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Pengetahuan Remaja Putri Tentang Konsumsi Tablet FE Pada Saat Menstruasi Pengan Anemia Angrainy, Rizka; Fitri, Lidia; Wulandari, Vipit
Jurnal Endurance Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Endurance : Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDIKTI) Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (298.666 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/jen.v4i2.4100


Anemia is a public health problem in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), anemia cases occur 24.8% of the population and an estimated 50-80% of anemia is caused by iron deficiency. Anemia most often occurs in adolescents during menstruation and can be prevented by consuming Fe tablets. Initial survey of 10 female students showed most do not know about consuming Fe tablets during menstruation and 3 of them have Hb below 12 g%. The purpose of research to know the relationship of the adolescent knowledge about consuming fe tablets when menstrual with anemia in Junior High School 20 Pekanbaru 2018. The research design is quantitative Analitic with Cross Sectional approach.The population in this research amounted to 148 people with sampling using technique is purposive sampling as many as 86 people. The data obtained from the questionnaire and Hb measurements on the respondents.The statistical analysis used chi-square. The result of univariate analysis showed that most of the respondents (59,3%) had good knowledge about consuming Fe tablets during menstruation and the majority of respondents (84,3%) is not anemic. Test result obtained P Value < α (0,001<0,05), and it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between of the adolescent knowledge about consuming Fe tablets when menstrual with anemia.Anemia merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat diseluruh dunia. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), kasus anemia terjadi 24,8% dari populasi dan diperkirakan sekitar 50-80% anemia disebabkan oleh defisiensi besi. Anemia paling sering terjadi pada remaja saat menstruasi dan dapat dicegah dengan mengonsumsi tablet Fe. Survei awal terhadap 10 siswi menunjukkan sebagian besar tidak mengetahui tentang konsumsi tablet Fe pada saat menstruasi dan 3 diantaranya memiliki Hb dibawah 12 gr%. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan remaja putri tentang  konsumsi tablet Fe pada saat menstruasi dengan anemia di SMP Negeri 20 Pekanbaru. Jenis penelitian Analitik Kuantitatif dengan desain Cross Sectional. Populasi sebanyak 148 orang dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling sebanyak 86 orang. Data penelitian diperoleh dari kuesioner dan pengukuran Hb. Analisa data menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian sebagian besar responden 59,3% memiliki pengetahuan baik tentang mengonsumsi tablet Fe pada saat menstruasi dan mayoritas responden 84,3% tidak anemia. Hasil uji diperoleh Pvalue  < α (0,001<0,05) dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan remaja putri tentang konsumsi tablet Fe pada saat menstruasi dengan anemia.
Hubungan Teknik Nafas Dalam Terhadap Pengurangan Intensitas Nyeri Kala I Fase Aktif di Klinik Pratama Jambu Mawar Fitri, Lidia; Nova, Silvia; Nurbaya, Rusti
Jurnal Endurance Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Endurance : Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDIKTI) Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.796 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/jen.v4i2.4122


Delivery pain is a matter of physiology experienced by the mother. Most of delivery (90%) is accompanied by pain. One of non-pharmacological efforts to reduce delivery pain is a deep breathing technique. Deep breathing techniques carried out during contraction will release the hormon endorphin as a natural pain reliever in the body. The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship of deep breathing techniques to reducing pain intensity during the active phase. This research is quantitative analysis with quasi experiment approach. Population was mothers giving birth from November 2018 to January 2019. Sample using non random assignment technique consist of control and intervention group . Analysis is univariat and bivariat, data test is done by parametric statistic using “t” test to measure pain scale before and after treatment. The results research in the intervention group showed average intensity of labor pain before treatment was 5,40 and after treatment was 4,07. The different value is 1,33 with standar deviation of 1,163.The statistical test results obtained p value of 0,000 <0,05, so Ho was rejected. There is a relationship of deep breathing techniques to reducing pain intensity during the active phase, the Ha was acceptedNyeri persalinan merupakan proses alamiah yang dirasakan ibu yang akan melahirkan. Sebagian besar (90%) persalinan disertai rasa nyeri. Salah satu upaya non-farmakologi untuk mengurangi nyeri persalinan dengan teknik nafas  dalam. Teknik nafas dalam yang dilakukan pada saat kontraksi akan mengeluarkan hormon endorphin sebagai penghilang rasa sakit alami didalam tubuh. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan teknik nafas dalam terhadap pengurangan intensitas nyeri kala I fase aktif. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan quasi eksperiment. Populasi seluruh ibu bersalin periode November 2018 sampai Januari 2019. Sampel dengan teknik non random assignment yang dibagi menjadi kelompok kontrol dan intervensi. Analisis data secara univariat dan bivariat, pengujian data menggunakan uji t untuk mengukur skala nyeri sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan. Hasil penelitian pada kelompok intervensi menunjukkan rata-rata intensitas nyeri persalinan sebelum diberikan perlakuan adalah 5,40 dan setelah diberikan perlakuan adalah 4,07. Terlihat nilai perbedaan adalah 1,33 dengan standar deviasi 1,163. Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai p 0,000 < 0,05 maka Ho ditolak. Kesimpulan : terdapat hubungan antara teknik nafas dalam terhadap pengurangan intensitas nyeri kala I fase aktif, maka Ha diterima
Covid-19 among College Students in Pekanbaru: How Much Do They Know? Yumarlin, Kiki; Fitri, Lidia; Ritawani, Evis; Rustam, Musfardi
Diversity: Disease Preventive of Research Integrity Volume 3, Issue 1, August 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/diversity.v3i1.28188


Coronavirus Disease 2019 or called Covid-19 which is the cause of a public health emergency, is a new type of virus that has never been previously identified in humans and has no known transmitter. The Covid-19 pandemic is a health problem due to high morbidity and mortality cases. The purpose of the study was to describe student knowledge about Covid-19 at the Helvetia Midwifery Academy Pekanbaru. This type of research was a quantitative analytic descriptive design. The population in this study was 122 female students with a total sampling technique. Data were collected using a questionnaire sheet and analyzed univariately. The results showed that the majority of Helvetia Midwifery Academy students' knowledge about Covid-19 was 66.4% less. This study found that there were still many female students who had less knowledge about Covid-19, especially in terms of maintaining distance. Respondents are expected to increase their knowledge by reading, finding out, and following the development of information related to Covid-19 on trusted social media in order to break the chain of transmission of Covid-19.
Pelaksanaan Pemeriksaan Kehamilan Di Puskesmas Garongkong Desa Sumpang Binagae Kabupaten Barru Rosida, Rosida; Fitri, Lidia; Latif, Sarifudin Andi; Leli, Leli; Saad, Rahmiyani; Jariyah, Ainun
Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Desember)
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59585/sosisabdimas.v2i1.248


Danger signs of pregnancy must be recognized and detected early so that they can be treated properly because every danger sign of pregnancy can result in pregnancy complications. Based on research, every pregnancy can have potential and carry risks for the mother. The aim of this PkM is pregnancy checks and outreach about understanding the danger signs in pregnancy, increasing public awareness about the importance of knowing the danger signs that will occur in pregnancy and providing information on the benefits of knowing the danger signs in pregnancy. Method This activity is divided into two stages through communication media regarding material on danger signs in pregnancy and using Lefleat for danger signs in pregnancy. The targets for this PkM activity are mothers in the Garongkong Community Health Center working area, Barru Regency. Results: In this service activity, the pre-test results showed that 4 people (40%) had good knowledge and 6 people (60%) had sufficient knowledge regarding the danger signs of pregnancy. It is hoped that outreach and counseling activities for pregnant women will motivate and change behavior in pregnant women. Husbands and families are expected to play an active role and recognize and take pregnant women to health workers as soon as possible, cadres are expected to play an active role in finding pregnant women who are at high risk and it is hoped that local community leaders will participate in activities to provide immediate assistance if an emergency occurs, especially for pregnant women.
Edukasi Tentang Perawatan Payudara Ibu Hamil Untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Asi Ibu Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Bantimurung Djunaedi, Djunaedi; Nursiah, Andi; Idris, Idris; Fitri, Lidia
Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Desember)
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59585/sosisabdimas.v2i1.253


Breastfeeding is one of the best investments for survival and improving health, socio-economic development of individuals and nations. This coverage cannot be separated from problems that occur during the breastfeeding process, including the false belief that little milk comes out or that breast milk is not sufficient for the baby's needs. This situation is caused by several factors, including the mother's psychological condition, abnormal breast shape, baby sucking, which can affect breast milk production. Various studies have been carried out to facilitate breast milk production, including the Oxytocin Massage method, Marmet Technique, Rolling Massage (back), Endorphin massage, Breast Care, but due to limited information in health services regarding implementation procedures, these methods are only known but rarely given by health workers as care givers to patients. The service is carried out with the aim of providing knowledge to mothers and the community about Endorphine Massage in Increasing Breast Milk Production. The method used in community service begins with giving a pre-test, delivering material, evaluating with a post-test and practice. The target audience is pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers at the Bantimurung Community Health Center. The result of this community service was that 71.4% of participants' knowledge increased about Endorphine Massage in Increasing Breast Milk Production. This was proven by the enthusiasm of the participants who actively asked questions, discussed and shared breastfeeding experiences. After this activity takes place, there needs to be follow-up from the participants to apply the counseling that has been given.
Edukasi Terhadap Ibu Bayi Dalam Upaya Preventif Stunting Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Moncongloe Fitri, Lidia; Sakriawati, Sakriawati; Yusraa, Yusraa; Muslimin, Muslimin; Anurogo, Dito; Jamin, Nunung Suryana
Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Maret)
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59585/sosisabdimas.v2i2.317


Stunting is a major nutritional problem that will have an impact on social and economic life in society. There is clear evidence that stunted individuals have higher rates of death from various causes and increased incidence of disease. Stunting will affect physical work performance, mental and intellectual functions will be disrupted and is associated with impaired immune function and increases the risk of death. Stunting is a nutritional problem that arises due to a lack of nutritional intake, resulting in impaired growth in children. This community service activity is carried out with the aim of increasing mothers' knowledge about stunting and its prevention efforts. The educational method used is through counseling. Activities are carried out in pre-test stages, providing education through counseling about stunting and its prevention, and finally a post-test. Data analysis was carried out using the Paired Samples T-Test with the subjects namely mothers with toddlers aged 6-24 months. The results show that there is an increase in the average knowledge score of mothers after receiving education, namely 11.19 points, the average pre-test score = 70.27 and the average post-test score = 81.46. The results of statistical analysis show a significance value of 0.000 (< 0.05), so it can be concluded that providing education through counseling has an effect on increasing mothers' knowledge regarding stunting and its prevention efforts.
Asupan Gizi Anak Usia Dini Melalui Program Kerja Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tamalanrea Makassar Nursiah, Andi; Mayasari, Eka; Fitri, Lidia; Kadir, Erni; Masdarwati, Masdarwati
Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Maret)
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59585/sosisabdimas.v2i2.326


In Indonesia, nutritional problems, especially for early childhood, are a big problem because they are closely related to general health indicators such as morbidity and mortality rates. One effort to improve the level of public health can be done by improving the nutritional status of all family members with the support of various factors in a coordinated manner and is part of development to improve community welfare. The aim of efforts to improve nutritional status is to improve the nutritional condition of all members of society through participation and equal distribution of activities, changes in behavior that support the achievement of improved nutrition. Nutrition, which plays a big role in children's growth and development, must be a supervised and programmed part. Nutritional intake in early childhood cannot be separated and is closely related to children's health and intelligence. Apart from that, the nutritional intake the child receives will be a supporting factor in the child's growth and development. An unbalanced diet and inadequate or excessive nutritional intake can cause stunted growth and development in children. Monitoring of nutritional status is carried out every month in the Tamalanrea Community Health Center Work Area, there are 6 young children who have normal nutritional status and 18 young children still have malnutrition status, one of which is malnourished. Thirteen Early Childhood Children can no longer be monitored because they are not actively attending. The quality and quantity of complementary foods for breast milk really determines the nutritional status of young children. For this reason, mothers need to be given knowledge and skills in processing food by paying attention to the quality and quantity of complementary breast milk foods. Quality is seen from the type and diversity of food, while quantity is seen from the frequency of feeding. In connection with this, community service activities were carried out involving malnourished mothers of young children in making nutritious and varied complementary foods for breast milk.
Pendampingan dan Edukasi Penggunaan Buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak di Posyandu Fitri, Lidia; Mansyur, Tri Novianty; Mildaratu, Mildaratu; Wahyuni, Tri; Ula, Zumrotul; Anto, Sardi; Wahyuni, Sri
Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (September)
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59585/sosisabdimas.v2i4.411


Maternal and child health efforts are part of the health center's mandatory health efforts. The government has implemented an integrated program through activities carried out by the Maternal and Child Health Program. The aim is to make it easy to get explanations about maternal and child health, understand the dangers that need to be taken into account during pregnancy and access services that can be obtained at health services. The PkM activity method is a pre-test activity, an exam is carried out to determine the description of the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women regarding the use of maternal and child health books for pregnant women. This activity is carried out by asking pregnant women to fill out a questionnaire regarding the material to be presented. The results of PkM activities through mentoring and education are in an effort to increase pregnant women's knowledge about the use of Maternal and Child Health books, as well as creating innovative products to improve the health of pregnant women. Therefore, before being given education, it appears that the majority of mothers had poor knowledge, whereas after education the majority of mothers had good knowledge about the use of maternal and child health books.
The Effect of Deep Breathing Relaxation Techniques on Intensity Mother's Pain in Labor the Initial Phase of Contractions in Midwifery Practice Hanifah, Astin Nur; Sapitri, Ana; Karnely, Karnely; Fitri, Lidia; Sari, Wulan Citra
International Journal of Health Sciences Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): International Journal of Health Sciences
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59585/ijhs.v2i3.492


Deep breathing relaxation therapy is a breathing in the abdomen with a slow frequency and slowly, rhythmically, and comfortably by closing the eyes while breathing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of deep breathing relaxation techniques on the intensity of pain in mothers in labor at the Midwife Practice. Pre-experimental design method. The population in this study were mothers giving birth at the Midwife Practice. Purposive sampling technique. The analysis used was univariate and bivariate analysis using the Wilcoxon test. The results of the study showed that before the deep breathing relaxation technique was carried out, there were 73.3% who had moderate pain and 26.7% who had severe pain and after the deep breathing relaxation technique was carried out, there was mild pain 80%. % and moderate pain 20%. The results showed that there was an influence of deep breathing relaxation techniques on the intensity of pain in mothers giving birth, which was seen from the results of the post-test, the level of labor pain decreased. The conclusion of the study was that there was an influence of deep breathing relaxation techniques on the intensity of pain in mothers giving birth at the Midwife Practice. It is expected that midwives will play an active role in providing the use of deep breathing relaxation methods during labor to reduce the level of labor pain so as to improve services for patients.