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Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29648963     DOI :
Core Subject : Education, Social,
Inclusive education has become a discussion in the global community. The involvement of the global community in the success of education and learning that is student-friendly, environmentally friendly, and learning-friendly is needed. Therefore, inclusive education has undergone many changes and advances in the education system in Southeast Asia in particular and the world in general. Until now, inclusive education has grown and established itself in providing the widest possible opportunity and space for students with special needs to stand equal to other students so that they can become an active part of society and the country. However, it can’t be denied that the practice of special education still needs various improvements in various aspects. This condition is a challenge for Special Education to continue to develop and adapt to respond to challenges in the future. To answer these challenges requires research, publication, innovation, and creativity as well as an accommodation based on the needs of the community, educators, educational staff, and students. The International Conference on Special Education in the Southeast Asian Region (ICSAR) is one of the answers to the requirements for the growth of special education in Southeast Asia. This conference will bring together academics and experts from around the world to collaborate to create a safe and comfortable environment for people with special needs in Southeast Asia.
Articles 126 Documents
MiBee Braille Application: An Alternative Accessibility Literacy for Totally Blind Students at Inclusive School Pahlawaty, Neddyana; Aprilia, Imas Diana
Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Technology and Education for Student with Special Needs
Publisher : Angstrom Centre of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57142/picsar.v1i1.19


The literacy ability of totally-blind students is still low. This is allegedly due to limited and conventional access of media. Alternative use of accessible media becomes an urgent thing to improve literacy ability for totally-blind students. The purpose of this research is to describe alternatively accessible media such as MiBee Braille for improving totally-blind students’ literacy ability. The method used is descriptive method with literature study analysis and supported by an observation one of totally-blind student. The result of this research is that the application can be used to write Braille with six-dot typing system, ten-finger typing system, and converts Ms. Word text into Braille text. Six-dot typing system makes totally-blind students easier to write other Braille symbols that cannot be found in Latin symbols.
Planning for the Implementation of Fine Motor Work Therapy Activities for Special Needs Pupils Jasmon, Norashikin; Salubin, Mohd. Rosman
Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Technology and Education for Student with Special Needs
Publisher : Angstrom Centre of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57142/picsar.v1i1.21


Occupational therapy activities can assist pupils with special needs in resolving some of their fine motor issues. Teachers should increase special needs pupils' pre-writing preparation with planned and structured activities that are methodical and have increasing qualities. This study aimed to observe how far Special Education teachers could go in planning appropriate activities based on their pupils' abilities by selecting occupational therapy activities and then sharing the potential impact expectations of fine motor ability of special needs pupils, particularly pupils with learning difficulties. This is a qualitative study that employs the hands-on method, observation, discussion, and interviews with 41 teachers and 17 pupil management assistants who participated in a continuous professional development course, which the researcher conducted at the Institute of Teacher Education Campus level and were able to produce a planning of activities that has the learned characteristics of advanced tolerance, focus, adaptability, and choosing the simplest to most complex occupational therapy activities. Furthermore, teachers can share the outcomes of activity planning and group discussion, as well as set expectations for the potential of the targeted pupils. Finally, this study suggests that special education teachers should collaborate and receive professionalism training on an ongoing basis to foster the proliferation of ideas and skills in planning appropriate activities to improve the fine motor skills of pupils with special needs.
Occupational Stress on Special Education Teachers at Inclusive School X, South Tangerang Uthami, Nurul; Sunardi, Sunardi
Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Technology and Education for Student with Special Needs
Publisher : Angstrom Centre of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57142/picsar.v1i1.22


Occupational stress on teachers is an unpleasant experience that causes disturbances encountered by someone who has a role as a teacher (general teacher or special education teacher). This study aimed to see the level of occupational stress experienced by special education teachers at Inclusive School X. This research focused on ten special education teachers who teach at Inclusive School X. The research used a mixed method with a qualitative (descriptive) and a quantitative (questionnaire) approach. The results showed that the special education teachers at Inclusive School X experienced a moderate stress level. This can be seen from the symptoms suffered by the special education teachers at the school. Some teachers decided to join in a counseling session with a psychologist because they felt symptoms of stress affecting their psychology. At the same time, some other teachers experienced physical health problems. This study strongly suggests the school stakeholders’ take steps to overcome teacher occupational stress levels as this will affect the teachers’ performance at the school. The steps may include program conduction to deal with the stress at work for the teachers.
Family-Based Early Intervention to Improve Motor Development of Child with Cerebral Palsy Soemarna, Paula Amelia Hany; Rochyadi, Endang; Susetyo, Budi; Muchlisah, Anugerah
Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Technology and Education for Student with Special Needs
Publisher : Angstrom Centre of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57142/picsar.v1i1.23


This research is motivated by the lack of understanding of families, especially parents, on child development, in this study the development that will be discussed is motor development in children with cerebral palsy who have quite complex developmental delays. The purpose of this study is to increase the family's understanding of the development of children according to their age which is expected by parents to be able to intervene independently, therefore an early intervention program with family resources is needed for children with cerebral palsy. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach using observation and interviews to explore data and objective conditions of the family.
Digital Application of Echolalia Behavioral Assessment for Teachers in Conducting Assessments of Autistic Students in Surakarta Wulandari, Retno; Gunarhadi, Gunarhadi; Widyastono, Herry
Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Technology and Education for Student with Special Needs
Publisher : Angstrom Centre of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57142/picsar.v1i1.25


This study aims to describe and provide solutions to obstacles to echolalia behavior assessment in autistic students in Surakarta. This research is descriptive qualitative research by digging information from 18 teachers as research subjects. Data collection techniques using interviews and observation. The validity test used in this research is constructed validity which is obtained using validity testing by experts (expert judgment). While the reliability test of the instrument by analyzing the consistency of one's answers to the questions. The results of the study illustrate that there are various obstacles for teachers in providing assessments for autistic students, including (1) limited experts, (2) inadequate infrastructure, and (3) low parental support. As for how to overcome these obstacles, it is done by making a digital application for evaluating echolalia behavior that can make it easier for teachers to provide assessments to autistic students to improve their speaking skills of autistic students. This application contains information about autism, echolalia behavior, its impact, assessment guidelines, and interventions in the form of an android that is practical and easy to use and uses the latest technology.
People with disabilities are ready to compete in the Business and Work World Industry (IDUKA) through Vocational Education Aini, Sylvi Noor; Juhanaini, Juhanaini
Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Technology and Education for Student with Special Needs
Publisher : Angstrom Centre of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57142/picsar.v1i1.27


This study aims to describe the process of developing vocational education for children with hearing barriers. The approach is carried out using a descriptive qualitative approach through research design that is carried out in 3 stages, namely the description stage, the reduction stage and the selection stage. The results of the study describe in full the process of vocational education for children with hearing barriers carried out at SLB bandung city. Data analysis is performed using data triangulation through various instruments. Vocational education at SLB became a provision to face the Business Industry and the World of Work (IDUKA), so SLB developed various programs to equip vocational skills in the form of soft skills and hard skills. Vocational education is an independence program that is being developed in the world of special education. Efforts carried out in vocational education can develop the ability of students to become capable human beings in the world of work through strengthening hard skills and soft skills in certain fields. Upaya link and match conducted in vocational education has an impact on preparing students to face the post-school world by aligning the school curriculum based on the competence and needs of the business industry and the world of work.
Development of Vocational Skills for Mild Mentally Retarded Children on Making Bags from Batik Cloth at the SMALB Level Ningtyas, Teguh Denada Diah Ayu; Budiyanto, Budiyanto; Andajani, Sri Joeda
Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Technology and Education for Student with Special Needs
Publisher : Angstrom Centre of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57142/picsar.v1i1.28


Learning the vocational skills of children with mild mental retardation today has encountered many difficulties which resulted in the limitations of children in mastering the vocational skills of making bags from batik cloth. This study aims to produce a product for developing vocational skills learning for mild mentally retarded children towards making bags from batik cloth at the SMALB level. This research method uses Research and Development (R&D) research to produce a certain product, and tests the effectiveness of the product to perfect a product that is in accordance with the references and criteria of the product made so as to produce a new product through various stages, validation, and testing that includes a learning video tutorial that makes it easier for mild mentally retarded children to understand and develop vocational skills in making bags from batik cloth. The conclusion of this study is that with the development of vocational skills learning for mild mentally retarded children, it is hoped that mild mentally retarded children at the SMALB level have vocational skills to make bags from batik cloth which can be used as life skills to prepare them for entering the workforce after graduation and these vocational skills need to be trained so that the vocational skills of mild mentally retarded children can develop optimally. The results of the expert validation test are in the form of learning video tutorials and bags from batik cloth which are categorized as valid and effective. The conclusion of this study is that with the development of vocational skills learning for mild mentally retarded children, it is hoped that mild mentally retarded children at the SMALB level have vocational skills to make bags from batik cloth which can be used as life skills to prepare them for entering the workforce after graduation and these vocational skills need to be trained so that the vocational skills of mild mentally retarded children can develop optimally. The results of the expert validation test are in the form of learning video tutorials and bags from batik cloth which are categorized as valid and effective. The conclusion of this study is that with the development of vocational skills learning for mild mentally retarded children, it is hoped that mild mentally retarded children at the SMALB level have vocational skills to make bags from batik cloth which can be used as life skills to prepare them for entering
Teachers' Efforts in Improving Children's Learning Disability Anggriana, Triana Widya Anggriana
Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Technology and Education for Student with Special Needs
Publisher : Angstrom Centre of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57142/picsar.v1i1.29


This study aims to determine the services of children with special needs in terms of identification, assessment and curriculum development models carried out by elementary schools. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The subjects in this study were one teacher and one student with special needs, namely students with difficulties studying at SDN Babakan Jawa III, Majalengka District, Majalengka Regency. This research procedure includes three stages, namely: the pre-field stage, field implementation, and the member check stage and then data analysis is carried out. This study explained the initial identification activities of students with learning disabilitie using special identification tools for children with special needs then continued with assessment activities. From this, obtaining information related to the ability of students to have learning difficulties from the aspect of reading the beginning and subsequently used in the provision of educational services. The curriculum development model applied is a modification of the curriculum according to the abilities of the child. This activity is still experiencing obstacles because the facilities and infrastructure to support learning for students with learning difficulties are not yet available, besides that the resources are not ready.
Android Application Prototype of Basic BISINDO Introduction and Practice for General People Fadlilah, Umi; Mahamad, Abd Kadir; Handaga, Bana; Saon, Sharifah; Ratih, Koesoemo; Rahmawati, Laili Etika; Thamrin, Husni
Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Technology and Education for Student with Special Needs
Publisher : Angstrom Centre of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57142/picsar.v1i1.30


One of the sign languages used in Indonesia is BISINDO (Indonesian Sign Language) created by the deaf. BISINDO is like the mother tongue for the deaf in Indonesia, although it is not as popular as SIBI (Indonesian Sign System). Therefore, the researchers propose to develop an Android-based prototype to promote BISINDO to others and help the deaf in daily communication. This prototype was built using coding in React Native framework and code editor of Visual Studio Code, then it was compiled to an Android Smartphone. The features include BISINDO's basic dictionary, translation from hand gesture to text, voice to sign language, text to sign language, and voice to text. This prototype is expected to introduce basic BISINDO vocabulary and practice using BISINDO. This prototype ia expected to be developed further into a more useful application, especially to assist communication between deaf people and the general public, but not as a substitution of BISINDO teachers.
Modification of ABA VB Therapy Methods with Pomodoro to Improve Verbal Communication in Autism Children Apriyanti, Vina Pemila
Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Technology and Education for Student with Special Needs
Publisher : Angstrom Centre of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57142/picsar.v1i1.31


Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder in children characterized by disturbances and delays in cognitive, language, behavioral, and social interactions. Verbal Behavior approach is one of the methods of ABA which is used to increase desired behavior and reduce unwanted problems, while pomodoro is a timing technique. This article describes the implementation of an intervention program for children with autism, this program modifies ABA VB therapy and combines it with a timing technique, namely POMODORO. The author implemented the program for 4 meetings. At the first meeting until the fourth meeting there was an increase in the child's verbal ability although it was not so visible. The intervention program developed by the author had good results, because at the first meeting the results were already visible. This intervention should be done repeatedly or routinely so that children get used to it and get maximum results.

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