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Jurnal Ilmiah “SEMIOTIKA” diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi – Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora (FISH), Universitas Bunda Mulia secara rutin dan berkala sesuai dengan periode terbit per semester (6 bulan), yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember. Redaksi jurnal “SEMIOTIKA” membuka peluang seluas-luasnya kepada para dosen pengajar maupun peneliti pada 19 bidang yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai bahan kajian ilmiah SEMIOTIKA menurut Eco (1979:9-14), antara lain: Semiotika binatang (zoomsemiotic) Tanda – tanda bauan (olfactory signs) Komunikasi rabaan (tactile communication) Kode – kode cecapan (code of taste) Paralinguistik (paralinguistics) Semiotika medis (medical semiotics) Kinesik dan proksemik (kinesics and proxemics) Kode – kode musik (musical codes) Bahasa – bahasa yang diformalkan (formalized languages) Bahasa tertulis, alfabet tidak dikenal, kode rahasia (written languages, unknown alphabets, secret codes) Bahasa alam (natural languages) Komunikasi visual (visual communication) Sistem objek (system of objects) Struktur alur (plot structure) Teori teks (text theory)1 Kode – kode budaya (culture codes) Teks estetik (aesthetic texts) Komunikasi Massa (mass comunication) Retorika (rhetoric) Di luar bidang-bidang yang dijabarkan oleh Umberto Eco di atas, perkembangan kajian semiotika menunjukkan kemajuan yang menggembirakan. Berbagai kajian membuka kesempatan pada istilah lain yang mengacu pada diseminasi bidang dalam jurnal ini, antara lain: Semiotika Komunikasi, Semiotika Media, Semiotika Tanda, Semiotika Produk, Semiotika Desain Kemasan, Semiotika Desain Visual, Semiotika Arsitektur, Semiotika Pemasaran, Semiologi Linguistik, Hermeunetika, dan Biosemiotika.
Articles 172 Documents
REPRESENTASI PEREMPUAN SEBAGAI PACAR SEWAAN DALAM FILM LOVE FOR SALE (2018) Syafa Chairinissa Maulida; Muhamad Ramdhani; Fardiah Oktariani Lubis
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 14, No 2 (2020): SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v14i2.2238


Penelitian ini berjudul Representasi Perempuan Pada Tokoh Arini Kusuma Dalam Film Love For Sale. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tokoh Arini Kusuma mempresentasikan gender perempuan pada film ini. Karena film adalah potret dari masyarakat di mana film selalu merekam realitas yang tumbuh dan berkembang dalam masyarakat dan kemudian memproyeksikan ke dalam layar. Film dibuat berdasarkan fenomena di masyarakat dan juga dibuat untuk menyampaikan pesan tersebut. Dan pesan yang disampaikan pada masyarakat dikelompokan menjadi beberapa jenis film dan beberapa jenis genre yang tersedia, dan genre tersebut dibuat untuk mudah dimengerti masyarakat. Untuk dapat menyampaikan pesan dalam film lebih mendalam, suatu penelitian dibuat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang merajuk pada Teori Semiotika Roland Barthes, peneliti akan memilih secara teliti dari setiap scene atau potongan film yang menggambarkan gender perempuan didalamnya, kemudian akan dijabarkan dan dianalisis makna denotasi, konotasi, dan mitos. Dengan teknik pengumpulan datanya berupa data dokumentasi dan observasi, dan fokus penelitiannya tanda (adegan) yang terkandung makna konotasi, denotasi serta mitos dalam film Love For Sale, dengan data primer dan sekunder yang tersedia. Peneliti menggunakan delapan scene untuk dianalisis, dengan hasil yang diperoleh peneliti adalah tokoh Arini Kusuma merepresentasikan perempuan yang mematahkan stereotip yang ada, Arini adalah orang yang pandai berbohong, aktif dalam hubungan seks dan seorang professional dalam pekerjaannya. Ditunjukan dalam dialog, ekspresi, gestur, wardrobe, alur cerita, karakter/penokohan dan teknik mengambilan gambar
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 10, No 2 (2016): SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v10i2.942


Study about packaging design within the context of packaging design communication is an interesting area to be researched; because there are designers’ intended impressions and users’ realized impressions of products. The paper tries to relate and evaluate the customer perceptions and design element used by designer to construct meaning by using semiotic theory. Local skin care packaging is taken as study case, because skin care product is a fast growing industry in Indonesia, proven there are numerous local brands offered in supermarket and often they changing their packaging. Therefore a study is needed for evaluating consumer perception on Indonesian skin care packaging, whether existing packaging already convey the product benefits effectively. A combination of literature study and quantitative data from semi structured questionnaires will collect experiential data accessing participant engagement in perceiving a range of packaging samples from selected Indonesian skin care brand: Martha Tilaar, Sariayu, Viva, and Citra. The study tries to provide design recommendation for future packaging design.Keywords : Visual element, packaging design, semiotics
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 11, No 2 (2017): SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v11i2.1167


Imperialisme budaya hingga saat ini masih menjadi topik perdebatan yang hangat di skala Internasional. Bahkan imperialism budaya pernah dituduh sebagai paradigma yang bertanggung jawab terhadap serangkaian eksploitasi dan kehancuran budaya di dunia ketiga. Bentuk Imperialisme yang dilancarakan baik berupa fashion, musik,, film dan lain-lain. Hal yang paling menarik yang dapat kita cermati dari perkembangan bentuk imperialisme budaya yang trend saat ini adalah melalui dunia film. Banyaknya sutradara-sutradara Hollywood saat ini yang merangkul budaya lokal dari negara-negara berkembang (setting lokasi, pemain lokal, fashion lokal, maupun alur cerita yang sangat khas nuansa kelokalannya) merupakan cara baru Amerika dalam menyebarkan supremasinya ke negara berkembang seperti di Indonesia. Salah satunya melalui Film Java Heat, yang mengkolaborasikan budaya lokal Indonesia namun tetap kental dengan budaya film action Hollywood. Dengan menggunakan analisis semiotika Roland Barthes, peneliti menemukan bahwa ideologi imperialisme budaya ditunjukkan secara implisit dalam Film Java Heat, meskipun saat ini bentuknya yang lebih canggih dan terpoles cantik melalui perangkulan budaya lokal pada film Hollywood “Java Heat”. Temuan ini berkontribusi terhadap kajian semiotika yang dikaitkan dengan konsep imperialisme budaya implisit dalam film Hollywood.Kata Kunci: Imperialisme Budaya, Semiotika, Java Heat, Perangkulan Budaya Lokal
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 13, No 1 (2019): Semiotika : Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v13i1.1788


ABSTRACTIn the era of globalization, the Internet is growing rapidly. One proof of the development of the internet is the emergence of a social media platform that can change the way people live in the field of communication, health, business and others. One of the social media that is often used is Youtube. And the content created by brands that continue to experience positive trends from year to year is webseries. This research uses Charles Sanders Peirce semiotic analysis method. The Peirce Semiotics Method is used to see representation of brand identity present at Jelang Buka from Unilever, Sore from Tropicana Slim and Balada Al Prilly from Vivo. The findings of the research show that Tropicana Slim with Sore webseries is more implicit in conveying brand identity to the audience by prioritizing a healthy lifestyle campaign. While Unilever with Jelang Buka webseries and Vivo with Balada Al Prilly webseries explicitly conveys identity by bringing up their products in every episode. The brand identity that appears in the three webseries is represented so neatly and flows together with the story of the webseries so that the audience can enjoy the advertisement with the story presented by each brand without having to force the ad to see it. As a practical suggestion many brands in all sectors can consider creating ads using webseries on Youtube because they have a large number of viewers and for brands that have made the webseries consistent with other stories or continuing stories. The academic advice is expected to do further research in the field of quantitative to see the effectiveness of webseries as a medium of advertising on consumer buying considering it has many audiences.Keyword: Brand Identity, Webseries, Youtube, Advertisement, Semiotic. ABSTRAKDi era globalisasi, internet berkembang semakin pesat. Salah satu bukti berkembangnya internet adalah munculnya sebuah platform media sosial yang dapat mengubah cara hidup masyarakat di bidang komunikasi, kesehatan, bisnis dan lain-lain. Dan salah satu media sosial yang sering digunakan adalah Youtube. Dan konten yang dibuat oleh brand yang terus mengalami tren positif dari tahun ke tahun adalah webseries. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce. Metode Semiotika Peirce digunakan untuk melihat representasi brand identity yang hadir di webseries Jelang Buka dari Unilever, Sore dari Tropicana Slim dan Balada Al Prilly dari Vivo. Penemuan hasil penelitian menunjukka yaitu Tropicana Slim dengan webseries Sore lebih implisit dalam menyampaikan identitas merek kepada penontonnya dengan mengutamakan kampanye gaya hidup sehat. Sementara Unilever dengan webseries Jelang Buka dan Vivo dengan webseries Balada Al Prilly dalam menyampaikan identitas secara eksplisit dengan memunculkan produk-produknya di setiap episode. Identitas merek yang dimunculkan di ketiga webseries tersebut di representasikan begitu rapih dan mengalir menjadi satu dengan cerita webseries tersebut sehingga penonton dapat menikmati iklan dengan cerita yang disuguhkan masing-masing brand tanpa harus memaksa melihat iklan tersebut. Sebagai saran praktis diharpakan berbagai brand di segala bidang dapat mempertimbangkan untuk membuat iklan menggunakan webseries di Youtube karena memiki jumlah penonton yang banyak dan bagi brand yang telah membuat webseries tetap konsisten denga membuat cerita-certa lain atau melanjutkn cerita sebelumnya. Adapun saran akademik yang diharapkan agar dilakukannya penelitian lanjutan di bidang kuantitatif untuk melihat efektifitas webseries sebagai media periklanan terhadap minat beli masyarakat mengingat jumlah penonton yang banyak di tren webseries ini.  Kata Kunci: Brand Identity, Webseries, Youtube, Periklanan, Semiotika
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 14, No 1 (2020): SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v14i1.2151


ABSTRACT This study was conducted based on the Semiotic Analysis of Toxic Relationship Representation in the video clip of Kard - You In Me, in which the video clip contains the meaning of a romance of two couples who are in love but have a possessive behavior. The aim of this study is to find out the Toxic Relationship Representation contained in the music video clip. The theory used is the theory of Roland Gerard Barthes and uses the semiotic analysis method with qualitative descriptive research method with secondary data, which is a method carried out in a study and refers to books and other references. The conclusion of this study is the proof based on Semiotic Analysis that Toxic Relationship truly occurred in the video clip of Kard - You In Me. Keywords: Video Clip, Music Video, Semiotics, Representation, Toxic Relationship ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan Analisa Semiotika Representasi Toxic Relationship dalam video klip Kard-You In Me, dimana dalam video klip ini mengandung arti tentang percintaan antara dua pasangan yang menjalin asmara, namun memiliki sikap yang posesif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui Representasi Toxic Relationship yang terkandung dalam klip video lagu tersebut. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Roland Gerard Barthes serta menggunakan metode analisis semiotika dengan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan data sekunder, yaitu metode yang dilakukan dalam sebuah penelitian dan merujuk kepada buku-buku dan refrensi lain. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pembuktian berdasarkan Analisa Semiotika bahwa Toxic Relationship benar terjadi dalam vidio klip Kard - You In Me. Kata Kunci: Video Klip, Video Musik, Semiotika, Representasi, Toxic Relationship
MENAFSIR AHOK DARI PERSPEKTIF ETIKA UTILITARIANISME (Analisis Hermeneutik pada Komunikasi & Tindakan Politik) Fabianus Fensi
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 10, No 1 (2016): SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v10i1.28


Ahok is the Governor of Jakarta Province that has a style of communication and political action is unique. Communication styles and how to act frankly often rated as a bad action. This study tried to see the other side, namely the use of Ahok’s communication style and political action lead Jakarta. By using the utilitarian ethical theory perspective this study tried to explore the meaning of style led Ahok with instrument hermeneutical interpretation, even archaeological. Starting from this perspective and approach, then discovered that Ahok has a specific purpose with his unique style. Communicate, act, and at the top of the corridor applicable rules Ahok makes a breakthrough on behalf of and for the benefit of a lot of peoples of Jakarta Province. The principle of utilitarianism acts and regulations were given a room in Ahok’s communications and political action. Or, utilitarianism demanding that always strives for happiness as much as possible for as many people got confirmation in Ahok’s action. Low context model communication and political action is the antithesis of Ahok’s disgust to the social system that is permissive to the behavior of the political elite who often manipulate people. On behalf of his rebellion against the hypocrisy of the elite, Ahok goes to ask everything clearly and seemed arogant. Behind it all, it must be admitted, the ordinary people become the main Ahok’s consideration. Key Words: Utilitarianism, Hermeneutics, High Context, Low Context
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 7, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Semiotika
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v7i2.968


Republic of Indonesia is one of the biggest countries in the world. It hasapproximately 238 million inhabitants among over 17.500 islands in different culture, language, lifestyle, etc. All the difference has become unique as it is all covered by national motto which is called Bhineka Tunggal Ika. With all the differences, it comes discriminations in various backgrounds such as discrimination against race, ethnic, age, gender, social economic, etc. Discrimination has become an issue in Indonesia and one of the cruelest discriminations that have happened in the country. Discrimination against transvestites has become an issue since a long time a go in Indonesia. This issue is still happening around us in Indonesia although there is a law to fight against the issue. As what Crable and Vibbert said “an issue is created when one or more human agents attaches significance to a situation or perceived problem” (Gaunt, 1995). TheIndonesian Ministry of Justice and Human Rights is a government institution which is specialized in liability of protection and human rights for Indonesians. It is their responsible to protect all Indonesian citizen no matter who they are, what their social background are and etc. The Ministry have to inform Indonesians that transvestites deserve to be treated likeother Indonesian citizen and there is no discrimination on the implementation of policy for transvestites. All they need is a proper communication.Keywords: Comunication Strategy, Discrimination, Shemale, Human Right
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 12, No 2 (2018): Semiotika : Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v12i2.1713


ABSTRACTAfter his inauguration, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan requested the draft Governor Team for Acceleration of Development (TGUPP). One of them is the financing of TGUPP allocated in the 2018 RAPBD. This fund rose significantly from Rp 2.3 billion to 28.5 billion. The reason for the increase in funds was an increase in members from the original 15 people to 74 people. This news has become a trending topic where many media discuss this, including and This study aims to describe the differences in framing carried out by the following online media regarding the reporting of TGUPP in the government of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan . This study uses qualitative research methods and framing analysis techniques Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. Based on the model, the units announced are syntactic, script, thematic and rhetorical structures. The paradigm used in this study is a constructivist paradigm which sees that construction is created through the construction carried out by the media. The results of the study were carried out by framing analysis on and further discusses the reporting of the contra against the TGUPP Anies application, while gives more support or pro for Anies. Keywords: Framing, Pan & Kosicki,,, TGUPP.ABSTRAKPasca pelantikannya, Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan mengusulkan rancangan Tim Gubernur untuk Percepatan Pembangunan (TGUPP). Salah satunya dengan pembiayaan TGUPP yang dialokasikan dalam RAPBD 2018. Dana tersebut naik signifikan dari Rp 2,3 miliar menjadi 28,5 miliar. Alasan kenaikan dana yaitu adanya penambahan anggota dari yang semula 15 orang menjadi 74 orang. Pemberitaan ini sempat menjadi trending topic di mana banyak media yang menyoroti persoalan tersebut, termasuk dan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perbedaan framing yang dilakukan oleh keduamedia online tersebut mengenai pemberitaan TGUPP pemerintahan Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan teknik analisis framing Zhongdang Pan dan Gerald M. Kosicki. Berdasarkan model tersebut, unit yang diteliti adalah struktur sintaksis, skrip, tematik dan retoris. Paradigma yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah paradigma konstruktivis yang melihat bahwa realitas tercipta lewat konstruksi yang dilakukan oleh media. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dengan analisis framing pada dan menunjukkan adanya perbedaan dalam membingkai suatu berita. lebih menonjolkan pemberitaan yang kontra terhadap usulan TGUPP Anies, sedangkan lebih memberikan dukungan atau pro kepada Anies. Kata kunci: Framing, Pan & Kosicki,,, TGUPP.
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Semiotika : Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v13i2.1873


There are many kinds of functions of advertising; one of them can be used for campaigning human care. As represented through "Never Stop Caring" version from Nivea product, it is related to the mythology of woman succession. The women refer to successful figures in their respective fields. Using Roland Barthes's semiotics, this qualitative study analyzes six scenes becomes the units of analysis. From the results, it was found that the myth of the successful woman is not only seen from the work performance or position obtained, but also from support provided by people around. The representation of women's succession itself lies in the message conveyed by the figures who convey the message about support or motivation. In the end, the succession of women conveyed in these advertisements leads to mental or mind changes that can strengthen women in process of change.
SEMIOTIKA: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Semiotika
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/s:jk.v9i2.19


‘You Look Disguisting’ (2005) is a short film that contains criticisms of the image of beauty in a woman's face. Beauty is associated with such a full manipulation of makeup. Beautiful presentation is no longer located on the face itself, but rather shifted to manipulate symbols, brand of cosmetic products. The conditions of their assumptions about modern feminism, where gender equality is no longer a tool of struggle of feminism, but feminism is today synonymous with beauty, and other feminine traits. You look disguisting trying to break the tradition of the shift, the film wants to restore the image of beauty does not lie in makeup, but lies in naturalitity. The French sociologist June Hannan (2007: 22) argues that feminism as a social movement to build an understanding of equal rights, there is no gender distinction between ownership of women and men. Furthermore, Hannan agreed that feminism has shifted from the initial meaning, where the interpretation of feminism today is more on the concept of existentialism femaleness. Look elegant, beautiful, charming and simbolistic. This journal will parse a more detailed presentation related to the criticism of feminism beauty that featured in the film ‘You Look Disguisting’. The theory in this research is the construction of social reality on modern feminism. This writing method approach is qualitative research which refers to The Television Code Theory of Semiotics from John Fiske. Keywords: Short Film, Television Codes Theory, Modern Feminism, Criticism Beauty

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