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Optimalisasi Peran Account Officer dalam Penentuan Kelayakan Pengajuan Pembiayaan di BMT Maslahah Idayatus Saleha; Endah Tri Wisudaningsih; Maula Nasrifah
Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis Vol. 5, No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : SAFE-Network

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37034/infeb.v5i2.244


Account Officers have an important role in increasing the efficiency of the institution. Apart from recruiting members, account officers are responsible for various tasks, such as resolving problematic financing, conducting surveys, and conducting financing analysis. accept or reject requests for financing, and become a source for sharia institutions to ensure the continuity of requests for financing. Account Officers must evaluate customers for financing and realizing funding. The purpose of this study is to identify the methods used by account officers to assess the feasibility of applying for financing at the BMT Maslahah Besuk Branch, and explain the supporting factors and inhibiting factors for Account Officers in determining the feasibility of applying for financing at the BMT Maslahah Besuk Branch and explain the solutions they make. in overcoming these inhibiting factors. To express these challenges completely and clearly, researchers used a qualitative approach with raw data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation. Additional investigations were conducted, and the conclusions reached indicated that the Account Officers modified their approach by working through five steps, including the funding stage, the data collection stage, the data analysis stage, the approval stage, and the disbursement stage. then the 5C concept is used to evaluate. Factors constraining Account Officers in determining eligibility for financing Lack of information on prospective members, inappropriate use of financing, and incomplete customer data are obstacles that must be overcome by Account Officers to assess whether or not a financing is appropriate. Reviewing the 5C principles, taking a personal approach when talking to prospective customers, conducting interviews, preparing the necessary documents, and educating prospective customers so as not to hinder the financing application process.
Implementasi kegiatan senam sehat gembira dalam meningkatkan kemampuan motorik kasar anak usia dini di RA Sirajut thalibin racek tiris probolinggo: Pendahuluan, metode penelitian, hasil penelitian, pembahasan, simpulan dan saran, refrensi HALIMATUS SA’DIYAH; ENDAH TRI WISUDANINGSIH; TERZA TRAVELANCYA DP
incrementapedia Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Incrementapedia: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Program Studi PG-PAUD Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/incrementapedia.vol5.no1.a7039


 Implementation of happy healthy gymnastic activities is very important for the gross motor development of early childhood because every movement can build muscle endurance, for example: wrists, back, arms and so on. RA Sirajut Thalibin conducts healthy gymnastic activities for joy, the implementation is carried out once a week, namely on Wednesdays. Happy healthy gymnastics besides improving gross motor skills also affects children's intelligence, one of which is kinesthetic intelligence, the advantages of a child who has kinesthetic intelligence tends to memorize faster and be able to complete tasks well. This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive research design. Collecting data in this study using interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The results of research at RA Sirajut Thalibin are as follows: 1). Implementation of Joyful Healthy Gymnastic Activities in Improving Gross Motor Skills of Early Children at RA Sirajut Thalibin Racek-Tiris-Probolinggo, begins with warm-up movements, core movements, and cool-down movements. Through these activities the child's body, legs and hands are well coordinated over time. 2). Supporting factors such as the condition of the child who is very enthusiastic and passionate about doing gymnastics. 3). Inhibiting factors such as weather sometimes does not support such as rain and infrastructure that experiences technical problems
Implementasi KPR Bersubsidi Melalui Skema FLPP (Fasilitas Liquiditas Pembiayaan Perumahan) di PT. Trah Wali Nagari Farida; Endah Tri Wisudaningsih; Waqiatul Aqidah
Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis Vol. 5, No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : SAFE-Network

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.466 KB) | DOI: 10.37034/infeb.v5i1.204


This study departs from the rapid population growth which results in high demand for livable housing, but with high house prices most people do not have the ability to buy houses with cash, in this situation people prefer to look for other ways by applying for loans through home ownership financing from financial institutions. This was also welcomed by government support in the form of Subsidized Housing Loans (KPR), one of which is provided through the Housing Finance Liquidity Facility (FLPP). PT. Trah Wali Nagari is also a company engaged in contraction and real estate services which also cooperates with banks in running their business, where the application of mortgages through the FLPP scheme can also attract customers to own housing there. This study aims to find out how the mechanism or process for implementing Subsidized KPR through the FLPP scheme at PT. Wali Nagari breed. In this study the authors used a qualitative descriptive research type. Qualitative descriptive research is research conducted to describe and interpret objects in accordance with actual facts/phenomena (factualitative). In conducting this research, the researcher strives to obtain valid and accountable data, therefore the determination of informants must be representative or representative. This research resulted in findings on how PT. Trah Wali Nagari as the Developer works closely with the implementing Bank to realize subsidized KPR assistance to Low-Income Communities (MBR) as well as the mechanism for submitting KPR through the FLPP scheme to implementing Banks as well as how to implement Subsidized KPR through the FLPP scheme at PT. Trah Wali Nagari can help low-income people.
Optimalisasi Peran Account Officer dalam Penentuan Kelayakan Pengajuan Pembiayaan di BMT Maslahah Idayatus Saleha; Endah Tri Wisudaningsih; Maula Nasrifah
Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis Vol. 5, No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : SAFE-Network

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.125 KB) | DOI: 10.37034/infeb.v5i2.244


Account Officers have an important role in increasing the efficiency of the institution. Apart from recruiting members, account officers are responsible for various tasks, such as resolving problematic financing, conducting surveys, and conducting financing analysis. accept or reject requests for financing, and become a source for sharia institutions to ensure the continuity of requests for financing. Account Officers must evaluate customers for financing and realizing funding. The purpose of this study is to identify the methods used by account officers to assess the feasibility of applying for financing at the BMT Maslahah Besuk Branch, and explain the supporting factors and inhibiting factors for Account Officers in determining the feasibility of applying for financing at the BMT Maslahah Besuk Branch and explain the solutions they make. in overcoming these inhibiting factors. To express these challenges completely and clearly, researchers used a qualitative approach with raw data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation. Additional investigations were conducted, and the conclusions reached indicated that the Account Officers modified their approach by working through five steps, including the funding stage, the data collection stage, the data analysis stage, the approval stage, and the disbursement stage. then the 5C concept is used to evaluate. Factors constraining Account Officers in determining eligibility for financing Lack of information on prospective members, inappropriate use of financing, and incomplete customer data are obstacles that must be overcome by Account Officers to assess whether or not a financing is appropriate. Reviewing the 5C principles, taking a personal approach when talking to prospective customers, conducting interviews, preparing the necessary documents, and educating prospective customers so as not to hinder the financing application process.
The Effect of Using Mind Mapping to Students’ Reading Comprehension Gresti Fina Ramadhan; Endah Tri Wisudaningsih; Ririn Fatmawati
IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature Vol 11, No 1 (2023): IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Liter
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v11i1.3656


This research was intended to analyze the effect of mind mapping towards students reading comprehension at twelfth grade in MAN 2 Probolinggo. A lot of students still struggle with reading. To overcome students' challenges, teachers should have tactics when teaching reading comprehension. Using two groups pre- and post-test at an experiment and a control group, this study used the quasi-experimental methodology. The sample classes, which included 17 students in each, were twelfth social 2 and twelfth social 3. Technique for data analysis utilizing the Paired Sample T Test. The alternative hypothesis is rejected if the significance value, or Sig (2-tailed), is more than 0.05. The hypothesis is accepted if the significance value, or Sig (2-tailed), is less than 0.05. According to the findings, students who learnt by using mind map were able to develop at a higher level. If the results of hypothesis testing indicate a Sig value (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05, then the test decision-making methodology is appropriate. It can be inferred from paired Sample T Test that the mind map method affects students' capacity for reading comprehension
Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Hybrid Learning pada Teks Eksposisi Siswa Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Ainul Hasan Ahmad Zainullah; Endah Tri Wisudaningsih; Fatih Holis Ahnaf
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 12, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/122704-019883


Being a teacher is not an easy thing to apply knowledge to, but being a professional teacher is mandatory in order to produce educated successors to the nation. As a professional teacher, he will choose the right learning model for his students, the goal is to improve student learning outcomes and students quickly understand what the teacher has explained. This study aims to boost how effective the Hybrid Learning learning model is in exposition text in improving student learning outcomes of class X Madrasah Aliyah Ainul Hasan. The hybrid learning learning model is an option for implementing learning in this digital era from. The problems in this study, namely (1). What are the student learning outcomes before, after the implementation of the Hybrid Learning learning model, and (2). How is the effectiveness of the Hybrid Learning learning model? This research method is quantitative, using an experimental design on the exposition text of class X students in the pretest-posttest group. The population and sample used were all 31 students of class X Madrasah Aliyah Ainul Hasan. The results in this study were seen from the average results obtained before the implementation of Hybrid Learning 73.85, and after 86.91. The comparison of the results above shows that Hybrid Learning learning in exposition text is effective for improving student learning outcomes in class X Madrasah Aliyah Ainul Hasan.Keywords: Learning Model Effectiveness, Hybrid Learning, Exposition Text 
Strategi Pesantren Dalam Membentuk Karakter Kemandirian Dan Tanggung Jawab Santri Di Pondok Pesantren Zainul Hasan Genggong Herman Priyadi; Endah Tri Wisudaningsih; Nur fatimah
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i3.2601


Lembaga pendidikan merupakan sebuah prasarana yang menjadi pendukung untuk menciptakan budi pekerti yang baik. Pendidikan karakter salah satu usaha untuk meningkatkan perilaku, etika, tanggung jawab dan karakter mandiri dengan melaksanakan nilai-nilai kemanusia. Sistem pendidikan di Indonesia salah satunya pendidikan karakter. Karena pendidikan ini sudah berdiri sejak lama dan menjadi bagian penting dalam visi misi dan tujuan pendidikan nasional. Dalam era modern ini urgensi pendidikan karakter mulai membuming atas berbagai masalah/problematika yang terjadi di Indonesia saat ini seperti masalah, kekerasan, tawuran, korupsi dan pergaulan bebas. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, di mana penelitian ini memperlukan pengumpulan data seperti observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini strategi pesantren dalam membentuk karakater kemandirian dan tanggung jawab yaitu dalam bentuk kegiatan seperti pengajian kitab, memberikan keteladanan, dan sekolah madrasah diniyah di pondok pesantren zainul hasan genggong. Santri diwajibkan untuk mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan pondok agar santri bisa mengamalkan dan mempraktikan kegiatan-kegiatan yang sudah diterapkan di pondok pesantren. Tujuan adanya kegiatan-kegiatan di pondok agar santri mampu menerapkan pendidikan karakter kemandirian dan tanggung jawab di pondok terutama ketika terjun ke masyarakat.
Peran Supervisor dalam Manajemen Kelas Endah Tri Wisudaningsih
At- Ta'lim : Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 5 No 2 (2019): June
Publisher : LP3M Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36835/attalim.v5i2.70


One indicator states that professional teachers / educators have the ability to manage classes, namely providing a conducive atmosphere for effective and efficient learning processes. If it is not yet conducive, then a teacher or lecturer must work optimally to master, regulate and improve, and create a conducive atmosphere so that the learning process can run optimally to achieve the desired learning goals. Class management is not an easy and easy thing, let alone for teachers who have just fielded themselves into the world of education, for teachers who are already professional, they have felt how difficult it is to manage classes, but never teachers feel dry and then deter from managing classes every time they teach in class. The failure of a teacher to achieve teaching goals is in line with the inability of the teacher to manage the class, from failure it is achievement, learning of students is low, not in accordance with the standards or size limits that are determined, therefore classroom management is very important teacher competency mastered by the teacher within the framework of success teaching and learning process. Keywords: professional teachers, and Class management
Tipologi Kepemimpinan dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Kinerja Endah Triwisudaningsih
At- Ta'lim : Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 6 No 2 (2020): June
Publisher : LP3M Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36835/attalim.v6i2.371


Leadership basically deals with the skills, abilities, and level of influence a person has; so that he is able to influence others to jointly carry out certain activities to achieve certain goals. The difference between managers and leaders in general is that a manager only deals with objects, structures, systems and efficiency. Whereas a leader deals with effectiveness, people, empowering and channeling the potential possessed by others. An important factor that determines employee performance is leadership. Because Leadership describes the relationship between the leader and the leader & how a leader directs followers will determine how far the follower reaches the leader's goals or expectations.
The Application of Finger Painting Games to Children's Fine Motor Development in Kb Nurul Barokah, Wangkal Village, Gading District, Probolinggo District Fatimatus Zahro; Endah Tri Wisudaningsih; Debby Adelita Febrianti Purnamasari
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains Vol. 5 No. 04 (2024): Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains
Publisher : CV. Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59141/jiss.v5i04.1092


One of the basic skills that children need to develop is motor skills, which consist of two parts: gross motor skills and fine motor skills. The problem raised in this research is how to apply the fingerpainting game to develop fine motor skills in children, and the research aims to find out whether the fingerpainting game can develop children's fine motor skills at KB Nurul Barokah, Wangkal Village. The analytical method used in this work is a qualitative descriptive research approach, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data collection, data condensation, data presentation and conclusions. They are checking the validity of the data through data credibility tests, transferability tests, dependability tests, and confirmability tests. The results of this research show the development of all aspects of children, excellent physical aspects of fine motor skills through finger painting activities; children can also carry out other tasks such as buttoning their clothes, wearing their shoelaces, peeling their peanut shells and being able to hold a pencil correctly. Correct. This article proves that the fingerpainting game method can improve children's fine motor skills at KB Nurul Barokah Wangkal Gading.