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Biodik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi receiving and publishing article in the form of research (scientific article) in the field of biology education and utilization of biological research in learning. Moreover, this journal bridges the gap between research and practice, providing information, ideas and opinion, in addition to critical examinations of biology research and teaching. Through the coverage of policy and curriculum developments, the latest results of research into the teaching, learning and assessment of biology are brought to the fore. Special emphasize are as follow: 1. Research on Learning Biology/Science (Biology learning materials at all education levels, learning planning, learning models, biology teaching skills).). 2. Pure Research of Biology developed or studied to the sources, materials, or instructional media Biology/Science(Biology learning materials at all education levels and application in society, learning media, application of information technology for biology learning). 3. Curriculum of Biology Education at all education levels (learning design, competency analysis, syllabus and learning planning) 4. Class Action Research (CAR) and Lesson Study (material analysis, methods, student needs, student personality, student problems) 5. Other Qualitative Research, Quantitative, Research & Development and Mixedof Biology Education. 6. The school management and Biology/science laboratory management. 7. Biology/Science Learning Evaluation 8. Teacher Professional Issues/Trends in Biology Education. 9. Another study for the scope of Biology Education.
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Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Teka-Teki Silang IPA Terpadu Untuk Siswa Kelas VII SMPN 56 Merangin : (Development of Integrated Science Crossword Learning Media for Class VII Students of SMPN 56 Merangin) Eni Yulianti; Andriyanto Andriyanto
BIODIK Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/bio.v7i2.10971


Learning media is a teacher's tool in delivering teaching materials. Fun learning media will make students happy in learning. This will certainly make student learning outcomes better. The purpose of this research is to produce an integrated science crossword puzzle learning media product on the material classification of living things and material classification and changes for class VIII SMP N 56 Merangin which is valid, practical and effective. The method used to produce these products is the Development research method, namely the four-D development model. The four-D development model consists of four stages, namely the definition stage, the design stage, the development stage and the dissemination stage. The results of this product validation are very valid from the language aspect with a value of 92.5%, material aspects 85.4%, presentation and graphic aspects 85%. The criteria for the practicality of the media are very practical and the completeness of learning outcomes using the Integrated Science TTS media is 75%. Abstrak. Media belajar adalah alat bantu guru dalam menyampaikan materi ajar. Media belajar yang menyenangkan akan membuat siswa menjadi senang dalam belajar. Hal ini tentu akan membuat hasil belajar siswa menjadi baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran Teka-Teki Silang IPA Terpadu pada materi klasifikasi makhuk hidup dan klasifikasi materi dan perubahannya untuk kelasVII SMP N 56 Merangin yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Metode yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan produk tersebut adalah metode penelitian Pengembangan yaitu model pengembangan four-D. Model pengembangan four – D terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu tahap pendefinisian (define), tahap perancangan (design), tahap pengembangan (develop) dan tahap penyebaran (disseminate). Hasil validasi produk ini adalah sangat valid dari aspek bahasa dengan nilai 92,5 %,  aspek materi 85,4 %, aspek penyajian dan kegrafikan 85 %.  Kriteria praktikalitas media sangat praktis dan ketuntasan hasil belajar menggunakan media TTS IPA Terpadu 75 %.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Predict Observe Explain dan Motivasi terhadap Higher Order Thinking Skills Siswa : (The Effect of Predict Observe Explain Learning Model and Motivation on Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills) Nurfadilah Nurfadilah; Revis Asra; Syaiful Syaiful
BIODIK Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/bio.v7i2.12065


The low thinking ability of students can be caused by the strategies and models applied by the teacher in learning that have not been oriented towards empowering high-level thinking, and only emphasize understanding concepts (Kawuwung, 2014). Therefore, to increase the HOTS of students, a good learning strategy is needed, starting from the selection of the learning model used in the classroom. The learning model that makes students active is the POE (Predict, Observe, Explain) The strength of this research POE provides an opportunity for students to generate their own conceptual knowledge through reconciliation and negotiation between prior knowledge and new knowledge. Weaknesses in this study Requires readiness and skills from teachers and students, Requires readiness and careful planning in addition to requiring quite a long time.learning model. This study aims to determine the effect of using the Predict Observe Explain learning model, and motivation on students' HOTS in the biology subject matter of the human respiratory system. This research is a quantitative research. The design used in this study is a quasi-experimental design. There are two types of instruments used as a means of collecting data (learning motivation questionnaire and learning test). The instrument used has been validated first by the validator. The results showed that the results of the control class with the pretest average were 68.90, the posttest was 72.65, while the pretest experimental class was 71.40, while the posttest was 79.45. The relationship between POE and HOTS is significant and positive at 13,892. Based on the results of calculations with the SPSS program, the value of sig <0.05 was obtained, namely 0.000 or 0.000 <0.05 so that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. Learning motivation also has a significant effect on the HOTS ability of class VIII students of SMPN 9 Merangin, with the acquisition of sig <0.05, namely 0.001 or 0.000 <0.05 so that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Meanwhile, the relationship between the two is positive and significant at 12,527. So the use of the POE Model and learning motivation contributed to the improvement of the HOTS Ability of VIII students of SMPN 9 Merangin. Abstrak. Rendahnya kemampuan berpikir peserta didik dapat disebabkan karena strategi dan model yang diterapkan oleh guru dalam pembelajaran belum berorientasi pada pemberdayaan berpikir tingkat tinggi, dan hanya menekankan pada pemahaman konsep (Kawuwung, 2014). Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan HOTS peserta didik diperlukan strategi pembelajaran yang baik, dimulai dari pemilihan model pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam kelas. Model pembelajaran yang membuat siswa aktif adalah model pembelajaran POE (Predict, Observe, Explain). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran Predict Observe Explain, dan motivasi terhadap HOTS siswa pada mata pelajaran biologi materi sistem pernapasan manusia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu (Quasi Experimental Design). Instrumen yang digunakan sebagai alat pengumpulan data ini ada dua jenis (angket motivasi belajar dan tes belajar). Instrumen yang digunakan terlebih dahulu telah divalidasi oleh validator. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil kelas control dengan rata-rata pretest yakni 68,90,posttest yakni 72,65, sedangkan kelas eksperimen pretest yakni 71,40, sedangkan posttest yakni 79,45. Hubungan antara POE dan HOTS signifikan dan positif sebesar 13,892. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dengan program SPSS, diperoleh nilai sig < 0,05 yaitu 0,000 atau 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Motivasi belajar juga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemampuan HOTS siswa kelas VIII SMPN 9 Merangin, dengan perolehan nilai sig < 0,05 yaitu 0,001 atau 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Sedangkan hubungan antara keduanya adalah positif dan signifikan sebesar 12,527. Jadi Penggunaan Model POE dan motivasi belajar memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan Kemampuan HOTS siswa VIII SMPN 9 Merangin.
Efektifitas Media Booklet Terhadap Pengetahuan Jenis Tumbuhan Paku Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi: (The Effectiveness of Booklet Media on Knowledge Types of Ferns in Students Biology Education Study Program) Muswita Muswita; Upik Yelianti; Pinta Murni
BIODIK Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/bio.v7i2.12328


One of the obstacles faced by students in studying plant taxonomy is the difficulty of recognizing various types of ferns. The purpose of the study was to develop a media booklet on knowledge of fern species in Biology Education study program students. The research method is a quasi experimental design (Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design). The instrument is a written test sheet in the form of multiple choice. The pretest and posttest data were analyzed using SPSS using the paired sample t-test, then continued with the independent sample t-test. Test data independent sample t test obtained Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05. N-Gain Score, shows the average value of N for the experimental class is 69.79 which is included in the "fairly effective" category. With a minimum N-gain score of 50% and a maximum of 87%. While the average value of the N-gain score in the control class is 55.05% which is included in the "less effective" category. With a minimum N-gain score of 33% and a maximum of 75%. The conclusion is that the use of booklets is more effective in learning to increase students' knowledge of the introduction of fern species. Abstrak. Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi mahasiswa dalam pempelajaran taksonomi tumbuhan adala  kesulitan   mengenal berbagai jenis tumbuhan paku.   Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan Media booklet terhadap pengetahuan  jenis tumbuhan paku pada mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Biologi. Metode penelitian adalah quasi experimental design (Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design). Instrumen berupa lembar tes tertulis berbentuk pilihan ganda. Data pretest dan  posttest  dianalisis  menggunakan SPSS dengan menggunakan uji paired sample t-test, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji independent sample t-test. Data Uji independent sample t test diperoleh Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000 < 0,05. N-Gain Score, menunjukkan  nilai rata-rata N untuk kelas eksperimen adalah  69,79 termasuk dalam kategori “cukup efektif”. Dengan nilai N-gain score minimal 50% dan maksimal 87%. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata N-gain score pada kelas kontrol adalah sebesar 55,05% termasuk dalam kategori “kurang efektif”. Dengan nilai N-gain score minimal 33% dan  maksimal 75%.  Simpulannya  adalah penggunaan  booklet lebih efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa terhadap pengenalan  jenis tumbuhan paku.  
Analisis Kendala Praktikum Biologi di Sekolah Menengah Atas: (Obstacles Analysis of Biology Laboratory Practice of High School) Nur Rahmah; Iswadi Iswadi; Asiah Asiah; Hasanuddin Hasanuddin; Devi Syafrianti
BIODIK Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/bio.v7i2.12777


This study aims to determine the completeness of laboratory facilities and infrastructures, the implementation of the laboratorial practice, to measure the causal factors of laboratorial practice to run, and to be alert of laboratory infrastructure completeness and the implementation of the biology laboratorial practice. Data were collected by observation and questionnaires. The sample in this study were 11 high schools in Banda Aceh, with respondents 11 biology teachers who are responsible for teaching class XI and 99 students of class XI IPA. The data were analyzed using the proportion formula and the product moment answer formula. The study resulted in the findings that: 1) the proportion of completeness of facilities and infrastructure was 66.77% (good). 2) the proportion of laboratorial ptactice implementation was 62.81% (sufficiently implemented). 3) factors of laboratorial procurement, including, inadequate support, inadequate materials, insufficient time allocation, lack of readiness of laboratory assistants in preparing tools and materials, absence of laboratory assistants in several sample schools, and some biology / laboratory assistants in The sample school had never been trained to guide students or to use laboratory equipment. 4) the correlation between the laboratory facilities completeness and infrastructure with laboratorial practice implementation was 0.27 (low). Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kriteria kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana laboratorium, kriteria keterlaksanaan praktikum, mengumpulkan faktor kendala yang menyebabkan kurang berjalannya praktikum, dan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara kelengkapan sarana prasarana laboratorium dengan keterlaksanaan praktikum biologi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan angket. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 11 SMA di Kota Banda Aceh, dengan responden 11 guru biologi yang mengajar kelas XI dan 99 peserta didik kelas XI IPA. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus persentase dan rumus korelasi Product moment. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa: 1) persentase kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana laboratorium sebesar 66,77% (baik). 2) persentase keterlaksanaan praktikum sebesar 62,81% (cukup terlaksana). 3) faktor kendala pelaksanaan praktikum diantaranya, fasilitas pendukung yang tidak memadai, minimnya kelengkapan bahan praktikum, alokasi waktu untuk praktikum tidak mencukupi, kurangnya kesiapan  laboran dalam mempersiapkan alat dan bahan praktikum, tidak adanya laboran di beberapa sekolah sampel, dan sebagian guru biologi/laboran di sekolah sampel belum pernah mengikuti pelatihan mengenai praktikum atau penggunaan alat laboratorium. 4) korelasi antara kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana laboratorium dengan keterlaksanaan praktikum sebesar 0,27 (rendah).
Kemampuan Awal Penalaran Ilmiah Peserta Didik SMA berdasarkan Gender Pada Materi Ekosistem: (Early Scientific Reasoning Ability of High School Students based on Gender In Ecosystem Materials) Sherina Mandella; Suhendar Suhendar; Setiono Setiono
BIODIK Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/bio.v7i2.12795


Scientific reasoning is a factor that has an influence on students' learning pretations.  Scientific reasoning or scientific resorning is one of the skills that must be taught by an educator as an effort in preparing students to be able to compete in the face of the era of globalization. The purpose of this study is to find out the initial ability of the level of scientific reasoning of students in one of the State High Schools sukabumi district on ecosystem materials, which was carried out on Sunday 4 march 2021. This study uses quantitative descriptive methods. The samples were taken using purposive sampling techniques that numbered 60 students. This research instrument is a matter of scientific reasoning developed by Lawson namely LCTSR (Lawson Classroom Test of Scientific Reasorning). The questions used amount to 24 reasoned multiple choice questions with 6 indicators of scientific reasoning, namely probalistic reasoning, conservation reasoning, proposional reasoning, variable control and hypothetical-deductive reasoning. From the results of the study showed that gender does not affect the ability of reasoning illmiah a person. The average score showed the level of reasoning among male and female learners was 19% with less category. The highest level of scientific reasoning of male learners was on the correlational reasoning indicator with a percentage of 36% while in female students the most important level of scientific reasoning was at 31% elevation reasoning.  The lack of scientific reasoning of learners is due to inappropriate learning, the need for learning with suitable models or methods to train scientific reasoning skills. Abstrak. Penalaran ilmiah merupakan faktor yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap pretasi belajar siswa.  penalaran ilmiah menjadi salah satu keterampilan yang harus di ajarkan oleh seorang pendidik sebagai upaya dalam mempersiapkan peserta didik agar mampu  bersaing dalam menghadapi era globalisasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kemampuan awal tingkat penalaran ilmiah siswa di salah satu Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri kabupaten Sukabumi pada materi ekosistem. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriftif kuantitatif. Sampel yang diambil dipilih secara acak  yang berjumlah 60 peserta didik. Instrumen penelitian ini yaitu soal penalaran ilmiah yang dikembangkan oleh Lawson yaitu LCTSR (Lawson Classroom Test of Scientific Reasorning). Soal yang digunakan berjumlah 24 soal pilihan ganda beralasan dengan 6 indikator penalaran ilmiah yaitu penalaran probalistik, penalaran konservasi, penalaran proposional, pengontrol variabel dan penalaran hipotesis-deduktif. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa gender tidak mempengaruhi kemampuan penalaran illmiah seseorang. Skor rata rata menunjukan tingkat penalaran ilmah peserta didik laki-laki dan perempuan yaitu 19% dengan kategori kurang. Skor tertinggi tingkat penalaran ilmiah peserta didik laki-laki ada pada indikator penalaran korelasional dengan jumlah persentase sebesar 36% sedangkan pada siswa perempuan tingkat penalaran ilmiah yang paling tinggai ada pada penalaran konsevasi sebesar 31%. Rendahnya penalaran ilmiah peserta didik disebabkan karena pembelajaran yang belum sesuai, perlunya pembelajaran dengan model atau metode yang yang cocok untuk melatih kemampuan penalaran ilmiah. 
Identifikasi Miskonsepsi Peserta Didik Menggunakan Two-Tier Test Berbantuan Certainty Of Response Index : (Misconception Identification of Students using Two-Tier Test Assisted by Certainty of Response Index) Herfine Fristiansa Firman; Jujun Ratnasari; Sistiana Windyariani
BIODIK Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/bio.v7i2.12812


The misconception is a problem in learning and it is very necessary to solve it so that learning is better. Students who are identified with misconceptions on material concepts can make it difficult for them to believe new concepts that are true. The purpose of this study is to identify the existence of misconceptions in students in an ecosystem material concept that they have studied previously. This study uses a descriptive method with a quatitative approach. The research was conducted at Senior High School (SMA) in Sukabumi Regency. The subjects studied were 36 students of class XI MIPA 5. The instrument used was 45 multiple choice questions with the help of the Certainty of Response Index (CRI). The results showed the understanding of students in the percentage of conceptual understanding (PK), understanding the concept of being unsure (PKKY), Misconception (M), and not knowing the concept (TTK) were 20%, 6%, 32%, 42%. The highest misconception percentage at level 1 after testing was at the indicator describing the relationship between ecosystem components (60%), level 2 understanding the pattern of interactions between organisms (53%), and the lowest on indicators showing succession definition (12%). Therefore, misconceptions among students in ecosystem material need to be eliminated by choosing the right method, learning model, and approach. Abstrak. Miskonsepsi merupakan permasalahan di dalam pembelajaran dan sangat perlu dilakukan penyelesaian agar suatu pembelajaran lebih baik. Peserta didik yang teridentifikasi miskonsepsi pada suatu konsep materi dapat membuat mereka sulit dalam mempercayai konsep baru yang benar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi adanya miskonsepsi pada peserta didik dalam suatu konsep materi ekosistem yang telah mereka pelajari sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) yang berada di Kabupaten Sukabumi. Subjek yang di teliti merupakan 36 peserta didik kelas XI MIPA 5. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa 45 soal pilihan ganda beralasan berbantuan Certainty of Respon Index (CRI). Hasil penelitian menunjukan pemahaman peserta didik dalam persentase paham konsep (PK), paham konsep kurang yakin (PKKY), Miskonsepsi (M) dan Tidak tahu konsep (TTK) adalah 20%, 6%, 32%, 42%. Perolehan persentase miskonsepsi tertinggi pada level 1 setelah pengujian berada pada indikator mendeskripsikan hubungan antar komponen ekosistem (60%), level 2 memahami pola interaksi antar organisme (53%) dan terendah pada indikator menunjukan devinisi suksesi (12%). Maka dari itu miskonsepsi pada peserta didik dalam materi ekosistem perlu dihilangkan dengan memilih metode, model pembelajaran dan pendekatan yang tepat.
Profil Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa Dengan Metode Blended Learning Pada Materi Sistem Pernapasan Manusia: (Profile of Student Cognitive Learning Results With The Blended Learning Method in Human Respiratory System Materials) Ellen Nurlindayani; Setiono Setiono; Suhendar Suhendar
BIODIK Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/bio.v7i2.12813


Cognitive learning outcomes are the student's ability to understand a concept expressed in a score through a test. Cognitive learning outcomes are important learning outcomes as the basis for mastery of other abilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the cognitive learning outcomes of class XI IPA 2 students on the material of the human respiratory system. The research method used is a qualitative method using an instrument in the form of a multiple choice written test. The research was conducted on March 22, 2021. The subjects of this study were class XI IPA 2 with a total of 30 students. The data obtained is the result of students' cognitive learning on the material of the human respiratory system. The results obtained by an average value on the material of the human respiratory system are 27% of students in category A, 17% in category B, 30% with C criteria and 26% with D criteria. thus providing the achievement of better cognitive learning outcomes, the obstacle is the lack of direct interaction between educators and students. Abstrak. Hasil belajar kognitif merupakan kemampuan siswa dalam memahami suatu konsep yang di nyatakan dalam sebuah skor melalui tes. Hasil belajar kognitif merupakan hasil belajar yang penting sebagai dasar penguasaan kemampuan lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hasil belajar kognitif siswa kelas XI IPA 2 pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa tes tertulis pilihan ganda. Penelitian di lakukan pada 22 Maret 2021. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas XI IPA 2 dengan jumlah sebanyak 30 siswa. Data yang di peroleh merupakan hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia. Hasil yang di peroleh rata-rata nilai pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia yaitu 27% peserta didik berkategori A, 17% berkategori B, 30% berkriteria C dan 26% berkriteria D. Penggunaan metode Blended learning membantu peserta didik dalam menambah pengetahuan yang lebih luas, namun kendalanya adalah kurangnya interaksi secara langsung antara pendidik dan peserta didik.
Pengaruh Self Regulated Learning Berbasis Literasi Digital Terhadap Kecerdasan Emosional Siswa : (The influence of Self-regulated learning based digilat literacy to emotional intelegence) Diyna Auliya Azhary; Suhendar Suhendar; Gina Nuranti
BIODIK Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/bio.v7i2.12820


This research aims to see the effect of learning carried out by implementing digital literacy-based learning and conventional learning activities on the intelligence of class VIII students. In this study, taking a sample of 2 different classes in SMP Negeri 15 Sukabumi City with eighth grade students, it can be said that 20 people as the experimental class and seventh grade students can be measured 17 as the control class. Collecting research data using an emotional intelligence questionnaire instrument. Analysis of research data using inferential statistics in the form of paired sample T test. Prior to the hypothesis data, the prerequisite test data used the normality and homogeneity test to test the indicators and the distribution of the research data taken. The results showed that there were differences in the scores of students' intelligence using regulated and conventional independent learning. The group of students with the application of self-regulated learning based on digital literacy has a significant hypothesis test (2 tailed) 0.000 <0.05, which means that there is an average difference between the pretest and posttest results, while conventional learning does not show an average difference because of the results. 0.163> 0.05. Based on this research, that the application of learning, self-regulated learning based on digital literacy affects the emotional intelligence of class VIII C students at SMP Negeri 15 Sukabumi City. Abstrak. Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari pembelajaran yang dilakukan dengan penerapan self-ragulated learning berbasis literasi digital dan kegiatan belajar secara konvensional terhadap kecerdasan emosional siswa kelas VIII. Pada penilitian ini mengambil sampel 2 kelas yang berbeda di SMP Negeri 15 Kota Sukabumi dengan siswa kelas VIII C berjumlah 20 orang sebagai kelas eksperimen dan siswa kelas VIII H berjumlah 17 sebagai kelas kontrol Mrtode penelitian menggunakaan metode kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data penelitian dengan menggunakan instrumen angket kecerdasan emosional. Data penelitian di analisis dengan menggunakan statistic inferensial berupa uji T paired sample test. Sebelum pengujian data hipotesis data di uji prasayarat dengan menggunaan uji normalitas serta homogenitas untuk mengetahui varian dan sebaran data penelitian yang di ambil. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rata-rata terhadap kecerdasan emosional siswa dengan menggunakan penerapan belajar self regulated learning  dan konvensional. Kelompok siswa dengan penerapan self regulated learning  berbasis literasi digital memiliki hasil uji hipotesis menunjukan siginifikan (2 tailed) 0,000 < 0.05 yang artinya ada perbedaan rata-rata dari hasil pretest dan posttest sedangkan pembelajaran secara konvensional tidak menunjukan adanya perbedaan rata-rata karena hasilnya 0,163 > 0,05. Berdasarkan penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran self regulated learning  berbasis literasi digital berpengaruh terhadap kecerdasan emosional siswa kelas VIII C di SMP Negeri 15 Kota sukabumi.
Peranan Self Efficacy dan Self Regulated Learning Terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa: (The Role of Self Efficacy and Self Regulated Learning on Student Academic Achievement) Anisa Anisa; Nurul Magfirah; Rahmatia Thahir
BIODIK Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/bio.v7i2.12824


This research is an ex post facto type. Aim to: analyze the effect of self-regulated learning and self-efficacy on the academic achievement of students of the Biology Education Study Program, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The population in this study were all students of the Biology Education Study Program, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The research sample of 46 students was obtained using purposive sampling technique. The variables studied consisted of two independent variables, namely self-efficacy (x1) and self-regulated learning (x2) and one dependent variable, namely academic achievement (y). Data collection techniques through questionnaires to obtain self-regulated learning and self-efficacy data, for academic achievement data obtained through documentation techniques. The results of data analysis indicate that the correlation between self-efficacy and self-regulated learning and academic achievement has a very strong relationship. It can be concluded that self efficacy and self regulated learning play an important role in student academic achievement. Students who have high self-efficacy and self-regulated learning will be able to adapt well to academic activities in fairly dense tertiary institutions. So that it will help students to achieve brilliant academic achievements. Abstrak. Mahasiswa secara mandiri memantau perkembangan kegiatan akademiknya, seperti nilai-nilai dari mata kuliah dan tugas yang diberikan. Mahasiswa yang mampu beradaptasi secara cepat dengan proses pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi tentu akan dapat menjalani aktivitas akademik yang cukup padat dengan baik. Untuk itu mahasiswa perlu memiliki self regulated learning dan self efficacy yang baik. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis  pengaruh  self regulated learning dan self efficacy terhadap prestasi akademik mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.  Penelitian ini berjenis ex post facto. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji regresi linear berganda. Hasil analisis data yang menunjukkan bahwa korelasi antara self efficacy dan self regulated learning dengan prestasi akademik memiliki hubungan yang sangat kuat. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa self efficacy dan self regulated learning  berperan penting terhadap prestasi akademik mahasiswa. Mahasiswa yang memiliki self efficacy dan self regulated learning yang tinggi akan mampu beradaptasi dengan baik dalam kegiatan akademik di perguruan tinggi yang cukup padat. Sehingga hal tersebut akan membantu mahasiswa untuk meraih prestasi akademik yang gemilang.
Analisis Kendala Pembelajaran Online Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA di SMPN 1 Bayung Lencir : (Analysis of the Obstacles of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic on IPA Subjects at SMPN 1 Bayung Lencir) Muhamad Sholichin; Zulyusri Zulyusri; Lufri Lufri; Abdul Razak
BIODIK Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/bio.v7i2.12926


This study aims to determine the obstacles to online learning at SMP Negeri 1 Bayung Lencir during the Covid-19 pandemic in science subjects. Changes in learning methods that were originally carried out face-to-face to online learning experienced several obstacles starting an unstable internet network, an inadequate internet quota so that students' lack of understanding of the subject matter provided. This type of research is a descriptive survey research with a qualitative approach, the data of this study were obtained from students of class VIII and IX. The data collection technique in this study was a questionnaire while the instrument used in this study was an online questionnaire distributed through the WhatsApps application. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis. The results showed that the constraints most experienced by the students of SMP Negeri 1 Bayung Lencir were the lack of internet quota and an unstable internet network. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kendala pembelajaran online di SMP Negeri 1 Bayung Lencir selama pandemi Covid-19 pada mata pelajaran IPA. Perubahan metode pembelajaran yang semula dilakukan secara tatap muka menjadi pembelajaran online mengalami beberapa kendala memulai jaringan internet yang kurang stabil, kuota internet yang kurang memadai sehingga kurangnya pemahaman peserta didik terhadap materi pelajaran yang diberikan. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian survey deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, data penelitian ini diperoleh dari siswa kelas VIII dan IX. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah angket (kuesioner) sedangkan instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah angket (kuesioner) online yang disebarkan melalui aplikasi WhatsApps. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kendala yang paling banyak dirasakan oleh peserta didik SMP Negeri 1 Bayung Lencir adalah kendala kurangnya kuota internet dan jaringan internet yang tidak stabil.

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