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Distribution and Contamination Status of Heavy Metals in the Surface Sediments along Western Coast of Bali Strait, Banyuwangi Defri Yona; Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari; Anedathama Kretarta; Citra Ravena Putri Effendy; Misba Nur Aini; M Arif As' Adi
Torani Journal of Fisheries and Marine Science VOLUME 1 NOMOR 2, JUNI 2018
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (15.153 KB) | DOI: 10.35911/torani.v1i2.4439


This study attempted to analyze the distribution and contamination status of heavy metals (Cu, Fe and Zn) along western coast of Bali Strait in Banyuwangi, East Java. Bali Strait is one of the many straits in Indonesia with high fisheries activities that could potentially contributed to high heavy metal pollution. There were five sampling areas from the north to south: Pantai Watu Dodol, Pantai Kalipuro, Ketapang Port, Pantai Boom and Muncar as the fish landing area. Heavy metal pollution in these locations comes from many different activities such as tourism, fish capture and fish industry and also domestic activities. Contamination factor (CF), geo-accumulation index (Igeo) and enrichment factor (EF) of each heavy metal were calculated to obtain contamination status of the research area. The concentrations of Fe were observed the highest (1.5-129.9 mg/kg) followed by Zn (13.2-23.5 mg/kg) and Cu (2.2-7.8 mg/kg). The distribution of Cu, Fe and Zn showed variability among the sampling locations in which high concentrations of Cu and Zn were higher in Ketapang Port, whereas high concentration of Fe was high in almost all sampling locations. According to the pollution index, contamination factors of Cu, Fe and Zn were low (CF < 1 and Igeo < 1). However, high index of EF (> 50) showed high influence of the anthropogenic activities to the contribution of the metals to the environment. This could also because of the high background value used in the calculation of the index due to the difficulties in finding background value from the sampling areas.Keywords: heavy metals, pollution index, contamination factor, geo-accumulation index, Bali Strait
Journal of Innovation and Applied Technology Vol 3, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1045.453 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jiat.2017.003.01.4


Fish apartment is a device used by fishermen for aggregating and locating their fish target. Problem arised from apartments managed by local fishermen locals are not as many that managed by fisherman andon. Besides, the fish apartment used is contructed by using toxic material (dioxin compound) which is caused several environmental problems. Therefore, creating community services by using fish apartment made from Plastic Polypropilen (PP) and controlled by community group, those problems are accomplished. This is beneficial for increasing community involvement for their environment through this joint activities to create fish apartment which later used for increasing fish catch in order to enhance public welfare.Methods used for this activity arranged as four stage. First, developing the Tawangsari community group (POKMASWAS Tawangsari) and Tawangsari business group (KUB Tawangsari). Second, generating workshop on designing and determining potential location of fish apartment. Third, producing fish apartment, and the last is setting fish apartment. The series of activities lasted in seven months from May to November 2016.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 12 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v12i2.25971


Microplastics have been found widely in marine environments, including the remote areas far from human activities, and can be ingested by fish. This study aimed to investigate microplastics from 12 coral reef fishes of three small outer islands of Papua (Liki, Befondi, and Miossu) and to analyze the difference of microplastic concentrations in gill and gastrointestinal tract. Fish samples were obtained using a hand line and dissected to separate the gills and gastrointestinal tracts. The destruction method using H2O2 30 % was conducted to separate organic matter, and the microscope was used to identify microplastic types. Fibers were found in all fish species in the range of 1.60-28.30 particle/g dry weight. Microplastics in fishes from Liki Island were higher compared to the ones from Befondi and Miossu Islands. The results of this study observed that there is no relationship between fish size and microplastic concentration since the size of fishes from Liki Island were smaller than the ones from the two islands. Most fishes were observed to contain fiber in both the gill and gastrointestinal tract, with the dominant size of microplastic was > 1000 µm. This study found that microplastics in the gills were higher than in the gastrointestinal tracts, and it is related to the difference in the organ functionality and the process of microplastic entering the organs from the surrounding water.
Upaya Penguatan Manajemen Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan Berbasis Media Online di TPI Sendangbiru, Kabupaten Malang, Indonesia Dian Aliviyanti; Bambang Semedi; Defri Yona; Muhammad Arif Asadi; Rarasrum Dyah Kasitowati; Citra Satrya Utama Dewi; Oktiyas Muzaky Lutfi; Andik Isdianto
Abdi Geomedisains Vol. 1, No. 2, January 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (785.462 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/abdigeomedisains.v1i2.199


TPI Sendang Biru berada di Kabupaten Malang memiliki potensi yang besar baik dalam bidang penyediaan pasokan ikan ataupun sarana prasarana penunjang lainnya. Pelabuhan perikanan tersebut dipersiapkan sebagai pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi perikanan di wilayah selatan Provinsi Jawa Timur. Pemerintah melalui Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Tangkap Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Tahun 2018 telah menyelesaikan relokasi pembangunan kios ikan berkonsep higienis pada wilayah tersebut untuk menunjang mutu hasil ikan dan harga jual ikan tetap tinggi.  Sejalan dengan hal tersebut Pemerintah Propinsi Jawa Timur saat ini melakukan pengembangan jalur lintas selatan untuk mempermudah aksesbilitas. Namun, adanya wabah pandemi Covid-19 saat ini menyebabkan dampak yang besar pada berbagai bidang termasuk bidang perikanan. Hal tersebut menyebabkan bukan hanya minat beli masyrakat yang menurun, namun keterbatasan jalur distribusi produk juga menghambat transaksi jual-beli masyarakat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut perlu dilakukan pelatihan dan pembinaan manajemen pemasaran produk-produk perikanan di TPI Sendang Biru berbasis media jual-beli online. Metode edukasi yang dilakukan adalah seminar dengan topik strategi pemasaran digital berbasis media sosial dan workshop berbasis toko online atau marketplace. Melalui program ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu langkah awal dalam menghadapi tantangan-tantangan baru dalam penanggulangan pemulihan ekonomi pasca pandemi Covid-19, serta dapat memperluas jejaring pemasaran para nelayan atau penjual ikan di wilayah tersebut bahkan hingga keadaan normal kembali.
Edukasi Bahaya Sampah Plastik pada Perairan dan Biota Laut di Sekolah Alam, Pantai Bajulmati, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur Dian Aliviyanti; Rarasrum Dyah Kasitowati; Defri Yona; Bambang Semedi; Rudianto Rudianto; Muhammad Arif Asadi; Andik Isdianto; Citra Satrya Utama Dewi
Abdi Geomedisains Vol. 2, No. 2, January 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1918.584 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/abdigeomedisains.v2i2.408


Plastic is one of the most common pollutants found in marine waters. The direct negative impact of plastic waste on marine organisms is causing blockages in the digestive tract if eaten either intentionally or unintentionally. One of the efforts to reduce plastic waste is to build public awareness and readiness to actively participate in solving the problem of plastic waste. Therefore, Marine Science Study Program, FFMS, Universitas Brawijaya is dedicated to provide education about the dangers of plastic waste for aquatic communities and marine biota at a pioneering nature school for the Bajulmati Sea Turtle Conservation (BSTC) community in Bajulmati Beach, Malang Regency, East Java. In general, community service activities take place in online and offline manner. The educational methods given to students are a participatory and collaborative learning method, namely by providing an understanding of the material through class discussions and practical waste sorting activities in the field. The results of educational activities on the dangers of plastic waste can increase public knowledge and awareness, especially students at the BSTC nature school so that later it will have an effect on wiser plastic use behavior. Through this activity, it is expected that the resulted knowledge and awareness can foster a sense of love for the environment and can also affect a better use of plastic.
Microplastic in The Bali Strait : Comparison of Two Sampling Methods Defri Yona; Zefanya Nandaningtyas; Bernads Daniel Marolop Siagian; Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari; Agung Yunanto; Feni Iranawati; Mochamad Arif Zainul Fuad; Junika Chintia Ayu Putri; Mela Dita Maharani
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 24, No 4 (2019): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.633 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.24.4.153-158


Two methods of microplastics sampling in the Bali Strait, manta net (250 µm mesh size) and plankton net (20 µm mesh size), were compared. The difference in the mesh sizes could result in the difference of the microplastics found. Water samples from both sampling tools were analyzed with filtration and all organic materials were removed using Hydrogen Peroxide.  Natrium chloride (NaCl) was used to further separate microplastics and organic materials based on its density. The result identified three types of microplastics found in Bali Strait: fibers, films and fragments with total abundances of microplastics were 32.48 x 102 particles.m-3 and 16.33 x 102 particles.m-3using manta net and plankton net, respectively. These results indicated that the numbers of microplastics per cubic metres was higher using manta net sampling tool compared to plankton net. This may likely caused by the smaller size of the mesh used and also the sampling area covered using manta net.  
Monitoring of Sedimentation on Geosynthetic Bags Installation Area in Banyuurip Mangrove Center, Ujung Pangkah, Gresik, Indonesia Aida Sartimbul; Safitri Widya Ningtias; Citra Satrya Utama Dewi; Muhammad Arif Arif Rahman; Defri Yona; Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari; Nurin Hidayati
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 26, No 3 (2021): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.26.3.173-181


Banyuurip is one of the villages in Ujung Pangkah District which has potential natural resource that is mangrove forests. However, the occurrence of abrasion and conversion of mangrove land has impacted mangrove ecosystem. Rehabilitation efforts by replanting mangroves have been carried out, but they have not been effective in overcoming the current problems. The reduction of mangrove area that led the decreased of mangrove’s function can affect the livelihood of the local community, including fishermen. The installation of geosynthetic bags, which are sand-filled bags arranged on the ground, is done as an alternative solution in Banyuurip Village which functions as coastal protection and a sediment trap. The utilization of geosynthetic material is often used to help the coastal problem, the used of geosynthetic material is rarely carried out in mangrove areas. This study aims to determine the sediment characteristics, sedimentation rates, and sedimentation process based on the relationship between current velocity and sedimentation rate. The result shows that generally the type of sediment fraction in this location is silt (79,12% - 80,12%) and the rest is clay. The current installation of geosynthetic bags can result in the land extension from the trapped sediment behind the structure. In addition, the current velocity conditions and the sediment transport process also affect the sedimentation process that occurs. The average sedimentation rates around the geosynthetic bags installation area ranged from 150.72-305.01 This study may provide a basic information for further development in Banyuurip Mangrove Center and other mangrove conservation area.  
Dapatkah Megabentos Epifauna Tumbuh pada Geobag? Studi Kasus di Desa Banyuurip, Gresik Aida Sartimbul; Rafika Devi Agustin; Dhira Khurniawan Saputra; Defri Yona; Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari; Feni Iranawati; Nurin Hidayati
Buletin Oseanografi Marina Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Buletin Oseanografi Marina
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/buloma.v10i2.34971


Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah abrasi di wilayah pesisir pantai Desa Banyuurip, Gresik. Upaya yang dilakukan salah satunya adalah reboisasi mangrove, namun upaya tersebut belum efektif, sehingga salah satu solusinya adalah dengan dipasangnya geosyntheticbag (geobag), yang merupakan kantong ramah lingkungan berisi pasir yang disusun dan dapat berfungsi sebagai perangkap sedimen dan pelindung pantai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pada bulan ke berapa biota dapat tumbuh pada geosintetik dan struktur komunitas biota yang tumbuh menggunakan metode random transek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa megabentos epifauna dapat tumbuh pada geobag pada bulan ke-4 setelah pemasangan, yang terdiri dari 3 spesies yaitu Metopograpsus sp., Ostrea edulis, dan Fistulobalanus albicostatus. Kelimpahan jenis megabentos pada bulan ke-4 rata-rata mencapai 198 individu/m2, sedangkan kelimpahan pada bulan ke-5 mencapai 259 individu/m2. Hasil perhitungan indeks struktur komunitas megabentos pada bulan ke-4 dan ke-5 secara berurutan meliputi indeks keanekaragaman (H’) bernilai 0,10 dan 0,11; indeks keseragaman (c) bernilai 0,09 dan 0,10; dan indeks dominansi bernilai 0,96 dan 0,96. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa geobag berfungsi sebagai pencegah abrasi serta sekaligus dapat menyatu dengan media di sekitarnya sehingga diklaim ramah lingkungan, karena dapat ditumbuhi biota yang tidak mengganggu atau merubah struktur komunitas biota di wilayah tersebut. Various attempts have been made to solve the abrasion in the coastal area of Banyuurip Village, Gresik. To overcome this problem, the community planted the mangroves, but these have not been effective. One solution to this problem is to install a geosynthetic bag (geobag), which is an environmentally friendly bag that is arranged and can be function as a sediment trap. The purpose of this study was to determine when the megabenthos can grow in the geosynthetic and how the community structure grow using the quadrant random transect method. The result showed that epifaunal megabenthos could grow on geobag at the fourth month after installation, which consisted of 3 species. The abundance of megabenthos at the 4th month averaged 198 individuals/m2, while the abundance at the 5th month reached 259 individuals/m2. The structure index (H’) in January and February were 0.10 and 0.11, respectively.  The similarity index (C) were 0.09 and 0.10, and while the dominance index was 0.96 and 0.96. This study is suggested that the geobag can be function both as a deterrent to abrasion and simultaneously integrate with the surrounding media and be claim as environmentally friendly, because it can be overgrown with biota that does not disturb or change the structure of the biota community in the area.
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 17, No 2 (2021): SAINTEK PERIKANAN
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.17.2.108-114


Keberadaan mikroplastik di perairan yang terus meningkat telah diketahui berpotensi masuk ke dalam berbagai jenis biota laut termasuk kerang. Kerang darah (Tegilarca granosa) dan kerang tahu (Meretrix meretrix) adalah jenis organisme yang hidup pada substrat perairan dan bersifat filter feeder sehingga potensi penyerapan mikroplastik cukup tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis serta membandingkan akumulasi mikroplastik pada kedua jenis kerang di perairan Desa Banyuurip, Gresik. Pengambilan data lapang terdiri dari sampel sedimen dan kerang dilakukan pada Bulan Maret 2019 pada lima stasiun berbeda yaitu muara Sungai Bengawan Solo, laut terbuka, hutan mangrove, tempat pelelangan ikan dan tambak. Pada setiap stasiun diambil sebanyak ± 1 kg sedimen serta 10 ekor kerang per spesies dengan ukuran cangkang 4-6 cm yang diasumsikan sebagai fase kerang dewasa. Analisis mikroplastik dilakukan di laboratorium melalui tahapan destruksi bahan organik menggunakan H2O2 30 % serta identifikasi mikroplastik secara visual menggunakan mikroskop. Tiga jenis mikroplastik (fiber, film dan fragmen) ditemukan pada sedimen dan kedua jenis kerang dengan dominansi jenis fiber (> 75 %) diikuti oleh fragmen (20 %) dan film (< 2 %). Fiber dan fragmen ditemukan pada seluruh sampel kerang, sedangkan film hanya ditemukan pada beberapa sampel saja. Tidak terdapat perbedaan kelimpahan total mikroplastik antar jenis kerang, namun kelimpahan total mikroplastik ditemukan berbeda antar stasiun penelitian (p < 0,01) dengan kelimpahan tertinggi pada kerang yang hidup di habitat mangrove. Hutan mangrove yang selalu mendapat masukan air laut serta jenis akar pohon mangrove yang bersifat menjebak sedimen memungkinkan akumulasi mikroplastik cukup tinggi sehingga dapat mempengaruhi keberadaan mikroplastik pada kerang. The quantity of microplastic in the marine environment has increased significantly and it could lead to the accumulation in the marine organisms such as mussels and clams. Blood cockle (Tegilarca granosa) and Asiatic hard clam (Meretrix meretrix) are benthic organisms and their feeding mode could expose them to microplastic in the sediment. This study aimed to analyze and compare microplastic accumulation in both mussels in Banyuurip coastal water, Gresik. Sediment and mussel samples were collected on March 2019 from five sampling stations: Bengawan Solo river mouth, seaward area, mangrove, fish landing station dan shrimp culture site. About 1 kg sediment samples and 10 individual mussels in the size of 4−6 cm from each species were collected from each sampling station. Microplastic analysis was conducted in the laboratory by digesting organic matter using H2O2 30 % and the identification was conducted visually using microscope. Three types of microplastic (fiber, film and fragment) was found from the sediment and mussel samples with the domination of fiber (75 %) followed by fragment (20 %) dan film (< 2 %). Fiber and fragment were observed in all sediment and mussel samples, whereas film was available only in certain samples. Statistical test revealed no significant difference in the concentrations of microplastic between the two mussels, however, the differences were observed in the concentrations of microplastic among the sampling stations (p < 0.01).  Higher concentration of microplastic was found in the mussels from mangrove area due to its rooting system that could trap microplastics.
Kelimpahan Mikroplastik Pada Insang Dan Saluran Pencernaan Ikan Lontok Ophiocara porocephala Valenciennes, 1837 (Chordata: Actinopterygii) di Ekosistem Mangrove Dubibir, Situbondo Defri Yona; Billy Arif Mahendra; Mochamad Arif Zainul Fuad; Aida Sartimbul; Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 25, No 1 (2022): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v25i1.12341


Mangrove as a transitional ecosystem between land and sea is threatened with microplastic pollution. It could lead to the accumulation of microplastic in mangrove organisms, including ikan lontok (snakehead gudgeon fish-Ophiocara porocephala) as one of the seasonal fish found in mangrove ecosystem. This study aimed to analyze the occurrence of microplastic in the gills and gastrointestinal tracts of the fish caught from Dubibir mangrove ecosystem, Situbondo. The fish were caught using gillnet (17 individuals) and measured its length and body weight. Organic matter digestion was conducted using hydrogen peroxide solution (H2O2 30 % and Fe (II) 0,05 M) for 24 h. Samples were then filtered using Whatman filter paper and types of microplastic were identified using microscope (Olympus CX33). In total, 192 particles of microplastic were retrieved from both gills and gastrointestinal tracts with the domination of fibers, followed by fragments, films and beads. Microplastics abundance was observed higher in the gills than in the gastrointestinal tracts and it might be due to the different of organ functionality and the input process of microplastics into each organ. Microplastic with the size of 500 – 1000 µm dominated the result, while the size of < 300 µm were found more in the gastrointestinal tracts than in the gills. It showed that gastrointestinal tracts have less preference in the accumulation process of microplastics. Blue is the most common of microplastic color found in both of the fish organs, followed by black, red and other colors with a smaller number of particles. The results of this study show that concern over the occurrence of microplastics in the snakehead gudgeon fish is needed since the fish is also consumable for human and could influence human health. Ekosistem mangrove yang terletak diantara wilayah darat dan laut tidak luput dari pencemaran mikroplastik. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan akumulasi mikroplastik pada biota mangrove, termasuk ikan lontok (Ophiocara porocephala) yang merupakan ikan musiman pada ekosistem mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keberadaan mikroplastik pada insang dan saluran pencernaan ikan lontok pada ekosistem mangrove Dubibir, Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Sebanyak 17 ekor ikan lontok ditangkap menggunakan jaring dan diukur panjang dan beratnya. Analisis mikroplastik pada sampel organ ikan dimulai dengan melakukan penghancuran bahan organik dengan merendam sampel pada larutan H2O2 30 % dan larutan Fe (II) 0,05 M selama 24 jam. Sampel selanjutnya disaring menggunakan kertas Whatman dan diidentifikasi jenis mikroplastiknya menggunakan mikroskop (Olympus CX33). Sebanyak 192 partikel mikroplastik ditemukan pada sampel ikan lontok yang dianalisis dan didominasi oleh jenis fiber diikuti oleh fragmen, film dan beads. Kelimpahan total mikroplastik ditemukan lebih tinggi pada insang dibandingkan pada saluran pencernaan. Hal ini diduga karena perbedaan fungsi organ dan juga proses masuknya mikroplastik pada masing-masing organ. Mikroplastik yang ditemukan pada kedua organ ikan paling banyak berukuran 500 – 1000 µm dan mikroplastik berukuran < 300 µm lebih banyak ditemukan pada saluran pencernaan dibandingkan pada insang. Perbedaan komposisi ukuran mikroplastik antar organ menunjukkan bahwa saluran pencernaan kurang selektif dalam penyerapan partikel mikroplastik. Biru merupakan warna mikroplastik yang mendominasi kedua organ, diikuti oleh warna hitam, merah dan warna lainnya dengan jumlah yang lebih sedikit. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, keberadaan mikroplastik perlu mendapat perhatian khusus karena ikan lontok termasuk jenis ikan konsumsi agar tidak memberikan dampak kesehatan terhadap manusia.
Co-Authors Abdullah Hamid Adrian Sakti Gangsar Pinilih Agung Yunanto Agung Yunanto Agung Yunanto Agung Yunanto Aida Sartimbul Aliviyanti, Dian Andik Isdianto Andira, Andira Anedathama Kretarta Ardelia Annisa Larasati Atsuhiko Isobe Atsuhiko Isobe Bambang Semedi Bernads Daniel Marolop Siagian Billy Arif Mahendra Carina Daisy Samantha Citra Ravena Putri Effendy Citra Satrya Utama Dewi Danu Setia Wardana Dara Sarasita Dara Sarasita David Vernandes Dewi, Citra Satrya Utama Dhira Kurniawan Diana Ningrum Diana Ningrum, Diana Dwi Candra Pratiwi Dwi Candra Pratiwi Dwi Setijawati Dyah Ajeng Pitaloka Eko Sulkhani Yulianto Emmanuel Manangkalangi Erfan Rohadi Evitantri, Mangesti Reza Fadhilah Aisyah di Prikah Fahreza Okta Setyawan Feni Iranawati Fikri, Maulana Fuad, M.Arif Zainul Hartati Kartikaningsih Hikmah Farda Awaliyah I Wayan Eka Dharmawan Iis Nur Rodliyah, M.Ed Indriani, . Irfan Naufal Amar Junika Chintia Ayu Putri Kharisma Wisnu Sesanty Ledhyane Ika Harlyan Ledhyane Ika Harlyan Luky Sembel M Arif As' Adi M. Reza Cordova M.Arif Zainul Fuad Maghfira Shafazamilla Mauludy Mangesti Reza Evitantri Mangesti Reza Evitantri Maulidiyah, Rizqi Aimmatul Mela Dita Maharani Mela Dita Maharani Misba Nur Aini Mochamad Arif Zainul Fuad Mochamad Arif Zainul Fuas Mohammad Arif Asadi Muh. Arif Rahman Muhammad Arif As’adi Muhammad Ariq Kautsar Muhammad Fathur Rayyan Mulyanto, Febri Dwi Nurin Hidayati Nurin Hidayati Nurin Hidayati Nurin Hidayati Nurin Hidayati Oktiyas Muzaky Lutfi Park, Mi Ok Philipus Musyeri Priyanka Mondal Putri, Yandini Eka R Rachmawati Rachmawati Rachmawati Rafika Devi Agustin Rakhmawan, Hilal Rarasrum Dyah Kasitowati Rarasrum Dyah Kasitowati Risda Ayu Nabila Rudianto Rudianto Safitri Widya Ningtias Samuel, Pratama Diffi Saputra, Dhira Kurniawan Sisylia Eka Narriyah Putri Siti Nur Khabibah Syahrir, Ahdiya Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Julinda Saria Tsania Humairoh Wahyudi, Aan J. Wulan Cahya Ayuingtyas Yanida Azhari Julianinda Yenny Risjani Yuniar Ponco Prananto Yusril Zaqi Ubaydillah Yusrina Rizqi Amalia Yuyun Elvania Zefanya Nandaningtyas