjukkan responden mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan dari mayoritas pengetahuan cukup menjadi pengetahuan baik. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat dilakukan secara berkelanjutan dengan melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi selama 1000 HPK agar dapat mempercepat penurunan stunting di Desa Mekar Sari Kecamatan Tatah Makmur Kabupaten Banjar. Kata Kunci: Stunting, Daun Kelor, Ubi Jalar Orange, Perempuan Berdaya  ABSTRACT The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is 30.8%. Stunting is caused by direct factors such as food intake and infectious diseases as well as indirect factors such as social, economic, cultural and political factors. The activity that the government is trying to improve nutrition to prevent stunting is the provision of complementary foods for breast milk (MP-ASI). Providing Complementary Food for Breast Milk (MP-ASI) cannot be separated from the knowledge of parents, especially mothers, in processing it. This activity aims to provide assistance to the community through counseling and training on processing MP-ASI made from local food ingredients Moringa leaves and orange sweet potatoes as an effort to prevent stunting. The methods used in community service activities are counseling and training. The activity was carried out for 3 months, namely from August to October 2023 with a total of 26 respondents consisting of posyandu cadres, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, mothers with babies and toddlers. The results of community service show that respondents experienced an increase in knowledge from the majority having sufficient knowledge to good knowledge. It is hoped that this activity can be carried out sustainably by carrying out monitoring and evaluation for 1000 HPK in order to accelerate the reduction of stunting in Mekar Sari Village, Tatah Makmur District, Banjar Regency. Keyword: Stunting, Moringa Leaves, Orange Sweet Potatoes, Empowered  Women
PELATIHAN PHARMAPRENEUR, PEMBUATAN KEMASAN, DAN PEMASARAN PRODUK MINUMAN KESEHATAN BERBAHAN KALAKAI Stenochlaena palustris SEBAGAI UMKM (INDUSTRI RUMAH TANGGA) Hafiz Ramadhan; Dyera Forestryana; Ratna Restapaty; Rahmayanti Fitriah; Revita Saputri; Satrio Wibowo Rahmatullah
GEMASSIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): NOPEMBER
Publisher : P3M Universitas Aisyiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30787/gemassika.v2i2.793


Utilization of the potential of Kelakai (Stenochlaena palustris) as a health drink can be carried out and applied to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The purpose of this community service is to increase public interest in entrepreneurship, especially in groups of PKK women in Palam Village, Cempaka District, Banjarbaru. Entrepreneurship training was carried out in the production of processed healthy drinks from Kelakai including how to manufacture packaging and product marketing. The activity was held on November 8th, 2021, at the Palm Village Office Hall. The method of activity is through the presentation of entrepreneurship, how to make innovative, creative, and informative packaging, marketing practices by formulating strategies for marketing forms both directly and online. The activity was attended by 35 PKK women, lecturers, and students. The result obtained is an increase in partner knowledge about digital technology as an online marketing medium. Some partners have doubts about online marketing, but after participating in this activity, PKK women understand the basics of information and communication technology. This training attracted a group of PKK women in Palam Village, Cempaka District, Banjarbaru to develop processed products from Kalakai which were then marketed to create new UMKM in the form of Home Industries.