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Cakrawala Pendidikan
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Cakrawala Pendidikan (CP) merupakan jurnal ilmiah kependidikan. Jurnal ini menerbitkan berbagai artikel tentang kajian ilmiah dan hasil penelitian pendidikan baik dalam pengertian luas (pendidikan secara umum) maupun khusus (menunjuk pada bidang-bidang studi tertentu). Pemuatan suatu artikel diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pengembangan konsep keilmuan dan aplikasinya atau pada pemahaman pendidikan di Indonesia. Jurnal CP terbit tiga kali dalam satu tahun, yaitu edisi Februari, Juni, dan November, diterbitkan oleh LPPMP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
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Articles 1,359 Documents
Effects of blended teaching method on mathematics performance of students at primary level: A case of public school of district Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan Muhammad Hafeez; Rukhsana Durrani; Aqsa Saleem; Fatima Tahira
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 42, No 2 (2023): Cakrawala Pendidikan (June 2023)
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v42i2.53287


The objective of this investigation was to assess the effects of blended teaching method on Mathematics performance of 3rd grade learners at primary educational level. A quasi-experimental design of study was formulated to conduct this study. The convenient technique of sampling was employed to collect the required data as one of the researcher was working in the school from which data was collected. The population comprised of 53 3rd grade learners. The sample was separated into two groups. One group named as experimental group (n=28) and other group as a control group (n=25). The pretest and posttest tools were employed to collect the data. The SPSS was employed for the analysis of collected data. The results were significantly different for control and experimental groups in Mathematics performance of students at grade three. The results were supporting blended teaching method that had positive effect on the Mathematics performance for both male and female students of grade three. The effect size was 1.6043 in favor of blended teaching method than that of traditional teaching method. The study also recommended to use the blended teaching method in other science course beside mathematics to find its effectiveness.
Implementation of i-Spring Suite to improve Darul Muta’alimin students’ learning for critical thinking skills in natural science Edi Suresman; Fitri Febrianti; Ruswan Dallyono
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 42, No 2 (2023): Cakrawala Pendidikan (June 2023)
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v42i2.53646


Low critical thinking skills are a crucial problem in science learning. Meanwhile, the purpose of this research was to determine the effect of the i-Spring Suite 10 media on students’ critical thinking skills in natural science. The research method used a quasi-experimental with a limited population, namely 6th-grade students of SDS IT Darul Muta'alimin. The sample was selected using a purposive sampling technique so that there were two classes that were used as samples, namely 6th A grade with 20 students and 6th B grade with 20 students. 6th A grade as an experimental class and used interactive multimedia based on i-Spring Suite 10. Meanwhile, 6th B grade was the control class and used audiovisual-based multimedia. The research instrument used a test with multiple choices and explanation. Based on the results of statistical analysis, the results of t-observed were 2.89 and t-critical with a significance level of 5% (ɑ = 0.05) of 2.025. From these results, it was found that tobserved t critical. This study concludes that there is a significant effect of the interactive multimedia based on i-Spring Suite 10 on students’ critical thinking skills in natural science subjects.
Student’s creative model in solving mathematics controversial problems Subanji Subanji; Toto Nusantara; Sukoriyanto Sukoriyanto; Satriya Adika Arif Atmaja
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 42, No 2 (2023): Cakrawala Pendidikan (June 2023)
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v42i2.55979


For students to compete with the rapid advancement in science, technology, and the arts, creativity must be more than just a necessary skill. This study of levels of creativity performed when addressing statistical issues is a follow-up to earlier studies. To create a distinctive model, a controversial aspect was used. The study revealed that there were five levels of creative models, in addition to the three levels of the earlier research: pre-imitation, imitation, modification, combination, and construction. The pre-imitation stage is defined by the subject's limited capacity for imitation. The level of imitation is determined by the act of copying methods even when one does not actually understand them. The modification level is essentially defined by the process of altering a procedure so that it can be applied to solve an issue. The process for merging several settings or problem-solving strategies also serves to define the level of combination. The construction level is determined by the process of developing new methods to handle problems.
Language teachers’ ICT up-take in a single university in the developing country Kazakhstan Akmarzhan A. Nogaibayeva; Gulzhaina K. Kassymova; Sulis Triyono; Binar Winantaka
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 42, No 2 (2023): Cakrawala Pendidikan (June 2023)
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v42i2.57488


This article reports on the findings of what we consider to be the first study of its sort on the use of ICT (information and communication technology) in English, Russian, and Kazakh language teachers in a single university in Kazakhstan. Participants include 111 (English, Russian, Kazakh) instructors from three departments. The study’s goal was to look at these language teachers’ ICT use and the elements that influence their use of ICT as a teaching tool. The following study issues were addressed using questionnaires and follow-up semi-structured interviews: What is the present state of information and communication technology (ICT) use among a group of language teachers in a single university in Kazakhstan? What ICT skills do language teachers have, and what training is available? What are factors that encourage/discourage the use of ICT in their teaching and learning? Findings support the idea that most teachers have owned their own computers to be used in the class and most teachers in the study had adequate skills. However, computer use is mainly limited to PowerPoint presentations but there are patterns of creative ICT use. Positive factors affecting ICT use include willingness to ICT use in teaching and the benefits to both teachers and learners, while negative factors include inadequate professional support, poor training, and the need for a more holistic approach to ICT integration. The conclusions are that ICT is acknowledged as essential and advantageous to language learners as well as teachers from a teaching perspective and that teachers require additional training: to provide training opportunities at the institutional level to support their ICT use and to help language teachers better understand the pedagogy of technology use and incorporate ICT into their instruction. The authors propose that this type of support might be offered through professional development activities that are tailored to the context of language teaching and learning.
Excellence of the diversity value and the educational environment on student nationalism Rukiyati Rukiyati; Farida Hanum; L. Andriani Purwastuti
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 42, No 2 (2023): Cakrawala Pendidikan (June 2023)
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v42i2.55797


This study aimed at determine the role of the diversity value and the educational environment on Indonesian student nationalism. A quantitative approach was used with descriptive and inferential regression methods, while the populations were all Indonesian students at public and private universities. Furthermore, the samples consisted of 916 respondents obtained through purposive sampling covering the clusters of Eastern Indonesia, namely NTB and NTT, the Central, which include Kalimantan, and that of West, namely Java and Sumatra. The data were collected through a questionnaire that was tested for validity and reliability, while the instrument was analyzed using the EFA technique and the hypothesis was tested through regression analysis with SEM program. It was discovered that the diversity value and the educational environment had a significant role in the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of Indonesian student nationalism, such that an increase in the educational environment also leads to the improvement of nationalism attitude. Similarly, the diversity value had a positive significant effect on the Indonesian student nationalism knowledge and attitude. This means that its increase results in improved knowledge of nationalism. Therefore, this study has been able to prove that the fear of a decline in student nationalism is irrelevant.
Inventorying authentic teaching materials on Youtube for listening learning plan of Pupuh in elementary school Dingding Haerudin; Budi Hermawan; R. Ruhaliah; Sutrisna Wibawa; Yatun Romdonah Awaliah; Tri Indri Hardini
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 42, No 2 (2023): Cakrawala Pendidikan (June 2023)
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v42i2.46233


Our initial observation confirms that authentic teaching materials have not been integrated into teaching Sundanese. With this in mind, the present study aims mainly to describe authentic teaching materials for teaching Sundanese to elementary school students. A descriptive-analytical method with a qualitative approach has been employed as the method in the present research. Data were collected by inventorying authentic teaching materials from YouTube and identifying their relevance to the 2013 Curriculum (Revised edition in 2017). The data obtained is expected to be used as authentic material in the Independent Curriculum. At the time this research was conducted, the Merdeka Curriculum had already begun to be implemented in several driving schools in West Java. The authentic materials we investigated will most likely be compatible to be used as material for project-based learning on Kurikulum Merdeka. The present research has inventoried 17 types of pupuh and found that of 17 pupuh, four have content that is relevant to the teaching theme for elementary school students based on the Curriculum; 3 pupuh, Dangdanggula, Asmarandana, and Gurisa, have content relevant to the theme of second grade Basic Competence, 1 pupuh, Maskumambang pupuh, has content relevant to the theme of third grade Basic Competence. The data were then assessed for their quality based on the criteria for good teaching materials according to the judgment of experts. Selected Sundanese language teachers have been involved in the research to serve as the experts. The results of the quality test reported that the inventoried pupuh is relevant to the Basic Competence as stated in the Curriculum, can motivate students to learn, is practical to use, is useful for students, is interesting to learn, facilitate students to learn, and improves their listening skills and is following the norms prevailing in society.
Senior High School Students’ Perception of Physical Education Teachers Bambang Priyono; Fatkhur Rozi; Endang Sri Hanani
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 42, No 2 (2023): Cakrawala Pendidikan (June 2023)
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v42i2.57997


The objective of this research is to examine the perception of senior high school students in Indonesian in interpreting physical education teachers. This research used a mixed method and descriptive analysis. Qualitative data were collected from questionnaire by completing the statement “my physical education teacher…?”. Quantitative data were produced from the total amount of most frequently used words. The total respondents were 237 Indonesian students who were chosen randomly based on their willingness to fill in the questionnaire prepared and participants were then determined using a purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed under the noticing, collecting, and thinking about interesting things phases. The results show the frequently used words were: ‘kind’, ‘cool’, ‘cheerful’, ‘friendly’, and ‘firm’. The other results show some words with negative meaning, including: 'infrequently present', 'annoying', 'difficult', and 'fierce'. The term 'ex-' shows non-professional competence. This research finds that the Physical Education teachers were kind, friendly, and patient, delivering lesson passionately and with fun and showed discipline, showing that the Physical Education teachers were reflected as the need for teacher’s competence. However, the negative words appearing limitedly in the questionnaire still require more attention.
Level of understanding of fitness instructors on injury prevention and treatment in Yogyakarta fitness center Fatkurahman Arjuna; Furqon Hidayatullah; Sugiyanto Sugiyanto; Muchsin Douwes
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 42, No 3 (2023): Cakrawala Pendidikan (October 2023)
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v42i3.54995


A fitness instructor is critical in preventing severe injuries and providing the best care for members at fitness centers. This study aimed to discover whether fitness trainers’ understanding of injury prevention and treatment is related to the trainees’ injury histories. Furthermore, this study was also conducted to determine the fitness trainers’ understanding of preventing and treating injuries in fitness centers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study is cross-sectional and applies a survey approach. The data collection technique utilized in this study was multiple-choice questions, with 70 trainers and their 233 trainees as the research subjects. The results showed that the fitness trainers’ understanding of injury prevention and treatment at the fitness center in the Special Region of Yogyakarta fell into the poor category. Meanwhile, the results showed that the fitness trainers’ understanding of injury prevention and treatment have a strong negative relationship with trainee’s injury histories (r = -0.700, p 0.001). The higher the fitness trainers’ understanding of injury prevention and treatment score obtained by the trainer, the lower the potential for the trainee to experience injury (Exp (B) 0.968 1). On the other hand, weekly trainee exercises have a good relationship with the trainees’ injury chances (p 0.001, Exp (B) 1.062 1). Thus, fitness trainers' injury prevention and treatment knowledge and weekly trainees exercise are strong predictors for predicting trainee's injury histories. Although other predictors were unable to predict trainee's injury histories in this study, we propose that these predictors may have potential.
Resources of history learning in conventional and modern continuum lines Leli Yulifar; Aman Aman
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 42, No 3 (2023): Cakrawala Pendidikan (October 2023)
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v42i3.63713


In the field of history education, there are still educators who rely primarily on themselves as the main source of knowledge. However, history learning resources are diverse and encompass a wide range of materials based on historical content, which can be utilized based on the teacher’s creativity. This study aims at identifying and evaluating the use historical content-based history learning resources, both in theory and in practical implementation. To achieve this, a literature review was conducted, involving the collection of data from books, journals, notes, research reports, and internet sources. The process involved identification, conceptualization, and interpretation of the gathered information. The analysis reveals that historical content-based history learning resources exist on a continuum between conventional and modern sources. Rather than being mutually exclusive, these sources can complement each other. The discussion incorporates Edgar Dale's Cone of Experiences theory and examines benchmarks such as national archives and museums, as well as the History Education Doctoral Study Program of Faculty of Social Sciences Education (FPIPS) of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). In conclusion, historical content-based history learning resources offer an alternative approach that provides valuable insights to history educators beyond the confines of formal classroom settings. Educators can utilize both newly designed history learning resources and existing resources tailored to their specific needs and learning objectives
The influence of internal and external visual imagery on self-confidence in learning gymnastics Rifky Riyandi Prastyawan; Wawan Sundawan Suherman; Ahmad Nasrulloh
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 42, No 3 (2023): Cakrawala Pendidikan (October 2023)
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v42i3.56903


Students must have high self-confidence in learning physical education because self-confidence affects individual motor skill performance. The purpose of this study was to reveal differences in the influence of internal and external visual imagery on students' self-confidence in learning gymnastics with cartwheel material. This research is multiple linear regression experimental research. The number of samples in this study was 68 students. Actions are carried out by integrating internal and external visual imagery exercises in gymnastic learning. The data collection technique uses a self-confidence scale as an instrument. Data were analyzed using an independent sample t-test with a significance level of 0.05. The results showed that internal and external visual imagery had a significant effect on students' self-confidence (p=0.000 0.05), but there was a significant difference between internal and external visual imagery training (p=0.027 0.05) so that the internal visual imagery training method is better than the external imagery method (M=71.2941 67.8824). The results of this study indicate that students' self-confidence in performing wheel motion skills can be increased through internal and external visual imagery exercises that are integrated into the learning process, but internal visual imagery training methods are preferred.

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XXII, NO. 1 No 3 (2002): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI NOVEMBER 2002, TH. XXI, NO. 3 No 2 (2002): Cakrawala Pendidikan edisi Juni 2002, Th. XXI, No. 2 No 1 (2002): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN EDISI FEBRUARI 2002,TH XXI. NO.1 CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,2001,TH.XX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,2001,TH.XX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,2001,TH.XX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,2000,TH.XX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1999,TH.XVIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1999,TH.XVIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1999,TH.XVIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1998,TH.XVII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1998,TH.XVII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1997,TH.XVI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1997,TH.XVI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1997,TH.XVI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1996,TH.XV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1996,TH.XV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1996,TH.XV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1995,TH.XIX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1995,TH.XIX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1995,TH.XIX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1994,TH.XIV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1994,TH.XIV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1994,TH.XIV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1993,TH.XIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1993,TH.XIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1993,TH.XIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1992,TH.XII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1992,TH.XII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1991,TH.XI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1991,TH.XI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1990,TH.X CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1990,TH.X CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1989,TH.VIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1989,TH.VIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1989,TH.VIII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1988,TH.VII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1988,TH.VII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1988,TH.VII CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1987,TH.VI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1987,TH.VI CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1985,TH.IX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1985,TH.IX CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1984,TH.IV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1984,TH.IV CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1983,TH.III CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1983,TH.III CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1983,TH.III CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 2,1982,TH.II CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 3,1981,TH.I CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, EDISI 1,1981,TH.I More Issue