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Reaction Speed and Coordination Improves The Punch of Gyaku Zuki Chudan Riyadi, Dani Nur; Lubis, Johansyah; Rihatno, Taufik
ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation Vol 9 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.048 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/active.v9i1.32662


This study aims to determine the effect of reaction speed, eye-hand coordination towards the gyaku zuki chudan on Bandung Karate Club Athlete in Bekasi City. The research method is a descriptive associative, and the analysis technique is path analysis. The sampling technique used is a total sampling with a sample amount of 16 people. The instruments used are a test of gyaku zuki chudan, reaction speed measurement using Catch the ruler test, eye-hand coordination measurement using throw-catch the ball, The amount of value obtained by gyaku zuki chudan technique is to do a straight punch parallel to the chest or angle of the 90° with as soon as possible for 10 seconds. Samples tested 2 times, performed in a closed room, the results obtained in the execution of the test is hitting in the size of the number of punch. The conclusions are: (1) reaction speed directly affects on the gyaku zuki chudan, and (2) eye-hand coordination directly affects on the gyaku zuki chudan.
Pendampingan Jurus Tunggal Berbasis Digital di Kampung Silat Jampang, Kecamatan Kemang, Kabupaten Bogor Lubis, Johansyah; Sukur, Abdul; Asmawi, Moch.; Irawan, Astri Ayu
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 24, No 1 (2020): June
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Perkembangan olahraga pencak silat sebagai salah satu budaya bangsa Indonesia di dunia, terlihat makin diterimanya oleh masyarakat luas, bahkan Unesco akhir tahun 2019 mengakui sebagai salah satu budaya bukan benda milik Indonesia. Pencak silat juga berkembang sebagai olahraga kompetisi mulai di tingkat multy event SEA Games dan Asian Games, selain kejuaraan Dunia single event yang sudah berjalan 24 kali mulai tahun 1982. Salah satu nomor lomba adalah Jurus tunggal. Jurus tunggal adalah yang mengangkat dari keindahan gerak dari berbagai aliran dan perguruan di Indonesia, Malaysia, brunei dan Singapore. kebutuhan akan kompetensi jurus tunggal sangat dibutuhkan oleh para pelatih dan atlet di Indonesia, mengingat hampir setiap event pencak silat jurus tunggal diperlombakan, baik tingkat pra-remaja, remaja sampai Dewasa, di tingkat O2Sn maupun POPnas dan POMnas. Proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Digital menjadi hal penting setelah bergulirnya Revolusi Industri 4.0, dimana hampir semua pelajar memiliki smart phone dan mudah mengakses internet, harapan dengan digital pembelajaran yang benar dari sumber yang terbaik akan membantu pemuda Kampung Silat Jampang, mengingat kampung silat jampang (KSJ) ini menjadi salah satu binaan dari Dompet Dhuafa yang menjadikan kampung ini desa wisata yang terdapat program kampung silatnya. UNJ sebagai salah satu Pembina olahraga silat memiliki kepedulian akan pengembangan jurus tunggal kepada masyarakat kampung Jampang. Metode kegiatan pengabdian yang dilaksanakan dengan pendampingan, yaitu memberikan pelatihan langsung ke masyarakat selama lebih kurang 1 bulan atau 4 kali seminggu melalui pendampingan pelatih, kemudian diberikan URL youtube jurus tunggal yang sudah disiapkan dan di ambil data melalui google form. Indikator Ketercapaian proses pendampingan dengan angket tentang evaluasi diri. The development of Pencak Silat as one of Indonesia’s cultural heritage can be indicated from its acceptance by international audience. In 2019, UNESCO inscribed Pencak Silat on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Pencak Silat has also become sport competition in multi-event SEA Games and ASIAN Games, in addition to the single-event world championship which has been running 24 times since 1982. As one of event categories, Jurus Tunggal (Single Stance) showcases artistic moves from variant styles and schools of silat from Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore. The Jurus Tunggal assistance is highly needed by coaches and athletes of Silat in Indonesia, considering that Jurus Tunggal is contested in almost every Pencak Silat event such as O2SN, POPnas, and POMnas, either in pre-teen, teen, or adult category. Industry 4.0 has made digital learning essential. At this time, almost each student is equipped with smartphones and internet connection. This is expected that the right digital learning from the best sources would help young practitioners of Pencak Silat in Kampung Silat Jampang (KSJ), which is one of tourism assisted villages of Dompet Duafa. Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) as one of the assistants of Pencak Silat sports has concern for the development of Jurus Tunggal to the people in Kampung Jampang by carrying out a community service program. This program allowed UNJ to offer assistance in the form of comprehensive training for approximately a month or 4 weeks. Coach’s personal assistance and instructional Youtube video of Jurus Tunggal were employed. After the program finished, the participants were instructed to take part in a survey using Google form.
The Implementation of Curriculum by Using Motion Pattern-Based Learning Media for Pre-school Children Yusmawati, Yusmawati; Lubis, Johansyah
Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini Vol 13 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini Volume 13 Nomor 1 April 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.765 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/10.21009/JPUD.131.14


This study aims to determine the implementation of curriculum in learning activities of pre-school children and develop motion pattern-based learning media for pre-school children. This research was carried out in thirty kindergartens in East Jakarta. It was conducted in 4 months, from June to October 2018. This research is included in the development and evalu-ation research (mixed method). The scope of the research is the implementation of curricu-lum and the development of learning media for pre-school children by using customized tools. Data was collected by using questionnaires and analyzed by using Guttman scale and Likert scale. Percentage of the implementation of learning for preschoolers in Kindergarten in East Jakarta is very good. The goal dimension got 98.2%, the content dimension got 99.3%, the method dimension got 99.3% and the evaluation dimension got 98.3%. The product of this study is a learning media that is adjusted to the implementation of motion pattern-based learning activities for pre-school children. Keywords: Early childhood education curriculum, Motion Pattern-Based Learning Media, Pre-school children References Arikunto, S. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Asdi Mahasatya. Arikunto, S. (2014). Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Ayob, A., Badzis, M., & Nordin, A. L.Abdullah, R. (2016). Kurikulum Permata Negara. Tanjong Malim: NCDRC, UPSI. Azia, R. S. (1976). Curriculum Principles and Foundation. New York: Harper and Row Publisher. Boyle, T., & Phelps, R. (2010). Curriculum To Acknowledge Diversity. The International Journal of Learning, 17(2), 357–370. Brady, L. (1995). Curriculum development (5th ed.). Sydney: Prentice-Hall. Cholimah, N. (2012). Pengembangan Kurikulum PAUD Berdasarkan Permen 58 Tahun 2009. Criticos. (1996). Media. Amazon. George A.Beauchamp. (1981). Curriculum Theory. F.E. Peacock Publisher. Jamaris, M. (2006). Perkembangan dan Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini Taman Kanak-kanak. Jakarta: Gramedia Widiasarana. Johnson, M. (1967). Intentionality in Education. New York: Center for Curriculum Research and Services. Kawaitouw, Y. I., Widiastuti, A. A., & Kurniawan, M. (2018). Unit Studies Curriculum: Strategi Guru Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum di Jungle School Sidomukti. Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 12(November), 371–380. Kerlinger, F. N. (1990). Asas-asas Penelitian Behavioral (3th ed.). Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press. Langgulung, H. (1989). Manusia dan Pendidikan: Suatu Analisa Psikologik dan Pendidikan. Jakarta: Pustaka al-Husna. MacDonald, J. B. (1965). Educational Models for Instruction. Washington DC: The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Morrison, G. S. (2012). Dasar-dasar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Jakarta: Indeks. Olivia, P. F. (1992). Developing the Curriculum (Third Edit). New York: Harper Collins Publishers Inc. Ornstein, A. C. (2004). Curriculum:Foundation, Principles, and Issues. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. Ozturk, I. H. (2011). Curriculum Reform and Teacher Autonomy in Turkey: the case of the History Teaching". International Journal of Instruction, 4 (2)(2), 113–127. Prihatini, P. (2014). Kajian Ide Kurikulum 2012 PAUD dan Implikasinya dalam Pengembangan KTSP. Cakrawala: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak USia Dini. Rahelly, Y. (2018). Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Sumatera Selatan. Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 12(November), 381–390. Rohmansyah, N. A. (2017). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Terhadap Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Pendidikan Jasmani Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Terintegrasi Siswa Kelas IV. JURNAL PENJAKORA, 4(28–35). Saylor, J. G., & Alexander, W. M. (1981). Curriculum Planning for Better Teaching and Learning. Holt-Rinehart and Winston. Sujiono, Y. N. (2009). Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Jakarta: Indeks. Sukmadinata, N. S. (2000). Pengembangan Kurikulum Teori dan Praktek. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. Sutapa, P. (2014). Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Berbasis Kinestetik Untuk Anak Usia Pra Sekolah. Yogyakarta. Webster. (1993). Webster’s New International Dictionary. GC Company. Widoyoko, E. P. (2012). Evaluasi Program Pembelajaran. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Winarno. (2011). Winarno. Metodologi dalam Penelitian Pendidikan Jasmani. Malang: Media Cakrawala Press. Winarso, W. (2017). Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum Sekolah, (January 2015).
Exercise Modification of Directional Hand Movement to Improve The Punch Speed in Pencak Silat Haqiyah, Aridhotul; Adara, Reza Anggriyashati; Riyadi, Dani Nur; Lubis, Johansyah; Widiastuti, Widiastuti
Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport Vol 7, No 1 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpehs.v7i1.26267


In performing pencak silat, speed is needed. This study aims to determine the effect of modification exercises directional hand movement on the punch speed in pencak silat. The method used was an experiment with a one group pre-test and post-test design. The sample in this study was 32 students (20.15+0.84) at the Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the exercise modification of directional hand movement improve the punch speed in pencak silat. The t value = 8,258, with df = 31, and the p-value = 0.000 <0.05. Thus it can be concluded that there is an increase in the speed of the punches through the modification of the exercise directional hand movement. This can be an input for coaches and sports teachers as a reference for variations in exercise in increasing the physical component of speed in martial arts.
Model Latihan Tendangan lurus Pencak Silat Berbasis Media Belajar Siswa Ekstrakulikuler Pencak Silat SMPN 88 Jakarta Fikri Fauzan; Johansyah Lubis; Wahyuningtyas Puspitorini
Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Adaptif (JPJA) Vol 2 No 02 (2019): Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Adaptif, Volume 02, No. 02, November 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/jpja.v2i02.15551


Penelitian ini di latar belakangi bahwa Pencak Silat adalah budaya asli bangsa Indonesia yang harus dilestarikan dan terus dikembangkan. Dilihat dari latihan siswa ekstrakulikuler pencak silat SMPN 88 Jakarta dimana siswa melakukan latihan dengan secara klasikal atau bersama sama dan tanpa menggunakan media tambahan, tampak terlihat siswa tidak fokus dalam melakukan latihan gerakan teknik tendangan lurus , siswa sering tidak serius dalam melakukan teknik tendangan yang tidak maksimal, sehingga bentuk tendanganpun tidak terbentuk dengan baik dan tujuan latihanpun tidak tercapai dengan baik. peneliti membuat model latihan tendangan lurus berbasis media belajar yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui model model latihan tendangan lurus pencak silat yang efektif dengan berbasis media belajar. Model ini diciptakan dengan menggunakan beberapa media diantaranya dengan menggunakan sabuk, kursi, hoop, thoya, bola, rubber, katrol atau perpaduan dari beberapa media tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mencari informasi dari beberapa sumber seperti pelatih terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui masalah apa yang dihadapi pelatih dan siswa-siswi dalam melakukan teknik dasar pencak silat, maka peneliti membuat produk yang layak, kemudian divalidasi oleh 3 ahli pencak silat. Selanjutnya, model ini diuji pada siswa ekstrakurikuler SMPN 88 Jakarta pada bulan juli dengan total 20 orang dan teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik uji-t dan validitas ahli. Hasil akhir adalah bahwa model latihan tendangan lurus pencak silat berbasis media belajar layak efektif untuk digunakan pada siswa ekstrakurikuler Pencak silat di SMPN 88 Jakarta.
EVALUATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION LEARNING IN PRIMARY SCHOOL Rony Mohamad Rizal; Moch. Asmawi; Johansyah Lubis; Juditya S; Zakaria D A
JIPES - JOURNAL OF INDONESIAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT Vol 4 No 2 (2018): JIPES (Journal of Indonesian Physical Education and Sport)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Evaluation is an important part in the learning series, as well as in the physical education learning series. Even from the evaluation process carried out in schools, a teacher will get a picture of the learning achievement. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the level of perception, understanding, application and achievement of the process carried out by physical education teachers at the primary school level in the evaluation of physical education learning. The method used is descriptive quantitative with a survey approach. The instrument used in the form of a questionnaire (questionnaire) distributed to all physical education teachers in SD in Cibiru District, totaling 30 people. The data analysis technique used quantitative descriptive analysis as outlined in percentages and the results of this study showed that the level of perceptions of physical education teachers in the evaluation of physical education learning in elementary schools in Cibiru District was 6.67% (2 teachers) in the very high category, 26 , 66% (8 teachers) in the high category, 36.67% (11 teachers) in the medium category, 23.33% (7 teachers) in the low category and 6.67% (2 teachers) in the very low category. Thus it can be concluded that most of the physical education teachers' perceptions of the evaluation of physical education learning in SDs in Cibiru District, Bandung City are moderate with the amount of 36.67%.
Petanque: Mental Training and Kinesthetic Perception of Shooting Accuracy Rizal, Rony Muhammad; Asmawi, Moch.; Lubis, Johansyah
ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation Vol 9 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/active.v9i3.41987


This study aims to determine 1) the difference in the effect of mental imagery training with mental autogenic training on shooting accuracy in petanque sports, 2) the effect of kinesthetic perception on shooting accuracy in petanque sports, 3) the interaction between mental training and kinaesthetic perception on shooting accuracy in petanque sports. The research method used is the experimental method. The data was collected using perception tests and shooting accuracy tests, while the instruments used were shooting tests from FIPJP (Fédération Internationale de Pétanque et Jeu Provençal). Data analysis using ANAVA analysis. The results of this study are 1) Mental imagery training has a greater effect than mental autogenic training on shooting accuracy in Petanque sports, 2) There is an effect of kinesthetics perception on shooting accuracy in Petanque sports, 3) There is an interaction between mental training and kinaesthetic perception of accuracy shooting in petanque sport. So the conclusion of this study, to obtain high accuracy of shooting Petanque, athletes who have high kinesthetic perception should be selected, supported by programmed imagery training.
Exercise Modification of Directional Hand Movement to Improve The Punch Speed in Pencak Silat Haqiyah, Aridhotul; Adara, Reza Anggriyashati; Riyadi, Dani Nur; Lubis, Johansyah; Widiastuti, Widiastuti
Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpehs.v7i1.26267


In performing pencak silat, speed is needed. This study aims to determine the effect of modification exercises directional hand movement on the punch speed in pencak silat. The method used was an experiment with a one group pre-test and post-test design. The sample in this study was 32 students (20.15+0.84) at the Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the exercise modification of directional hand movement improve the punch speed in pencak silat. The t value = 8,258, with df = 31, and the p-value = 0.000 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that there is an increase in the speed of the punches through the modification of the exercise directional hand movement. This can be an input for coaches and sports teachers as a reference for variations in exercise in increasing the physical component of speed in martial arts.
Pendampingan Jurus Tunggal Berbasis Digital di Kampung Silat Jampang, Kecamatan Kemang, Kabupaten Bogor Lubis, Johansyah; Sukur, Abdul; Asmawi, Moch.; Irawan, Astri Ayu
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 24, No 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v24i1.17047


Perkembangan olahraga pencak silat sebagai salah satu budaya bangsa Indonesia di dunia, terlihat makin diterimanya oleh masyarakat luas, bahkan Unesco akhir tahun 2019 mengakui sebagai salah satu budaya bukan benda milik Indonesia. Pencak silat juga berkembang sebagai olahraga kompetisi mulai di tingkat multy event SEA Games dan Asian Games, selain kejuaraan Dunia single event yang sudah berjalan 24 kali mulai tahun 1982. Salah satu nomor lomba adalah Jurus tunggal. Jurus tunggal adalah yang mengangkat dari keindahan gerak dari berbagai aliran dan perguruan di Indonesia, Malaysia, brunei dan Singapore. kebutuhan akan kompetensi jurus tunggal sangat dibutuhkan oleh para pelatih dan atlet di Indonesia, mengingat hampir setiap event pencak silat jurus tunggal diperlombakan, baik tingkat pra-remaja, remaja sampai Dewasa, di tingkat O2Sn maupun POPnas dan POMnas. Proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Digital menjadi hal penting setelah bergulirnya Revolusi Industri 4.0, dimana hampir semua pelajar memiliki smart phone dan mudah mengakses internet, harapan dengan digital pembelajaran yang benar dari sumber yang terbaik akan membantu pemuda Kampung Silat Jampang, mengingat kampung silat jampang (KSJ) ini menjadi salah satu binaan dari Dompet Dhuafa yang menjadikan kampung ini desa wisata yang terdapat program kampung silatnya. UNJ sebagai salah satu Pembina olahraga silat memiliki kepedulian akan pengembangan jurus tunggal kepada masyarakat kampung Jampang. Metode kegiatan pengabdian yang dilaksanakan dengan pendampingan, yaitu memberikan pelatihan langsung ke masyarakat selama lebih kurang 1 bulan atau 4 kali seminggu melalui pendampingan pelatih, kemudian diberikan URL youtube jurus tunggal yang sudah disiapkan dan di ambil data melalui google form. Indikator Ketercapaian proses pendampingan dengan angket tentang evaluasi diri. The development of Pencak Silat as one of Indonesia’s cultural heritage can be indicated from its acceptance by international audience. In 2019, UNESCO inscribed Pencak Silat on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Pencak Silat has also become sport competition in multi-event SEA Games and ASIAN Games, in addition to the single-event world championship which has been running 24 times since 1982. As one of event categories, Jurus Tunggal (Single Stance) showcases artistic moves from variant styles and schools of silat from Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore. The Jurus Tunggal assistance is highly needed by coaches and athletes of Silat in Indonesia, considering that Jurus Tunggal is contested in almost every Pencak Silat event such as O2SN, POPnas, and POMnas, either in pre-teen, teen, or adult category. Industry 4.0 has made digital learning essential. At this time, almost each student is equipped with smartphones and internet connection. This is expected that the right digital learning from the best sources would help young practitioners of Pencak Silat in Kampung Silat Jampang (KSJ), which is one of tourism assisted villages of Dompet Duafa. Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) as one of the assistants of Pencak Silat sports has concern for the development of Jurus Tunggal to the people in Kampung Jampang by carrying out a community service program. This program allowed UNJ to offer assistance in the form of comprehensive training for approximately a month or 4 weeks. Coach’s personal assistance and instructional Youtube video of Jurus Tunggal were employed. After the program finished, the participants were instructed to take part in a survey using Google form.
The Effect of Teaching Style Pratice, Reciprocity, Inclusion and Learning Motivation on Butterfly Swimming Skills Rusdi Rusdi; Firmansyah Dlis; Johansyah Lubis; Anggri Dwi Nata; Whalsen Whalsen
Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani Vol 4 No 2 (2020): SEPTEMBER (ACCREDITED SINTA 3)
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/jk.v4i2.12574


Teaching styles have a very big role in improving students' learning abilities, by various learning styles it is hoped that students can find most appropriate teaching style that can improve student skills in learning, especially in the basic motion course of swimming. The training teaching style, reciprocity, inclusion of Mosston was selected in this study and learning motivation as the moderator variable was divided into 2 parts, they’re high and low. to determine the effect of teaching Style Pratice, reciprocal inclusion and learning motivation on butterfly swimming skills in male students at the Sports and Health Sciences Faculty. Method used in this study is an experimental method with a 3x2 factorial design. Subjects in the study were male students at the Sports and Health Education Faculty, Teachers' Training Institute, Indonesia Teachers Association, Pontianak. Based on the study results, it’s known that the reciprocal teaching style is better than teaching Style Pratice, the inclusion teaching style is better than the teaching Style Pratice and the inclusive teaching style, reciprocity is equally good in learning butterfly style swimming skills in male students at FPOK IKIP PGRI Pontianak.