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Penurunan malondialdehyde serum setelah latihan interval dan continuous di pagi hari pada perempuan obesitas Firsta Yosika, Ghana; Sukoco, Pamuji; Pranoto, Adi; Purwoto, Septyaningrum Putri
Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (648.862 KB) | DOI: 10.29407/


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penurunan malondialdehyde (MDA) setelah latihan interval dan continuous di pagi hari pada perempuan obesitas. Penelitian ini adalah true experiment dengan rancangan penelitian a Basic Time Series Design dengan menggunakan subjek 27 perempuan obesitas usia 20-25 tahun, body mass index (BMI) 25-35 kg/m2, percentage body fat (PBF) di atas 30% dan VO2max 25-35 ml/kg/min dan secara random dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu CON (n=9, kontrol tanpa intervensi), MIE (n=9, moderate interval exercise) dan MCE (n=9, moderate continuous exercise). Intervensi dilakukan di pagi hari pukul 07.00-09.00 WIB. Intervensi MIE dan MCE dilakukan selama 40 menit menggunakan treadmill. Pengambilan sampel darah dilakukan pre-exercise, 10 menit dan 6 jam post-exercise. Pengukuran serum MDA menggunakan metode Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive substance (TBARs). Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji ANOVA dan LSD post hoc test dengan Statistic Package for Social Science (SPSS) versi 21. Serum MDA menurun signifikan setelah 10 menit dan 6 jam pasca intervensi MIE dan MCE (P<0.05), tetapi tidak pada CON (P>0.05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa serum MDA menurun setelah 10 menit dan 6 jam pasca intervensi MIE dan MCE dibandingkan dengan CON pada perempuan obesitas. Tetapi pola penurunan serum MDA pada MCE lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan MIE dan CON.
STATUS OF BMI AND MACRO NUTRITION CONDITIONS OF PABSI ATHLETES IN WEST KALIMANTAN PROVINCE AT THE XX PON EVENT PAPUA Isti Dwi Puspita Wati; Y. Touvan Juni Samodra; Maharani Fatima Gandasari; Ghana Firsta Yosika; Putra Sastaman
Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi (Penjaskesrek) Vol 9, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : STKIP Melawi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46368/jpjkr.v9i2.772


Adequate food intake is one of the keys that will support athlete performance apart from regular and continuous training. An imbalance in food intake will result in athletes experiencing "debt" or even "hoarding" in the body. Periodically this imbalance will be seen in the body mass index of the athlete concerned. This research is a survey research with test and measurement techniques. The sample used in this study were weightlifters and weightlifters in West Kalimantan. The instrument used is a test and measurement of weight and height, as well as food recall 7 x 24 hours. For food recall data, data were collected and entered in the nutrisurvey application. Data analysis using descriptive statistics and correlation test. The results obtained from this study are that there are no athletes who have a normal body mass index and no athletes who have a low energy intake status (below 50% adequacy). In addition, the relationship between body mass index and adequacy of energy intake has a low level of correlation (sig. 0.363). The conclusion obtained from this study is that although the athlete's energy intake adequacy rate is still below 50%, the athlete has a high body mass index. The energy intake adequacy rate was not correlated with the athlete's body mass index
PROFIL HB DAN VO2 MAX ATLET BALAP SEPEDA PRA PON Samodra, Touvan Juni; Wati, Isti Dwi Puspita; Gustian, Uray; Supriatna, Eka; Yosika, Ghana Firsta
Journal of Sport Science and Fitness Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Journal of Sport Science and Fitness
Publisher : Department of Sports Science, Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jssf.v8i1.58447


Abstrak Olahraga daya tahan kemampuan jantung dan paru sangat vital, dan tidak kalah lagi adalah kadar HB sebaga pengikat oksigen untuk proses oksidasi aerobik selama perlombaan. Memiliki VO2max dan Kadar Hb yang tinggi merupakan kunci utama dalam pemilihan atlet yang dapat diasumsikan dapat memperoleh prestasi yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan VO2max dan kadar HB dalam darah atlet Seleksi Pra PON 2021 Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey. Populasi adalah Atlet balap sepeda di Pontianak yang mengikuti seleksi untuk PON Papua 2021. Seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian ini dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 18 atlet 4 putri dan 14 putra. Pengukuran VO2max dilakukan dengan bleep test dan tes HB dengan easy one touch. Data dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif dan uji korelasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh hasil bahwa rerata kadar HB sebesar 14.5 dan Kemampuan VO2max sebesar 43,15. Hasil Korelasi antara VO2max dan Hb ini dikorelasikan ternyata berkorelasi rendah yaitu 0.235. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini ternyata kondisi VO2max atlet balap sepeda 44,44% masuk dalam kategori baik dan kadar HB masuk dalam kategori normal. Abstract Cycling is a type of endurance sport. Endurance exercise, the ability of the heart and lungs is very vital, and no less is the level of HB as an oxygen binder for the aerobic oxidation process during the race. Having high VO2max and Hb levels is the main key in selecting athletes who can be assumed to get good performance. This study aims to determine the ability of VO2max and HB levels in the blood of athletes in the 2021 Pre-PON Selection in West Kalimantan. This research is a survey research. The population is cycling athletes in Pontianak who are participating in the selection for PON Papua 2021. The entire population is sampled in this study with a total sample of 18 athletes, 4 female and 14 male athletes. V02max measurement is done by bleep test and HB test with easy one touch. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlation test. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the average HB level was 14.5 and the VO2max ability was 43.15. The result of the correlation between VO2max and Hb is that the correlation turns out to be low at 0.235. Based on the results of this study, it turns out that the VO2max condition of cycling athletes is 44.44% in the good category and HB levels are in the normal category.
APAKAH JOGGING 2 KILOMETER BERPENGARUH TERHADAP KELENTURAN Wansah, Syahbayu Dinda; Samodra, touvan Juni; Yosika, Ghana Firsta; Gandasari, Maharani Fatima; Sastaman B, Putra Sastaman
Journal of Sport Science and Fitness Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Journal of Sport Science and Fitness
Publisher : Department of Sports Science, Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jssf.v8i2.63043


Abstrak Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh jogging 2km terhadap kelenturan. Metode yang di gunakan pada penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan menggunakan Desain One Group Pretest – Post Design. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini diperoleh dari mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga semester satu berjumlah 22 orang yang secara sukarela berpartisipasi dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengetesan sit and reach sebelum dan sesudah melakukan jogging 2km. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif dan Uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan kelenturan sebelum melakukan jogging sebesar 11,09 cm, setelah melakukan jogging 2km sebesar 13,44 cm, dengan demikian melakukan jogging 2km juga sangat efektif digunakan untuk mengolah tubuh menjadi lentur Abstract The study aimed to determine the effect of jogging for 2km on flexibility. The method used in this research is an experiment using the One Group Pretest – Post Design. The sample used in this study was students in the first semester of the Sports Coaching Education Study Program, totaling 22 students, who voluntarily participated in the research. This Study used sit-and-reach testing before and after jogging 2km—data analysis techniques using descriptive and t-tests. The results showed a difference in flexibility before jogging of 11.09 cm and after jogging 2km of 13.44 cm. Thus, jogging for 2km is also very effective in making the body more flexible.
Hasil Latihan Sirkuit dengan Intensitas Moderat Menggunakan 10 Alat Y. Touvan Juni Samodra; Isti Dwi Puspita Wati; Maharani Putri Gandasari; Putra Sastaman B; Ghana Firsta Yosika
SPRINTER: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): SPRINTER: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga
Publisher : MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46838/spr.v3i3.227


Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh laihan kebugaran dengan menggunakan latihan sirkuit. Pembuktian dilakukan dengan menggunakan dosis latihan medium 75% pengaruhnya terhadap berat badan diantara pilihan motode dan intensitas. Metode penelitian dengan eksperimen pre test post test dengan 12 kali latihan 10 station. Adapun peralatan yang digunakan adalah calf raise, leg ectention, sit up, standing rowing, butterfly, tricep extention, pull down, sit up, bend press, back up. Pengukuran dilakuka dengan timbangan dengan satuan kg. Data dianalisis dengan deskriptif dan uji beda nonparametrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan antara pre test dan post test. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa latihan dengan intensitas moderat jika hanya dilakukan dengan 10 alat dan 12 kali pertemuan belum mampu untuk menurunkan berat badan secara signifikan.
Running 30 meters for boys and girls in first and second grades of elementary school Y. Touvan Juni Samudro; Isti Dwi Puspita Wati; Maharani Fatima Gandasari; Ghana Firsta Yosika; Putra Sastaman B; Davi Sofyan
JOURNAL RESPECS (Research Physical Education and Sports) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Journal RESPECS (Research Physical Education and Sports)
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (566.824 KB) | DOI: 10.31949/respecs.v5i1.4446


The background of this research is the importance of the running ability of elementary school students. This study aims to determine differences in the ability to run 30 meters of elementary school students. The research was conducted by survey with a sample of elementary school students at Public Elementary School 27 Sungai Kakap Pontinak grades 1 and 2. The total sample size was 33 students, 16 boys, and 17 girls, with an age range of 6-8 years. The test is done by running 30 meters measured in seconds—data analysis using descriptive statistics and different tests. The study results showed a difference between the age groups between boys and girls for up to 1 second in covering a distance of 30 meters. It was concluded that running between boys and girls is better for boys. Based on the results of this study, it is hoped that the physical education program will provide more equal opportunities for both students to participate so that there are no gaps. As well as learning programs arranged in a pleasant atmosphere
PERBEDAAN KEMAMPUAN MOTORIK KASAR SISWA KELAS 1 DAN KELAS 2 kiki kiki Fatma; Y. Touvan Juni Samodra; Uray Uray Gustian; Rubiyatno Rubiyatno Rubiyatno; Ghana Firsta Yosika
Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi (Penjaskesrek) Vol 10, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : STKIP Melawi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46368/jpjkr.v10i1.951


This study aims to detrmine the differens in gross motor skills og grade 1 and grade 2 students in the coastel area at SD Negeri 27 Sungai Kakap throught motor tests such as Run, Gallop, Hoop, Horizontal jump, Leap, Slide, Catch, Striking stasionary ball, Kick, Overhead throw, Underhand rool, Stasionary dribble. The type of research conducted was descriptive quantitative which was conducted between researchers and elementary school children. The subjects studied were the children of 27 Sungai Kakap State Elmentary School, totaling 28 students. The results showed that class 2 motor skills were better than class 1 motor scores were 23.17 while grade 2 motor scores were 27.64. from the results of the study showed that class 2 is better than class 1 with a value of 27.64
Problem-based learning model: Can it improve learning outcomes for long serve in badminton? Didi Suryadi; Y Touvan Juni Samodra; Uray Gustian; Ghana Firsta Yosika; Putra Sastaman B; Rezza Dewintha; Eko Saputra
Edu Sportivo: Indonesian Journal of Physical Education Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Edu Sportivo: Indonesian Journal of Physical Education
Publisher : UIR Press Bekerjasama dengan International Association of Physical Education and Sports

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/es:ijope.2023.vol4(1).10987


This study aims to prove the improvement of learning outcomes from long service techniques in badminton games through problem-based learning models. The type of study used is the classroom action research design. The subjects of this study were students of Senior High School 2 Sukadana in the 2021–2022 school year, especially class X IPA students, totaling 25 students. The results showed an increase in cycle I, namely 28% completion, but there were still many students who were not complete, with a percentage of 72%. Based on the results in cycle II, it shows that there is a difference in the percentage achieved, namely, in cycle I, 28% of students are complete, and the last in cycle II shows a percentage of 92% of students are complete on the learning outcomes of the badminton long serve. The conclusion proves that the problem-based learning model can improve long-term service skills in badminton games. This research has provided new references related to physical education learning, where these results recommend that the problem-based learning model can be applied to solve badminton long serve problems.
Basic Level Futsal Referee Training at AFK Pontianak, West Kalimantan Putra Sastaman B; Y. Touvan Juni Samodra; Maharani Fatima Gandasari; Ghana Firsta Yosika; Isti dwi puspita wati; Eka Supriatna; Uray Gustian; Rubiyatno; Rahmat Putra Perdana; Robby Najini
GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/gandrung.v4i1.2411


The need for futsal referees in Pontianak is exceptionally high. Futsal activities as a competitive sport require reliable referees, while the number of licensed referees is still limited. Some referees can carry out referee upgrading but find it difficult to carry out activities on their own. This service activity takes the opportunity that the sports coaching education program has a lot of human resources and good cooperative bureaucratic abilities. The collaboration between the study program, the Pontianak futsal association, and the province gave birth to district-level futsal referee upgrading activities. Activities such as event management are carried out by academics consisting of lecturers and students. Activity filters are Referees with licenses as trainers sent by the Provincial futsal association and users. In this case, the Pontianak city futsal association is ready to accommodate and use the results of the activities has been implemented. The result turned out that all the 30 participants who followed were declared passed.
Dampak Aktivitas Fisik (Jogging) terhadap Denyut Nadi Latihan Syahria Arya Maulana; Y. Touvan Juni Samodra; Ghana Firsta Yosika; Maharani Fatima Gandasari; Isti Dwi Puspita Wati
Jurnal Pendidikan Kesehatan Rekreasi Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi FKIP Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Asosiasi Prodi Olahraga Perguruan Tinggi PGRI (APOPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.828 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7497760


Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dampak aktivitas fisik (Jogging) terhadap denyut nadi pada kegiatan pemanasan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan menggunakan Desain One Group Pretest-Postest Design. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga semester satu berjumlah 22 orang. Penelitian ini melakukan pengukuran denyut nadi 10 detik x 6 sebelum dan setelah melakukan Jogging. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif dan Uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan denyut nadi sebelum melakukan Jogging sebesar 94 kali/menit, setelah melakukan Jogging sebesar 164 kali/menit, dengan demikian adanya dampak aktivitas fisik yakni Jogging cukup efektif digunakan untuk pemanasan sehingga dapat meningkatkan denyut nadi sebagai persiapan masuk kedalam zona latihan.