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Journal : Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Peran Pemuda dalam Menangkal Hoax dan Hate Speech Andika Wahyudi Gani; Muhammad Asriadi; Tri Angriawan
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PROSIDING EDISI 2: SEMNAS 2020
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

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PKM ini adalah Pemuda di Kecamatan Biraeng. Masalahnya adalah: (1) Kurang pahamnya masyarakat secara komprehensif tentang etika dalam bersosial media dalam dinamika kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. (2) Kurangnya pengetahuan terkait kewajiban akan peran dalam mencegah penyebaran berita bohong dan ujaran kebencian yang kerap terjadi dimasyarakat. (3) Kurangnya lembaga yang mengedukasi dalam pemberian informasi terkait etikadalam mengemukakan pendapat dimuka umum dalam menjaga persatuan bangsa. Sasaran eksternal adalah pemuda sebagai agen perubahan bisa mesosialisasikan bahaya Hoax dan Hate Speech. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi grup, Tanya jawab. Hasil yang dicapai adalah (1) masyarakat menjadi sadar akan pentingnya menjaga hak-hak dan menghormati privasi setiap anggota masyarakat dalam interaksi social baik di dalam maupun di luar media elektronik. Masyarakat juga menjadi paham terkait peraturan perundang-undangan terkait penyebaran informasi melalui media elektronik sehingga mencegah dari perbuatan melanggar hukum, sehingga hal iini dengan sendirinya akan menciptakan adanya kemampuan mengontrol diri dari anggota masyarakat secara mandiri.
Peranan mahasiswa dalam upaya mencegah tindak pidana korupsi Andika Wahyudi Gani; Jamil Resa
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2019, No 10: PROSIDING 10
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (107.442 KB)


The unique, multi-dimensional, and corrupt characteristic of corruption is one of the crimes that is difficult todismantle, because it requires steps that are carried out in extraordinary ways through its material criminal law instruments aswell as its formal crime laws. This also results in differing opinions and interpretations, both between legal differences and legaltheorists, about the limits of corruption. Various opinions given by experts and experts on corruption resolution. When viewed interms of terms, the word "corruption" comes from the Latin language, which is corruptio. IGM Nurdjana, for example, quotesfrom various sources that the Latin term corruption is "corruptie" or "curruptus", and then the word curruptio can be read fromcorrumpore (an old Latin word) from Latin which is then displayed in European languages such as English "corruption. , corrupt"French" corruption "Dutch" corruption.According to Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Corruption, corruption isformulated into 30 forms / types, however in general it can be grouped into seven form The unique, multi-dimensional, andcorrupt characteristic of corruption is one of the crimes that is difficult to dismantle, because it requires steps that are carried outin extraordinary ways through its material criminal law instruments as well as its formal crime laws. This also results in differingopinions and interpretations, both between legal differences and legal theorists, about the limits of corruption. Various opinionsgiven by experts and experts on corruption resolution. When viewed in terms of terms, the word "corruption" comes from theLatin language, which is corruptio. IGM Nurdjana, for example, quotes from various sources that the Latin term corruption is"corruptie" or "curruptus", and then the word curruptio can be read from corrumpore (an old Latin word) from Latin which isthen displayed in European languages such as English "corruption. , corrupt "French" corruption "Dutch" corruption.Accordingto Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Corruption, corruption is formulated into 30 forms / types, however in generalit can be grouped into seven forms of corruption, all of them corrupt. , and gratuity purchases.
Kesadaran remaja dalam mengenali jenis dan dampak narkotika dan psikotropika Hamsu Abdul Gani; Andika Wahyudi Gani
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2019, No 10: PROSIDING 10
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (54.307 KB)


Narcotics and psychotropic drugs or substances that are useful in the fields of medicine, health services, and scientificdevelopment, but on the other hand the use of narcotics and psychotropic substances can also cause a very detrimentaldependency if used without control, strict and careful supervision. Drug abuse at the end of this year is felt to be increasing.Based on the statistics of the SUL-SEL BNN report from the number of dealers and dealers in 2016, there were 12,423 people.And in 2017, there was an increase of 19,514 people. Then from the number of users in 2016 as many as 15,869 people and in2017 again experienced an increase of 21,961 users and finally in 2018 SUL-SEL received the title as the 7th ranking of the mostnarcotics users in Indonesia.