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JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 4 No 3 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.884 KB) | DOI: 10.32764/joems.v4i3.461


The quality of education will be achieved, if it is supported by all components of education which are held with all considerations. Some of these components are inputs, processes, and outputs, and need full support from parties who have important roles in educational institutions. However, one thing that is the focus here is that the quality of education has so far been assessed by learning achievement, outputs received at superior universities, and so on, moreover, it is added with indicators of religious points which are internalized in students. Since religious values ​​are internalized in students, even though students who have sky-high achievements will eventually become the new Gaius Tambunan. Departing from this, it is therefore very urgent for educational institutions, especially educational institutions to internalize religious values ​​into independent learners by using inuring through religious culture.
Integrasi Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Menangkal Bahaya Radikalisme Pada Pembelajaran PAI MAN 3 Jombang Prabowo, Heru; Nisa', Khoirun
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 5 No 4 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32764/joems.v5i4.779


This study aims to find out and obtain information about the integration of character education values ​​in countering the dangers of radicalism in Islamic religious education learning at MAN 3 Jombang. This study uses a qualitative method with the research subjects or informants used are the waka curriculum, the student waka, PAI teachers, Aqidah Ahklak teachers, and 12th grade students majoring in Religion. This is so that researchers get accurate and relevant information. The data collection techniques are Observation, Interview, and Documentation. Data analysis in this study includes data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Checking the validity of the data used is the persistence of the researcher and trigulation of data sources. The results of this study conclude that the integration of character education values ​​in Islamic Religious Education learning at MAN 3 Jombang is able to fortify students in the dangers of radicalism.
Implementasi Blanded Learning dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Fiqih Kelas VII di MTs Darun Najah Karangploso Nisa', Khoirun; Hilma, Nuzulul Alfia
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 6 No 3 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32764/joems.v6i3.931


Success in the learning process will be achieved when the teachersuccessfully transfers knowledgeto students. Therefore, the right learning strategies and models are needed, one of which is theblanded learning model. The blanded learning model can also be used as a solution to the problemof low student learning motivation. The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementationof the blanded learning model in increasing the learning motivation of CLASS VII students in fiqhsubjects at MTs Darun Najah, Ngijo-Karangploso. This research uses qualitative methods, with aqualitative descriptive approach. The data sources in the study are primary and secondary data.Primary data were taken from interviews, interviews conducted with the head of the Madrasah, andteachers of class VII fiqh subjects at MTs Darun Najah. Secondary data is taken from field recordsof observations, and documentation in the form of photos and audio. The resultsof this study provethat blanded learning-based learning is able to increase the learning motivation of class VIIstudents in MTs Darun Najah, especially in the subject of fiqh learning. However, in itsimplementation there are several obstacles, including that there are still some teachers who do notfully understand the concept of blanded learning at MTs Darun Najah, and the internet networkwhich is still often problematic, so that it can trigger the inefficiency of learning using the blandedlearning learning model at MTs Darun Najah.
Potensi Energi Berkelanjutan Pembuatan Biogas Inovatif dari Kotoran Hewan Sapi Nisa', Khoirun; Afif, Muh Abdurrosyid; Siti Nurazizah; Wahyudi, Wahyudi
Jumat Pertanian: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): April
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32764/abdimasper.v5i1.4156


Peternak adalah orang yang melakukan budidaya hewan seperti sapi, ayam, kambing atau sebagainya permasalahan yang sering dihadapi oleh peternak adalah cara untuk memanfaatkan limbah kotoran ternak. Padahal Pemanfaatan kotoran hewan ternak bisa dijadikan gas pengganti lpg. Oleh karena itu kegiatan pengabdian maasyarakat dilakukan untuk membantu peternak agar bisa memanfaatkan limbah kotoran sapi menjadi gas melalui sosialisai pembuatan gas dari kotoran sapi. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada hari selasa tanggal 12 September 2023 dengan sasaran kegiatan masyarakat desa sudimoro yang terdiri dari Organisasi gabungan kelompok tani dan para peternak. Kegiatan ini terbagi menjadi dua tahapan, pertama sosialisasi cara memanfaatkan limbah kotoran menjadi gas dan kedua praktek cara pembuatan gas dari limbah kotoran.Hasil yang di dapat dari rata- rata presentasi ialah 80% , yang artinya kegiatan sosialisasi tersebut memiliki dampak yang positf terhadap masyarakat, khususnya Masyarakat, dengan dampak positif yang diperoleh maka peternak diharapkan mampu untuk mengelolah limbah dengan baik guna bisa menjadikan kotoran ternak menjadi bahan yang berguna untuk Masyarakat seperti gas.
How the Evolution and Track of Several Digital Technologies in Science Education? Nisa', Khoirun; Indriana Safitri, Afaurina; Mubarok, Husni
JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains) Vol. 13 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jpps.v13n2.p113-128


Objective:  Digital technologies have significantly impacted science education. This research uses a bibliometric analysis to analyze the evolution of various digital technologies in science education. Method: The research uses the PRISMA method to conduct a systematic review using the Scopus database. Results: LMS was the highest publication and citation in the last five years. DL and LMS publications increased, but DA decreased. DL, LMS, DA, and EA publications dominate article papers. SC and ILS dominated conference papers. 57% of DT researchers are European, with 19% from Asian and North American researchers. Twenty-four sources are participating in DT research. Many universities in America, such as Harvard University, Stanford University, MIT, and Berkeley University, the University of California have extensive facilities for participating in DL, LMS, DA, EA, SC, and ILS research. Novelty: This research is essential to educators, researchers, and policymakers to provide insights on improving digital teaching technologies, inform policy, and promote interdisciplinary collaboration. It also offers an overview and research trend of DT in science education research and its opportunities for researchers, librarians, digital developers, educators, and policymakers to develop further research, education, and technology. Further research can be conducted based on the scope of mathematics or physics education, especially to investigate specific skills or STEAM.
Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jdess.2024.03.3.15


Gerbangkertosusila is a development area that contributes the largest income in East Java. However, the high Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in this region is apparently followed by a high unemployment rate. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and develop leading sectors that have the potential to absorb a lot of labor. This study aims to analyze the influence of each leading sector on labor absorption in the Gerbangkertosusila region from 2013 to 2022. The sectors analyzed include the manufacturing industry sector, construction sector, trade and repair sector, accommodation and food beverage supply sector, also information and communication sector. The results of the analysis show that the manufacturing industry sector and the trade and repair sector are effective in absorbing a lot of labor. Meanwhile, the construction sector, accommodation and food beverage supply sector, and information and communication sector are less effective in absorbing labor. The two sectors that are effective in absorbing a lot of labor should be the main focus of regional development in order to increase regional economic growth, increase community income, and reduce the unemployment rate.
Model Pembelajaran Game Based Learning terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Arab Nisa', Khoirun; Cahyani, Ella; Nafi, Ahmad Abu
Kilmatuna: Journal Of Arabic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): April : KILMATUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55352/pba.v4i1.843


Proses pembelajaran bahasa Arab di SDN 2 Sedayulawas masih kurang antusias serta kurangnya semangat peserta didik. Permasalahan yang terjadi antara lain rendahnya hasil belajar bahasa Arab peserta didik kelas V SDN 2 Sedayulawas, selain itu banyak peserta didik yang tidak menyukai mata pelajaran bahasa Arab, karena dianggap kurang menarik, membosankan dan sulit dipahami. Oleh karena itu, peneliti bergerak untuk meneliti salah satu cara pembelajaran yang menarik dan menyenangkan agar pembelajaran menjadi lebih efektif dan peserta didik menjadi aktif dalam pembelajaran. Peneliti menggunakan model Game Based Learning untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain one group one design pre-test post-tes. Adapun sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu semua peserta didik kelas V SDN 2 Sedayulawas yang berjumlah 26 peserta didik dan instrument yang digunakan adalah observasi, dokumentasi, interview, dan tes Adapun kriteria penerimaanya adalah terima Ha jika t hit >t table pada x5% dan db=n-1. Berdasarkan keterangan itu, maka hasilnya di dapat nilai t tes adalah 14,952 dan d.b yaitu n-1 = 26-1=25. Sedangkan table T-tes yang menggunakan satu kelompok mengacu pada tingkat angka signifikan 0,05 yaitu 1,708 dan 0,01 yaitu 2,485. Maka kesimpulannya hasil analisis dari perhitungan T lebih tinggi dari pada tarif nilai signifikan dalam table T. hal tersebut dapat di simpulkan bahwa model Game Based Learning dalam peningkatan hasil belajar bahasa Arab mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat signifikan, dan sesuai untuk di pelajari dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab.
Pendampingan Peningkatan Maharah Kalam Santri melalui Panggung Kreasi Bahasa Arab Lailah Arabiyah di Pondok Pesantren Darun Nuhat Lamongan Nisa', Khoirun; Nabilah, Isti’anah
Santri : Journal of Student Engagement Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Santri : Journal of Student Engagement
Publisher : Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55352/santri.v3i1.796


Seeing the potential that the students of the Darun Nuhat Islamic Boarding School have in reading, speaking and composing stories in Arabic, there is a need for a forum for the students to improve their Arabic language skills. One of the potentials that will be improved in this mentoring process is the ability to speak Arabic or known as maharah kalam. This mentoring is realized in the form of guidance, guidance and talent training and the targets in this mentoring process are the students of the Darun Nuhat Islamic Boarding School, so that the maharah kalam potential possessed by the students will develop and improve in quality. This mentoring uses the PAR (Participatory Action Research) approach method, which involves carrying out research to define a problem and applying information into action as a solution to a problem that has been defined. The steps taken in the mentoring process increase the students' potential for maharah kalam. through the Lailah Arobiyah Arabic language creation stage, namely: 1. Problem Identification, 2. Pproblem solving, 3. Action as solution, 4. Lastly , giving appreciation. With this assistance, the students will realize their potential and be more enthusiastic about innovating and being creative according to their respective talents
Pendampingan Pembelajaran Ilmu Tajwid untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur’an di Desa Wangen Kecamatan Glagah Lamongan Nisa', Khoirun; Nashihin; Tifrizzi, Muhammad
Santri : Journal of Student Engagement Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Santri : Journal of Student Engagement
Publisher : Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55352/santri.v3i2.903


Most of the children of Wangen village can read the Koran without spelling, but they pay little attention to the recitation, starting from the length and shortness, the nature of the letters, and the makhorijul of the letters as well as the lack of attention from the ustadzah, parents, and also from the surrounding community. And in TPA, those who have studied the science of Tajwid but have not been able to apply it to the literature they read, plus there are still small children who are not yet able to differentiate one letter from another so they need special attention. This assistance method uses the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method, namely research by identifying a problem in the field, then inserting an action as an answer or solution to the problem that has been identified. The initial activity is Identification with in-depth interviews with the head of the RW and the TPA teacher. Then it continues with the Problem Solving stage by collecting data and information from the students from the Koran teacher, and the final stage is Action As Solution, namely creating a Koran reading activity. fashahah by using correct tajwid and assistance in the form of coaching and training guidance to the students. As a result of this dedication, children can read the Koran fluently and use tajwid correctly. This activity is divided into three classics, namely; Opening activities (early Classical), core activities and closing activities (late Classical). Having a place to study the Koran at the RW Chairman's house every evening is a means for gathering and interacting with each other, because having this learning facility can increase children's knowledge, especially in terms of correct and appropriate reading of the Al-Qur'an.
Mentari : Journal of Islamic Primary School Vol 1 No 4 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : PGMI, STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

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Perkembangan anak pada usia ‘aqil baligh atau remaja yang merupakan periode sensitif dan memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap psikologis anak. Sekolah memiliki peran edukasi terutama dalam hal psikologis anak, mengingat keberhasilan belajar juga dipengaruhi oleh kesehatan psikologi khusus nya ketika anak dalam masa aqil baligh atau pra akhil baligh, dengan emosi yang masih belum dapat terkontrol, serta memiliki rasa penasaran yang tinggi. Yaitu dengan adanya program keputrian. selain itu perlu adanya edukasi adalah sebab 80% korban kekerasan di Indonesia adalah perempuan. Untuk itu perlu adanya edukasi tentang self love bagi perempuan di kalangan anak usia remaja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1)Mendeskripsikan tujuan program keputrian dalam menanamkan Self Love bagi perempuan pada siswi kelas 4,5,dan 6 MI Miftahul Huda Pandantoyo Kertosono Nganjuk,(2)Mendeskripsikan implementasi program keputrian dalam menanamkan Self Love bagi perempuan pada siswi kelas 4,5,dan 6 MI Miftahul Huda Pandantoyo Kertosono Nganjuk,(3)Mendeskripsikan implikasi program keputrian dalam menanamkan Self Love bagi perempuan pada siswi kelas 4,5,dan 6 MI Miftahul Huda Pandantoyo Kertosono Nganjuk. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif untuk menggambarkan suatu fenomena secara deskripsi. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data analisis dengan pengumpulan data atau display data, mereduksi data, dan penyajian kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa(1)tujuan program keputrian dalam menanamkan Self Love bagi perempuan pada siswi kelas 4,5,dan 6 MI Miftahul Huda Pandantoyo Kertosono Nganjuk adalah menanamkan nilai religius, akhlak, kreatifitas dan kesehatan ,(2)Implementasi program keputrian dalam menanamkan Self Love bagi perempuan pada siswi kelas 4,5 dan 6 MI Miftahul Huda Pandantoyo Kertosono Nganjuk berupa perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi kegiatan program, dan (3)implikasi program keputrian dalam menanamkan Self Love bagi perempuan pada siswi kelas 4,5,dan 6 MI Miftahul Huda Pandantoyo Kertosono Nganjuk yakni implikasi bagi sekolah, siswi, orang tua, dan guru.