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Journal : JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)

JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 2 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (430.69 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i2.3909


Abstrak: Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan tenun lidi nipah motif aceh sebagai produk ekonomi kreatif sehingga mampu bersaing dengan produk-produk kreatif lainnya sekaligus meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa matang gleum kecamatan peureulak kabupaten aceh timur.Metode yang digunakan adalah melalui participatory technology development berupa teknologi mesin tenun lidi nipah kepada 23 anggota kelompok bungong chirih melalui beberapa tahapan yakni koordinasi, sosialisasi, pelatihan, pendampingan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa kelompok bungong chirih telah mampu memproduksi aneka produk kerajinan tenun dari lidi nipah. Pada tahun 2019 jumlah produk tenun lidi nipah yang dihasilkan oleh kelompok adalah 10 jenis produk, namun pada tahun 2020 jumlah aneka produk tenun lidi nipah yang mampu diproduksi oleh kelompok bungong chirih sebanyak 34 jenis dan juga meningkatnya varian produk  tenun lidi nipah motif khas aceh sebanyak 24 jenis varian. Hasil pendampingan  memperlihatkan bahwa anggota kelompok telah mampu meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produk termasuk jenis produk dan varian produk. Peserta pelatihan telah memahami secara baik penggunaan alat tenun mesin, mesin peraut, pengoperasian sistim komputer microsoft word dan excel, pencatatan produk melalui website kelompok, manajemen keuangan dan pemasaran produk baik offline dan online serta pembuatan bordir motif khas aceh sebagai produk ekonomi kreatif di kabupaten aceh timur. Abstract: The implementation of this regional superior product development program aims to develop Acehnese motif nipah stick weaving as a creative economic product so that it was be able to compete with other creative products in order to improve the welfare of matang gleum village peureulak sub-district Aceh Timur district. The method used is through participatory technology development in the form of nipah stick weaving technology to 23 members of Bungong Chirih group through several stages, namely coordination, socialization, training, mentoring, monitoring and evaluation. The results of the community service activities show that bungong chirih group has been able to produce various kinds of woven handicraft products. In 2019 the number of nipah stick woven products produced by the group was 10 types of products, but in 2020 the number of various nipah stick weaving products that can be produced by Bungong Chirih group were 34 types and also  increaseing in product variants of nipah stick weaving with typical Acehnese motifs of 24 variant types. The result shown the member of group have been able to increase quality and quantity of the product including kinds and variants of products. The participants have been understood correctly the usage of woven machine, the operational of microsoft word and excel, taking note of product through website, financial and marketing management offline and online and producing of  acehenese embroidery as creative product in aceh timur district.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 6 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.07 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i6.4785


Abstrak:Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk gula aren ramah lingkungan melalui diseminasi teknologi pengolahan. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan edukatif dan participatory technology development berupa introduksi teknologi mesin pengolahan gula aren pada kelompok pengrajin gula aren geneho kampung sungai kuruk I kecamatan seruway kabupaten aceh tamiang melalui serangkaian tahapan kegiatan seperti koordinasi, sosialisasi, perakitan mesin, uji coba penggunaan mesin, penguatan manajemen, pendampingan serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Seluruh tahapan kegiatan yang tercatat melalui hasil lembar post test menunjukkan 7 anggota kelompok (50%) sangat memahami prosedur penggunaan mesin, perbedaan konstur gula aren dan gula kelapa serta perbedaan waktu pengadukan antara mesin dan non mesin, 5 anggota kelompok (35,7%) memahami dengan baik perbedaan antara gula aren dan gula semut, serta teknik pengapian gula aren dan 2 anggota kelompok (14,3%) cukup memahami durasi pendidihan gula aren serta produk turunan dari gula aren. Hasil pendampingan memperlihatkan 9 anggota kelompok (64,2%) memahami prosedur administrasi dan 5 anggota kelompok (35,8%) cukup memahami manajemen keuangan dan pemasaran produk. Disimpulkan mesin pengolahan gula aren mampu menghasilkan produk gula aren ramah lingkungan dan menjadikan produk itu sebagai produk unggulan kabupaten aceh tamiangAbstract:This community service (PKM) aims to produce environmentally friendly palm sugar products through the dissemination of processing technology. The method used is an educative approach and participatory technology development in the form of the introduction of palm sugar processing machine technology to the geneho palm sugar producer group, Sungai Kuruk I Village, Seruway District, Aceh Tamiang Regency through a series of stages of activities such as coordination, socialization, machine assembly, testing the use of machines, strengthening management, assistance and monitoring and evaluation. All stages of activities recorded through the results of the post test sheet show that 7 group members (50%) really understand the procedure for using the machine, the differences in the textures of palm sugar and coconut sugar and the difference in mixing time between machine and non-machine 5 group members (35.7%) understand well the difference between palm sugar and ant sugar, as well as the technique of ignition of palm sugar and 2 group members (14.3%) quite understand the boiling duration of palm sugar and products derived from palm sugar. The results of the mentoring show that 9 group members (64.2%) understand administrative procedures and 5 group members (35.8%) quite understand financial management and product marketing. It was concluded that the palm sugar processing machine was able to produce environmentally friendly palm sugar products and made the product the extraordinary product of Aceh Tamiang Regency. 
PKM KELOMPOK TANI MAJU JAYA MELALUI BUDIDAYA LEBAH MADU LINOT Baihaqi Baihaqi; Zidni Ilman Navia; Heri Irawan; Imam Hadi Sutrisno; Adi Bejo Suwardi
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 2 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v7i2.13707


Abstrak: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan budidaya lebah madu linot pada masyarakat sekitar hutan terutama bagi 25 anggota kelompok tani maju jaya kampung batu bedulang kabupaten Aceh Tamiang sebagai usaha penguatan ekonomi dan konservasi taman nasional gunung leuser secara berkelanjutan. Metode yang digunakan adalah participatory rural appraisal dan transfer teknologi melalui beberapa tahapan kegiatan antaranya koordinasi, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan, pendampingan dan monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan yang terangkum dalam lembar post test menunjukkan 40,1% anggota kelompok memahami ukuran standar sebuah rumah koloni, 33,4% cukup mengetahui jangka waktu panen budidaya lebah madu linot, 23,3% sangat mengetahui ciri-ciri kelompok tani yang sehat, 47,4% mengetahui fungsi dan peran badan penyuluh pertanian, 30.1% cukup mengetahui prosedur pengembangan rencana usaha pada kelompok tani dan 13,3% sangat mengetahui prosedur menghitung harga jual produk. Disimpulkan bahwa 26,7% anggota kelompok sangat memahami prosedur kerja pembuatan rumah koloni, 40% memahami jenis hama yang sering ditemukan dalam budidaya lebah madu linot, 56,7% cukup mengetahui potensi sumber daya kelompok tani maju jaya, 23,3% sangat mengetahui prosedur pengembangan rencana usaha pada kelompok tani dan 36,6% mengetahui tujuan melakukan pembukuan secara rutin.Abstract: This community service (PKM) aims to introduce linot honey bee cultivation to communities around the forest, especially for 25 members of the Maju Jaya farmer group, Batu Bedulang village, Aceh Tamiang district as an effort to strengthen the economy and conserve Gunung Leuser National Park in a sustainable manner.The method used is participatory rural appraisal and technology transfer through several stages of activity including coordination, outreach, implementation of activities, mentoring and monitoring and evaluation. The results of the activities summarized in the post test sheet showed that 40.1% of group members understood the standard size of a colony house, 33.4% knew enough about the harvest period for linot honey bee cultivation, 23.3% really knew the characteristics of a healthy farmer group, 47.4% know the function and role of the agricultural extension agency, 30.1% know enough about the procedure for developing a business plan for farmer groups and 13.3% really know the procedure for calculating product selling prices. It was concluded that 26.7% of group members really understood the work procedures for making colony houses, 40% understood the types of pests that are often found in linot honey bee cultivation, 56.7% knew enough about the resource potential of the advanced jaya farmer group, 23.3% knew the procedure very well. Development of business plans for farmer groups and 36.6% know the purpose of carrying out regular bookkeeping.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 6 (2023): Desember [Dalam Proses]
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v7i6.19338


Abstrak: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan teknologi mesin sedot madu linot portabel kepada 25 anggota kelompok tani maju jaya desa batu bedulang kecamatan Bandar Pusaka Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang dalam rangka menjaga kualitas produk madu linot yang telah dihasilkan selama ini oleh pembudidaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah participatory action research dan transfer teknologi melalui serangkaian tahapan kegiatan antaranya koordinasi, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan, pendampingan serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Seluruh tahapan kegiatan yang dilakukan terangkum melalui lembar post-test dimana 43,38% anggota kelompok sangat memahami teknik pembuatan mesin sedot madu linot, 15% anggota kelompok sangat memahami teknik upload produk melalui marketplace, 28% anggota kelompok memahami kecepatan menyedot madu dengan peralatan itu dan sebanyak 18 anggota kelompok (72%) mengetahui tata cara pengoperasian mesin sedot madu linot. Disimpulkan bahwa 16% anggota kelompok tani ini sangat memahami materi aspek pencatatan produk dan 64% anggota yang lain cukup memahami teknik penjualan produk. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa diseminasi mesin sedot linot sangat membantu mitra dalam mempercepat proses panen dan rumah topping madu tetap dalam kondisi terawat dengan baik.Abstract: This community service (PKM) aims to introduce portable Linot honey suction machine technology to 25 members of the Maju Jaya farmer group. The method used is participatory action research and technology transfer through a series of activity stages including coordination, socialization, implementation of activities, mentoring and monitoring and evaluation. All stages of activities carried out are summarized through a post-test sheet where 43.38% of group members really understand the technique of making a Linot honey suction machine, 15% of group members really understand the technique of uploading products via the marketplace, 28% of group members understand the speed of sucking honey with this equipment and As many as 18 group members (72%) knew the procedures for operating the Linot honey suction machine. It was concluded that 16% of group members really understood the product recording aspects and 64% of the other members had a good understanding of product sales techniques. This shows that the dissemination of linot suction machines really helps partners in speeding up the harvest process and the honey topping house remains in a well-maintained condition.