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Journal : Jurnal Filsafat

Makna Hidup Berkelompok pada Masyarakat Jepang Sartini, Sartini; Muhni, Djuretna Adi Imam
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 10, No 2 (2000)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1708.942 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.31345


The relationship of individual man and society is natural. The individual man will never exist outside his society. The individual can be more dominant than the society or vice versa. In Japan, society or group posseses a stronger role than individual. Japan is well known with its groupism. This sense leads Japan to mastering sciences, technology, and economics fields. The objectives of this research are: a) to know the phenomena of collective life; b) to kwon the dialougue between the conservative collective life and the penetration of the modern values; c) to know Japanese cultural values that bases itself on groupism and leads Japan to be a modern society.This research is a bibbliographical study, using hermeneutics with its three steps: description, interpretation, and philosophical reflection. This research is started with collecting data than describing the groupism phenomena in Japan. The compiled data are analysed and interpreted to find the meaning or values of the groupism of collective life phenomena. Philosophical reflection is used to analysed human and social cost of development. Finally, the result of the research are reported after revision.The result of this study that, first Japanese society is an organizational society. Second, Japanese development and success has changed the society to a complex culture with its pragmatic materialistic, individualistic, and hedonistic attitude. However, the Japanese traditional values have become the root of the development of the Japanese modern corporation that manifested itself on the ethical code of the companies. Third, Japanese groupism with is sense of organization is very accomodative to modern bussiness ethics.
Co-Authors Abdul Karim Al Makin Al Makin, Al Makin Alpina Bukhori Amriani Amriani Amriani Amriani, Amriani Andi Indardaya, Andi Anisantaria Anisantaria Anisantaria, Anisantaria Daraini Mahdhalita Djuretna Adi Imam Muhni, Djuretna Adi Imam E. Harso Kardhinata E. Harso Kardhinata Ellen Lumisar Panggabean Emilia Utomo, Emilia Eriani Sahara Eriani Sahara, Eriani Fastabiqul Khairad Ferdinand Susilo Fhahri Mubarak Fitriani, Rita Green Juninas Simbolon Green Juninas Simbolon, Green Juninas Guspi Wilda Sari Sianipar Haeriah Haeriah, Haeriah Hayyun Maghfiroh Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra Heni Febriani, Heni Henny Yuslina Herlina Lumbantobing Hormarita Saragih I Gede Arya Sucitra Ida Fauziah Ida Fauziah, Ida Ilham Ramadhan Nasution Indri Rizki Rahmasari Irawan, Maya Novita Sari Juliana Ruminta Sijabat Kardhinata, E. Harso Karim, Abdul Khairani khairani khairani, Khairani KIKI NURTJAHJA Kuswardani, Retna Astuti Listrahot Tondang Lubis, Rosliana Lulu Fatma Dewi Marliana marliana marliana, Marliana Marti Silfia Maya Novita Sari Irawan Meida Nugrahalia Meida Nugrahalia Meida Nugrahalia, Meida Muhammad Rahmatullah, Muhammad Muhammad Usman Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Munte, Nuriana Novianti Novianti Nugrahalia, Meida Nuraini Nuraini Nurhalimah Nurhalimah Nuriana Munte Oki Irawati Okianna Okianna One May Sunday Nababan Purnama Dewi Rohana Purnawanti, Dia Rahmiati Rahmiati Rahmiati Rahmiati Ratnawati ratnawati ratnawati, Ratnawati Retna Astuti Kuswardani Rita Fitriani Riyanto Riyanto Riyanto Rosliana Lubis Rosliana Lubis, Rosliana Royman S Panjaitan Saipul Sihotang Siti Rubiatik Siti Rubiatik, Siti Sukoso Sukoso Sulastri Sulastri Sulastri Sulastri Vera Ananda Harahap Winda Irawati Zebua Yeni Artika Yuslina, Henny