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Assyifa Junitasari
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al Kimiya : Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan
ISSN : 24071897     EISSN : 24071927     DOI :
The scope of al Kimiya Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan s publication included general studies and special studies The general studies are pure chemistry in general and in specific fields as follows Study of inorganic organic and biochemical substances materials that have traditionally been successively entered into studies of inorganic chemistry organic chemistry and biochemistry. Some examples of specific topics from the study of these substances are bioanorganic bioorganic organometallic heterogeneous catalysts transition metal chemistry and coordination chemistry (complex) metabolism enzymology natural material chemistry and solids. Study of the physical and chemical properties of matter and their changes that have traditionally entered into the study of physical chemistry. Some examples of specific topics from this study are reaction kinetics and mechanisms surface chemistry polymers dyes, thermo dynamics chemistry theoretical chemistry and computation membrane catalysis radiochemistry electrochemistry photochemistry and spectroscopy. Experimental studies and chemical instrumentation that have traditionally entered into analytic chemistry studies. Some examples of specific topics from this study are spectroscopy microscopy and chromatography. Specific studies that can be raised in the publication of al-Kimiya in general are as follows Study of applied chemistry in the field of food. Some examples of specific topics from this study are proteins lipids carbohydrates vitamins minerals enzymes additives food coloring agents and food chemical technologies related to these topics. Study of applied chemistry in the energy field. Some examples of specific topics from this study are photochemistry cell chemistry fuel biomass petroleum and natural gas fuels renewable chemical energy sources and chemical energy conversion Study of applied chemistry in the field of environment. Some examples of specific topics from this study are soil chemistry aquatic chemistry atmospheric chemistry green chemistry toxicology and water treatment. Pure chemistry studies as well as applied in the problem of local wisdom. This study was inspired by the lack of habits traditions in local tribe customs or culture related to the use of substances from nature. Back to Nature can be the ultimate term to describe the contribution of culture to modern traditions that are more prudent in managing nature. Pure and applied chemistry studies to understand the universality values of Islam rahmatan lil alamin.
Articles 113 Documents
Effectiveness Of Activated Carbon From Coconut Shell Through Potassium Hydroxide Ilham Mufandi; Siti Jamilatun; Dwi Astri Ayu Purnama; Riska Utami Melani Putri
al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan Vol 7, No 2 (2020): al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ak.v7i2.7956


The aim of this work is to synthesis of activated carbon from pyrolysis of coconut shell through 2 N potassium hydroxide (KOH). Carbon can be produced from material through heating at high temperatures with a porous solid containing 85%-95%. During the heating process, the carbon is only carbonized, and without oxidized in the heating chamber to avoid air leakage. Activated carbon can be used as an adsorbent. The absorption capacity of activated carbon is determined by the surface area of the particles. The absorption ability of activated carbon can be improved through an activation with chemicals such as KOH. Carbon will change in physical and chemical properties. This research used the pyrolysis process at an operating temperature of 550 °C. There were three stages of active carbon production by activating KOH, namely 1) immersion of coconut shell through 2 N KOH with a variable time of 5 days, 2) drying process of coconut shell in sunlight, 3) the burning process of dry coconut shell with the temperature of 500°C, and 4) the KOH activation process by reabsorbing activated carbon using KOH and drying in the sun. The results indicated that the water content of activated carbon was affected by drying time. The testing of the activated carbon water content shows that the quality of activated carbon meets Indonesian Standards (SNI, 1995), which is less than 15%. According to Indonesian Industrial Standard (SII) No.0258-79, the ash content of activated carbon is 2.5%, While the result in this study is exceeded 2.5%.
Treatment of Eceng Gondok Waste into Electrical Based on Microbial Fuel Cell Hijrah Amaliah Azis; Ardiansa Ardiansa; Riki Kusuma Purnama
al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan Vol 9, No 2 (2022): al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ak.v9i2.20974


The increasing consumption of electrical energy and still dependent on non-renewable energy has encouraged the implementation of effective, efficient, and environmentally friendly technologies to produce electrical energy. Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) is one of the alternative technologies that utilize microorganisms in converting chemical energy from organic compounds under anaerobic conditions to be converted into electrical energy.  The study was conducted to determine the potential of electrical energy generated from the treatment of eceng gondok waste (Eichhornia crassipes) with variations in the addition of buffer solutions and combinations of electrolyte solutions using the microorganism Saccharomyces cerevisiae through Microbial Fuel Cell technology. This study consists of three stages and methods, namely sample preparation, MFC media preparation, and analysis of pH, current, voltage, and power density. Measurement of the value of the maximum voltage, maximum current and power density is carried out every 3 hours for 27 hours for each treatment. The results were obtained as follows consecutively: firstly, for variations without the addition of buffers and electrolyte solutions are 0.25 volts; 0.08 mA; 13.05 mW/m2, secondly, with buffer and electrolyte solution KMnO4 0.2 M are 1.12 volts; 0.77 mA; 562.92 mW/m2, and thirdly, with buffer and K3Fe(CN)6 0.2 M are 0.47 volts; 0.48 mA; 147.26 mW/m2. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the most optimal variation in producing electrical energy was in the variation in the addition of a phosphate buffer and  0.2 M KMnO4 solution.  Eceng gondok waste has the potential to be used as a source of electrical energy.
Sintesis Oksida Grafena Tereduksi (rGO) dari Arang Tempurung Kelapa (Cocos nucifera) Ahmad Hidayat; Soni Setiadji; Eko Prabowo Hadisantoso
al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan Vol 5, No 2 (2018): al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ak.v5i2.3810


Grafena merupakan satu lapis atom karbon yang memiliki hibridisasi sp2 membentuk struktur heksagonal dua dimensi. Grafena memiliki potensi yang sangat luas namun ketersediaannya masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis oksida grafena tereduksi (rGO) dari arang tempurung kelapa dengan menggunakan metode modifikasi Hummer. Modifikasi dilakukan dengan menghilangkan NaNO3. Sintesis dilakukan dengan ukuran partikel arang tempurung kelapa ~ 50 μm dan waktu oksidasi selama 5 hari. Analisis struktur rGO dilakukan dengan pengujian FTIR, UV-Vis dan difraksi sinar-X (XRD). Hasil pengujian FTIR menunjukkan adanya puncak pada panjang gelombang 1604,891 cm-1 dari ikatan C=C aromatik yang merupakan indikasi terbentuknya rGO. Hasil pengujian UV-Vis menunjukkan adanya serapan pada panjang gelombang 272 nm yang disebabkan oleh transisi π→π ⃰ dari ikatan C=C pada cincin aromatik. Pengujian XRD menghasilkan puncak difraktogram pada sudut 2θ ~ 24° yang khas untuk material rGO.
Penggunaan Desain Plackett Burman untuk Seleksi Parameter Pemisahan Logam Tanah Jarang Kelompok Sedang dari Logam Tanah Jarang Kelompok Lainnya dengan Metode Pengendapan Syulastri Effendi; Abdul Mutalib; Anni Anggraeni; Husein Hernandi Bahti
al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan Vol 7, No 1 (2020): al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ak.v7i1.6486


Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara penghasil timah terbesar di dunia dengan hasil sampingnya berupa mineral ikutan, salah satunya adalah monasit yang mengandung lebih dari 50% logam tanah jarang (LTJ). LTJ memiliki kegunaan penting dalam berbagai teknologi dan memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Banyaknya mineral monasit yang ditemukan di Indonesia, akibatnya Indonesia berpeluang dalam memproduksi dan memanfaatkan LTJ untuk penunjang kemajuan negara. Oleh karena itu diperlukan metode pemisahan yang tepat dan efisien untuk mendapatkan LTJ individu maupun campuran dalam bentuk murni, salah satunya yaitu metode pengendapan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh parameter pemisahan pada metode pengendapan yang berpengaruh terhadap respon yang berupa efisiensi pemisahan LTJ kelompok sedang dari kelompok LTJ lainnya berdasarkan desain eksperimen dari sampel LTJ hidroksida hasil olah monasit. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengendapan selektif LTJ kelompok berat, sedang, dan ringan berdasarkan desain eksperimen model Plackett Burman untuk menseleksi parameter-parameter yang memiliki relevansi terhadap respon LTJ kelompok sedang. Parameter yang digunakan yaitu konsentrasi pereaksi, suhu, kecepatan pengadukan dan pH. Parameter yang terseleksi kemudian dapat digunakan untuk pemisahan secara selektif kelompok LTJ dengan metode pengendapan skala besar. Parameter yang memiliki relevansi dengan respon berupa efisiensi pemisahan LTJ kelompok sedang dari kelompok LTJ lainnya yaitu konsentrasi asam oksalat (1,0N), suhu pengendapan dengan asam oksalat (25°C), pH pengendapan LTJ berat (4,00), pH pengendapan LTJ sedang (7,30) dan suhu pengendapan LTJ sedang (90°C). Efisiensi pemisahan sampel LTJ kelompok sedang dari sampel LTJ hidroksida  yaitu 72,88%.
Ekstraksi Pektin Kulit Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) dengan Pelarut Asam Sitrat dan Aplikasinya sebagai Polimer Plastik Biodegradable Muhammad Fariez Kurniawan; Zahra Adenia
al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan Vol 9, No 1 (2022): al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ak.v9i1.17425


Pektin yang terdapat di dalam kulit buah naga dapat berpotensi menjadi salah satu bahan dasar pembuatan plastik biodegradable yang bermanfaat untuk mengurangi dampak kerusakan lingkungan karena penggunaan plastik yang berlebihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi konsentrasi 0,5 dan 1 N, suhu 60 dan 70˚C, dan waktu ekstraksi 30 dan 60 menit terhadap karakteristik pektin yang dihasilkan dari kulit buah naga. Metode yang digunakan adalah ekstraksi dengan pelarut asam sitrat lalu dilakukan pengendapan menggunakan alkohol 96% kemudian dikeringkan pada suhu 60˚C. Pektin kering dikarakterisasi dan hasil yang optimal dilanjutkan untuk dibuat polimer plastik biodegradable. Karakteristik pektin yang dianalisis adalah rendemen pektin yang dihasilkan, berat ekivalen, kadar metoksil, kadar asam galakturonat, dan derajat esterifikasi. Polimer yang dihasilkan diamati sifat mekanisnya secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen pektin yang dihasilkan berkisar antara 4,55– 15,67% dengan rendemen terbanyak pada konsentrasi 1 N pada suhu 60˚C selama 60 menit sebanyak 15,67%. Berat ekivalen berkisar antara 204,48-558,68 dengan nilai tertinggi dari variasi perlakuan 0,5 N pada suhu 60˚C selama 30 menit. Pektin bermetoksil rendah dan tinggi berkisar antara 5,95%-8,97%. Kadar asam galakturonat berkisar antara 292,46%-489,78%. Derajat esterifikasi berkisar antara 7,00%-15,70% dan termasuk pektin ester rendah. Polimer plastik biodegradable diperoleh dari pektin dengan kondisi konsentrasi 0,5 N pada suhu 60˚C selama 30 menit dan pada suhu 70˚C selama 60 menit. Polimer dari kondisi 0,5 N, 60˚C, 30 menit dan 0,5 N, 70˚C, 60 menit berwarna kecoklatan, transparan, dan memiliki nilai permeabilitas uap air yang cukup tinggi.  Polimer dari kondisi 0,5 N, 70˚C, 60 menit memiliki sifat mekanis yang lebih baik karena lebih elastis.
Urine Glucose Detection Via Gold Nanoparticle Formation Using 3D-Connector Microfluidic Paper Based Analytical Devices Krista Firdaus Suwarno Putri; Hermin Sulistyarti; Akhmad Sabarudin
al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan Vol 11, No 1 (2024): al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ak.v11i1.35245


A metabolic disorders that have experienced a significant increase in the world are diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is caused by two main factors: the first is damage to pancreatic beta cells, which prevents insulin from being produced, and the second is impaired insulin secretion and function. Chronic diabetes, if not treated properly, can lead to acute complications including eye, kidney, lung, nerve, and even death. Diabetes can be diagnosed through blood and urine. In general, glucose detection is carried out using invasive methods that use blood samples, which can cause pain and discomfort for users. Current research is developing non-invasive glucose detection using urine samples. This research aims to develop non-invasive glucose detection technology using 3D-connector μPADs (Microfluidic Paper Based Analytical Devices) which have the advantages of being safe, easy, and simple. The three-dimensional connector on the device functions as a connector to facilitate the coordination of fluid flow in the sample zone and detection zone. The glucose detection method uses gold (III) chloride as a gold nanoparticle (AuNPs) precursor, an aqueous extract of Acalypha indica Linn as a stabilizing agent, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as a catalyst, and glucose in artificial urine as a sample. Method validation results using imageJ software indicated linearity with a coefficient of determination value (R2) of 0.9714, precision with a %RSD value (Relative Standard Deviation) of 2.69, and an accuracy level ranging from 92.22-99.23%.
Studi Penurunan Kadar Ion-ion Logam (Cr3+, Cu2+, dan Pb2+) dengan Metode Elektrokoagulasi Menggunakan Elektroda Aluminium dan Karbon Ahmad Koharruddin; Vina Amalia; Tety Sudiarti
al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan Vol 6, No 1 (2019): al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ak.v6i1.4740


Elektrokoagulasi pada prinsipnya berdasarkan pada proses sel elektrolisis. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari penurunan kadar ion-ion logam (Cr3+, Cu2+, dan Pb2+) sebelum dan sesudah elektrokoagulasi, serta untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari penurunan kadar ion-ion logam (Cr3+, Cu2+,dan Pb2+) terhadap variasi waktu pada setiap jenis elektroda aluminium dan karbon. Metode pada penelitian  ini, 100 mL limbah logam buatan ditambah 10 mL larutan NaCl 1% dielektrokoagulasi dengan menggunakan dua jenis elektroda aluminium dan karbon dengan jarak antar elektroda 3 cm dan dialiri arus listrik searah (DC) sebesar 2 ampere, setiap penggunaan jenis elektroda menggunakan variasi waktu 0, 15, 45, 60, 90 menit. Larutan dari setiap waktu disaring dan dianalisis kadar logamnya menggunakan instrumen Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA). Penurunan kadar dari ketiga ion logam yang sangat baik, yaitu pada penggunaan elektroda aluminium dengan penurunan ion logam Cr3+ 99,85%; Cu2+ 98,76%; dan Pb2+ 99,85% pada waktu 90 menit. Hal tersebut disebabkan tereduksinya sebagian besar ion-ion logam membentuk logamnya, serta terbentuknya Al(OH)3 yang bereaksi lebih lanjut membentuk ion Al(OH)4- yang akan mengikat sebagian kecil ion-ion logam (Cr3+, Cu2+, dan Pb2+). Penurunan kadar ion-ion logam (Cr3+, Cu2+, dan Pb2+) pada penggunaan elektroda karbon, selain tereduksinya sebagian besar ion-ion logam membentuk logamnya, terbentuk pula ion OH- di anoda yang akan bereaksi dengan ion-ion logam membentuk hidroksi logamnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada elektroda aluminium dan karbon semakin lama waktu saat elektrokoagulasi semakin banyak pula penurunan ion-ion logam. Hal tersebut terbukti pada interval waktu 30 menit (15-45 menit dan 60-90 menit), mengalami penurunan hampir dua kali lipat dari interval waktu 15 menit (0-15 menit dan 45-60 menit).
Uji Aktivitas Antijamur Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirih MeraH (Piper Crocatum L.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Aspergillus flavus Ilham Abiyoga; Ana Hidayati Mukaromah; Sri Sinto Dewi
al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan Vol 8, No 2 (2021): al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ak.v8i2.14003


Aspergillus flavus adalah jenis jamur multiseluler yang menghasilkan mikotoksin yang berbahaya bagi manusia dan menyebabkan penyakit Aspergillosis, jamur ini dapat mengkontaminasi bahan pangan dan hasil panen. Penggunaan pestisida kimia sintetis masih digunakan oleh petani sebagai desinfektan untuk hasil panen, Pestisida kimia sintetis dapat menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan seperti keracunan dan gangguan sistem pernafasan bagi petani dan masyarakat. Perlu adanya alternatif untuk meminimalisir penggunaan pestisida kimia sintetis yaitu dengan menggunakan pestisida nabati dengan menggunakan bahan herbal. Salah satu bahan herbal yang dapat digunakan adalah daun sirih merah. Daun sirih merah mengandung senyawa flavonoid, alkaloid, steroid, saponin, triterpenoid, dan tanin yang diperoleh melalui pengekstrakan dengan metode maserasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode difusi (sumuran) dan metode dilusi (konsentrasi hambat minimum dan konsentrasi bunuh minimum). Hasil pengujian metode difusi menunjukan rata-rata diameter zona hambat pertumbuhan jamur Aspergillus flavus pada berbagai konsentrasi yaitu 40, 50, 60, dan 70% b/v adalah 20,62 mm, 23,04 mm, 25,12 mm, dan 27,96 mm. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ekstrak daun sirih merah mampu membunuh dan menghambat pertumbuhan Aspergillus flavus.
Effect of Ethanol-water Concentration as Extraction Solvent on Antioxidant Activity of Acalypha indica Salma Iza Fadhila; Elok Kamilah Hayati; Mohamad Rafi; Akhmad Sabarudin
al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan Vol 10, No 2 (2023): al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ak.v10i2.30081


Acalypha indica is an abundant and obtainable wild weed plant in Indonesia. This is a possible opportunity to enhance its utility. The effect of free radicals is one of the factors that contribute to oxidative stress in the body, which can lead to cell damage and trigger various diseases. Plants rich in antioxidants can inhibit free radical reactions and protect the body from oxidative stress. In this study, we conducted the identification of major metabolite compounds using UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS from 70% ethanol extracts of Acalypha indica. We also performed phytochemical and antioxidant activity tests with various concentrations of ethanol-water solvents including water, 30%, 50%, 70% ethanol, and absolute ethanol to determine the optimal extraction conditions and the influence of solvent concentration on the antioxidant activity of Acalypha indica extract. The results of UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap HRMS identification showed that the 70% ethanol extract of Acalypha indica contains 10 major compounds suspected to correlate with its antioxidant activity. These include five flavonoids compounds (palasitrin, vitexin 2"-o-p-coumarate, isorhamnetin 3- (3",6"-di-p-coumarylglucoside), peucenin, and sulfuretin), two amino acid compounds (2-amino-3-carboxymuconic acid semialdehyde and N-Acetyl-L-phenylalanine), two carboxylic acid compound (citric acid and traumatic acid), and one phenolic compound (quinic acid). Phytochemical tests show positive results for flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, and triterpenoids in each of water, 30%, 50%, 70% ethanol, and absolute ethanol extracts. The best antioxidant activity was obtained from the 70% ethanol extract with an IC50 value of 47.064 ppm, categorizing it as an extremely strong antioxidant.
Silica Modified Natural Dye of Caesalpinnia sappan l. on Cotton Fabrics Kun Sri Budiasih; Eli Rohaeti; Isti Yunita; Azlan Kamari
al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan Vol 10, No 1 (2023): al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ak.v10i1.24578


Sappana (Caesalpinnia sappan L.) has been known as a natural dye in textiles and food. This research aimed to develop a sappan-based natural dye for fabrics dyeing by SiO2 modification as the UV protection agent. The sappan dye and its color were measured by colorimetric methods on UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The testing of the material includes a standard color detection test on the solution and washing resistance on cotton fabrics. The product is the prototype of a stable natural dye product of SiO2 modified - sappan (Si-Cs) which will be performed consistently on cotton fabrics. The result showed that SiO2-modified sappan dye had a higher absorbance in UV-Vis Spectrometer. The performance of the coloring product was also better than the standard sappan dye, indicated by the higher Ultraviolet Protection Factor and the fastness value. Variations of coloring products affected by the mordant agents varied from orange-red-purple caused by non-mordant–alum acetate and iron mordant respectively.

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