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Journal of Applied Veterinary Science and Technology
Published by Universitas Airlangga
ISSN : 27161188     EISSN : 2716117X     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
The scope of this journal is all about Veterinary Science and Technology field such as Animal Nutrition, Applied Veterinary Reproduction, Applied Veterinary Parasitology, Applied Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary Public Health, Applied Veterinary Clinic. Journal of Applied Veterinary Science and Technology accepts submission from all over the world.
Articles 65 Documents
A Case Study of Feline Panleukopenia in Cats at The Educational Animal Hospital of Universitas Airlangga Yusril Nur Mahendra; M. Gandul Atik Yuliani; Agus Widodo; Diyantoro Diyantoro; Miyayu Soneta Sofyan
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V1.I1.2020.6-10


Background: Feline panleukopenia is a viral disease caused by the family of Parvoviridae. Many species of pets, especially cats, that if they have been infected, compromised health and can lead to death. Purpose: To determine the infection pattern and treatment of feline panleukopenia in cats at the Educational Animal Hospital of Universitas Airlangga. Method: Ten patients were recorded as infected with parvovirus from a total of 1107 patients with various disease complaints. Daily records were taken regarding all clinical symptoms, physical examination, and treatment. Result: After four weeks, the obtained data were calculated. Thus, we collect data that show essential factors that can be used to determine the diagnose of feline panleukopenia in cats. Conclusion: Most parvovirus infections occurred in cats aged two to four years by showing abnormalities in temperature, breathing, and turgor. Clinical symptoms that appeared include vomiting, diarrhea, and high dehydration. Treatments were used to suppress the secondary effects of parvovirus infection and besides to eradicate the virus itself. 
Detection of Salmonella sp. on Layer Chicken Eggs Sold at The Vegetable Market of Magetan Regency Brillian Inawulan Syamsiar; Kuncoro Puguh Santoso; Ira Sari Yudaniayati; Diyantoro Diyantoro
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V1.I2.2020.34-38


Background: Eggs are poultry products that cannot be separated from the possibility of Salmonella contamination. Traditional markets are places where consumers can get chicken eggs with poor hygiene and sanitation aspects. Habits of today's society that often consumes raw or undercooked eggs can trigger Salmonellosis. Purpose: To identify the presence of Salmonella sp. in eggs sold in Magetan Regency Vegetable Market. Method: Sampling of eggs from different random stores. The eggs then proceeded with selection pre-enrichment, selective enrichment, isolation, and identification. Results: The handling of eggs in the Magetan Regency Market was quite good in its storage period, and purebred eggs sold in the Magetan Regency Market were negatively contaminated with Salmonella sp. Conclusion: Broiler chicken eggs sold in Magetan Vegetable Market are safe to consume.
The Incidence Rate of Helminthiasis in The Digestive Tract of Dairy Cattle in The Partnership of PT. Greenfields Indonesia Wenny Nur Azizah; Dony Chrismanto; Sri Pantja Madyawati; Hana Eliyani
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V1.I1.2020.11-15


Background: One of the partnerships of PT. Greenfields Indonesia is located on the slopes of Mount Kawi, precisely in Pijiombo, Ngadirenggo Village, Wlingi District, Blitar Regency. The tropical situation in this area is very humid and has high rainfall. It causes dairy cattle to be infected with helminths. Therefore, observations of the incidence rate of gastrointestinal helminthiasis in dairy cattle are needed. Purpose: To determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in dairy cattle in the partnership of PT. Greenfields Indonesia. Method: Fecal samples from 36 dairy cattle were collected and examined using native, sedimentation, and flotation techniques. Result: Indicated that the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in the dairy cattle was about 66,66%. There were 24 dairy cattle positively and 12 cattle negatively. Helminth species found included class Nematoda (Haemonchus contortus, Oesophagostomum radiatum, Bunostomum phlebotomum, Mecistocirrus digitatus, and Gaigeria pachyscelis) and Cestoda (Moniezia expansa). Conclusion: The incidence rate of helminthiasis was quite high dairy cattle in the partnership of PT. Greenfields Indonesia.
Caseous Lymphadenitis (CLA) Cases in Boer Goats Elok Sukma Pertiwi; Nenny Harijani; Iwan Sahrial Hamid; Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V1.I2.2020.39-42


Background: Caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) is a chronic infectious bacterial disease of sheep and goats caused by corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Purpose: To determine the percentage of cases and procedures for treating Caseous lymphadenitis in Boer goats in Edufarm Kambing Burja. Methods: Data obtained from observations of 120 Boer goats and interviews with livestock owners. The data obtained were analyzed according to the reference literature. Result: The percentage of Caseous lymphadenitis in Boer goats was 8.33%. Conclusion: Procedure for handling and controlling Caseous lymphadenitis in Boer goats using abscess drainage procedures and vaccination.
The Incidence of Helminthiasis in Cattle in The Work Area of UPT. Laboratorium Kesehatan Hewan in East Java Province in 2017-2018 Aulia Nur Afifah; Iwan Syahrial Hamid; Mirni Lamid; Agung Budianto Achmad
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V1.I1.2020.16-23


Background: The needs of Indonesian people for animal protein from meat are still quite high, but the fulfillment of meat demand has not been sufficient. Many obstacles faced by farmers in developing their livestock business, one of which is helminthiasis. Helminth infections can occur due to feed problems or poor maintenance management. Helminth infestation in the digestive tract can cause intestinal mucosal damage, which can reduce the efficiency of food absorption, causing livestock productivity losses in body weight, milk production, quality of meat, skin, and innards. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of helminthiasis and the type of helminths that infected cattle in UPT. Laboratorium Kesehatan Hewan Provinsi Jawa Timur. Method: This study used sedimentation and Whitlock floating method. Result: The highest prevalence in 2017 occurred in Tuban City, which was 6,69%, while the lowest was in Gresik Regency, which was 0%. Whereas in 2018, the highest prevalence occurred in Lamongan City, which was 9,42% and the lowest prevalence in Ngawi Regency, which was 0,22%. The type of helminth that infects the cattle the most in 2017 is Fasciola sp. as many as 114 cases, with the highest number occurring in Magetan Regency, which was 44 cases. In 2018, Fasciola sp. also the most common type of helminth found to infect cattle in 202 cases, with the highest number occurring in Magetan and Pacitan Regency, which was 34 cases.
The Effect of Providing Fermented Milk on The Performance of Gallus domesticus Dalila Fadhila Hidayat; Agus Widodo; Diyantoro Diyantoro; M. Gandul Atik Yuliani
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V1.I2.2020.43-47


Backgrounds: Broiler chickens are high productivity livestock. To achieve this productivity, many farmers provide feed additives. Fermented milk is one of the feed additives given through drinking water. Providing feed additives, regularly, will affect the performance of these broilers. Purpose: To investigate the potential of providing fermented milk through drinking water on the performance of broiler chickens. Method: Direct observations and perform calculations on several aspects that support the research. Result: After making observations, it was known that there are differences in the starter phase and the finisher phase. The observation was carried out from the age of 0-27 days. Broiler performance determined by the parameters of feed consumption, chicken body weight, and feed conversion. Conclusion: The observation shows an increase in feed consumption. However, in feed conversion and body weight gain instability is caused by physical conditions, temperature, and palatability in each phase of the broiler chickens.
The Incidence of Gastrointestinal Helminthiasis in Etawa Crossbred Goat in Etawa Farm Jombang Dwi Novita Sari; Tri Wahyu Suprayogi; Djoko Legowo; Siti Eliana Rochmi
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V1.I1.2020.24-28


Background: Goat is one type of small ruminant that has a contribution to supporting the development of livestock and is an alternative to meet the needs of animal protein in Indonesian society. The current goat raising system is still carried out by being caged or semi-grazed. In this maintenance system, goats are very susceptible to parasitic diseases, especially those caused by the digestive tract worms. Gastrointestinal worms are a significant problem in livestock, especially small ruminants that cause health problems, such as diarrhea, weight loss, and decreased appetite. Purpose: To determine the percentage and types of digestive tract helminths in Etawa crossbred goats by age. Method: 30 feces samples from Etawa crossbred goats were collected for laboratory examination using native, sedimentation, and flotation methods. Result: From the microscopic examination, it was found that the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthiasis was 56.6%. Also, the type of worm eggs found in the feces samples from Etawa crossbred goats were Cotylophoron cotylophorum, Moniezia benedeni, Oesophagostomum columbianum, Strongyloides papillosus, Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus sp., and Trichuris globulosa.
The Potency of Dry-Cooked Rice Waste and Tofu Dregs on Weight Gain and Feed Conversion in Beef Cattle Fianti Nufinda Rachma; Sri Hidanah; Miyayu Soneta Sofyan; Boedi Setiawan
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V1.I2.2020.48-51


Background: Animal feed is one of the main determinants of livestock production costs. Tofu dregs and dry-cooked rice waste is favoured by farmers as an additional feed for cattle because it is readily available and inexpensive. Tofu dregs and dry-cooked rice waste is considered to be able to provide adequate nutrition for cattle and is believed to be able to be a factor in increasing cattle daily body weight. The efficiency of feed use can be determined from feed conversion, namely the amount of feed consumed to achieve an increase of one kilogram of body weight. Purpose: To find out the average increase in daily body weight of beef cattle given tofu dregs and dry-cooked rice waste and how much feed conversion is produced at CV. Tunas Muda Tuban. Method: Using ten beef cattle to be weighed in the first week and the fourth week of observation. Result: Feeding tofu and karak dregs, had an average daily weight gain of 1.34 Kg/day. Conclusion: Provision of tofu and dry-cooked rice waste has a significant influence on the increase in body weight of beef cattle at CV.Tunas Muda, seen from the average daily body weight of 1.34 kg/day.
The Potency of Giving Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val.) Flour to The Quality of Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Eggs Astrid Annisya Adhy Putri; Agus Widodo; Ratna Damayanti; Tri Wahyu Suprayogi
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V1.I1.2020.1-5


Background: Supplementation of good feed on quail can improve its egg quality. One of the excellent supplement comes from herbs. Turmeric is one of the herbs which good for livestock because of its content, curcuminoid, and essential oil. Curcuminoid can increase quail egg yolk color, increase the appetite so that it can increase the weight of poultry. Purpose: To know the potential of giving turmeric flour to the quality of quail’s egg. Methods: The methods used 40 quails, divide into two groups. Groups P0: quail fed without turmeric flour, and group P1: quails fed with 1,07% turmeric fluor. Variables observed were egg weight, haugh unit, egg yolk index, white egg index, and yolk color. Result: The Egg weight, haugh unit, yolk index, and yolk color of P1 was higher than quails fed without turmeric. However, there was no difference between the egg whites index of both groups. Conclusion: The addition of turmeric on feed has the potential to increase the egg weight, haugh unit, yolk index, and yolk color. However, turmeric was not directly affected the formation of egg whites. 
Myiasis Diagnosis and Treatment in Goat Niswah Nurul Fahma; Suhiryanto Suhiryanto; Indarjulianto Soedarmanto; Yanuartono Yanuartono; Alfarisa Nururrozi; Hary Purnamaningsih; Slamet Raharjo
Journal of Applied Veterinary Science And Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/javest.V1.I2.2020.29-33


Background: Myiasis is a disease caused by an infestation of fly larvae (Chrysomya bezziana) in living tissue. Myiasis cases are common in Indonesia because of the tropical climate. Purpose: This case report is intended to provide information on handling myiasis in goats. Case Analysis: A 2-year-old female goat weighing 30 kg was reported by the farmer because there was a wound in the leg. The goat was examined physically and hematologically. On physical examination, there was a limp on the left front leg caused by an injury with the larvae. Haematological examination results showed leukocytosis with leukocyte count of 13.26 x 103 cells/μL, monocytosis with monocyte counts of 0.63 x 103 cells/μL and anemia with erythrocyte counts of 2.93 x 106 cells/μL. The goat was diagnosed with myiasis and treated by eliminating fly larvae, irrigating the injured part by procaine penicillin and dihydrostreptomycin, spraying the wound using 1% dichlofenthion and intramuscular injection of 20 mg/kg body weight long-acting oxytetracycline and 1 mg/kg body weight diphenhydramine HCl. Conclusion: Three days after treatment, the wound condition has improved.