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Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Tenaga Unit Medis di RS Ari Canti dengan Metode Topsis Ni Luh Wiwik Sri Rahayu Ginantra; Christina Purnama Yanti; Dewa Gede Toraja
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) Vol 4, No 2 (2020): EDISI SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/j-sakti.v4i2.257


Ari Canti Hospital selectively conducts selection in the company environment that is by selecting one by one application then do some test on applicants with several criteria. With a large number of applicants making the selection process takes a lot of time and effort, as well as applicant data and the outcomes of the applicants are not well archived. Based on the above problems, need a solution to problem-solving by making a Decision Support System to determine the appropriate applicants to become new employees by facilitating the selection of employees by predetermined criteria. The TOPSIS method is chosen because this method is a form of decision support method based on the concept that the best alternative not only has the shortest distance from the ideal solution but also has the longest distance Of the ideal solution. The result of the design of this Decision Support System is the system has been able to generate reports from the applicant rank calculation by the values that have been obtained on the criteria that have been determined. The calculation results of the Decision Support System is already by the calculations performed manually.
Pengembangan Augmented Reality Interaktif untuk Pengenalan Jajanan Tradisional Bali dengan Marker Based Tracking Christina Purnama Yanti; Santi Ika Murpratiwi
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang Vol 6, No 2 (2021): JURNAL INFORMATIKA UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/informatika.v6i2.12084


Augmented Reality is an IT technology that combines 2D or 3D virtual objects into a real environment and then projects these virtual objects in reality in real time. One way to use technology that researchers want to apply is to combine it with cultural products, namely traditional snacks. The increasing sources of information nowadays make modern snacks more popular than traditional foods. The author makes an application that can help introduce traditional snacks to the community. The method used to build the application is the Microsoft Solution Framework and Object Oriented Development methods. From the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the author succeeded in making an Augmented Reality Application Android for the introduction of traditional Balinese snacks using markers as media. The application is named ARjaje where the application can display 3-dimensional objects and use 2 buttons that can display information related to 3D objects in Indonesian or English. The application can display 14 types of traditional Balinese snacks and the application has been tested using the blackbox method.
Pelatihan Penggunaan Sosial Media Pada Usaha Pande Besi di Desa Kedisan–Gianyar Ni Kadek Nita Noviani Pande; Christina Purnama Yanti; Komang Redy Winatha; Ni Luh Wiwik Sri Rahayu Ginantra
JPM: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Nopember 2020
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

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Balinese handicrafts are also a worldwide attraction. For example, handicrafts from wood carvings, paintings, endek fabrics, keris, gamelan, copper, gold, silver, and many more. Keris and gambelan in Bali are generally made by the Pande people or you can say Soroh Pande and the manufacturing process is done in a Prapen. Prapen is always identified with cheer pande, apart from being a place for people to do their swadharma, namely memande. Prapen itself is very important for the Pande people not only as their identity as a Pande but also as a livelihood for Pande residents to work which has been passed down by their ancestors from generation to generation. In Kedisan Kaja Village, Tegalalang District, Gianyar Regency, there is a Small and Medium Enterprise (UKM) group that is engaged in memande. The business that has been going on for years only uses a pre-order system (making when there is an order). Based on the results of the interview, the main problems experienced by the partners, namely (1) their knowledge of product marketing is still very limited, and (2) they do not have a storage place for memande completeness. The purpose of this PKM is to increase the understanding and skills of partners in the form of product marketing techniques. The method used in achieving this goal is the use of technology by holding training on the use of Instagram and Facebook social media to improve marketing so that craftsmen can market their handicrafts on social media independently and be able to increase sales
Pelatihan Pengenalan Augmented Reality Android di SMK Negeri 1 Denpasar Christina Purnama Yanti; N.L.Wiwik Sri Rahayu Ginantra; I Gede Andika
WIDYABHAKTI Jurnal Ilmiah Populer Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Maret
Publisher : STIKOM Bali

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Sebagai salah satu sekolah yang memiliki program keahlian Teknologi Informasi, SMK Negeri 1 Denpasar tentunya siswa – siswi mendapatkan pembelajaran terkait perkembangan teknologi saat ini. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan kepala sekolah dan guru, materi yang diberikan dalam pembelajaran adalah terkait pemrograman berbasis web, pemrograman berbasis desktop dan pemrograman berbasis mobile. Namun dalam pemberian materi belum diajarkan lebih jauh mengenai teknologi Augmented Reality. Kegiatan Program Aksi STIKI Peduli ini diharapkan mampu menjadi solusi atas kendala yang dihadapi oleh SMK Negeri 1 Denpasar, khususnya pemanfaatan teknologi Augmented Reality yang diterapkan pada smartphone berbasis Android untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan peningkatan kreativitas dan skill siswa tentang teknologi Augmented Reality. Pelatihan dilakukan dua hari dimana total peserta pada hari pertama sejumlah 35 orang, dan pada hari kedua sejumlah 32 orang. Sebelum diadakan pelatihan, peserta diberikan pretest untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa terkait Augmented Reality. Pelatihan dievaluasi dengan memberikan post test berupa projek dimana peserta harus menyelesaikan dalam waktu 90 menit. Berdasarkan hasil post test, siswa-siswa dapat menyelesaikan projek dalam rentang waktu yang diberikan dan pada hasil kuesioner juga memberikan komentar positif terhadap kegiatan ini.
Jusikom : Jurnal Sistem Komputer Musirawas Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Jusikom : Jurnal Sistem Komputer Musirawas JUNI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (979.851 KB) | DOI: 10.32767/jusikom.v5i1.753


Server Side merupakan teknologi webpage yang menerapkan jenis pemograman web yang di proses di server. STMIK STIKOM Indonesia telah menerapkan Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI) dengan melakukan Audit Mutu Internal (AMI). Namun sistem audit yang sedang berjalan masih manual. Maka dari itu dibangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Audit Mutu Internal untuk STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. Adapun tahapan pembuatan sistem informasi dimulai dari tahap analisis masalah, perancangan sistem, implementasi, dan pengujian sistem. Hasil penelitian ini telah dibangun sistem informasi manajemen audit mutu internal yang mengimplementasikan metode server side dengan framework Laravel. Pengujian dilakukan dengan pengujian Blackbox dimana sistem telah berhasil melakukan semua perintah yang telah dirancang sebelumnya
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Tenaga Unit Medis di RS Ari Canti dengan Metode Topsis Ni Luh Wiwik Sri Rahayu Ginantra; Christina Purnama Yanti; Dewa Gede Toraja
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) Vol 4, No 2 (2020): EDISI SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/j-sakti.v4i2.257


Ari Canti Hospital selectively conducts selection in the company environment that is by selecting one by one application then do some test on applicants with several criteria. With a large number of applicants making the selection process takes a lot of time and effort, as well as applicant data and the outcomes of the applicants are not well archived. Based on the above problems, need a solution to problem-solving by making a Decision Support System to determine the appropriate applicants to become new employees by facilitating the selection of employees by predetermined criteria. The TOPSIS method is chosen because this method is a form of decision support method based on the concept that the best alternative not only has the shortest distance from the ideal solution but also has the longest distance Of the ideal solution. The result of the design of this Decision Support System is the system has been able to generate reports from the applicant rank calculation by the values that have been obtained on the criteria that have been determined. The calculation results of the Decision Support System is already by the calculations performed manually.
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer Vol 8, No 4 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

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ABSTRACTDuring the Covid-19 pandemic, teaching and learning activities at SMK Negeri 1 Bangli implemented Hybrid teaching and learning activities. This learning activity makes the subject of Tax Administration less attractive to students of Accounting study program. Because when learning is online, the delivery of material is felt to be less accurate. So we need teaching media that helps explain material related to Tax Administration to students. The media is a 2-dimensional animated video-based learning media. This research uses primary and secondary data collection methods. Primary data collection used the interview method with one of the teachers of the Accounting study program at SMK Negeri 1 Bangli and the questionnaire method by giving statements to students of class XI Accounting study program at SMK Negeri 1 Bangli as many as 80 people and the statements given to material experts and media experts. Secondary data collection using the library method. Based on the results of data processing, it was found that 90% or around 72 students stated that they could receive the related material well. Then the voice of the narrator in this 2-dimensional animated video-based learning media can be heard clearly. The conclusions obtained after this Learning Media were tested, the results obtained were in accordance with the author's expectations. This learning media has succeeded in helping teachers deliver the material and can be well received by students.Keywords: pandemic, hybrid, media, animation, 2dABSTRAKSelama pandemi Covid-19 berlangsung, kegiatan belajar mengajar di SMK Negeri 1 Bangli memberlakukan kegiatan belajar mengajar Hybrid. Kegiatan belajar ini menjadikan mata pelajaran Administrasi Pajak kurang menarik minat siswa prrodi Akuntansi. Hal itu dikarenakan saat pembelajaran daring, penyampaian materi dirasa kurang akurat. Sehingga diperlukan media ajar yang membantu menjelaskan materi terkait Administrasi Pajak kepada siswa. Media tersebut adalah media pembelajaran berbasis video animasi 2 dimensi. Peneitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data primer dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer menggunakan metode Wawancara dengan salah satu guru prodi Akuntansi di SMK Negeri 1 Bangli dan metode Kuesioner dengan memberikan penyataan kepada siswa kelas XI prodi Akuntansi di SMK Negeri 1 Bangli sebanyak 80 orang dan adanya pernyataan yang diberikan kepada ahli materi dan ahli media. Pengumpulan data sekunder menggunakan metode kepustakaan. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, didapatkan sebanyak 90% atau sekitar 72 siswa menyatakan dapat menerima materi terkait dengan baik. Kemudian suara narator yang ada pada media pembelajaran berbasis video animasi 2 dimensi ini dapat didengar dengan jelas. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan setelah Media Pembelajaran ini diujikan, hasil yang diperoleh sesuai dengan harapan penulis. Media pembelajaran ini berhasil membantu guru menyampaikan materi dan dapat diterima oleh siswa dengan baik.Kata Kunci: pandemi, hybrid, media, animasi, 2d
PKM Pelatihan dan Penyuluhan Protokol Kesehatan PKK Desa Bunutin Komang Redy Winatha; Ni Luh Wiwik Sri Rahayu Ginantra; Christina Purnama Yanti; Ni Kadek Nita Noviani Pande
Journal of Social Work and Empowerment Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Journal of Social Work and Empowerment - September 2021
Publisher : Yayasan Sinergi Widya Nusantara (Sidyanusa)

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Peran lingkungan keluarga melalui kelompok PKK dalam menerapkan tatanan new normal/kehidupan baru sangat perlu dilakukan. Namun penerapan protokol kesehatan pada tatanan new normal ini belum dipahami dengan benar oleh masyarakat. Hal ini tampak pada hasil observasi yang dilakukan di Desa Bunutin Bangli, dimana masyarakat belum memiliki sanitasi protokol kesehatan. Melihat permasalahan tersebut maka perlu dilakukan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi tentang protokol kesehatan melibatkan narasumber dari praktisi kesehatan sehingga dapat memberikan pengetahuan yang baik kepada kelompok masyarakat melalui kelompok penggerak PKK Desa Bunutin. Tujuan dari PKM ini memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat Desa Bunutin tentang contoh penerapan protokol kesehatan yang baik dan benar dimasa pandemi. Gambaran umum kegiatan ini yakni memberikan penyuluhan tentang pentinnya protokol kesehatan, praktik pembuatan sabun cuci tangan cair, hand sanitizer, desinfektan dan pengemasan produk yang dihasilkan. Luaran yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan ini yakni pemahaman masyarakat kelompok penggerak PKK Desa Bunutin terhadap penerapan protokol kesehatan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari meningkat, terpenuhinya fasilitas sanitasi kesehatan tiap keluarga di Desa Bunutin Bangli, serta masyarakat memiliki keterampilan mandiri dalam membuat sabun cuci tangan.
PKM DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS PADA ELY’S CAFE ADIWANA UNAGI SUITE Ni Wayan Sumartini Saraswati; I Dewa Made Krishna Muku; I Wayan Dharma Suryawan; Ni Made Lisma Martarini; Dwi Novitasari; Ni Kade Ayu Nirwana; Ni Luh Putu Agetania; Christina Purnama Yanti; Devi Valentino Waas; Ni Luh Putu Mery Marlinda; Ni Komang Tri Juniartini
Jurnal Widya Laksmi: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal WIDYA LAKSMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat)
Publisher : Yayasan Lavandaia Dharma Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59458/jwl.v3i2.61


Di tengah persaingan yang makin ketat, Business Intelligence (BI) menjadi solusi dalam tantangan bisnis perusahaan yang lebih solutif. BI dalam prosesnya memanfaatkan data historis yang selalu bertumbuh semakin banyak. Dengan BI perusahaan dapat memiliki strategi yang lebih kuat dan pengambilan keputusan yang lebih matang. Penelitian ini membangun BI pada Adiwana Unagi Suites yang menghasilkan visualisasi data untuk mengambil keputusan yang tepat. Adapun tool yang digunakan adalah Tableau, software BI dan visualisasi data yang cepat, powerful, dan efektif digunakan. Dari penelitian ini, dihasilkan tujuh visualisasi data berdasarkan pertanyaan yang telah dikemukakan terlebih dahulu untuk membantu strategi bisnis. Adapun hasilnya berupa visualisasi data dengan berbagai bentuk grafik, seperti butterfly bar chart, vertical bar chat, line chart, tabel pivoting, serta box plot.