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Griya Lumandi Permai, Palopo, Sulsel
Jurnal Sinestesia
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Jurnal sinestesia publishes articles in the field of learning, education, literature, linguistics, and culture.
Articles 216 Documents
Narasi Cerita Rakyat Riau “Asal Mula Penamaan Pulau Matang dan Pulau Keras” Laras Anindya; Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur Ali
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

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Folktales are stories that have been told generation to generation within the society. It commonly consisting of moral and life values. To understand such values this research focused on finding the narrative function and structure. The research use Asal Mula Penamaan Pulau Matang dan Pulau Keras a Riau Province folktale as research object. The research employs qualitative method and theories of narrative structure by Tzetvan Todorov and narrative function by Vladimir Prop as tools of analysis. The results are Asal Mula Penamaan Pulau Matang dan Pulau Keras employs Equilibrium, Disruption, Recognition, Repair the Damage, and New Equilibrium as narrative structure. It also employs six (6) of Propp narrative function concept they are; Mediation, The Hero’s Reaction, Struggle, Victory, and Wedding
Analyzing Thematic Structure of Text Drama Swan Song in English and Indonesian Version: A Descriptive Analysis Yasir Riady; Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur Ali
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

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Language is a very effective tool in communication. By using language people are able to express their thought, experiences, ideas, opinions, and hopes to each other. Discussing about language, one of the sub-parts of language is translation. Swan song is one of Chekov’s famous plays. There are so many performances in Indonesia who used the translation’s version of Swan song that translated into Nyanyian Angsa and many directors try to adapt the story, it is interesting to find out the thematic structures in both versions, that is why the writers try to explore the structures both in two versions.
Back Channeling Speech Style Used by Colleen Mcguire as the Main Character of the Novel Savage Land Retno Budi Astuti
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

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This research discusses about one of the speech styles of feminine gender while having a conversation, which is back channeling. The data used to be analyzed in this research is taken from the dialogues and the narration of the main character named Colleen McGuire in the novel Savage Land written by Janet Dailey. Qualitative method was used in doing this research because the data are presented in the form of written words or verbal expressions. The result of this research shows that Collen McGuire as the main character of the novel Savage Land used back channeling in her dialogues and narration. Out of 31 data, it shows that there are 16 data where she uses “nodding” gesture, 9 data where she uses the word “yes”, 3 data where she uses the word “all right”, 1 data where she uses the word “okay”, 1 data where she uses the word “right”, and 1 data where she uses the word “right away”.
Subtitling Strategies of Slang Expressions in the Fast & Furious 6 Movie Subtitle Robingah Robingah
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

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Movie industry nowadays is growing more and more along with the technological advances. With the development of movies in various genres, now movies have also become a lot of research projects. There are a lot of aspects can be analyzed from movies, such as language, linguistics, intrinsic elements and translation. The focus in this study is to describe the subtitling strategies on slang expressions from the English and Bahasa Indonesia subtitles of Fast & Furious 6 movie. The method used is qualitative. To categorize the slang expressions found from the subtitle, the writer used Sumarsono’s theory. From 109 data, it is found that the biggest frequency of slang type is creativity with 66 data. Then followed by Using Existing Word, 28 data, acronym 8 data, metaphor 6 data and apocope only 1 data. There is no data for metathesis found. To analyze subtitling strategies, Gottlieb’s theory is attempted. The result found there are 8 strategies attempted from 10 strategies. The 8 strategies are expansion with 6 data, transfer with 10 data, paraphrase with 74 data, imitation with 3 data, condensation with 13 data, and 1 data for transcription, deletion, and resignation. The most subtitling strategies used for translating the English slang expression from the Fast & Furious 6 movie subtitle is paraphrase.
Short Documentary Film Implementation at Al Ikhsan Beji Islamic Boarding School as a Media to Improve English Speaking in the Midst of the American Popular Culture Hegemony Ade Christanty Yudha Bestari; Meilina Haris Mayekti; Dinar Faiza
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

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Today, the hegemony of American popular culture products is increasingly endemic throughout the world. Therefore, students who in fact live in Islamic boarding schools are expected to be able to use the popular culture, especially YouTube, positively. So that it can be useful for himself and others. This short documentary will be applied at Islamic Boarding School and the results will be published via YouTube. The purpose of this study was to apply the making of a short documentary film at Islamic boarding school as a media for English-language expression. As well as its influence on English Speaking. This research uses a qualitative approach using the method of "reception or aesthetic studies". With this method, students as audience become the main actors in making documentary film in Islamic Boarding Schools. The results of this study are that in the midst of the onslaught of American popular culture, students must actively participate in utilizing popular culture products, especially YouTube. Students can play a role and practice directly in making documentary short film in Islamic Boarding Schools. The short film was uploaded on YouTube. The direct participation of the students will certainly affect the students' speaking ability. This is influenced by the stages that involve the role of students actively and directly. An example is the process of determining themes and titles that are adapted to the activities of the students, then followed by writing and composing English dialogue. After the dialogue was arranged, students practiced speaking and expression according to the context of the dialogue in the documentary short film at Islamic Boarding School. The existence of Islamic Boarding School become more active in the digital era.
An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Kpop Tweets Dinar Faiza; Ade Christanty Yudha Bestari; Meilina Haris Mayekti
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

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KPop has fast developing into a global phenomenon almost all over the world. Kpop became a virus that spreads in the world of music and entertainment and even has to be able to compete with western music and rule the world charts. Among other social media, Twitter has received a lot of attention from Kpopers. English plays an important role in communicating among Kpop communities on Twitter. Kpop tweets become effective learning tools to improve English skill of Kpopers. Many of Kpopers use Twitter platform to post their thoughts or comments as well as get information in English. In addition, they also often interact with fellow Kpop fans abroad using English. Based on this phenomenon, this study aims to analyze English language learning in Kpoper’s activities on Twitter, especially in the case of grammatical error in Kpop Tweet. The error analysis determines possible causes of the errors and the implication of the errors committed to language teaching and learning. Findings revealed that most errors were seen within the category of omission of helping verb, subject and punctuation or apostrophe. It was followed by tenses, subject-verb agreement and the use of part of speech and question order on the second until fifth ranks consecutively. The researcher focused more on taking data from Kpoper who use English as EFL (English as a foreign language). It was taken from Kpop Tweets randomly with various topics by screenshooting. Data analysis is carried out with a descriptive qualitative method, focused on finding the nature of the particular event on study.
Tindak Tutur Tokoh Ayah dan Tokoh Angel Dalam Film “Ayah, Mengapa Aku Berbeda?” Nuramila Nuramila
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

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Tindak tutur adalah salah satu kegiatan fungsional manusia sebagai makhluk yang selalu menggunakan bahasa. Tindak tutur merupakan produk dari suatu ujaran kalimat dan merupakan kesatuan terkecil dari komunikasi bahasa yang menentukan makna kalimat. Tindak tutur dapat dijumpai salah satunya dalam dialog pada film. Film merupakan potret kehidupan sosial dengan adegan-adegan dan topik pembicaraan tertentu. Hal inilah yang menjadikan film dapat dijadikan sebagai media penyampaian pesan yang efekif dan layak untuk dikaji lebih jauh pada kajian pragmatik. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengambil tindak tutur tokoh Ayah dan tokoh Angel (Penderita tunarungu) dalam film “Ayah, Mengapa Aku Berbeda?”, karena di dalamnya banyak terdapat tuturan yang menarik untuk diteliti lebih dalam. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah dialog antara tokoh Ayah dan tokoh Angel dalam film “Ayah Mengapa Aku Berbeda?”. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode simak dan catat. Dari hasil analisis, maka diperoleh bahwa dalam dialog antara tokoh Ayah dan tokoh Angel dalam film “Ayah Mengapa Aku Berbeda?” terdapat tiga jenis tindak tutur dari lima jenis tindak tutur yang dikemukakan oleh Searle. Adapun ketiga jenis tindak tutur yang ditemukan yaitu tindak tutur representatif, tindak tutur direktif, dan tindak tutur ekspresif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, tidak ditemukan jenis tindak tutur komisif dan tindak tutur deklarasi.
The Comparative Study Between Disney’s Mulan and BTS Fanfiction Mugunghwa: A Flower in Moonlight’s Path by Winter Cynantia Rachmijati
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 9 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

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In the era of modern technology and popular culture, some fans appreciated literature by writing fanfiction. As stated by Lee (2011) it is called celebration of the media content. This aimed to describe the similarities and the dissimilarities between “Mulan” movie script and “Mugunghwa” fanfiction. The writer compared the elements by its intrinsic value based on Mufidah’s (2011). In this research the writer used qualitative method and descriptive analysis. The aspects to be analyzed were intrinsic value in general manner of the theme, character, characterization, plot, setting, point of view and style. The similarities found were the plot, point of view and characters whereas the dissimilarities were the theme, the setting and also the writing style.
Pendidikan Dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dian Ratu Ayu Uswatun Khasanah; Hascaryo Pramudibyanto; Barokah Widuroyekti
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

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Wabah global telah melanda dunia, begitu pula yg terjadi di Indonesia, sehingga program stay at home dilaksanakan sbg upaya menekan perluasan covid-19. Pada Universitas Terbuka, bulan Maret adalah awal semester tutorial masa registrasi 2020.1, baik tutorial online (tuton) maupun tutorial tatap muka (TTM). UT Semarang, sedang memasuki tutorial perdana pada mahasiswa yang mengambil modus pembelajaran TTM. Untuk menaati program pemerintah, modus pembelajaran dialihkan menjadi kelas virtual, agar mahasiswa tetap mendapatkan haknya memperoleh ilmu tetapi tetap aman dengan di rumah saja. Kelas TTM diganti menggunakan modus tuweb (tutorial webinar). Modus baru didapatkan mahasiswa sehingga mendorong penelitian ini dilakukan. Bagaimana kesiapan mahasiswa dengan pembaharuan modus belajar? Bagaimana penguasaan teknologi yang diperlukan mahasiswa dalam menyongsong pembelajarannya? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan kuesioner. Populasi diambil dari 100 mahasiswa UT Semarang, pokjar Kabupaten Batang dari berbagai semester. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan 82% mahasiswa mendukung dan semakin semangat dalam menyiapkan teknologi untuk modus baru pembelajaran menggunakan tuweb. Saran dan masukan mahasiswa juga menjadikan evaluasi dalam pelayanan lebih prima pada UT maupun dunia pendidikan pada keadaan global yang sedang terkena wabah ini.
Pengaruh Perundungan Terhadap Perilaku Mahasiswa Mualiyah Hi Asnawi
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

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Kekerasan merupakan fenomena sosial yang sering mewarnai kehidupan umat manusia. Kekerasan bisa terjadi dimana saja, baik di lingkungan rumah, di lingkungan kerja, bahkan di lingkungan pendidikan. Fenomena kekerasan dalam dunia pendidikan sering diistilahkan dengan “perundungan” yang dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut “bullying”, asal kata bull yang artinya banteng yang suka menyerang dengan tanduknya (menanduk). Perundungan merupakan bentuk penindasan atau kekerasan yang dilakukan dengan sengaja oleh satu atau sekelompok orang yang lebih kuat atau berkuasa terhadap orang lain,bertujuan untuk menyakiti dan dilakukan secara berulang-ulang. Perundungan terkadang sering dianggap sepele dan dianggap menjadi hal yang biasa saja. Padahal, kasus perundungan yang berwujud kekerasan fisik telah banyak memakan korban. Di Indonesia sendiri, kasus perundungan di sekolah sudah merajalela, baik ditingkat sekolah dasar, menengah, sampai perguruan tinggi. Menurut KPAI, saatini kasus bullying menduduki peringkat teratas pengaduan masyarakat. Dari 2011 hingga Agustus 2014, KPAI mencatat 369 pengaduan terkait masalahkasus kekerasan dan 82 diantaranya meninggal dunia. Ironisnya media massa juga marak memberitakan peristiwa kekerasan di lingkungan pendidikan, sehingga menimbulkan kesan bahwa wajah pendidikan Indonesia penuh dengan kekerasan. Berbagai berita kekerasan yang terpublikasi misalnya tindakan kekerasan guru terhadap siswa, tawuran atau perkelahian antar pelajar, bahkan sampai terjadi kasus pembunuhan oleh pelajar terhadap teman sebayanya. Perilaku kekerasan yang dipublikasi media tidak hanya menunjukkan fakta pelakunya adalah kalangan siswa SMP dan SMA, melainkan juga pelaku di kalangan mahasiswa, seperti demonstrasi anarki mahasiswa yang berakhir ricuh dan terselip aksi kekerasan di dalamnya.

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