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Design of a VLAN-Based Wireless Network Based on IEEE 802.11 Employing OSPF (Open Shortes Path First) at PT. Sepatu Bata (Tbk) Rino Subekti; RR Aryanti Kristantini; Rizaldy Khair; Iswandi Idris
The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Vol 5, No 3 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/ijics.v5i3.3430


Wireless network is a technology that uses two devices to exchange data without the need for cables to transmit data, so this wireless network technology very popular nowadays both in personal use and in industrial use. This design is based on the increasing demand for data and technology. Therefore PT. Sepatu Bata (Tbk), requires the development of a computer network that can be developed easily and flexibly. Design and design of VLAN network technology using OSPF Routing Protocol at PT. Bata TBK shoes use a packet tracer. One alternative that can be used is an attempt to use Virtual Local Zone Network technology (VLAN), with the hope of sharing better results than LAN. VLAN a logical function of the switch, which is a special function configured for use software features. This function will divide the network into virtual networks that physically still connected to the same switch. With this function, computer technology can be made without depending on physical location, but based on needs and uses. VLANs can be used make flexible network arrangements with ministry segmentation match industry and can only broadcast to certain groups without relying on workstation position, besides the purpose of this study is to design a new network that more optimally by using a VLAN network with the OSPF routing protocol
Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia (Jumas) Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): Jumas : Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (961.547 KB) | DOI: 10.54209/jumas.v1i02.26


Sibolangit District is one of the sub-districts located in the highlands area which is blessed with beautiful tourism potential and attracts tourists, both foreign tourists and domestic tourists. The use of the website as a medium to promote tourism in the area was very much needed. With the existence of a WebGIS-based tourism information system, it was expected to be able to increase the number of tourists visiting the location. The Web-based tourism information system application method in Sibolangit sub-district aimed to abtain a mapping of tourist sites in the form of a geographic information system. This was not without reason, because tourists needed location information, entrance fees, facilities and the natural beauty on offer. Mapping locations and providing information related to tourism can provide a high effort for easy access to spatial data and detailed information needed. The main target in implementing community service activities was to assist tourism managers to increase the number of local and foreign tourists through the use of WebGIS.
Jurnal Riset Informatika Vol 4 No 4 (2022): Period of September 2022
Publisher : Kresnamedia Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (924.418 KB) | DOI: 10.34288/jri.v4i4.439


In late December 2019 it took the world by storm by transmitting very quickly through the human respiratory tract. Since this happened the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that Covid-19 is called a pandemic. The Covid-19 outbreak affects almost all aspects of life, including the aspect of education in Indonesia, which is also not spared from the Covid-19 outbreak and also feels the consequences of the spread of the virus. Students feel the impact of the spread of Covid-19 such as changes in the provision of services in educational institutions, such as formal education at all levels, non-formal education, to academics (Baety and Munandar 2021). Based on the announcement of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Policies during the Emergency Period of the Spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19). The government began to implement an online learning system (online). The problem that arises during this online learning period is that there are still many people who are not ready to face technology, both in terms of teachers and students, this happened in the early days of the pandemic. So that the learning process that has been carried out normally, both in terms of teaching and providing assessments, also experiences obstacles. This is because the teaching staff (teachers) always have daily assessment data that is usually carried out daily during normal learning. However, during this PJJ period, teachers became confused about giving daily assessments to their students. The purpose of the research is to analyze and evaluate the online learning system using a platform that is easy to operate by teachers and can be accessed anywhere, namely, google form. In the Google Form application, there is an automatic calculation system in the form of student feedback where teachers do not bother to manually calculate the results of student learning evaluations (Munawaroh, Prastowo, and Nurjanah 2021). The analysis method used is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which is able to find out the attitudes of users towards the technology used, so that teachers can easily find out whether the tasks given to students are done by the students themselves, not the help of parents.
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 4 (2022): October, computer, information and engineering
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Ud. Melati Jaya is a Small and Medium Enterprise (UKM) engaged in processing ja-gung into animal feed. So far, the method of estimating raw material inventory has been UD's choice. Melati Jaya in the procurement of supplies, with the finished goods system has been ordered in advance by consumers so that there is no accumulation of finished goods in warehouses or pre-order systems, but in the process of fulfilling raw material inventories there are often delays due to shortages of raw materials in the market. This hampers the production process and if it occurs continuously will increase the chances of UD losses. Jasmine Jaya. In previous studies, it can be explained that the results of calculations in reducing UD inventory costs. Melati Jaya, specifically with a January demand supply of 73,993 kg, can be minimized with an optimal purchase of 16,058 kg with a frequency of 5 purchases per month and a safe supply of 2,963 kg. and place an order again when the quantity reaches 8,650 kg. The inventory cost that can be saved is Rp.17,504,704 using the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method which is a technique for procuring raw material inventory at a company according to the number of orders. But in the bookkeeping records of UD. Melati Jaya from February to March 2020 is still not good so there are some transactions that are not recorded properly, so the calculation results in that month are inefficient [1]. The purpose of this study is to find out how to control inventory using the collaboration of the EOQ and RAD (Rapid Application Develop-ment) methods as a technology implementation that will make it easier to analyze inventory in real time. The data analysis method used is a quantitative descriptive method. The data obtained from the measurement results can be used as an analysis of the next program situation by using test analysis using SPSS on the running system and turning it into an automation and realtime system. This Application System is built using the PHP programming language, and the CodeIgniter framework and uses a MySQL database server.
Analysis of the Effect of Age on Women's Reproductive Health Using the Mixed Method Nila Hayati; Kamalia Ainun; Niasty Lazmy Zaen; Rizaldy Khair
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 4 (2022): October: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v10i4.837


The increase in age has a major effect on life expectancy, especially for women, encouraging the wisdom of the elderly population, the increase in the number of the old population is not only interpreted as an increase in the level of welfare and the increase in health conditions but can also be interpreted as a burden because this old age group is no longer productive. Reproductive health problems need to be widely socialized so that women / future mothers know the reproductive problems they will experience and get a way out of these problems. In addition to the influence of age, another thing that affects reproductive health in women is the reproductive health organs themselves. Without knowing the reproductive health organs well, it is feared that the future mothers will be completely blind and may eventually result in the harmony of the husband and wife relationship. reproductive health is a good state of physical, mental and social well-being, not only free from disease or disability, but also healthy from aspects related to the reproductive system, its functions and processes. Based on the results of previous studies, the total population in Tumpatan Nibung Village, Batang Kuis district, is 6,898 people and 1,100 households this number is part of the total population in batang kuis district, Deli Serdang regency. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of age on women's reproductive health in Tumpatan Nibung Village, Batang Kuis District, Deli Serdang Regency. The method used in this study is Mixed Method Research (MMR) which is a research method that is applied and tested in terms of outcomes and processes with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative study population was 250 people, with a sample plan of 158 people. Quantitative analysis in a univariate, bivariate manner using chi-square with multivariate using multiple logistic regression at a confidence level of 95% (α=0.05). The data obtained from the measurement results can be used as an analysis of the next program situation by using test analysis using SPSS on the running system and turning it into an Analysis system as outcomes
Data Sciences Indonesia (DSI) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Research Artikel Volume 2 Issue 2, Desember 2022
Publisher : ITScience (Information Technology and Science)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47709/dsi.v2i2.1929


Advertising is a way to promote a product, brand or service to an audience to drive interest, engagement and sales. Social media can be utilized as a medium for spreading motion graphic content more widely and efficiently. This animation research aims to provide information on the effect of designing animation videos as a means of promotional advertising on Ucok Sticker and produce product advertising videos that can increase consumer appeal. From the research conducted obtained the results in the form of a 2D video animation product advertisements used as a promotional medium to attract consumer interest in Ucok Sticker products. This video is made using several software such as coreldraw, photohop and wondershare filmora x. It can be concluded that this research aims as a promotional advertisement and information to increase consumer attractiveness and sales. Researchers hope that this advertising video has better expectations for the future.
Employee Training Data Collection Information System at PT. Pelindo I (Persero) Rizaldy Khair; Ibrahim
INFOKUM Vol. 9 No. 1,Desember (2020): Data Mining, Image Processing,artificial intelligence, networking
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Employees are company assets because their role determines whether the company succeeds in achieving its goals. In acquiring employees who perform well the company must hold the implementation of training, which serves to improve the ability of employees to work. This research was conducted on employees of the Directorate of Human Resources and General Affairs of PT Pelindo 1 (Persero) Jl Krakatau Ujung, Medan. Referring to this, training data collection is also carried out manually using ms excel which is considered still ineffective because they have to look at the data to one source of training organizers, namely the Corporate University Division so that if there are employees who are in branches outside the city they will find it difficult to see what training they will get, there is a system that can make it easier for employees to see their own training data online. The system uses a MySQL Database with 11 tables and also uses the CodeIgniter Framework and php programming language. The training data displayed using Bootstrap to speed up and facilitate website development, to be able to see the existing training data users must enter the training data feature first and search according to the name, year or branch.
Implementation of IOT on Laboratory Door Security System Using Dian Noviandri; Rizaldy Khair
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 4 (2022): October, computer, information and engineering
Publisher : Sean Institute

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The door security system using RFID is one of the many systems that can be used to increase the level of security on the doors of houses, classrooms, warehouses and so on. The door security system uses RFID as a medium to read or identify so that the door can open. It uses a relay as a link and breaker of electric current that is flowed to the load (Solenoid Door Lock). It uses LCD as a notification whether RFID successfully identifies what not. When RFID identifies the card and the condition of the card that the RFID reads successfully then the LCD will pop up the text "WELCOME LAB IOT" and the Solenoid will open. After a few seconds then the solenoid will lock again. Conversely, When RFID identifies the card and the condition of the card read RFID is not successfully detected then the LCD will pop up the text "PLEASE TRY AGAIN" and the Solenoid will remain locked. If during the RFID card reading process there is a failure 3 times, the Buzzer will sound and the LCD will display the text "YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED".
Design a Blog Web Creation Application Using HTML 5 Rizaldy Khair; Ekatri Ayuningsih
INFOKUM Vol. 8 No. 2, Juni (2020): Data Mining, Image Processing and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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The purpose of this study is to simplify the process of creating a weblog and provide solutions to compatibility problems in standalone applications. HTML5 is the latest web technology that continues to be developed and will soon be the successor of the previous generation of HTML. The web-based presentation creation service in question will utilize HTML5 and JavaScript features to present a user-friendly web-based application, with an emphasis on receiving input in the form of text and managing it into a web 2.0-based responsive blog. This web2.0 blog based on HTML 5 and CSS 3 provides a presentation creation interface with features such as automatic audio and video player without having to add additional plugins. In addition, this blog simplifies in the creation of coding.
Design an Arduino-Based Heart Rate Measuring Device Using a Pulse Sensor Rizaldy Khair; Ibrahim
INFOKUM Vol. 9 No. 2, June (2021): Data Mining, Image Processing and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Heart rate / pulse is an important indication in the field of health which is useful as an effective and fast evaluation material and serves to determine the health condition of a person's body. The method of measuring the number of pulses has been used by doctors to determine stress, in this day and age there are still many pulses checked and analyzed manually with the help of a doctor or nurse to be able to find out the condition of the pulse when examined. It is very troublesome if only to check the pulse should require the help of a doctor or nurse. Therefore, the design of a portable heart rate device can replace the performance of a doctor or nurse manually, so that the pulse checker can be monitored by himself using a sensor attached to the finger to help analyze the pulse, so that the results can be known by the examiner by looking directly from the LCD. With the current conditions, the role of experts is so important, so the development of modern tools, especially in biomedical matters for various kinds of diagnoses with the help of tools, can make it easier for examiners to check the condition of their pulse with technology that is increasingly developing at this time. The final project this time aims to develop existing technology with the help of pulse sensors as an analysis medium by connecting them to a microcontroller as a voltage source, as a tool that can analyze the pulse, so from the design of this tool can later help the examiner analyze the condition himself by attaching the sensor to the surface of the finger. With the difference in age in each person, the condition before activity is obtained, which is in the range of 60-100 bpm, as for the difference in test results both before and after the activity depends on the seriousness of the person doing activities.