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Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (UJoSSH)
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Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (UJoSSH) is an international and an open access journal which is published by Research and Community Services Institutes of Udayana University. UJoSSH focuses on the development of the humanities studies and social sciences. The aim of our journal is to promote a principled approach to research on the area of social sciences and humanities in general, which may include, but not limited to Linguistics and Literature, Arts, Cultural Studies, Law, Economics and business, Tourism, Social Sciences, Political Sciences, Education, Library Sciences UJoSSH has a full commitment towards the authenticity of the articles and papers published. Each of the authority who submit their articles to the UJoSSH for publication must be able to prove that the work submitted is original contributions and have not been published in part or in whole on other print media. To achieve that commitment, the UJoSSH provides objectively and fairly peer review to every article submitted by blind reviewers from domestic and foreign universities.
Articles 140 Documents
Determining Problems in Bilingual Public Information Signs I Gusti Ngurah Parthama; Ni Ketut Alit Ida Setianingsih; I Nyoman Tri Ediwan
Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2 No 2 (2018): UJoSSH, September 2018
Publisher : Research and Community Services Institutes of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.294 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/UJoSSH.2018.v02.i02.p11


This article aims in describing the bilingual public signs regarding to the product of two languages and the lexical choices. Bilingual public signs can be easily found in Bali for the reason of giving information to everybody. It is not only the Balinese or Indonesian people who can access the information, but also foreign people. Especially in relation to Bali as tourist destination, the bilingual public signs have great role in providing information. The data was taken from the bilingual public signs in Denpasar and Badung. Both are recognized as the capital city of Bali and the main tourist destination in Bali. Method of collecting data applied documentation and method of analyzing data was descriptive qualitative. It was described based on descriptive way qualitatively regarding to the theory of translation. The results show that two important things must be considered in bilingual public signs. First, the modes of literal and adaptation only result in problem of understanding the sign in TL. While in SL, the sign determines clear meaning. It comes from the structure of SL that is directly transferred to the structure of TL. Second, lexical choices also lead to new problem of interpretation. Correct lexical choices reflect naturalness of language based on the culture of foreign readers. They can find the meaning naturally. However, incorrect lexical choices only show confusion in understanding the meaning.
Economic Management of Income Earned by Cruise Ship Workers from Denpasar Municipality in Their Place of Origin AA. Manik Pratiwi; Putu Diah Kusuma Dewi
Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 1 No 2 (2017): UJoSSH, September 2017
Publisher : Research and Community Services Institutes of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.987 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/UJoSSH.2017.v01.i02.p07


This study aims to identify the ways applied in the economic management of the income earned by cruise ship workers from Denpasar Municipality in their place of origin and to identify the benefits enjoyed by families of the cruise ship workers and their place of origin through the economic income management. This study examines the ways employed in the economic income management. This research took place in Denpasar Municipality of Bali Province. Samples were taken by the random sampling technique. The informants are cruise ship workers from Denpasar Municipality and their families. The thematic content analysis is applied in this study. The main findings of this study indicate that cruise ship workers have managed their income economically. They do so by investing their income to do a business, buy land, and build a boarding house. They also join Bali Seafarers Cooperative as a member. Their families enjoy many benefits with the economic income management by cruise ship workers.
Migration in Denpasar City: Study of Adaptation Strategy and Its Implication of Social Culture and Environment A.A. Ngurah Anom Kumbara; A.A. Sagung Kartika Dewi
Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2 No 2 (2018): UJoSSH, September 2018
Publisher : Research and Community Services Institutes of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (710.958 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/UJoSSH.2018.v02.i02.p02


Denpasar City, both as the capital of Bali as well as the center of trade, education, and tourism destinations. This potential is a strong attraction for the migrants to come and settle in Denpasar City. The purposes of this study are: 1) to get an overview of the characteristics of the migrants; 2) understanding the pattern of migrant adaptation; and 3) to analyze its implications of socio-cultural and environment. The approach method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection used through structured interviews, observation, and Focus Group Discussion. Based on the analysis, this study found that the average age of migrants classified as productive, is in the range 30-40 years. The level of education of migrants is quite good, mostly high school and even some university grade. The pattern of adaptation that is done tends to choose clustered residence based on the similarity of ethnic and religion background. The socio-cultural implications have not been so apparent, that local cultures are still dominant. The implications for the environment appear to be quite significant, which is marked by the increasing number of land conversion for various designations. The emergence of slums and semi-permanent settlements built to meet the needs of many migrants throughout the sub district in Denpasar. This condition then injured the icon of Denpasar as a cultural city. Beside that, the quality of environments and raw water of the population has decreased, caused due of domestic household waste and wastewater of the garment industry and laundry services.
Efforts in Pressing the Emergence of Terrorist Network GPB. Suka Arjawa; IGA. Mas Rwa Jayantiari
Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 1 No 1 (2017): UJoSSH, Feburary 2017
Publisher : Research and Community Services Institutes of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (228.951 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/UJoSSH.2017.v01.i01.p18


This research aimed to make description on alternative way to press terrorism in Indonesia. Some approaches are adopted, especially by the government, to eliminate the terrorists, namely: a firm approach by attacking the terrorists, legal remedy by bringing them before the court and giving punishment. However, such efforts still not able to maximally pressing the terrorism. Terror in Jalan Thamrin Jakarta in the early 2016 showed that terrorism still cannot be pressed. This research aimed to give additional approaches in combating terrorism by using local wisdom. Bali as one of tourist destination in Indonesia, had twice experiences of terrorist attack with many casualties. Bali has a lot of local wisdoms which meanings can be explored. Some of it are menyama braya, mesegeh ritual, okokan arts performance and Tat Twam Asi. Therefore, there are several methods and steps which can be used to press the terrorism by exploring the meanings contained in such local wisdoms. All of that local wisdoms contains the meanings of cooperation, alertness and togetherness. The terrorists are expected to stop their terrorism attack by implementing such local wisdoms.
The Dynamic of Shiva-Sisya (Patron Client) Relationships Within Hindu’s Practice in Denpasar City AA. Ngurah Anom Kumbara; AA. Sagung Kartika Dewi
Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 1 No 1 (2017): UJoSSH, Feburary 2017
Publisher : Research and Community Services Institutes of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (187.895 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/UJoSSH.2017.v01.i01.p09


Modernization and globalization have spread the ideology of capitalism and materialistic rationalism throughout the world. It has created transformation not only in the socio-cultural and economic aspects, but also in religion practice. One of the Hindu’s practice phenomenon that prevails nowadays in Denpasar is a certain dynastic lawsuit against shiva-sisya relationship (patron-client), which became a tradition in Hindu’s practice in Bali.The purpose of this study is to understand and explain the background of the shifting in shiva-sisya (patron client) relationship and the implications of this shift within Hindu’s practice or religiosity in Denpasar city. To answer the purpose of this study cultural studies approach was used with qualitative analysis. Techniques for collecting data were through in-depth interviews, observations and analysis of the related documents. This study used theories: Patron-Client by James Scott, Structuration by Giddens and Modernization/social change of Marx. Based on the analysis of the collected data, this study has found that the underlying shift in the relationship of shiva-sisya (patron-client) within Hindu’s practice in Denpasar city was the appearance of the religious power decentralization, the strengthening of the market ideology within Hindu’s practice and structured social relations. The implications of that shift, which happen to be the religion privacy and the emergence of Hindu’s internal friction in religious practice in Denpasar city.
Dative Case Verbs in Japanese Made Ratna Dian Aryani
Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 3 No 2 (2019): UJoSSH, September 2019
Publisher : Research and Community Services Institutes of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.399 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/UJoSSH.2019.v03.i02.p01


This study aimed to describe the dative case verbs in Japanese syntactically and semantically. Specifically, it aimed to explore the verbs that take an indirect object (IO) in the Japanese sentences. The theories used in this research were the theory of Givon (2001), and Nitta (1991). The data used in this research were the data obtained from Japanese corpus. The research method used was descriptive analysis.This research indicated that dative case verbs are verbs whose presence would potentially take an IO. The results of this research were (1) The verbs that require the presence of an IO in Japanese is a transitive verb, with the marker ni, and (2) those verbs are ageru 'give', oshieru 'teach', kureru 'give' and kau 'buy'. Semantically these verbs are keizoku doushi ‘continuative verbs’.
Perception and Expectation of Tourists Toward the Accommodation Services in Rural Tourism Penglipuran Bangli Putu Ratih Pertiwi; Putu Diah Kesumadewi; Ida Ayu Trisna Eka Putri
Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2 No 1 (2018): UJoSSH, Feburary 2018
Publisher : Research and Community Services Institutes of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (401.435 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/UJoSSH.2018.v02.i01.p06


This research aims to know the perception and the expectation of tourists toward the accommodation services in Penglipuran Rural Tourism. In the development of rural tourism as an alternative tourism development approach, tourists who are expected to come not only to enjoy the natural beauty and the culture of the community. But also to stay more than a day so that can be directly involved with the culture of the local community, in accordance to the concept of rural tourism. Therefore, accommodation services play such an important role to provide a pleasant stay for the tourists through the facilities dan their services, likewise in Penglipuran Rural Tourism. To discover it, necessary data from several tourists who stayed in accommodation of Penglipuran Rural Tourism used as samples. Analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis technique where Likert Scale Analysis is needed to determine the perception of the tourists toward the accommodation in Penglipuran Rural Tourism,Importance-Performance Analysis used to determine the expectation of the tourists, and 7Ps of marketing mix used as the indicators. As the result, the perception and the expectation of the tourists toward the accommodation services in Penglipuran Rural Tourism, both of guesthouse and homestay have the average scores as perception (4,16) and expectation (4,16) from 22 indicators of services, it shows that the performance generally in accordance with the tourists’ expectation. Based on the priority level, all indicators have the same level of satisfaction (100%), it means all indicators have the same priority either on guesthouse accommodation services or homestay accommodation services. The suggestion that can be given from this research to the administrator of Penglipuran Rural Tourism is to maintain and improve the service that they deliver to the tourists in order to provide a pleasant stay for them when they are in Penglipuran Rural Tourism.
The Caligraphy of Balinese Script as a Form of Bali Creative Industry Based on Balinese Script I Wayan Simpen; I Nyoman Udayana; Ida Bagus Rai Putra
Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 3 No 1 (2019): UJoSSH, Feburary 2019
Publisher : Research and Community Services Institutes of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.418 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/UJoSSH.2019.v03.i01.p03


Based on the language mapping conducted by The Language Development and Fostering Agency, there are around 560 regional languages in Indonesia. Of all these languages, only 11 regional languages have their own literacy system. One local language that has a literacy system is Balinese. Balinese script has a vital function in the effort of documenting and transmitting various systems of knowledge found by Balinese people from the past to the present. Besides having as documentation media, Balinese script is also functional in the three important stages of Balinese people's life. From the first stage (being born), the Balinese people used the script as a provision for the burial of the placenta. During adulthood, Balinese script is also used in a tooth- cutting rite. Similarly, when the Balinese people died, Balinese script was used as rajah-rajah kajang. There are contradictions that seem to be the gap between the functionalities of Balinese script and the reality of the low knowledge of Balinese people about Balinese script. It is an indisputable fact that Latin letters dominate various spheres of life. Realizing this, it needs the effort to make people realize the potential of Balinese script in the creative process of Balinese Script Calligraphy, which is important to be studied further. Balinese script that has a rounded shape (ngawindu) is very aesthetic to be developed into aesthetic forms of a variety. Not only that, from the searches carried out in some lontar storage sites in Bali, Balinese script calligraphy contains the use of interesting language and important literary values as a medium of educational media.
Promotion Strategy of Borobudur World Cultural Heritage Site for International Tourists I Ketut Surya Diarta
Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 1 No 2 (2017): UJoSSH, September 2017
Publisher : Research and Community Services Institutes of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (272.414 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/UJoSSH.2017.v01.i02.p12


The poor promotion strategies of Borobudur caused the low international tourists’ arrival. Therefore, this study aimed to develop promotion strategies for the Borobudur world cultural heritage site as a tourist attraction for foreign tourists. Respondents were selected by accidental sampling of 50 tourists combined with FGD of local tourism stakeholders. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative method and SWOT analysis. The results showed that: (1) Strategy SO can be reached by public relations by making online publicity and using endorser to reach international coverage, (2) Strategy WO achieved through the financial support for advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and direct marketing ( 3) Strategies ST approached with the digital promotion supported by strong branding and assisted personal selling and direct marketing, and (d) Strategies WT by promoting Borobudur market in Asia, America, and especially Australia through increasing frequency of sales promotio.n and direct marketing supported by advertising to the target market.
Women and Men Linguistic Features in the First Presidential Debate Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in 2016 Ashari Jamangantar Siregar; I Made Suastra
Udayana Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 4 No 1 (2020): UJoSSH, February 2020
Publisher : Research and Community Services Institutes of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (621.943 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/UJoSSH.2020.v04.i01.p01


This undergraduate thesis entitled Women and Men Linguistic Features in The First Presidential Debate Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in 2016 was aimed at analyzing the women linguistic features represented by Clinton utterances based on Lakoff (1975) theory and men linguistic features represented by Trump based on Coates (2003) theory and at investigating the implication of the dominant women and men linguistic features. The data were taken from the debate video of NBC YouTube channel and its transcript is taken from the Washington Post website. The method used in collecting data was the documentary method applying the note-taking technique. The qualitative and quantitative method was applied in analyzing the data. In presenting the analysis, formal and informal methods were used. The analysis results showed that there seven features of ten women linguistic features discovered in this study; they were lexical hedges, rising intonation on declarative, empty adjectives, intensive adverbs, hypercorrect grammar, super polite forms, and emphatic stress whereas features such as tag questions, avoidance of strong swear words and precise color terms were not found in this study. In this study, there are only three of four men linguistic features such as stereotypically masculine topics, great attention to details, elaborate use of taboo words whereas men only features were not used in Trump utterances. And the dominant features found in Clinton utterances were emphatic stress while in Trump, the dominant feature was great attention to details.

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