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Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
ISSN : 25024825     EISSN : 25029495     DOI : 10.30604/jika
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan (JIKA), with registered number ISSN 2502-4825 (Print) and ISSN 2502-9495 (Online), is an international peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (June and December) by Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu (UAP) Lampung. JIKA is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on Health Science field especially Nursing and Midwifery, as well as with their development through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. The submission process of the manuscript is open throughout the year. All submitted manuscripts will go through the blind peer review and editorial review before being granted with acceptance for publication.
Articles 56 Documents
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Analysis Of Community Attitudes In First Aid Of Traffic Accident Afni, Anissa Cindy Nurul; Saputro, Sutiyo Dani
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 (2021): Special Issue GINC
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (574.161 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6iS1.751


Background: Death due to traffic accidents is a global issue. The World Health Organization (WHO) showed that deaths due to traffic accidents increase in developing countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam. It is not uncommon for the result of wrong actions when providing help. It increases injury and even causes death. Aim and objective:  This research aimed to identify the factor that associates to attitudes community in providing first aid to a traffic accident. It adopted a descriptive correlative study of 31 members of youth organizations in Joglo Village, Surakarta District. Its sampling was selected by systematic random sampling. Result: The logistic regression analysis revealed two factors related to attitudes. It determined that the experience and knowledge of first aid correlated with attitudes community. The greatest strength of the relationship was the knowledge (OR=2.756) and the smallest was the experience (OR=-0,004). Conclusion: Personal experiences could be the basis for attitude formation if they leave a strong impression. People who have obtained information and experience will have a better chance of giving positive attitudes to provide help.Abstrak: Latar Belakang: Kematian akibat kecelakaan lalu linta merupakan isu global. World Health Organization (WHO) menunjukkan bahwa kematian akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas meningkat di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia dan vietnam. Kematian terjadi tidak jarang akibat dari tindakan yang salah saat memberikan pertolongan pertama. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan cedera dan kematian. Maksud dan tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan sikap masyarakat dalam memebrikan pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan lalu lintas. Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif korelatif terhadap 31 anggota karang taruna Kelurahan Joglo, kabupaten Surakarta. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara sistematik random sampling. Hasil: Hasil analisis regresi logistik menunjukkan dua faktor yang berhubungan dengan sikap yaitu pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam memberikan pertolongan pertama. Kekuatan hubungan terbesar adalah pengetahuan (OR=2,756) dan terkecil adalah pengalaman (OR = -0,004). Kesimpulan: Pengalaman pribadi akan menjadi dasar terbentuknya sikap karna ada kesan yang kuat.  Seseorang yang memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman akan memiliki sikap positif dalam memberikan pertolongan pertama.
Addie Model-Based Learning To Improve Competences Of Clinical Nurse Leaders Djojo, Achmad; Suhariyanto, S; Kapadia, Raju; Octary, Tiara; Junaidi, J; Sari, Delsy Cantika; Fitriadi, Khairul; Merry, Maria; Lestari, Astuti; Nilaprapti, Endang; Rosyada, Ida; Yudi, Yudi; Novita, Irawati; Nandang, Ignatius; Rachmadi, Agus; Hariyati, Tutik Sri; Handiyani, Hanny
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 (2021): Special Issue GINC
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1442.921 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6iS1.774


Introduction: Clinical nurse leaders (CNL) play a significant role in improving the quality of nursing services. Such a role includes satisfying clients during the care process by referring to the nursing goal. In meeting the standard, CNL should enhance their knowledge, attitude, and soft and hard skills. Purpose: Identifying the competences of CNL through ADDIE model-based learning. Method: The present study relied on a pre-experimental design with a one-group pre-test and post-test.This study used quantitative research with the pre experiment method, and pre and post test.As many as 20 clinical nurse leaders from inpatient units of accredited public and private hospitals in Singkawang were involved as the sample. Further, the data analysis in this study used Paired T test. The result of this study found a meaningfulimprovement of competences among CNL through ADDIE model-based learning (p=.006). Recommendation: ADDIE model-based learning attempts to enhance the competences of CNL. This research recommends the addition of the ADDIE model to advance the competence as the clinical nurse leaders.  Moreover, this strategy can be applied to develop CNL’s ability in other managerial fields.
The Effectiveness of Prenatal Yoga on Ballard Score and Newborn Babies Anthropometry Longulo, Olkamien Jesdika; Pont, Anna Veronica; Mangun, Mardiani; Rafika, R
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 (2021): Special Issue GINC
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1352.444 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6iS1.765


A preliminary study at the Sriwaty Midwifery Independent Practice Clinic, the number of pregnant women in 2019 was 350-400 deliveries and 45 Premature / LBW.  Prenatal yoga have never been implemented in prenatal classes.Aim and Objectives To analyze the effectiveness of prenatal yoga in pregnant women in the I-III trimester on Ballard score and anthropometry of newborns.This study is a pre-experimental study with a randomized controlled trial two group design. The sample size in the study was 40 respondents: the intervention group was 20 respondents and the control group was 20. The sampling technique was based on the consecutive sample. The statistical test is the independent t-test to determine the difference in mean Ballard score, anthropometry of newborn babies in each group. Because the sample used was 50 respondents, the normality test used was Shapiro-Wilk and the comparative hypothesis test for the numeric variable distribution was not normal is  the Mann-Whitney non-parametric test.The prenatal yoga program is effective for Ballard Score, Body Length, Body Weight and Head Circumference of Newborns . It is hoped that it can become a program and be implemented in the prenatal class.Abstrak: Studi pendahuluan di Klinik Praktik Mandiri Bidan  (PMB) Sriwaty, jumlah ibu hamil yang melahirkantahun 2019 sebanyak 350-400 dan 45 Prematur/BBLR. Prenatal yoga belum pernah dilakukandi kelas prenatal.TujuanMenganalisis efektivitas prenatal yoga pada ibu hamil trimester I-III terhadap skor Ballard dan antropometri bayi baru lahir.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra-eksperimen dengan rancangan randomized controlled trialdua kelompok. Besar sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 40 responden: kelompok intervensi 20 responden dan kelompok kontrol 20 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel berdasarkan consecutive sample. Uji statistik adalah independent t-test untuk mengetahui perbedaan rerata skor Ballard, antropometri bayi baru lahir pada masing-masing kelompok. Sampel yang digunakan 50 responden sehinggauji normalitas yang digunakan adalah Shapiro-Wilk dan uji hipotesis komparatif untuk distribusi variabel numerik tidak normal adalah uji non parametrik Mann-Whitney. Program  prenatal  yoga efektif untuk Skor Ballard, Panjang Badan, Berat Badan dan Lingkar Kepala Bayi Baru Lahir. Diharapkan dapat menjadi program dan diimplementasikan di kelas prenatal.
Tempe Juice As An Alternative Treatment For Anemia In Adolescent Girls Yulianingsih, Endah; Porouw, Hasnawatty Surya; Podungge, Yusni; Igirisa, Yusni; Yanti, Febri Dwi
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 (2021): Special Issue GINC
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.233 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6iS1.756


The highest prevalence of anemia is found in Southeast Asia, with an estimated 60% of children experiencing anemia. Young women are at a higher risk of developing anemia compared to boys. Anemia has a negative impact on adolescents which can cause physical growth, behavioral and emotional disorders. This study aims for this study to see the effect of tempeh spice juice on increasing hemoglobin levels in adolescent girls. The research design was quantitative pre-experiment using the One Group Pre Test-Post Test design. The research subjects were 30 young women who were included in the inclusion criteria. This study was tested using the statistical paired sample t-test, obtained sig 0.002 less than 0.005. The average hemoglobin level before being given tempeh spice juice was 13, 123 and the average hemoglobin level after being given tempeh spice juice was 13, 910. The results of this study have a significant effect on the presentation of tempeh spice juice on the hemoglobin levels of adolescent girls. The results of this study can be used as an alternative in an effort to reduce the prevalence of anemia, with naturally occurring preparations that make it more plausible for young women.
Self-Efficacy In Patients With Hypertension Wa Ode Sri Asnaniar; Ramla Tuanany; S Samsualam; Nur Wahyuni Munir
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 (2021): Special Issue GINC
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1322.061 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6iS1.770


Hypertension is a chronic disease and a serious health problem in various countries that require selfcare management. Dealing with hypertensive patients requires compliance with their self-care to improve health status. Research  aimed to  determine the relationship of self-efficacy and  blood pressure in patients with hypertension at Makassar Regional General Hospital. It used cross sectional study design. The technique of determining the sample by using a purposivel sampling technique with a sample size of 53 people. The relationship test was carried out using Chi-square test with significance level ? 0.05. The results of this study showed that there were 17 patients with good self-efficacy, of which 10 (58,8%) pre hypertension and 7 (41,2%) had high blood pressure. Whereas there were 36 patients whose self-efficacy was lacking, of which 6 (16,7%) had pre hypertension and 30 (83,3%) had high blood pressure. The results showed that there was relationship between  self-efficacy and blood pressure. in patients with hypertension at Makassar Regional General Hospital with a value of p=0,005. The conclusion in this study is that there is relationship between  self-efficacy and blood pressure in patients with hypertension at Makassar Regional General Hospital. For this reason, it is hoped that hypertension sufferers will be more positive thinking so that they are able to think that all diseases are not a burden but an encouragement to believe in themselves so that they can undergo good treatment.
Effects Of Progressive Muscle Relaxation On Anxiety Of Nurses At Covid-19 Units Mega Lestari Khoirunnisa; Gusti Ayu Putu Putri Ariani
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 (2021): Special Issue GINC
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1373.414 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6iS1.761


Nurse as health workers who care for patients diagnosed with Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) may, unfortunately, has been an experience of psychosocial problems in general, anxiety in particular. The primary source of anxiety in nurses throughout the COVID?19 pandemic was fear of turning into infected or unknowingly infecting others. This study aimed to determine the impact of progressive muscle relaxation on anxiety. This quasi-experimental (pre-test-post-test) study turned into conducted on 46 covid nurses inside the hospital of HasriAinun Habibie in Gorontalo. The participants had been selected the use of the purposive sampling approach then divided into two groups, intervention (n = 23) and control (n = 23). within the intervention group, participants obtained progressive muscle relaxation the usage of theory education through video and exercise. DASS (depression anxiety stress Scale) 42 was used to measured anxiety levels. The results confirmed that within the intervention group mean score of anxiety level significantly decreased analyzed by using Wilcoxon signed ranked test (P = 0.000) and there has been a significant difference between groups through Mann Whitney (P=0.011). This study concluded that progressive muscle relaxation can be used as an powerful technique to decrease the anxiety level of nurses in COVID units.
Analisis Faktor Determinan dalam Upaya Pencegahan Stunting Anak Usia 2-5 Tahun Ari Nofitasari; I Islaeli; Cici Yusnayanti
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 (2021): Special Issue GINC
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (570.097 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6iS1.752


Background Based on data from the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Health Office, in 2019 there were 2920 stunted children, this figure is a combination of 1,811 short children and 1,109 very short children. In 2020, there were 1472 cases, with details of 983 short children and 489 very short children in Southeast Sulawesi. Based on these data, Southeast Sulawesi is a stunting emergency. Therefore, efforts to prevent stunting are needed. The aim of this study was to analyze the determinants of stunting prevention efforts in toddlers 2 - 5 years in Petoaha Village, Abeli District, Kendari City with a total sample of 103 toddlers. Methods The research method used an analytical cross-sectional approach. Sampling was taken by simple random sampling and analyzed by using the Chi-Square test. Results The research shows that there is a significant relationship between knowledge, education, socio-economic, early initiation of breastfeeding(IMD), exclusive breastfeeding and the prevention of stunting in Petoah Village, Abeli, Kendari City with the value of each variable (p = 0.000 less than 0.05). Conclusion there is a relationship between Knowledge, education, socioeconomic, IMD AND ASI exclusively with the prevention of stunting.Abstrak: Berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara pada tahun 2019terdapat sebanyak 2920 anak stunting, angka tersebut merupakan penggabungan dari 1.811 balita pendek dan 1.109 balita sangat pendek. Pada tahun 2020 mencapai 1472 kasus, dengan rincian sebanyak 983 balita pendek dan 489 balita sangat pendek di Sulawesi Tenggara. Berdasarkan datatersebut Sulawesi Tenggara termasuk keadaan darurat stunting, untuk itu diperlukan upaya pencegahan stunting. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis Determinan faktor upaya pencegahan stunting pada anak usia 2 – 5 tahun dikelurahan Petoaha Kecamatan Abeli Kota Kendari dengan jumlah sample 103 balita Metode penelitian menggunakan analitik dengan penedekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dengan simple  random sampling dan dianalisis dengan uji Chi Square. Penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan antara pengetahuan, Pendidikan, Sosial ekonomi, IMD, ASI Esklusif dengan pencegahan stunting di Kelurahan Petoah, Abeli Kota Kendaridengan nilai masing-masing variable (p = 0.000 kurang dari 0.05) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara Pengetahuan, pendidikan , sosial ekonomi, IMD DAN ASI esklusif  dengan pencegahan stunting.
Implementation of Discharge Planning Patients‘ Chronic Kidney Disease in Ward of a Private Hospital in West Indonesia Rinanti, Betty; Kartininingsih, Sri; Hutapea, Adventina Delima; Sakti, Erivita
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 (2021): Special Issue GINC
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1349.806 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6iS1.775


Background: The quality of hospital services is measured through the provision of nursing care, especially by providing discharge planning to patients. Nurse’s role as an educator can be applied through providing discharge planning. Based on data obtained at a Private Hospital in Western Indonesia, CKD is ranked fifth as the biggest killer diseases, and it was found that 8 out of 10 discharge planning forms of CKD patients were not filled in completely. Objective: This study aims to describe the implementation of discharge planning in CKD patients in ward of a Private Hospital in West Indonesia. Methods: This research is quantitative descriptive method, with the documentation studies. Data collection used observation checklist and total sampling technique. The source of data in this research is 286 medical record of CKD patients in March–August 2019. The data analyzed using by univariate analysis. Result: discharge planning was not implemented (66.1%), while implemented (33.9%). Based on result, that discharge planning to CKD patients has not been done properly. Recommendation: Further research can focus on factors that influence the implementation of discharge planning. The results can be a reference for making standard and discharge planning forms specifically for CKD patients.Abstrak: Latar Belakang: Kualitas pelayanan Rumah Sakit diukur melalui pemberian asuhan keperawatan dengan memberikan discharge planning pada pasien. Peran Perawat sebagai edukator bagi pasien dapat dilakukan melalui pemberian discharge planning. Berdasarkan Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS), dari segi pembiayaan perawatan, penyakit CKD merupakan urutan kedua terbesar di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh di satu Rumah Sakit Swasta Indonesia Barat, CKD menduduki peringkat lima besar penyakit terbesar. Berdasarkan data rekam medik di satu Rumah Sakit Swasta Indonesia Barat, ditemukan 8 dari 10 discharge planning tidak lengkappengisiannya. Tujuan: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan discharge planning pada pasien CKD di unit rawat inap Rumah Sakit Swasta Indonesia Barat. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan studi dokumentasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi checklist. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan total sampling yaitu status medical record pasien CKD pada bulan Maret - Agustus 2019 sebanyak 286 medical record dan analisa data yang digunakan adalah univariat. Hasil: discharge planning tidak dilaksanakan sebanyak 189 dokumen (66.1%), sedangkan yang dilaksanakan hanya 97 dokumen (33.9%). Berdasarkan data tersebut, pelaksanaan discharge planning pada pasien CKD tersebut belum dilakukan dengan baik. Rekomendasi: Penelitian selanjutnya dapat fokus pada faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan discharge planning, membuat formulir discharge planning dan juga dapat menjadi referensi membuat formulir discharge planning yang baku khusus untuk pasien CKD. 
Grandmother's Social Support In Exclusive Breastfeeding Motivation Ramli, Rahmawati; Jama, Fatma; Taqiyah, Yusrah
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 (2021): Special Issue GINC
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1312.51 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6iS1.766


Grandmother's social support is a form of social interaction in which there is a relationship that gives and receives tangible assistance by grandmothers to mothers in giving exclusive breastfeeding to their babies. This study aims to determine the relationship between grandmother's social support and motivation to exclusively breastfeed mothers at Tomia Utama. The research design was non-experimental quantitative correlational using a proportional stratified random sampling technique with a sample size of 59. The data analysis used was bivariate analysis, chi-square test with ? 0.05. The results showed that social support for grandmothers was good as much as 66.1% with high motivation to give exclusive breastfeeding as much as 94.9%, while social support for grandmothers was not good as much as 33.9% who had low motivation to give exclusive breastfeeding as much as 5.1%. The conclusion of the study is that there is a relationship between grandmother's social support and motivation to exclusively breastfeed the mother.. Suggestion: The need to provide education about the importance of social support for grandmothers and families for the success of exclusive breastfeeding to families and to form breastfeeding support groups.
Correlation Of Knowledge Level With Pain Management In Elderly With Osteoarthritis Putra, I Gede Yudiana; Muryani, Ni Made Sri; Daryaswanti, Putu Intan
Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 (2021): Special Issue GINC
Publisher : Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1322.146 KB) | DOI: 10.30604/jika.v6iS1.757


Background: Pain is the most common symptom felt by the elderly with osteoarthritis. Poor management of pain would impact their health status and quality of life in the end. Therefore, an adequate level of knowledge required to manage this pain properly. This study aimed to examine the correlation of knowledge level and pain management in the elderly population with osteoarthritis in WanaSraya Nursing Home. Method: . This study applied an analytic observational design with a cross-sectional approach to examine the correlation between the knowledge level and pain management in the elderly. Research participants that involved a total of 30 respondents selected by the total sampling technique.In this study using a questionnaire.Data analysis was carried out by using bivariate data analysis test using Pearson Correlation Test. Result: The study result showed that the majority of the respondent has a good level of knowledge related to osteoarthritis and pain management. Pearson Correlation Test with the degree of significance of p less than 0.05 revealed that the p-value was 0.000. Conclusion: There was a correlation between the level of knowledge with pain management in elderly with osteoarthritis.