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Journal of Nonformal Education
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Nonformal Education Program, Postgraduate Campus, Universitas Negeri Semarang Kelud Utara III Semarang, Indonesia
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Journal of Nonformal Education
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This Journal collaborates with Ikatan Akademisi Pendidikan Nonformal & Informal and Himpunan Akademisi dan Program Studi Penmas Indonesia containing research articles in the field of Nonformal Education
Articles 15 Documents
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Analysis on Management's Managerial Competence and Its Influence on Pos-PAUD Service Quality Wahyuni, Sri; Sumarsono, Raden Bambang; Desyanty, Ellyn Sugeng; Asimiran, Soaib bin
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 7, No 1 (2021): February: Community Empowerment, Adult Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v7i1.27257


Pos-PAUD is one form of non-formal PAUD unit as the development of Integrated Services Post (Posyandu) activities. Previous researches results state that Pos-PAUD service quality is far from what is expected since the village society-built institution has many limitations. Its managements academic qualification and competence is not required as demanded by the law. This research aims at mapping Pos-PAUD managements managerial competence and its influence on its institutional service quality. The research was conducted with a correlational quantitative research design. The research population was the Pos-PAUD management in Malang City of about 156 people. The research samples were 65 people determined based on the proportional random sampling technique. The data were collected using a questionnaire technique. The questionnaire validity was tested using Pearsons Product Moment technique, while questionnaire reliability was tested using Cronbachs Alpha technique. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and regressive analysis techniques using SPPSS 23.00 for windows. The result of descriptive analysis shows that managements managerial competence and institutional service quality are not maximal yet since there is unmet indicator. The hypothesis test result shows that Fcount is 162.407 (Sig F = 0.000). Ftable at significance level 5% is 3.14. Since Fcount Ftable (162.407 3.14) and Sig F 5% (0.000 0.05) thus Ho is rejected, which means that managements managerial competence significantly influences Pos-PAUD service quality. This research result may be taken as the base to design Pos-PAUD managements competence building activity that is currently seldom performed and as the base of development of Pos-PAUD service quality improvement model.
Analysis of The Resilience Conditions of Individual, Family, and Community during The Covid-19 Pandemic Hasanah, Viena Rusmiati; Boriboon, Gumpanat; Jubaedah, Yoyoh; Wulandari, Hodijah
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 7, No 1 (2021): February: Community Empowerment, Adult Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v7i1.27853


The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, a disaster that shocked the whole world, has affected various aspects of people's lives, including the resilience of society, especially the poor. This study aims to see the condition of the resilience of the poor in Bandung in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey method was chosen to obtain the latest data flexibly with a total of 200 respondents, through the distribution of a questionnaire of 40 items consisting of aspects of individual, family, and community resilience. The results show that individual resilience is very dominant during the COVID-19 pandemic disaster, this mutually affects family resilience and community resilience. The most dominant factor in the resilience of individuals and families is the factor of spirituality and optimism in facing this epidemic, the factors that affect community resilience are individual interactions in community activities in the security, social and religious fields
The 21st Century Life Skills-Based Education Implementation at the Non-Formal Education Institution Prasetyo, Iis; Suryono, Yoyon; Gupta, Sachin
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 7, No 1 (2021): February: Community Empowerment, Adult Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v7i1.26385


Life skills education basically aims to improve the quality of human resources to overcome various problems in their daily lives in the era of the 21st century. This study was aimed to describe the non-formal education institution managers’ efforts to implement the 21st-century life skills education. The researcher employed the quantitative approach with a survey research design in Yogyakarta City and Sleman District. The respondents were non-formal education institution managers. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using the quantitative analysis method. The results of the study show that the implementation of 21st-century life skills education is still limited to the knowledge and hard skill developments. The unexplored materials include thinking skills which consist of conceptual thinking, creativity, innovation, problem-solving, critical thinking, decision-making, and metacognition. The novelty of this research is the findings in this study provide a more detailed description of the weaknesses of non-formal education institutions in providing life skills education.
Applying Mind Map in Teaching History in Primary Schools - Case Study of Dak Lak Province, Vietnam Le, Thi Thuy An; Nguyen, Thi Anh Mai; Bui, Thi Tam; Luu, Thi Diu; Dinh, Thi Kieu Loan
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 7, No 1 (2021): February: Community Empowerment, Adult Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v7i1.29278


This article discusses the role and meaning of the application mind map in teaching history in primary schools in Vietnam. In doing so, this paper studies requirements, designing process and then proposes satisfactory methods to apply mind map in teaching history suitably in Vietnamese education environment. By doing so, the research partly improves the quality and effectiveness of historical lessons in primary schools (class 4 and 5) in to obtain a higher aim of developing students abilities. In this paper, the author applies mixed researching methods including analyzing data, pedagogical viewing, surveying, and pedagogical experiment and then evaluating educational experience. The researchs results support previous studies about the role and effectiveness of using mind map in teaching in general and in teaching history in particular. The author also suggests that in to promote the success of mind map in education, teachers need to mix several teaching methods and technics.
Multilevel Design in the Implementation of Blended Learning in Nonformal Education Unit Shantini, Yanti; Hidayat, Dayat; Oktiwanti, Lesi; Mitsuru, Takahashi
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 7, No 1 (2021): February: Community Empowerment, Adult Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v7i1.27544


CLC as one of the non-formal educational institutions affected by the COVID 19 outbreak must organize online teaching and learning activities under government instructions as an effort to prevent transmission of the COVID 19 pandemic.  Lack of experience in conducting online learning makes institutions confused about running the learning process due to educators and managers' limited ability to implement online education. It is necessary to study more deeply what learning strategies CLCs should carry out during the pandemic period. The approach used in this study was a mixed-method with 10 CLC respondents spread across West Java. From the findings in the field, learning at CLC during the pandemic was still ongoing. Tutor only used message applications for delivering learning material and evaluation process. They do not even implement it in the online learning management system. For this reason, CLC can pilot a multilevel blended learning system model. The implementation of the model system starts from institutional management, program management, to learning management by tutors.
The Effect of E-Learning on Students Learning Interest in the Equivalence Education Program Shofwan, Imam; Aminatun, Siti; Handoyo, Eko; Kariadi, Mustasyfa Thabib
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 7, No 1 (2021): February: Community Empowerment, Adult Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v7i1.29276


The Equivalence Education Program is non-formal education that applies learning with the e-learning system to substitute conventional learning in formal education school. This study aims to identify and analyze (1) e-learning conducted by students, (2) students #39;interest in learning, and (3) the effect of e-learning on students#39; learning interest in the Package C Equivalence Program at PKBM Pioneer Karanganyar. The method used is a quantitative approach focusing on the ex post facto approach. The research sample was 45 students of Package C at PKBM Pioneer Karanganyar, out of a total population of 141 Package C students. The data were collected using questionnaire and documentation. The analysis technique used is statistical and inferential analysis techniques focusing on simple linear regression analysis techniques. The results showed that (1) Package C students at PKBM Pioneer Karanganyar appreciated that the e-learning was equivalent to online learning (2) Package C students at PKBM Pioneer Karanganyar had high learning interest, (3) there was a positive influence and e-learning was significant for students#39; interest in learning in the Package C Program at PKBM Pioneer Karanganyar. The benefit of this research is to provide an overview of online learning that is fun to students.
Strategy of Non-Formal Education Development Through Entrepreneurial Skills at CLC Budi Utama Surabaya Widodo, Widodo; Darmawanti, Ira; Kharisma, Novia Nur
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 7, No 1 (2021): February: Community Empowerment, Adult Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v7i1.26796


The development of urban community needs for increasing self-competence is a great opportunity for Non-Formal Education (NFE), but the NFE program organized by Community Learning Centre (CLC) has not been able to answer. It needs the right strategy to develop NFE programs that are in accordance with the needs of urban communities, namely entrepreneurship. The research objective was to reveal the urban area entrepreneurship based NFE program development strategy carried out by CLC. The research used a descriptive qualitative approach, with the following research results. Entrepreneurship-based NFE program development strategy through stages; (1) strategy formulation which includes activities to identify potentials, formulate the vision, mission and objectives of the CLC institution, identify internal and external conditions of the CLC institution, select strategies, formulate strategies. (2) Implementation of culinary entrepreneurship strategies with attention to urban problems, effective organizational structures, marketing programs, budgets, developing management information systems, and linking with performance. (3) Evaluation of culinary entrepreneurship strategies; the effectiveness of the process and the achievement of results, namely the learning community has skills as a provision for entrepreneurship. This NFE program management strategy can solve the problem of unemployment, and for CLC institutions to develop and become independent. The conclusion is that the strategy of developing the NFE program based on entrepreneurial skills can create graduates who are ready to become entrepreneurs. So that graduates can provide benefits for their own life and social environment.
Promoting Financial and Cultural Citizenship Literacy as Multiliteracy in Tourism Village Arbarini, Mintarsih; Suminar, Tri; Desmawati, Liliek
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 7, No 1 (2021): February: Community Empowerment, Adult Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v7i1.27874


Literacy skills provide opportunities to build society to face the global changes. This study aims to promoting the community members of the tourist village according to financial and cultural citizenship literacy as a part of multiliteracy in tourism village. This research applied descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects are 10 villagers in Jojogan Village, Wonosobo Regency. The method of data collecting use interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis begins during the data collection process, performs data reduction, data presentation, and ends with drawing conclusions and verification. The findings describe promoting financial and cultural citizenship literacy as multiliteracy in Tourism Village is carried out in the community to have a financial and cultural literacy in their daily lives as a part of tourism village community. This activity promotes literacy cultur e by adjusting their free time because the learning schedule was coming from the community member's needs. With this condition, the manager and facilitator continuously try to adjust the conditions of the community members. These literacy learning activities include reading, writing, numerating, speaking, and listening. The benefit of this research is to provide an explanation that financial and cultural citizenship literacy as a part of multiliteracy in tourism village must be done.
Women Strengthening Through Information Technology Literacy in Tourist Village Sujarwo, Sujarwo; Kusumawardani, Erma; Tristanti, Tristanti; Santi, Fitta Ummaya
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 7, No 1 (2021): February: Community Empowerment, Adult Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v7i1.29277


Women have positive potentials that support their strategic role in development. This research aims to analysis implementing information technology literacy model guidelines in empowering women through community-based education and how increasing the knowledge, skills, and awareness of women in managing the productive potential of information technology-based environments. By the research and development method or Research amp; Development, this research tries to produce a product and test the effectiveness of the product in accordance with development goals. Women#39;s empowerment activities through information technology including providing information technology-based entrepreneurship motivation, forming business groups, training in information technology-based business management, managing businesses and assisting business groups. Data was collected using the method of observation and interview. The collected data were analyzed with qualitative descriptive. The findings of the study are; 1) implementation program which includes: a. preparation for program implementation which includes program socialization, selection of participants, program objectives, materials, strategies, media, teaching materials, assessment, b. implementation of programs, providing information technology-based entrepreneurship, information technology-based business management training, managing businesses and assisting business groups, c. evaluating the implementation of the program by making direct observations during the process, 2) increasing the knowledge of the culinary group.
Community Learning Center Efforts to Improve Information Literacy in the Community for Cyber Crime Prevention during a Pandemic Nurhayati, Sri; Musa, Safuri; Boriboon, Gumpanat; Nuraeni, Rina; Putri, Shindriani
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 7, No 1 (2021): February: Community Empowerment, Adult Education
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v7i1.26883


This study explores the community learning centers' effort in improving the community's information literacy to prevent cybercrime during the pandemic era through an empirical examination of the phenomenon of pandemic COVID 19 social impacts in the specific context of Indonesia. The study used a simple research design approach with the case study method. The subject of this study consisted of five Community Learning Center’s managers from Cimahi District (CLC Nurul Islam Al Husna), Garut District (CLC Ngejah), East Jakarta District (CLC Faradika), and Karawang District (CLC Ash Sholahiyah and CLC Sanggar Juang), and two community education experts from Indonesia. Data were analyzed using triangulation, including extensive interviews from five community learning center's managers, interviews with community education experts, as well as secondary data. The study found that community learning center's efforts consist of conducting virtual socialization and also mentoring the community on information literacy, revitalizing parenting education on guiding children during their screen time, activating community reading center to create a lively discussion, and fostering community's critical thinking and information assessment. The contribution of this study to the literature on community education consists of presenting empirical evidence on the real contribution of Community Learning Center in improving the community's information literacy level while preventing the wide spreading of cyber-crime during the pandemic COVID 19 era.

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