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Evaluasi CIPP Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Sosial Media Marketing untuk Keluarga Penerima Manfaat Pelaku Usaha Program Keluarga Harapan Zaqiyah, Nurul; Khoirinka, Raina Putri; Desidin, Al Qaromah; Putri, Septiani; Hamdan, Ahmad
Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2024): CJPPM Maret 2024
Publisher : CV Bayfa Cendekia Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Jurusan/ Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat FKIP Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/cjppm.v2i1.63


Poverty is still a challenge that must be resolved. Currently, many government programs have attracted controversy in various levels of society, especially in the programs launched. PKH (Family Hope Program) is a poverty alleviation program that provides assistance to KPM (Beneficiary Families). The aim of this research is to determine the community's needs in utilizing the social assistance received so that it is distributed well. The method used in evaluating this program is evaluation using a qualitative approach which is very relevant for researching a program. With students as community drivers to make changes through a training program on the use of social media marketing for KPM PKH Business Actors, it is hoped that community needs will be met by utilizing social media to market products so that community opinion increases and the community is self-reliant and is not dependent on social assistance. This is an educational effort to change the mind, behavior, knowledge, abilities, capacity and quality of society. Keywords: Poverty, society, programs
Evaluasi Dampak Program Dapur Sehat Atasi Stunting Melalui Model CIPP pada Peserta Aktif Posyandu di Kampung KB Tresnasih, Tasya; Yuliani, Nadya Amalia; Putri, Amelia Fadila; Azzahra, Fatima Rosaphira; Hamdan, Ahmad
Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2024): CJPPM Juni 2024
Publisher : CV Bayfa Cendekia Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Jurusan/ Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat FKIP Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/cjppm.v2i2.98


Ciamis district has a prevalence of stunting data with an increasing graph even though there is data in 2020 decreasing but, there is an increase in the prevalence of stunting in Ciamis district in 2022 by 2.6% but until now, the Ciamis district government has continuously tried to emphasize the stunting rate in each village. One of the programs that support the reduction in stunting rates is the DARMAZI (Nutritious Food Kitchen) program. This program has been running well and in accordance with established procedures. The DARMAZI (Nutritious Food Kitchen) program process is divided into three case locations, including: cijenjing, sadananya, and ciamis sub-districts. In the implementation of this program we used the CIPP evaluation model. Evaluation of the CIPP Model in the Healthy Kitchen Overcoming Stunting (DASHAT) Program has an impact on the community, especially on mothers who are active participants in posyandu in KB Village such as increasing knowledge and understanding of supplementary feeding as an effort to reduce stunting rates and improve participants' skills in processing nutritious and healthy food as additional food for toddlers and to increase the skills of participants' mothers to use local food ingredients around the neighborhood.
Pengaruh Partisipasi Anggota Kelompok Wanita Tani Terhadap Tingkat Keberdayaan Adzani, Alifa Maula; Hamdan, Ahmad; Laksono, Bayu Adi
Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2024): CJPPM Maret 2024
Publisher : CV Bayfa Cendekia Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Jurusan/ Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat FKIP Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/cjppm.v2i1.129


The current level of empowerment of Women Farmers Group is considered moderate, with suboptimal management and uneven skills distribution, leading to the need for active monitoring that significantly influences the empowerment level of the Women Farmers Group. Therefore, active participation is crucial, making the REBONDING program a solution to the existing issues. This research aims to explore the influence of the participation of Women Farmers Group members on the empowerment level. The study employs a correlational method with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used is saturation sampling, involving the entire population, consisting of 30 members of the Women Farmers Group Mekar 2 in Mekarharja Village. The research instrument used is a questionnaire containing statements that have been tested for validity and reliability. The collected data underwent normality assumption testing and heteroscedasticity assumption testing, allowing for the continuation to the hypothesis testing stage, namely simple linear regression and determination analysis (R Square). The analysis results state that the contribution of the variable "participation of Women Farmers Group members" to the empowerment level is 73.5%, while the remaining 26.5% is contributed by other variables not included in the research model. In conclusion, the participation of Women Farmers Group members in the Rebo Distan Keliling program has a positive and significant impact on the empowerment level. With a probability value < alpha level of 0.05 (5%), the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.
Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2024): CJPPM Juni 2024
Publisher : CV Bayfa Cendekia Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Jurusan/ Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat FKIP Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Ciamis Regency is one of the districts that has had innovations in the Posyandu data archiving system. This innovation aims to empower Posyandu Cadres in terms of orderly administration. The presence of the SIPOCIS application is a solution to prevent the loss of manual data archives in the form of Posyandu Information System books that are vulnerable to burning and loss. The research method used uses a qualitative approach that can be adapted as a forum for evaluating socialization programs and assistance in using the Sipocis application to Posyandu cadres with stages in the form of program implementation responses, program implementation alignment, and success after program implementation. At the time of implementation, the methods used were lectures, discussions, and implementation. Based on the results of the evaluation of the implementation of Socialization and Assistance in Using the Ciamis Posyandu Information System to Posyandu cadres, the results of the problem are lack of understanding in using the SIPOCIS application, lack of initiative in reminding Posyandu cadres related to data entry, and limited technology facilities owned by Posyandu cadres. Kirkpatrick in (Winaryati, 2021) developed an evaluation model, where this evaluation is very suitable for the assistance of the SIPOCIS application to cadres, because the Kirkpatrick model program evaluation is used to evaluate training programs carried out by Reaction, Learning, Behavior and Result.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 1 No 3 (2023): JPMI September 2023
Publisher : CV Bayfa Cendekia Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Jurusan/Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat FKIP Universitas Siliwangi

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The training on the implementation of book circulation technology based on the SLiMS application in Community Reading Parks (TBM) aims to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of book circulation processes in TBMs and streamline the management of book and member data in TBMs. This training involves the target of improving participants' proficiency in using the SLiMS application and optimizing the use of technology in book circulation processes at TBMs. The method employed for this training includes face-to-face instruction and hands-on practice with the SLiMS application. The training will be conducted in several stages, including the utilization of technology in book circulation processes at TBMs, introduction to the SLiMS application and its features, hands-on practice with the SLiMS application, and evaluation and discussion. Various instructional media, such as presentations, group discussions, and practical exercises, will be utilized in the training. Periodic evaluations will ensure that participants have comprehended the material and can apply it effectively in the book circulation processes at TBMs. In conclusion, the training on the implementation of book circulation technology based on the SLiMS application in Community Reading Parks (TBM) aims to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of book circulation processes at TBMs and facilitate the management of book and member data. The training will utilize face-to-face instruction and practical application of the SLiMS application, with the expectation that participants will gain a thorough understanding of and effectively apply technology in the book circulation processes at TBMs.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 1 No 4 (2023): JPMI Desember 2023
Publisher : CV Bayfa Cendekia Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Jurusan/Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat FKIP Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jpmi.v1i4.51


The problem found was the lack of productivity carried out regularly by the group for processing bambu into woven material to improve life skills for members of the Annadopah ecovillage group and the abilities they possessed were not very advanced. This research used a qualitative descriptive type of research. This research is to provide a comprehensive picture regarding a problem or creative idea to be used as an innovative solution. The data used in this research is related to ideas related to community empowerment programs, and this research uses primary data which refers to data that continues to develop according to problems in the field. To help their welfare, the Annadopah group succeeded in selling ebeg woven products to consumers, namely to cracker factories. and to improve the skills of Annadopah group members by carrying out besek training to become more skilled. so that the welfare of members of the annadopah group can improve, the annadopah group must be more routine in chicken farming to increase its productivity, so that the welfare of the family or group can further increase or remain stable.
BOOTCAMP PROKLIM SEBAGAI METODE PEMBINAAN PROKLIM DI TINGKAT DUSUN Alvan, Eri Nur; Khoiruumah, Ilma; Nurariyanti, Elsa; Karwati, Lilis; Hamdan, Ahmad
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 2 No 1 (2024): JPMI Maret 2024
Publisher : CV Bayfa Cendekia Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Jurusan/Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat FKIP Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jpmi.v2i1.56


Proklim coaching has not been productive, socialization is often held but only in recitation or only with hamlet heads, it is not in accordance with the program, so intensive mentoring efforts are needed so that the Proklim program can run. The aim of the Proklim bootcamp program is to disseminate information, form habits for movement. or the form of implementation of the Climate Village Program, qualitative descriptive method. The techniques used are lectures and question and answer discussions. Results of activities targeting the Sukajaya Hamlet, Cikujang Be'et Hamlet and Cidangiang Hamlet areas. The material presented at this socialization concerns 3 aspects of climate change, namely adaptation, mitigation and institutions. The Proklim Bootcamp consists of four stages. The first is the preparation stage, the second stage is innovation, the third stage is catalysis, and the evaluation stage. In the planning stage the aim is to build a strong understanding of the issue of climate change and the importance of participating in mitigation and adaptation efforts to the current weather. Then in the innovation process, the Proklim Facilitator explores the potential and problems. In the catalyzing stage of implementation of the blueprint. Finally, the blueprint evaluation process has been implemented successfully and achieved the desired results. Proklim Bootcamp is a coaching program initiated by 3 members of the Siliwangi University PLP at the Sukahurip Village Public Housing, Settlement and Environment Department as an alternative in the coaching process in each hamlet.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 1 No 4 (2023): JPMI Desember 2023
Publisher : CV Bayfa Cendekia Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Jurusan/Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat FKIP Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jpmi.v1i4.59


The cultivation of tilapia fish presents promising business prospects in the fisheries sector, particularly in Pangandaran Regency. Despite existing efforts to promote tilapia fish cultivation in various villages and sub-districts, the increasing demand for consumption has led to unmet community needs. Limited cultivation land poses a challenge in fulfilling this demand. The adoption of aquaculture technology, specifically the biofloc system, offers a solution to optimize land use and address water conservation concerns. Biofloc technology enables fish farmers to minimize land requirements while enhancing fisheries production efficiency. The key partners involved in the implementation of biofloc technology in tilapia fish cultivation in narrow land areas are the Tidar fisheries business group and the Bina Mandiri fisheries business group, both situated in Pangandaran Regency. The primary issues faced by these fish cultivator groups include traditional cultivation techniques, simplicity and ineffectiveness in tilapia fish production, dependence on manufactured feed due to limited knowledge in feed processing, and the challenge of restricted land availability. By introducing and implementing the biofloc system, these challenges can be effectively addressed, providing a sustainable and efficient solution for tilapia fish cultivation in Pangandaran Regency. This initiative not only meets the increasing market demand for tilapia fish but also promotes environmentally conscious and economically viable aquaculture practices.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 2 No 2 (2024): JPMI Juni 2024
Publisher : CV Bayfa Cendekia Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Jurusan/Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat FKIP Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jpmi.v2i2.74


The utilization of yard land guided by the concept of sustainable food gardens is increasingly important for local food systems in the context of sustainability and food security. This extension aims to explain the utilization of yard land through the application of the concept of sustainable food gardens and evaluate its impact on food security and the environment. The method used was descriptive qualitative. The results showed that yard land has significant potential as a sustainable source of local food and contributes to community food security. The application of the sustainable food garden concept not only creates a sustainable local food source, but also encourages environmental sustainability and community involvement. It is concluded that the utilization of yard land by applying the concept of sustainable food gardens is carried out in a sustainable manner to encourage community initiatives, emphasizing the important role of individuals and families in supporting collective food security.
MINGGU ULIN: STRATEGI BELAJAR SAMBIL BERMAIN SEBAGAI METODE PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DI SAKOLA MOTEKAR Azzahra, Marsha Syaila; Trysiani, Nabila Ayu; Kurnia, Wanda; Yulianti, Dena; Rabbania, Nayla Zain; Hamdan, Ahmad
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 2 No 2 (2024): JPMI Juni 2024
Publisher : CV Bayfa Cendekia Indonesia Bekerjasama dengan Jurusan/Program Studi Pendidikan Masyarakat FKIP Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1234/jpmi.v2i2.85


The emergence of gadgets affects children's character if parents cannot manage their use. Therefore, activities are needed that accommodate children to continue to grow into good individuals. At the same time, in Ciamis Regency there is a community school called Sakola Motekar which carries out an ironwood week activity as an effort to instill character through playing while learning activities which are of course in accordance with efforts to instill character in children. In this activity we contributed as facilitators in the Ironwood Week activities. The methods used in this community service include observation, interviews, learning while playing. As a result of this activity which was carried out for 1 month with 4 meetings, we were able to create games that contain character education, such as: (1) Able to increase children's creativity, (2) Able to increase self-confidence and improve communication skills, (3) Increase empathy and build children's social life, as well as (4) Develop a sense of tolerance.
Co-Authors Achmad Hufad Adima, Muhammad Nabil Fauzan Adryant, Haris Rasyad Adzani, Alifa Maula Afifah, Putri Jihan Akbar, Syahsultan Alif Akmalia, Alifa Shafa Akmarti, Salma Rasda Alawiyah, Aini Zulfa Alvan, Eri Nur Alviansyah, Muhammad Rafli Amalia, Yasmin Anggriani, Mita Anjani Puteri, Widhi Ardani, Liska Ashari Taqiudin, Said Athayla, Sabian Aulia, Lidiana Ayu Rahma Dewi, Wanda Azzahra, Fatima Rosaphira Azzahra, Marsha Syaila Badru, Irfan Fauzi Baskoro, Ilham Bayu Adi Laksono Cahyani, Indri Desidin, Al Qaromah Dewi, Lusiana Fadillah Gustaman, Randy Faisal Mustofa, Romy Faseha, Dzuliani Fauzi, Rafi Muhammad Fauziah, Salamatul Fauziah, Silva Fayza, Nabila Febriansyah Febriansyah Firnanda, Retno Asih Fitriyah, Aidatul Gunawan, Dimas Alun Haq, Siti Arinil Hasyim, Muhammad Gifar Hayat, Dila Fadlilah Herdianti, Nurul Azmi Herwina, Wiwin hilmansyah, muhammad Iqva, Valdio Karwati , Lilis Karwati, Lilis Khairunnisa, Rizka Kharisma, Silviany Kharissa, Revina Salsabilah Khoirinka, Raina Putri Khoiruumah, Ilma Khotimah, Iin Husnul Kurnia, Wanda Laksono, Pandu Jaya Lestarie, Trie Listiani, Risma M. Kamal Arduansyah Mardotillah, Nida Rizki Matin, Ahmad Ghilman Maulida, Hilma Mawardi, Faza Pradana Meisya, Reisti Siti Meisyai, Reisti Siti Mulyana, Defri Mumu Novitasari, Nastiti Novyantari, Zahrani Tri Nugraha, Muhamad Aditia Nur Hidayah, Lutfia Nisa Nur, Revi Amelia Putri Nurani, Siti Shafaa’ Nurariyanti, Elsa Nurlaila Nurlaila Nurulhasanah, Aisa Oong Komar Pritamie, Nola Putri Diana Putri, Amelia Fadila Putri, Septiani Rabbania, Nayla Zain Rahima, Geriya Rahma, Ima Sofia Ramadhana, Rizky Adrian Ramadhanti, Manda Ramdani, Emira Putri Renady, Reno Rismawati, Resti Riyanti, Nita Rosidin, Egie Rizky Putri Rustandi, Dede Salma, Syifa Saputri, Cindy Sumiarsih, Mia Syahda, Alifia Tresnasih, Tasya Truvadi, Linashar Arum Trysiani, Nabila Ayu Tsuroya, Alihfa Hasna Ulum, Syahda Wardani, Dila Dwiva Kusumah Wijaya, Wendi Rio YULIANI, LULU Yuliani, Nadya Amalia Yulianti, Dena Yulianti, Revina Yus Darusman, Yus Yustialti, Anggriani Zaqiyah, Nurul Zidane, Rizky Akhmad