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Preliminary Study of Heavy Metals of Cymodocea rotundata in Doreri Bay Manokwari Regency Luky Sembel; Dwi Setijawati; Defri Yona; Emmanuel Manangkalangi; Philipus Musyeri; Yenny Risjani
Musamus Fisheries and Marine Journal Volume 3 Number 2, April 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mfmj.v3i2.3379


Sources of activity in Dorei Bay come from the Sanggeng market, the Wosi market, the port, the PLTD (Diesel Power Plant), hospitals, hotels, and residential areas. The seagrass system has a function as a food provider, as primary productivity in waters, dampers the arrival of waves, a place for growth and development of biota and sediment traps. Research and information on the accumulation of heavy metals in seagrass, especially Cymodocea rotundata are still very limited, especially in Doreri Bay. This study aims to describe the accumulation of heavy metals in seagrass Cymodocea rotundata, including leaves, roots, and rhizome, comparing the accumulation of heavy metals in seagrass Cymodocea rotundata each location as well as knowing the pollution index of each location. The research was conducted in Doreri Bay, Manokwari, West Papua in August 2018. The sampling locations for Cymodocea rotundata seagrass were around the waters of Pelayaran, Wosi, Yankarwar, Anggrem, and Nusmapi Island. The results showed that the highest Cu concentrations were described from each location, which ranged from 18.75 to 28.64 (, followed by heavy metal Pb ranging from 0.46-19.31 (, then logm weight of Cd ranged from 1.11-4.97 ( and the lowest Cr6 + concentration in each location ranged from 0.20 -0.52 ( The percentage of metal concentrations in the roots and rhizomes is 50%, it can even reach 82.64%, namely Pb metal at Yankarwar Beach. Meanwhile, the metal concentration in the leaf area ranged between 17.36-50.00% and the highest proportion was found in Pb metal at the Pelayaran location and Cr6 + metal at the Wosi location. The calculation results of the Metal poluttion Index (MPI) for heavy metals Pb, Cd, Cu, and Cr6 + show that the highest heavy metal index of 5 locations is on Anggrem Beach and the lowest is at Pelayaran Beach
Microplastic Abundances in the Sediment of Coastal Beaches in Badung, Bali Maghfira Shafazamilla Mauludy; Agung Yunanto; Defri Yona
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada Vol 21, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (518.825 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jfs.45871


The use of plastic material has increased significantly because of its durability and resistance from degradation. Plastic wastes could degrade into smaller size known as microplastics. The purposes of this study are to analyze and to compare total abundance of microplastic among coastal beaches in Badung, Bali. This study was conducted at five different coastal beaches which are Doublesix Beach, Kuta Beach, Melasti Beach, Mengiat Beach, and Tanjung Benoa Beach. Microplastic abundance was found in the average of 90.7±59.1 particles kg-1. There are three types of microplastic found in this study; film, fiber, and fragment and the abundances were varied among beaches. Fiber dominated all the study areas in the average of 42.8±24.1 particle kg-1. Kuta Beach has the highest amount of microplastic compared to the other beaches with the average of 148.9±103.8 particles kg-1. It might be due to Kuta Beach is the very famous beach visited by many tourists in the Bali Island. Moreover, this study was conducted during monsoon season that has been know to bring plastic wastes to Kuta Beach.
Pembuatan Area Pembibitan Mangrove Desa Pangkahkulon-Gresik Defri Yona; Dhira Kurniawan; Ledhyane Ika Harlyan; Adrian Sakti Gangsar Pinilih; Siti Nur Khabibah; Yanida Azhari Julianinda
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (ABDIRA) Vol 2, No 4 (2022): Abdira, Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdira.v2i4.219


Pangkahkulon Village is designated as the Ujungpangkah Mangrove Essential Ecosystem Area (KEE MUP) because the mangrove forest area in this area is a migration route and habitat for pelicans from Australia and is designated as a Ramsar site. Awareness to maintain the mangrove ecosystem is carried out by rehabilitating mangroves by the community supervisory group (POKMASWAS) Pangkahkulon. However, Pangkahkulon Village does not have a mangrove nursery area that is easily accessible yet, it takes approximately 40 minutes by boat to get to the nursery area which is located at the estuary of the Bengawan Solo River. Based on the results of discussions with Pangkahkulon Village officials, the right mangrove nursery area is in the village port area which is a strategic area for various community activities. This Community Service (PKM) activity will produce a mangrove nursery area according to its designation, training on nursery mechanisms from mangrove nursery experts as well as learning media for mangrove ecosystem functions. In addition, the output of this activity can help the village government plan to open a mangrove edupark in Pangkahkulon Village.
Microplastics in Organs of Commercial Marine Fishes from Five Fishing Ports in Java Island, Indonesia Defri Yona; Mangesti Reza Evitantri; Danu Setia Wardana; Dyah Ajeng Pitaloka; Diana Ningrum; Mochamad Arif Zainul Fuas; Yuniar Ponco Prananto; Ledhyane Ika Harlyan; Atsuhiko Isobe
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 27, No 3 (2022): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.27.3.199-214


Microplastics have been found in the marine environment worldwide. Due to their very small size, it could be ingested by marine organisms from small size plankton to big size fish. The aim of this study is to assess the variability of microplastics in three different organs (gills, gastrointestinal tracts, and muscles) of commercial fishes in five different fishing ports in East Java Province, Indonesia. A total of 137 fish samples from 14 species were extracted to identify the types of microplastics. The microplastics found in the fish samples were mostly dominated by fiber, fragments, and a little quantity of film. In most species, the gills accumulated more microplastics compared to the gastrointestinal tracts and muscles. Gill is the organ that is highly exposed to the environmental conditions, therefore, it is more susceptible to the microplastic contamination. The results showed that there was an inverse relationship between the size of the fish and the occurrence of microplastics (P<0.05). Small size Sardinella lemuru contained more microplastics than bigger size fish such as Katsuwonus pelamis. The variability of microplastics found in this study showed important factors such as habitat, fish size, feeding behavior, and organ function which influenced the ingestion process of microplastic. This study also revealed the presence of microplastics were not only in the gills and gastrointestinal tracts of fish, but also in its muscles. Since this study targeted commercial fishes, further research is needed to know the possible impact on human consumption of fish containing microplastics.
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): JFMR
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2017.001.02.2


AbstractPerairan Malang Selatan merupakan daerah yang potensial sebagai daerah penangkapan ikan. Keberadaan berbagai jenis ikan pelagis kecil terutama ikan planktivor secara langsung dipengaruhi oleh pertumbuhan fitoplankton dan zooplankton. Fitoplankton mempunyai peran penting sebagai dasar rantai makanan dalam ekosistem perairan, sedangkan zooplankton merupakan herbivor pemangsanya. Pertumbuhan fitoplankton dan zooplankton dipengaruhi oleh faktor oseanografinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variasi komunitas plankton dan hubungannya dengan parameter oseanografinya, serta distribusi spasial plankton di daerah penangkapan ikan di Perairan Malang Selatan, Jawa Timur. Metode purposive sampling dengan teknik zigzag pada 10 titik sampling digunakan dalam pengambilan data pada penelitian ini. Sedwicgk rafter counting cell digunakan dalam metode penghitungan plankton. Sampel plankton diambil secara horizontal dan vertikal pada kedalaman 1 dan 15 m dengan jaring plankton bermata jaring 20 µm, sedangkan parameter oseanografi secara in situ diukur menggunakan aqua quality sensor tipe AAQ 1183 C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan fitoplankton sebesar 49.764 sel/m3, didominasi oleh genus Chaetoceros. (Bacillariophyceae), dan kelimpahan zooplankton sebesar 894 ind/m3, didominasi oleh genus Nauplius. (Copepoda). Indeks keanekaragaman dan keseragaman fitoplankton dan zooplankton dapat dikategorikan sedang, berturut-turut sebesar 1,77–1,85 dan 1,70–1,77; 0,58–0,59 dan 0,77–0,79, sedangkan indeks dominansinya masuk dalam kategori rendah yaitu berturut-turut 0,27–0,28 dan 0,24–0,27. Analisis Principal Component Analysis (PCA) menunjukkan bahwa parameter oseanografi utama yang paling berpengaruh pada variasi komunitas plankton adalah turbiditas, klorofil-a, oksigen terlarut dan fosfat. Hasil uji T menunjukkan bahwa distribusi spasial kelimpahan fitoplankton dan zooplankton pada kedalaman 1 m dan 15 m berbeda nyata. Studi ini memberikan informasi penting tentang kelimpahan plankton dan faktor oseanografi yang berpengaruh di daerah penangkapan di Perairan Malang Selatan. Kata Kunci: komunitas plankton, parameter oseanografi, fishing ground, Perairan Malang Selatan AbstractThe South Malang water is a potential area as a fishing ground. The existence of various species of small pelagic fishes such as planktivores fishes are directly influenced by the growth of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Phytoplankton has an important role as the basis of the food chain in aquatic ecosystems, whereas zooplankton is its predator. The growth of phytoplankton and zooplankton is influenced by oceanography factors. This study aims to determine the variation of the plankton community and its relationship with oceanographic parameters, as well as the spatial distribution of plankton in the fishing ground at South Malang water. The purposive sampling method with zigzag technique at 10 sampling sites was used in data collection in this research. Sedwicgk rafter counting cells were used in plankton counting methods. The plankton samples were taken horizontally and vertically at depths of 1 and 15 m with a 20 μm planktonnet, while in situ oceanographic parameters were measured using aqua quality sensor AAQ type 1183 C. The results showed that phytoplankton abundance was 49.764 cells / m3, dominated by the genus Chaetoceros (Bacillariophyceae), and zooplankton abundance of 894 ind / m3, dominated by the genus Nauplius (Copepoda). The diversity index and uniformity index of phytoplankton and zooplankton could be categorized as the middle as 1.77-1.85 and 1.70-1.77; 0.58-0.59 and 0.77-0.79, respectively, while the dominance index was included in the low category that was 0.27-0.28 and 0.24-0,27, respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) analysis showed that the most important major oceanographic parameters for plankton community variation were turbidity, chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen and phosphate. T test results show that the spatial distribution of phytoplankton abundance and zooplankton at depth of 1 m and 15 m are significantly different. This study provides important information on the plankton abundance and oceanography factors affected at fishing ground of South Malang water. Keywords: Plankton community, oceanography parameters, fishing ground, South Malang Water
KELIMPAHAN MIKROPLASTIK PADA PERAIRAN DI BANYUURIP, GRESIK, JAWA TIMUR Wulan Cahya Ayuingtyas; Defri Yona; Syarifah Hikmah Julinda; Feni Iranawati
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): JFMR
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2019.003.01.5


Mikroplastik merupakan bagian terkecil dari plastik yang berukuran 0,3 mm – >5 mm. Mikroplastik yang masuk ke lingkungan akan terakumulasi di perairan dan tidak mudah dihilangkan karena sifatnya yang persisten. Banyaknya kelimpahan mikroplastik sangat dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas dan sumber pencemarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelimpahan dan jenis mikroplastik pada perairan di Banyuurip. Pengambilan sampel perairan dilakukan pada 5 lokasi yang memiliki aktivitas berbeda, yaitu tempat pelelangan ikan (TPI), mangrove, tambak, muara sungai, dan laut lepas. Pengambilan sampel perairan dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali pengulangan mengguakan plakton net dengan volume air tersaring sebanyak 15 L pada setiap stasiun. Idetifikasi mikroplastik menggunakan metode NOAA yang dibagi menjadi 4 tahapan, yaitu penyaringan sampel, pengeringan sampel, pemisahan zat organik dan identifikasi mikroplastik. Perbedaan kelimpahan jenis mikroplastik pada setiap lokasi dianalisis dengan mengukan ANOVA one way. Hasil kelimpahan total yang ditemukan sebesar 57,11 x 10² partikel/m³. Jenis mikroplastik yang ditemukan adalah fragment, fiber, dan film. Jenis mikroplastik yang paling banyak ditemukan pada perairan Banyuurip adalah jenis fragment. Hal ini dikarenakan sumber pencemaran mikroplastik jenis fragment lebih besar, yaitu berasal dari limbah rumah tangga dan kegiatan antropogenik. Kelimpahan jenis mikroplastik paling tinggi ditemukan pada mangrove sebesas 22,89 x 10² partikel/m³. Sementara itu, kelimpahan jenis mikroplastik pada lokasi tambak, muara sungai dan laut terbuka memiliki rentang nilai yang tidak jauh berbeda, yaitu 7,11– 8,89 x 10² partikel/m³. Hal ini diduga karena sampah lebih mudah terperangkap di akar-akar mangrove dan terakumulasi lebih banyak.
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): JFMR
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2019.003.02.2


Banyuurip is one of villages in Ujung Pangkah District, Gresik with high aquaculture activities of Perna viridis. Green mussels are highly produced in that area, however Banyuurip waters also has potential risk of heavy metals pollution. Therefore, this research was conducted to understand the concentrations of Fe and Zn in the sediments and in the Green Mussels. The heavy metals concentration will be used to analyze Bio Concentration Factor (BCF) and Human Health Risk Assessments (HHRA). A total about 45 P. viridis populations were collected from 3 sites in Banyuurip waters. In order to obtain a representative sample at each site, 15 populations of Green Mussels with similar shell lengths and bottom sediment were collected. Mussel’s tissue and bottom sediment were analyzed using AAS (AAnalyst700) to determine the concentrations of Fe and Zn. The concentrations of Fe were found almost similar with the concentrations of Zn in P. viridis within the range of Fe = 3.10 – 5.25 and Zn = 3.91 - 4.67 BCF (o-s) of Fe in P. viridis is lower than the BCF (o-s) of Zn, because the concentrations of Fe in the mussels were less than the concentrations in the sediments. According to the Target Hazard Quotients (THQ) values (THQ < 1), both heavy metals are not likely causing negative health effects for human during lifetime. However, Estimated Daily Intakes (EDI) values are above Provisional Tolerable Daily Intakes (PTDI) standard means it can cause negative effects due to daily consumption (EDI > PTDI).
Analisis Mikroplastik Pada Kerang Kijing (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) Di Sungai Perancak, Jembrana, Bali Agung Yunanto; Dara Sarasita; Defri Yona
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): JFMR
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2021.005.02.32


Sampah plastik merupakan sumber sekunder dari mikroplastik. Ukuran mikroplastik yang sangat kecil dapat menyerupai plankton dan mikroorganisme lainnya, sehingga berpotensi termakan oleh biota laut yang bersifat pasif seperti kerang. Mikroplastik yang terkandung dalam biota akan terakumulasi dan menyebabkan berbagai macam dampak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa dan mengidentifikasi mikroplastik pada kerang Kijing (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) di Sungai Perancak, Bali. Analisa dan identifikasi dilakukan dengan 4 tahapan, yaitu preparasi sampel, perlakuan hidrogen peroksida, pemisahan massa jenis dan identifikasi mikroplastik secara visual. Hasil dari penelitian ini, ditemukan mikroplastik jenis fiber dan film pada sampel kerang. Mikroplastik jenis fiber paling banyak ditemukan pada sampel dibandingkan mikroplastik jenis film.Plastik waste is a secondary source of microplastics. The very small size of microplastics can resemble plankton and other microorganisms, so that they have the potential to be eaten by passive marine biota such as shellfish. Microplastics contained in biota will accumulate and cause various kinds of impacts. This research was conducted to analyze and identify microplastics in shellfish (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) in the Perancak River, Bali. Analysis and identification were carried out in 4 stages, namely sample preparation, hydrogen peroxide treatment, density separation and visual identification of microplastics. The results of this study, found microplastic types of fiber and film in the shell samples. Fiber type microplastics are mostly found in samples compared to film type microplastics.
KOMPOSISI MIKROPLASTIK PADA ORGAN SARDINELLA LEMURU YANG DIDARATKAN DI PELABUHAN SENDANGBIRU, MALANG Defri Yona; Ledhyane Ika Harlyan; M.Arif Zainul Fuad; Yuniar Ponco Prananto; Diana Ningrum; Mangesti Reza Evitantri
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021): JFMR
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2021.005.03.20


Mikroplastik sebagai hasil degradasi sampah plastik besar telah mencemari lingkungan perairan. Mikroplastik di perairan ini berpotensi untuk terakumulasi dalam tubuh organisme termasuk ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membandingkan mikroplastik pada insang, saluran pencernaan dan daging ikan lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) yang didaratkan di Pelabuhan Sendangbiru, Malang. Pengumpulan sampel ikan dilakukan pada Bulan Maret 2020 dengan membeli  10 ekor ikan hasil tangkapan nelayan dengan kisaran ukuran 11−15 cm. Analisis laboratorium dilakukan mulai dari mengukur panjang (cm) dan berat (g) ikan, melakukan pembedahan masing- masing organ, destruksi bahan organik dan identifikasi mikroplastik menggunakan mikroskop. Destruksi bahan organik dilakukan dengan merendam sampel organ yang sebelumnya telah ditimbang berat basahnya menggunakan larutan H2O2 30 % dan Fe(II) 0.05 M. Sampel diinkubasi selama 24 jam hingga sampel beserta bahan organik hancur. Tiga jenis mikroplastik ditemukan di seluruh sampel organ ikan dengan dominansi jenis fiber (54 %), diikuti oleh fragmen (43 %) dan film (3 %). Keberadaan mikroplastik pada ikan dapat dikaitkan dengan keberadaan mikroplastik di perairan. Komposisi jenis mikroplastik  berbeda  untuk  setiap  organ.  Fragmen  ditemukan  paling  banyak  pada insang, sedangkan pada saluran pencernaan dan daging didominasi oleh jenis fiber. Film ditemukan dengan jumlah yang paling sedikit pada ketiga organ. Keberadaan mikroplastik pada insang dan saluran pencernaan berkaitan dengan interaksi langsung ikan dengan lingkungan melalui pernapasan dan proses makan, sedangkan mikroplastik pada daging karena adanya proses translokasi atau perpindahan antar organ
Potensi mangrove Avicennia alba sebagai agen fitoremediasi timbal (Pb) dan tembaga (Cu) di Perairan Wonorejo, Surabaya Rachmawati Rachmawati; Defri Yona; Rarasrum Dyah Kasitowati
Depik Vol 7, No 3 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (469.101 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.7.3.10555


Abstract. One of the regions in Surabaya which has accumulated the largest pollution levels was the region of Wonorejo. Wonorejo is an area that is used as a mangrove conservation. But,Pb and Cu are heavy metals that have been detected in high concentration in this region. Avicennia albahas been known to have the ability to absorb heavy metals so that mangrove can be used us phytoremediation agent. The purposes of this research were to analyze the concentration of heavy metals (Pb and Cu) in sediments, roots and leaves of Avicennia alba;  to understand the potential of Avicennia albaas an agent of phytoremediation. The result showed that Cu concentration was higher than Pb concentration in sediment, roots and leaves. The concentrations  of Cu were4.13 ppm - 36.95 ppm and Pb between 3.28 ppm - 23.79 ppm. Based on bioconcentration factor (BCF) Avicennia alba was categorize as excluder (BCF1)  of both heavy metals, but concentration oftranslocation factor (TF) of Pb was categorized phytoexstraction (TF1) and Cu was categorized phytostabilization (TF1). The result of the BCF and TF showed that Avicennia alba can absorb heavy metals (Pb and Cu) from the environment, however the mobility of the heavy metals in the mangrove will experience different phytoremediation mechanisms (phytostabilization for Cu; phytoexstractionfor Pb).Keywords: Avicennia alba, Phytoremediation, Factor Bioconcentration, Factor Translocation, Heavy Metal (Pb and Cu) Abstrak. Salah satu kawasan di Kota Surabaya yang mempunyai tingkat akumulasi pencemaran terbesar adalah wilayah Wonorejo. Wonorejo merupakan wilayah yang dimanfaatkan sebagai daerah konservasi mangrove. Namun, Pb dan Cu merupakan logam berat yang terdeteksi dalam jumlah yang tinggi pada wilayah ini.Avicennia alba mempunyai kemampuan menyerap logam berat sehingga mangrove dapat dijadikan sebagai agen fitoremediasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan Pb dan Cu yang terdapat dalam sedimen, akar dan daun Avicennia alba; untuk mengetahui potensi Avicennia albasebagai agen fitoremediasi logam berat Pb dan Cu. Distribusi Pb dan Cu pada sedimen, akar dan daun menunjukkan Cu lebih tinggi dibandingkan Pb yang berkisar 4.13 ppm - 36.95 ppm untuk Cu dan 3.28 ppm - 23.79 ppm untuk Pb. Berdasarkan nilai faktor biokonsentrasi (BCF) maka Avicennia albaterkategori bersifat excluder (BCF1) untuk kedua logam berat, namun berdasarkan faktor translokasi (TF) Avicennia alba bersifat fitoekstraksi (TF1) terhadap Pb dan fitostabilisasi (TF1) terhadap Cu. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan BCF dan TF maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Avicennia albamampu untuk menyerap logam berat (Pb dan Cu) yang berada pada dilingkungannya namun mobiltas kedua logam berat pada mangrove akan mengalami mekanisme fitoremediasi yang berbeda (fitostabilisasi untuk Cu ; fitoekstraksi untuk Pb).Kata Kunci:Avicennia alba, Fitoremediasi, Faktor Biokonsentrasi, Faktor Translokasi, Logam Berat (Pb danCu)
Co-Authors Abdullah Hamid Adrian Sakti Gangsar Pinilih Agung Yunanto Agung Yunanto Agung Yunanto Agung Yunanto Aida Sartimbul Aliviyanti, Dian Andik Isdianto Andira, Andira Anedathama Kretarta Ardelia Annisa Larasati Atsuhiko Isobe Atsuhiko Isobe Bambang Semedi Bernads Daniel Marolop Siagian Billy Arif Mahendra Carina Daisy Samantha Citra Ravena Putri Effendy Citra Satrya Utama Dewi Danu Setia Wardana Dara Sarasita Dara Sarasita David Vernandes Dewi, Citra Satrya Utama Dhira Kurniawan Diana Ningrum Diana Ningrum, Diana Dwi Candra Pratiwi Dwi Candra Pratiwi Dwi Setijawati Dyah Ajeng Pitaloka Eko Sulkhani Yulianto Emmanuel Manangkalangi Erfan Rohadi Evitantri, Mangesti Reza Fadhilah Aisyah di Prikah Fahreza Okta Setyawan Feni Iranawati Fikri, Maulana Fuad, M.Arif Zainul Hartati Kartikaningsih Hikmah Farda Awaliyah I Wayan Eka Dharmawan Iis Nur Rodliyah, M.Ed Indriani, . Irfan Naufal Amar Junika Chintia Ayu Putri Kharisma Wisnu Sesanty Ledhyane Ika Harlyan Ledhyane Ika Harlyan Luky Sembel M Arif As' Adi M. Reza Cordova M.Arif Zainul Fuad Maghfira Shafazamilla Mauludy Mangesti Reza Evitantri Mangesti Reza Evitantri Maulidiyah, Rizqi Aimmatul Mela Dita Maharani Mela Dita Maharani Misba Nur Aini Mochamad Arif Zainul Fuad Mochamad Arif Zainul Fuas Mohammad Arif Asadi Muhammad Arif As’adi Muhammad Arif Rahman Muhammad Ariq Kautsar Muhammad Fathur Rayyan Mulyanto Mulyanto Nurin Hidayati Nurin Hidayati Nurin Hidayati Nurin Hidayati Nurin Hidayati Oktiyas Muzaky Lutfi Park, Mi Ok Philipus Musyeri Priyanka Mondal Putri, Yandini Eka R Rachmawati Rachmawati Rachmawati Rafika Devi Agustin Rakhmawan, Hilal Rarasrum Dyah Kasitowati Rarasrum Dyah Kasitowati Risda Ayu Nabila Rudianto Rudianto Safitri Widya Ningtias Samuel, Pratama Diffi Saputra, Dhira Kurniawan Sisylia Eka Narriyah Putri Siti Nur Khabibah Syahrir, Ahdiya Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Hikmah Julinda Sari Syarifah Julinda Saria Tsania Humairoh Wahyudi, Aan J. Wulan Cahya Ayuingtyas Yanida Azhari Julianinda Yenny Risjani Yuniar Ponco Prananto Yusril Zaqi Ubaydillah Yusrina Rizqi Amalia Yuyun Elvania Zefanya Nandaningtyas