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International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology
Published by Universitas Udayana
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology is the biannual official publication of the Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. The journal is open to submission from scholars and experts in the wide areas of engineering, such as civil and construction, mechanical, architecture, electrical, electronic, and computer engineering, and information technology as well. The scope of these areas may encompass: (1) theory, methodology, practice, and applications; (2) analysis, design, development and evaluation; and (3) scientific and technical support to establishment of technical standards.
Articles 197 Documents
Design Model of Subak Smart Irrigation Ananta Wijaya; Adisimakrisna Peling; I Gusti Ngurah Janardana
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 1 No 1 (2016): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Water has  many benefits for human life. One of the benefits lies on the agricultural  sector. However,  as the water source is decreasing, the needs of water for agricultural  sector is increasing. Subak is therefore one of the solutions in agricultural  field. Meanwhile,  the existence of subak also rises  some problems. In terms  of water source management, subak can be very effective. Unfortunately, subak is not that efficient in the water use. Smart  irrigation with fuzzy logic used becomes a solution  which has  been offered to manage the water use  based on the needs the paddy.  This system uses solar panel  and battery.  In addition,  it is completed by the weather censor and humidity. This system works during rice planting period.  The findings show that the water irrigation on subak rice field becomes more effective,  efficient and optimizing the harvest. 
Implementation of Apriori Algorithm in Determining Tourism Visit Patterns to Bali Dewa Agung Krishna Arimbawa P; I Nyoman Angga Prabawa; Putu Arya Mertasana
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 4 No 1 (2019): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Bali is a tourist destination terknal destinations internationally. Every month there are hundreds of thousands of tourists who visit Bali. With a high tourist visits, stakeholders must prepare all matters related to tourism in Bali. Because problems can occur when a visit in a particular month high but there is no readiness of the parties involved. The purpose of this study is to look for patterns of tourists visiting Bali using Apriori algorithm. Apriori algorithm is one method of Data Mining Based Rule-based Assossiation that can be used to identify patterns of events. Training data used is the visit of foreign tourists to Bali every month from 1982 to 2018. The calculation of Apriori algorithm also tested using an application that is Weka Data Mining. The results obtained are the rules of association which is a pattern of tourists visiting Bali. For example, "If tourists visiting Bali in September and November among the highest in the current year, the visit in November will not enter into the highest visit". By knowing the pattern of tourist arrivals in Bali, expected that the stakeholders can have a reference for decision making
Audit Graduation Information System (SIMUDAPAPI) in Udayana University using COBIT 5 in Deliver, Service, and Support Domain Anak Agung Gede Oka Kessawa Adnyana; I Nyoman Darma Kotama; Ida Bagus Alit Swamardika
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2018): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Udayana University have a graduation system that need to be assessed to get a good measure of the capability level, an audit based on COBIT 5 based on Delivery, Service, and Support that contain 6 processes conducted to obtain the results. SIMUDAPAPI(Sistem Informasi Wisuda Paperless Integrated) got best capability level DSS02 (2,76) shows the highest capability level, Which means the system able to handle incident and providing quick solutions, and the lowest achieved by DSS06 with 2,5. The gaps still have not been filled and there will be a required changes to improve SIMUDAPAPI Udayan University
Audit E-Signature Public Service Project Using Knowledge Quality Management Gde Brahupadhya Subiksa; Kadek Ary Budi Permana; Made Sudarma
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2017): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Management Information System Project (E-Signature) is a collaborative project between the Department Investment and Integrated Service Denpasar City with Institute for Research and Community Service of Udayana University. This project is commenced on 21 April 2017 and must be completed on 21 August 2017, the project is supervised and controlled directly by the Section Data Processing and Investment Information System. The plan of this project will be launched in January 2018. Before the system is launched and used by permit applicants and related officials, we need to have an audit on the quality of project management. To measure the quality of project management we used one of the knowledge in the Project Management Body Framework of Knowledge (PMBOK) that is Management Quality Project. We also use Capability Maturity Model (CMM) to help define the maturity level of information systems management. With this we can know the quality of Project Management Information System Management License (E-Signature) at the Department Investment and Integrated Service Denpasar City and provide recommendations or information related to the results of the audit we have done.
The Design of Library Data Warehouse Using OLTP Result of Services Analysis Pasek Agus Ariawan; Made Dwi Ardiada; Yanu Prapto Sudarmojo
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 1 (2018): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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The library is the primary means used in development efforts as well as an increase in knowledge. Library holds a very large role in the spread of information because the library provides collections that can be used as a reference for the Civitas academic. Data Warehouse is a system that takes and consolidate data periodically from a source system into a dimensional or normalization of the data store. The purpose of this research was to analyze the information about the business process and create the initial means for taking quick decisions in related service quality evaluation in libraries and Understand the trends/interests and make forecasts better decisions in the evaluation of the quality of related services in the library.
Application of Consumer Clustering Mining Data Mining in Household with Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) Muhammad Anshari; I Putu Suryadharma; Nyoman Putra Sastra
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 2 No 1 (2017): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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This study aims to classify consumers in the selection of houses using Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) method based on data mining. Alternative houses provided there are four of the minimalist houses, contemporary modern homes, classical houses, and traditional ethnic houses. To generate these choices, there are five criteria: price criteria, home/type criteria, interior criteria, exterior criteria, and home environmental criteria. The results of this study can help system users in determining the choice of home type based on the user's tastes of the criteria available and also can help the investors and contractors in building houses, villas, hotels, and housing of the criteria.
Design of Enterprise Information System with TOGAF Framework (Case Study: STD Bali) Santi Ika Murpratiwi; Angelina Widya Gustina; Indah Cahya Dewi
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 1 No 1 (2016): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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The purpose of this study is to design enterprise architecture at universities in order to improve service to external parties and internal organization. In this study, the methodology of The Open Group Architecture Framework Architecture Development Method (TOGAF ADM) is used. Research enterprise information system design in Bali to discuss STD enterprise architecture to migration planning stage. The result of this research is the design of information systems for each sub-unit business with the main goal of improving performance in every sub-organizations to produce information that is relevant, accurate and timely. This study produced an information systems architecture blueprint candidates application form for each sub-organization ordered according to priority needs so that the implementation of more focused and does not interfere with the performance of information systems either already exist or are being built. On the results of the mapping are 4 main systems Academic Information Systems, Admission Information Systems, Providing Education, Graduation, Alumni and Career Information System. There are also four support systems that the financial management system, employee payroll system, technical services information system and general affairs information system.
User Experience Analysis on SSO Portal I Gede Wira Darma; Komang Sri Utami; Made Sudarma
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2018): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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The need for data and information access makes a college build or use an information system to support their operational activities. Users will feel very helpful if the existing system can help their work, taking into aspects of user experience can help in achieving this. The experience of users using the system needs to be studied to determine the level of user satisfaction with the system that has been developed. The main purpose of this study is to assess aspects of user experience in terms of usability. The usefulness of the aspects measured includes effectiveness, efficiency, learning ability and satisfaction. Effectiveness is measured using the first click testing technique and calculating errors during the usability test process. Efficiency is calculated by finding the time needed to complete the task. User measured satisfaction with the system was measured using the SUS questionnaire. SEQ is used to measure the level of difficulty of tasks or scenarios given during the test. Based on the assessment of the respondents, usability aspects of the system have been achieved, but there are additional things that must be addressed related to system design to improve the usability aspect.
Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Customer Segmentation I Made Dhanan Pradipta; Agus Eka Anwar Wahyudi; Sri Aryani
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 1 (2018): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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The right marketing strategy for a company canincrease revenue for the company. A product will not be boughteven known if the product sold is not clear its usefulness.Therefore, market segmentation is used to predict marketdemand based on market groupings such as Measurability(buyer characteristics and characteristics), Accestability(segmentation selected by company) and Substantiability (largesegment and profitable to serve).Customer segmentation is usedto determine the status of potential customers to choose the rightmarket strategy for the company. Clustering method used isfuzzy c-means, this method is determined based on the existenceof each data point by the degree of membership. Segmentationusing this clustering method will generate customer labels such assuperstar, golden, typical, occasional, everyday, and dormant.
Mapping Patterns Achievement Based on CRISP-DM and Self Organizing Maps (SOM) Methods Santi Ika Murpratiwi; A.A Ngurah Narendra; Made Sudarma
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 2 No 1 (2017): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Successful of regional development is a reflection of the good government policy. Many programs created by the local government every period but many programs stop without results. Therefore, we need to evaluation its government programs. Evaluation of government programs must do to prevent the failure of the programs. One way to evaluate the government programs is to collect the support data to see the data model and analyzed the data. In this research will conduct an evaluation on the achievement of RPJMD performance of Bali Province by using data mining. The process of data mining used the CRISP-DM method and Self Organizing Maps (SOM) for mapping the achievement patterns. The used data is RPJMD data in the 2013-2018 period. but the data used for data mining process only 3 years data that is 2014-2016 as a middle evaluation. That data clustered into five clusters. The final result of this research are 78% of assessment indicators in the RPJMD program are inconsistent position and 22% are in an inconsistent position. Moreover, there are 84 assessment indicators that have no reached the target. From that results of data, assessment mapping can use as the guidance of Bali Province to catch up the achievement of RPJMD programs and prepare the next strategies to support the success of the RPJMD program during the RPJMD period.

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