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Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan
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Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan (JRSL) adalah jurnal peer-review nasional dan akses terbuka. Artikel penelitian yang diterbitkan mencakup semua aspek teknik sipil, termasuk Rekayasa Struktural, Rekayasa dan Manajemen Transportasi, Manajemen Konstruksi, Rekayasa Hidro, Rekayasa Geoteknik, dan Rekayasa Lingkungan.
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Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 2 No 02 (2018): JURNAL REKAYASA SIPIL DAN LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.569 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jrsl.v2i02.8016


In planning a highway bridge girder using prestressed concrete, it must pay attention to two design categories, namely strength and service. Problems have arisen since the existence of earthquake resistance regulations for road bridges, so planners must calculate the amount of deflection and stress that occurs in the upper structure due to earthquake loads, which must be smaller than the deflection and voltage permits required by regulations. All of that was also greatly influenced by the accuracy of the predicted loss losses for prestressed concrete girders. The purpose of this study was to conduct a study which could be a solution for how to actually treat a good design, for the I-Girder design of prestressed concrete used as a highway bridge girder in the event of inaccurate prediction of loss of pressure during an earthquake, resulting in two design categories strength and service ability can be considered all well. The methodology of this study is to make as a starting point the prestressed concrete I girder whose dimensions are capable of being a highway bridge girder with a span of 30 m to 40 meters with standard loading for loading BM 100. For span bridges that have 100% prediction accuracy, use as a basic benchmark of deflection and stress values that occur for the type of combination of loads that have earthquake loads, then with the same span, varied values of inaccurate predictions lose pre-stress and analyzed deflection and stress values that occur for types of load combinations that have earthquake loads varied earthquake regions 1,2, 3 and 4, for medium soil types. The results of the study show that the greater the percentage of inaccurate prediction of loss of pressure, the greater the deviation ratio of deviations both deflection, upper fiber stress and lower fiber stress occur in the field. Which, if the prediction of losing pre-pressures is smaller than the actual one, then the level of the deviation ratio of the allowable deviation increases as well as vice versa. Also, predicting pre-suppression voltage loss that is located on the side greater than the actual loss of pressure that occurs will be on the part of the party that is harmful to the ability of service and the permissible power, when an earthquake occurs.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 1 No 01 (2017): JURNAL REKAYASA SIPIL DAN LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.771 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jrsl.v1i01.6039


Polycarbonate is thermoplastic polymer group. It is easily formed using heat. Plastic has many advantages, namely thermal resistance compared to other types of plastic, resistant to impact, and very clear. The purpose of this research is to replace steel in reinforced concrete with polycarbonate and it is expected to contribute a good flexural strength on the porous concrete slab. The test specimen is 40x40x5 cm and the variation widths of polycarbonate are 2 cm, 4 cm, and 6 cm. Polycarbonates are arranged in the x direction and y direction, such as the reinforcement in concrete slab. The distance between the pores in concrete slab is 8 cm. Once the concrete aged 28 days, the next step is testing the flexural strength. The results show the concrete compressive strength is 24.699 MPa. The biggest average flexural test is in porous concrete slab with diameter of reinforcement is 6 mm. Meanwhile, for porous concrete slab without reinforcement and porous concrete slab with polycarbonate have flexural strength which is almost the same. This is because there is no bond between polycarbonate and concrete, so that the adhesion between them is very small and virtually non-existent. In addition, the results show that there is no contribution of polycarbonate flexural strength in concrete slab. Polikarbonat adalah suatu kelompok polimer termoplastik yang mudah dibentuk dengan menggunakan panas. Plastik ini memiliki banyak keunggulan, yaitu ketahanan termal dibandingkan dengan plastik jenis lain, tahan terhadap benturan, dan sangat bening. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengganti material baja pada beton bertulang dengan polikarbonat dan diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi kuat lentur yang baik pada pelat beton berpori. Ukuran benda uji adalah 40x40x5 cm, dimana variasi ukuran lebar polikarbonat adalah 2 cm, 4 cm dan 6 cm. Polikarbonat disusun dalam arah x dan arah y, seperti penulangan pada pelat beton. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengecoran. Jarak antar pori pada pelat beton adalah 8 cm. Setelah beton berumur 28 hari maka dilakukan pengujian kuat lentur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kuat tekan karakteristik beton adalah sebesar 24.699 MPa. Hasil kuat lentur rata-rata yang paling besar terjadi pada pelat beton berpori dengan tulangan diameter 6 mm, sedangkan untuk plat beton berpori tanpa tulangan dan dengan polikarbonat hasil kuat lenturnya hampir sama. Hal ini dikarenakan tidak adanya lekatan antara lembaran polikarbonat dan beton, sehingga daya lekat polikarbonat terhadap beton sangat kecil dan bisa dikatakan tidak ada. Selain itu, hasil menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya kontribusi kuat lentur polikarbonat pada beton berpori.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 1 No 02 (2017): JURNAL REKAYASA SIPIL DAN LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.624 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jrsl.v1i02.6043


In fullfiling the needs of public transportation in Jember District, many people demand a safe, fast, economical and fluently transportation. The railway is more efficient public transportation because it is more economical, safe and travel time is fast. Therefore PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) needs to improve the service and facilities of Jember Station in order to become the main attraction of people to use rail transport services. The implementation of the Boarding Pass system in Jember Station currently needs to be evaluated to assess station services and facilities based on Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number: PM 48 Year 2015. Analysis of minimum service standards in Jember Station has been done before applying the boarding pass system. This study also aims to determine the satisfaction and expectations of passengers as measured by the questionnaire. The questionnaire data using Likert scale was processed using SPSS program with Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method and described with Cartesian diagram. The gap between the level of satisfaction and interest is obtained in the form of gap value with the largest indicator below the average that is the problem of parking space available at Jember Station. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan transportasi massal di Kabupaten Jember, banyak masyarakat menuntut suatu angkutan umum yang aman, cepat, ekonomis dan lancar. Kereta api merupakan transportasi massal yang cukup efisien karena lebih ekonomis, aman dan waktu tempuh yang cepat. Maka dari itu PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) perlu meningkatkan pelayanan dan fasilitas Stasiun Jember agar menjadi daya tarik masyarakat untuk menggunakan jasa angkutan kereta api. Penerapan sistem Boarding Pass di Stasiun Jember saat ini perlu dievaluasi untuk menilai pelayanan dan fasilitas stasiun berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor: PM 48 Tahun 2015. Analisa standar pelayanan minimum di Stasiun Jember sudah pernah dilakukan sebelum penerapan sistem boarding pass. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepuasan dan harapan penumpang yang diukur berdasarkan kuesioner. Data kuesioner menggunakan skala Likert diolah menggunakan program SPSS dengan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dan digambarkan dengan diagram Kartesius. Kesenjangan antara tingkat kepuasan dan kepentingan didapat berupa nilai GAP dengan indikator terbesar di bawah rata-rata yaitu permasalahan lahan parkir yang tersedia di Stasiun Jember.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 2 No 01 (2018): JURNAL REKAYASA SIPIL DAN LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1717.447 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jrsl.v2i01.7583


Assessment of operational costs of vehicles using the method of Pacific Consultant International (PCI). The research was conducted on 6 collector road segments in Jember Regency which was improved in 2013-2015. From result of analysis of operational cost of vehicle in year 2016 and year 2018 got equation Y = 0,3315xଶ - 65,339x + 6199,1 where y is BOK value and x is PCI value. From the equation is known value of coefficient of determination (R ଶ ) = 0,8061 which means success rate in this regression method is 0,8061 (regression model is said good if value R ଶ approach one). In 2016 and 2018 there is a difference in the value of road damage conditions (PCI values). Differences in the value of BOK in 2016 and 2018 on Dr. Soebandi 1 = Rp. 487.69 / km, on the Dr. Soebandi 2 = Rp. -146,7 / km, on Sarangan 1 = Rp. 1327.68 / km, on Sarangan 2 = Rp.-1.99 / km, on Cempaka = Rp. 2827,41 / km, on Tapaksiring = Rp. 1228.02 / km, on Yos Sudarso 1 = Rp. 808,7 / km, on Yos Sudarso 2 = Rp. -2.48 / km, on Wolter Monginsidi 1 = Rp. 544.48 / km, and on Wolter Monginsidi 2 = Rp. -0.23 / km. Jalan adalah prasarana transportasi umum yang sering digunakan oleh masyarakat. Kondisi jalan yang mengalami kerusakan akan mempengaruhi kecepatan kendaraan yang melintasinya. Dimana kecepatan nantinya akan mempengaruhi biaya operasional kendaraan. Penilaian biaya operasional kendaran menggunakan metode Pacific Consultant International (PCI). Penelitian dilakukan pada 6 ruas jalan kolektor di Kabupaten Jember yang diperbaiki tahun 2013-2015. Dari hasil analisis biaya operasional kendaraan didapatkan persamaan Y = 0,3315– 65,339x + 6199,1 dimana y adalah nilai BOK dan x adalah nilai PCI. Dari persamaan tersebut diketahui nilai koefisien determinasi ()= 0,8061 yang artinya tingkat keberhasilan dalam metode regresi ini adalah 0,8061 (model regresi dikatakan baik apabila nilai mendekati satu). Pada tahun 2016 dan tahun 2018 terdapat perbedaan pada nilai kondisi kerusakan jalan (nilai PCI). Perbedaan nilai BOK tahun 2016 dan 2018 pada ruas jalan Dr. Soebandi 1 = Rp. 487,69/km, pada ruas jalan Dr. Soebandi 2 = Rp. -146,7/km, pada ruas jalan Sarangan 1 = Rp. 1327,68/km, pada ruas jalan Sarangan 2 = Rp.-1,99/km, pada ruas jalan Cempaka = Rp. 2827,41/km, pada ruas jalan Tapaksiring = Rp. 1228,02/km, pada ruas jalan Yos Sudarso 1 = Rp. 808,7/km, pada ruas jalan Yos Sudarso 2 = Rp. -2,48/km, pada ruas jalan Wolter Monginsidi 1 = Rp. 544,48/km, dan pada ruas jalan Wolter Monginsidi 2 = Rp. -0,23/km.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 2 No 02 (2018): JURNAL REKAYASA SIPIL DAN LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (698.322 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jrsl.v2i02.6906


Peak runoff has an important role in flood control.In flood control, the data of peak runoff is needed to anticipate the flood and rain fall modeling estimation is required with the help of HEC-HMS Software. From modeling result on February 3, 2007 researcher got calibration value of simulation of peak discharge 17,9 and peak discharge observation is 16,7 with a value of effectiveness (Nash) of 0.873. Model validation test on 9,10 February and 7 March 2007 resulted in value (Nash) of 0.826, 0.742 and 0.656. Debit puncak mempunyai peranan penting dalam pengendalian banjir. Dalam pengendalian banjir, data dari limpasan hujan dibutuhkan untuk mengantisipasi banjir dan pemodelan estimasi curah hujan dibutuhkan dengan adanya bantuan dari Software HEC-HMS. Hasil pemodelan pada tanggal 3 Februari 2007 didapat nilai kalibrasi simulasi debit puncak sebesar 17,9 m³/s dan observasi debit puncak sebesar 16,7 m³/s dengan nilai efektifitas (Nash) sebesar 0,873. Uji validasi model pada tanggal 9,10 Februari dan 7 Maret 2007 menghasilkan nilai (Nash) sebesar 0,826, 0,742 dan 0,656.
TRAFFIC SIMULATION OF JEMBER RAILWAYS STATION DEVELOPMENT Vicky Hidayatullah; Nunung Nuring Hayati; Willy Kriswardhana
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 1 No 02 (2017): JURNAL REKAYASA SIPIL DAN LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (961.37 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jrsl.v1i02.5879


The increasing population in Jember district has caused the higher needs of transportation facilities in Jember, particularly on train as a public transportation. The increase can be seen by the number of passengers in Daop 9 Jember. By 2015, the number of train passengers in Jember Station which originally amounted 640.000 passengers increased to 800.000 passengers by 2016 (increase about 20%). PT. KAI is planning to develop Jember Station in order to provide convenience and better service for train passengers. Jember Station development will result in changes of traffic flow around the station, so that traffic simulations due to this station development need to be done. Traffic simulations were done by creating scenarios of traffic flow around Jember Station, until the intersection performance of this area can be known. In this study, the method used to collect traffic volume data and inventory is by direct survey on field. In the calculation of intersection performance and traffic simulation, the method used is MKJI (Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual) 1997. After the analysis was conducted, the obtained intersection performance data in road network around Jember Station was very diverse. On signalized intersection, the highest intersection performance was located in SMPN 2 Jember intersection from eastern intersection in Bedadung street with Level of Service (LoS) F. Whereas on unsignalized intersection, the highest intersection performance was located in Hotel Nusantara intersection with Level of Service (LoS) C. Then, in order to obtain a better intersection performance in road network around Jember Station after development, a traffic management was done with : setting the traffic flow, installation of traffic signs on the road network, and also resetting the traffic light in signalized intersection. After the traffic management was conducted, there was a better level of service on both signalized and unsignalized intersection around Jember Station, which means the recommended traffic scenarios are proper to be implemented. Jumlah penduduk yang meningkat di Kabupaten Jember menyebabkan kebutuhan akan sarana transportasi di Jember semakin tinggi, khususnya pada transportasi umum jenis kereta api. Peningkatan yang terjadi terlihat dari jumlah penumpang di Daop 9 Jember. Pada tahun 2015 jumlah penumpang kereta api di Stasiun Jember yang semula berjumlah 640.000 penumpang meningkat menjadi 800.000 penumpang pada tahun 2016 (meningkat sekitar 20%). PT. KAI berencana untuk melakukan pengembangan stasiun Jember agar dapat memberikan kenyamanan dan pelayanan yang lebih baik bagi penumpang kereta api. Pengembangan Stasiun Jember ini akan mengakibatkan perubahan arus lalu lintas di sekitar stasiun, sehingga simulasi-simulasi lalu lintas akibat pengembangan stasiun perlu dilakukan. Simulasi lalu lintas dilakukan dengan membuat skenario arus lalu lintas di sekitar Stasiun Jember, hingga akhirnya dapat diketahui kinerja simpang pada daerah ini. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan untuk pengambilan data volume lalu lintas dan inventarisasi yaitu dengan cara survei langsung di lapangan. Pada perhitungan kinerja simpang dan simulasi lalu lintas, metode yang digunakan yaitu metode MKJI (Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia) 1997. Setelah dilakukan analisis, data kinerja simpang yang didapat pada jaringan jalan di sekitar Stasiun Jember sangat beragam. Pada simpang bersinyal, kinerja simpang paling tinggi terdapat pada Simpang SMPN 2 Jember dari kaki simpang timur atau pada Jalan Bedadung dengan tingkat pelayanan (LoS) F. Sedangkan pada simpang tak bersinyal, kinerja simpang tertinggi terdapat pada Simpang Hotel Nusantara dengan tingkat pelayanan (LoS) C. Kemudian, untuk mendapatkan kinerja simpang yang lebih baik di jaringan jalan Stasiun Jember setelah pengembangan, dilakukan manajemen lalu lintas yaitu : pengaturan arus lalu lintas, pemasangan rambu-rambu lalu lintas pada jaringan jalan, serta pengaturan ulang traffic light pada simpang bersinyal. Setelah dilakukan manajemen lalu lintas tersebut, didapat tingkat pelayanan yang lebih baik pada simpang bersinyal dan simpang tak bersinyal disekitar stasiun Jember, yang berarti skenario lalu lintas yang direkomendasikan layak untuk diterapkan di lapangan.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 1 No 02 (2017): JURNAL REKAYASA SIPIL DAN LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (799.763 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jrsl.v1i02.6044


High Rise Building project has a very high work complexity so that the probability of the risk is enormous. The risks are likely to occur can inhibit the work of the project and can affect costs. It is therefore necessary to risk management to minimize the impacts caused by therisk. This research aims to know the factor dominant risk on construction projects that have an impact on costs. Identification of risk review of aspects of the internal non technical : construction management cost, risk, uncertainty work, terlamba t his project, the uncertainties of material and equipment. The methods used by conducting a detailed questionnaire on the project of High Rise Building. Methods of analysis using the method of Pearson. The dominant risk analysis obtained from the main questionnaire and is calculated based on the method of the concept of Severity Index (SI) as well as the measurement of the value of the level of risk. Analysis on the dominant risk against 12 can cost. The most dominant risk impacting on the cost of the plan is the owner of the project fee usually varies due to the risk of total value could reach 10% of the contract value. Proyek High Rise Building memiliki kompleksitas pekerjaan yang sangat tinggi sehingga kemungkinan terjadinya risiko sangat besar. Risiko yang kemungkinan terjadi dapat menghambat pekerjaan proyek dan dapat berpengaruh pada biaya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan manajemen risiko untuk meminimalisir dampak-dampak yang disebabkan oleh risiko tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko dominan pada proyek kontruksi high rise building yang berdampak pada biaya. Identifikasi risiko ditinjau dari aspek internal non teknis meliputi : risiko biaya, manajemen konstruksi, ketidakpastian pekerjaan, terlambatnya proyek, ketidakpastian material dan peralatan. Metode yang digunakan dengan melakukan kuisioner pada pengelola manajemen proyek High Rise Building. Metode analisis menggunakan metode Pearson. Analisis risiko dominan diperoleh dari kuisioner utama dan dianalisis berdasarkan konsep metode Severity Index (SI) serta pengukuran nilai tingkat risiko. Hasil analisis di dapat 12 risiko internal dominan yang berdampak pada biaya. Risiko yang paling dominan dengan nilai severity index dan nilai risiko terbesar adalah rencana pemilik proyek yang sering berubah-ubah, sehingga biaya akibat risiko tersebut dapat mencapai total nilai 10% dari nilai kontrak.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 2 No 01 (2018): JURNAL REKAYASA SIPIL DAN LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.979 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jrsl.v2i01.5883


Asphalt is a pavement material that works as an aggregate binder and filler Natural polymer in the form of cellulose from banana stem leaves has the potential to be used as an alternative material added on asphalt to increase the quality of asphalt itself. The reason for the use of cellulose from banana stem is because it is easy to get and can reduce waste of banana stem. The design of the specimens used pure asphalt pen 60/70 mixed with banana stems fiber powder. Percentage of additive material were 0%; 0.1%; 0.2%; 0.3%; and 0.4% of the asphalt weight. The specimens made for each physical asphalt test were three samples. The results of the analysis and discussion found that the additional banana stems fiber powder on the pure asphalt produced an increase in physical characteristics of asphalt. The optimal percentage of adding banana stems fiber powder was obtained at 0.1% percentage since all test values fulfilled the 60/70 asphalt requirement. The additional banana stems fiber powder of 0.1% resulted in a decrease in penetration value from 70.7 (0.1 mm) to 67.4 (0.1 mm), ductility value from 146 cm to 102.3 cm, weight loss from 0 , 14% to 0.09%, and the specific gravity from 1.042 to 1.037. The additional banana stems fiber powder with asphalt resulted in an increase of softening point from 44.2 º C to 44.7 º C, the viscosity value from 300.99 cst to 320.80 cst. Aspal merupakan bahan perkerasan jalan sebagai bahan pengikat dan pengisi antar agregat, sehingga aspal harus memiliki kemampuan dalam mempertahankan sifat fisiknya terhadap kelenturan dan kelekatannya. Polimer alam berupa selulosa dari pelepah batang pisang memiliki potensi dijadikan alternatif bahan tambah pada aspal untuk meningkatnya kualitas dari aspal. Pertimbangan penggunaan selulosa dari batang pisang dikarenakan mudah didapatkan dan dapat mengurangi limbah batang pisang dan menjadi bahan yang bermanfaat. Metode yang dilakukan untuk membuat aspal jenis baru ini dengan mempersiapkan bahan tambah berupa pelepah batang pisang menjadi serbuk serat. Rancangan benda uji menggunakan aspal murni pen 60/70 yang dicampur dengan bahan aditif dari serbuk serat pelepah batang pisang. Prosentase bahan tambah sebesar 0%; 0,1%; 0,2%; 0,3%; dan 0,4% dari berat aspal. Benda uji dibuat masing–masing sebanyak tiga sampel untuk setiap pengujian sifat fisik aspal. Hasil analisis dan pembahasan didapatkan bahwa penambahan serbuk serat batang pisang pada aspal murni menghasilkan peningkatan terhadap karakteristik sifat fisik aspal. Prosentase optimal penambahan serat batang pisang didapat pada prosentase 0,1%, karena semua nilai pengujian memenuhi persyaratan aspal 60/70. Penambahan serbuk serat batang pisang sebesar 0,1% mengakibatkan penurunan nilai penetrasi dari 70,7 (0,1 mm) menjadi 67,4 (0,1 mm), nilai daktilitas dari 146 cm menjadi 102,3 cm, kehilangan berat dari 0,14% menjadi 0,09%, dan berat jenis dari 1,042 menjadi 1,037. Penambahan serbuk serat batang pisang dengan aspal mengakibatkan kenaikan titik lembek dari 44,2ºC menjadi 44,7ºC, nilai viskositas dari 300,99 cst menjadi 320,80 cst. Penambahan serbuk serat batang pisang pada aspal mengakibatkan penurunan nilai penetrasi dan nilai daktilitas serta meningkatkan nilai titik lembek aspal sehingga aspal lebih tahan pada temperatur yang lebih tinggi.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 2 No 02 (2018): JURNAL REKAYASA SIPIL DAN LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (577.485 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jrsl.v2i02.7567


Laston AC-WC is the outer layer of the pavement that is directly related to the outside, so a strong mixture is required. One of the major effects is the aggregate gradation.This experiment aims to find out the comparison of Laston AC-WC performance between mixtures used aggregat egradation above and below the restriction zone. Each mixture used 6 variations of asphalt content and there were 3 specimens on each variation of bitumen content. The asphalt contents used were 5,5%; 6%; 6,5%; 7%; 7,5% dan 8%. From the results of the experiments, the mixture with the aggregate above the restriction zone at 7% and 7.5% asphalt content had a density value of 2.13 gr / cc and 2.12 gr / cc respectively; VMA value of 15.49% and 15.91%; VFA values ​​of 80.48% and 79.98%; VIM value of 3.16% and 3.18%; stability value of 3013.58 kg and 2332.57 kg; flow value of 2.47 mm and 2.18 mm; as well as MQ values ​​of 1222.25 kg / mm and 1184.59 kg / mm. While on the mixture with the aggregate under the restriction zone in the asphalt content of 7% and 7.5% obtained density value of 2.11 gr / cc and 2.14 gr / cc; VMA value of 17.21% and 16.3%; VFA value of 71.21% and 78.65%; VIM value of 4.99% and 3.49%; stability value of 2518,75 kg and 3234,72 kg; flow values ​​of 2 mm and 2.07 mm; as well as the MQ value of 1259.37 kg / mm and 1623.54 kg / mm. From the results are analyzed Paired T test and found that the value of flow has a significant difference. The high flow rate was found in the mixture with the aggregate above the restriction zone at 7% asphalt content, so this mixture is more durable due to good flexibility. Laston AC-WC merupakan lapisan terluar perkerasan yang berhubungan langsung dengan keadaan luar, sehingga dibutuhkan campuran yang kuat. Salah satu yang berpengaruh besar adalah gradasi agregat yang digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan kinerja laston AC-WC antara campuran yang menggunakan gradasi di atas dengan di bawah daerah larangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap campuran laston AC-WC. Masing-masing campuran menggunakan 6 variasi kadar aspal dan terdapat 3 benda uji pada setiap kadar aspal. Kadar aspal yang digunakan adalah 5,5%; 6%; 6,5%; 7%; 7,5% dan 8%. Dari hasil penelitian, campuran dengan agregat di atas daerah larangan pada kadar aspal 7% dan 7,5% memiliki nilai density berturut-turut sebesar 2,13 gr/cc dan 2,12 gr/cc; nilai VMA sebesar 15,49% dan 15,91%; nilai VFA sebesar 80,48% dan 79,98%; nilai VIM sebesar 3,16% dan 3,18%; nilai stabilitas sebesar 3013,58 kg dan 2332,57 kg; nilai flow sebesar 2,47 mm dan 2,18 mm; serta nilai MQ sebesar 1222,25 kg/mm dan 1184,59 kg/mm. Sedangkan pada campuran dengan agregat di bawah daerah larangan pada kadar aspal 7% dan 7,5% didapatkan nilai density sebesar 2,11 gr/cc dan 2,14 gr/cc; nilai VMA sebesar 17,21% dan 16,3%; nilai VFA sebesar 71,21% dan 78,65%; nilai VIM sebesar 4,99% dan 3,49%; nilai stabilitas sebesar 2518,75 kg dan 3234,72 kg; nilai flow sebesar 2 mm dan 2,07 mm; serta nilai MQ sebesar 1259,37 kg/mm dan 1623,54 kg/mm. Dari hasil tersebut dilakukan analisa Uji T Berpasangan dan didapatkan bahwa nilai flow memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Nilai flow yang tinggi terdapat pada campuran dengan agregat di atas daerah larangan pada kadar aspal 7%, sehingga campuran ini lebih tahan lama dikarenakan memiliki kelenturan yang baik.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 3 No 1 (2019): JURNAL REKAYASA SIPIL DAN LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (732.878 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jrsl.v3i1.9324


Implementation of the construction project is very necessary for the existence of risk management. It is necessary to anticipate and handle risks in construction projects because of the project's construction one such risk of occupational health and safety (OHS). So the need for the identification, assessment, analysis to anticipate the risks involved. According to OHSAS (18001:2007), OHS is all the conditions and factors that affect, or may affect, on the health and safety of employees or other workers (including contract workers and personnel contractors, or others in the workplace). The purpose of this research is to know the risk factors and the risk of dominant and controlling risks in the project. The methods used in this research is a method of HAZID, HAZOP, and HIRA. The results obtained, there are 48 types of risk factors, 47 with the medium category, and 1 with a low category. There are five dominant risks and 12 risk controls. Implementation of the construction project is very necessary for the existence of risk management. It is necessary to anticipate and handle risks in construction projects because of the project's construction one such risk of occupational health and safety (OHS). So the need for the identification, assessment, analysis to anticipate the risks involved. According to OHSAS (18001:2007), OHS is all the conditions and factors that affect, or may affect, on the health and safety of employees or other workers (including contract workers and personnel contractors, or others in the workplace). The purpose of this research is to know the risk factors and the risk of dominant and controlling risks in the project. The methods used in this research is a method of HAZID, HAZOP, and HIRA. The results obtained, there are 48 types of risk factors, 47 with the medium category, and 1 with a low category. There are five dominant risks and 12 risk controls.

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