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Social Media and the Fragmentation of Religious Authority among Muslims in Contemporary Indonesia Abd Hannan; Ach Fatayillah Mursyidi
Digital Muslim Review Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/dmr.v1i2.10


This study examines the massive use of social media, its role, and its influence on splitting religious authority among internal Muslims in contemporary Indonesia. There are two research questions raised in this study: how is the existence and reality of the popularity of Indonesian Muslims amid the rapid development of social media? How does religious authority within Indonesian Muslims experience fragmentation and the massive use of social media? This study is a netnographic research based on qualitative research. Two types and sources of data are used: primary data in the form of text, visual videos, and images obtained from several social media, especially Instagram and YouTube. In addition, there is also secondary data in the form of statistical data and literature. After analysing field data based on the perspective of Max Weber’s authority theory, this study found that the massive use of social media among Indonesian Muslims today has triggered the birth of various new religious realities, one of which is the division of religious authority. In Indonesia, this fragmentation is marked by the weakening of the existence and influence of earlier Islamic clergy groups and, simultaneously, the emergence of contemporary clergy members with stronger allure and influence. The latter are popular as millennial ustadz, have a populist style, and are known to be quite active in campaigning for religious activities on online-based social media channels.
Design of Integration of Religion and Science in Handling Covid-19 Perspective of Ismail Raji Al Faruqi's Thought Abd. Hannan
Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman Vol. 33 No. 1 (2022): Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman
Publisher : Universitas Islam Tribakti (UIT) Lirboyo Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33367/tribakti.v33i1.2058


In the last two years, there has been a lot of discussion about the integration of religion and science. The discussion emerged as a response to the split in the logic of religious and scientific thinking regarding the handling of COVID-19. By conducting research based on qualitative methods and in-depth analysis through the theory of Islamization of science, this study found two findings; First, The religion-science polarization in the dynamics of dealing with COVID-19 is reflected in the selfishness of the two in responding to COVID-19. The orthodox religious perspective tends to be metaphysical-dogmatize, while science tends to be positivistic-empirical; Second, Al-Faruqi's idea of ​​Islamization of science emphasizes the five principles of unity (tawhid), namely the unity of God, creation, truth-knowledge, humanity, and the unity of life. In the context of dealing with COVID-19, the five units cover two dimensions; 1) Methodology, a dimension that specifically targets religious areas to be more transformative and not fatalistic; 2) Content, dimensions related to the world of science so as not to be trapped in the view of secular positivism.
Mapping Cases and Actors in Violations of Religious Freedom in Contemporary Madura Abd Hannan; Ach. Fatayillah Mursyidi
Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman Vol. 35 No. 1 (2024): Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman
Publisher : Universitas Islam Tribakti (UIT) Lirboyo Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33367/tribakti.v35i1.4564


This study examines the dynamics of violations of the freedom of religion in Madura, mapping cases, actors, and handling models. This study is field research that uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Methodologically, the choice of the qualitative type is based on the research objectives that want to describe the research problem in depth and focus. The research problem is to examine the dynamics of violations of freedom of religion in Madura, mapping cases, actors, and handling models of religious sociology. After analyzing the field data based on the perspective of the sociology of religion, this study found that cases of violations of freedom of religion in Madura tend to occur in the internal scope of the Muslim community, which is generally triggered by the attitude of 'resistance' to the dimensions of freedom of religion or belief, both dimensions of forum internum and forum externum. Based on these actors, the practice of violating the freedom of religion in Madura often involves religious figures. In this context, kyai is the most influential figure as well as the highest religious authority in Madura. In addition, other actors also come from mass organizations or religious groups, which in fact have great power and influence to mobilize the masses, as in the violation of freedom of religion that befell Shia Sampang adherents and Wahabi Muslims in Pamekasan. Regarding handling, the model of handling violations of freedom of religion in Madura has so far been more exclusive. The settlement process tends to produce unbalanced decisions, often centered and in favor of the majority group or groups, especially the local elite circle such as Kyai. In many cases, the handling process is not fully aimed at building a truly accommodative and moderate agreement, but rather at maintaining the status quo, creating domination, intimidation, and even religious intervention against minority groups.
Dinamika Pembangunan Ekonomi Di Madura Pada Era Kebiasaan Baru Covid-19; Tantangan dan Peluangnya Abd Hannan
NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Keagamaan Islam Vol. 18 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Research Institute and Community Engagement of IAIN MADURA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/nuansa.v18i2.5041


This study examines the challenges and opportunities for development in Madura amid the adoption of a new habit era due to the global pandemic, Covid-19. There are three main problems examined in this study; Econimi development in Madura, the era of new habits, and Covid-19. By using qualitative research and analysis based on the sociological theory of development, this study finds a number of findings; first, the dynamics of development in Madura in the midst of the adoption of a new habit era in general experienced quite serious upheavals or shocks, especially in the economic development sector. Second, the opportunities for strengthening Madura development in the midst of the new custom era are relatively open. This is influenced by the geographical condition of Madura as an archipelago which has abundant natural-social wealth, especially those originating from the maritime sector. Empowerment and utilization of natural resources, especially those based on local wisdom, can become a strategy in the midst of turbulent national-global economic chains; Third, to maximize these efforts, it is necessary to have collaboration and synergy with related parties, especially the government. In addition to ensuring the implementation of health protocols, it is equally important to ensure the financial power of the community. Providing stimulus packages, both fiscal and non-fiscal, so that later it can push the wheels of the regional economy. This is at the same time the biggest challenge, how to ensure that the distribution of the stimulus package is carried out in a measured, fast, and on target, as well as touching on fundamental sectors. (Studi ini mengkaji tantangan dan peluang pembangunan ekonomi di Madura di tengah diterapkannya era kebiasaan baru akibat pandemi global, Covid-19. Terdapat tiga permasalahan pokok yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini; pembangunan Madura, era kebiasaan baru, dan Covid-19. Dengan mempergunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan analisa berdasarkan teori sosiologi pembangunan, kajian ini mendapati sejumlah temuan; pertama, dinamika pembangunan di Madura di tengah penerapan era kebiasaan baru secara umum mengalami gejolak atau guncangan cukup serius, khususnya di sektor pembangunan ekonomi. Kedua, peluang penguatan pembangunan di Madura di tengah diberlakukannya era kebiasaan baru relatif terbuka. Demikian dipengaruhi oleh kondisi geografis Madura sebagai daerah kepulauan yang mempunyai kekayaan alam-sosial cukup melimpah, terutama yang bersumber dari sektor kemaritiman. Pemberdaayaan dan pemanfaatan kekayaan alam khususnya yang berbasis kearifan lokal dapat menjadi strategi di tengah gejolak rantai ekonomi nasional-global yang tidak menentu; Ketiga, untuk memaksimalkan upaya tersebut, perlu adanya kolaborasi dan sinergitas antara pemerintah dan elemen masyarakat. Selain memastikan jalannya protokol kesehatan, pun tak kalah pentingnya adalah memastikan daya finansial masyarakat. Memberi paket stimulus baik fiskal maupun nonfiskal, sehingga nantinya dapat mendorong roda perekonomian daerah. Ini sekaligus menjadi tantangan terbesar, bagaimana memastikan distribusi paket stimulus tersebut dilakukan secara terukur, cepat, dan tepat sasaran, serta menyentuh sektor-sektor fundamental.)
Dinamika Pesantren dalam Merespons Pandemi Covid-19 di Madura Abd Hannan; Siti Azizah; Husna Atiya
DINIKA : Academic Journal of Islamic Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/dinika.v5i2.2923


This study discusses the dynamics of social role done by Islamic boarding schools or pesantrenin response to the Covid-19 in Madura. There are two main research questions in this article; how do people respond to the Covid-19 pandemic in Madura? What are the dynamics of Islamic boarding schools in Madura in response to the Covid-19? By using the qualitative research, this study found two major findings; first, the response of pesantrento Covid-19 in Madura is quite diverse. This is due to the religious paradigm of pesantrenin Madura, some of them are conservative, while some others are non-conservative. The conservative-based Islamic boarding schools are more reserved and they tend to counter the existence of Covid-19 by not fully following the directions of the health protocol recommended by the government. While some others, the non-conservative ones, prefer to be open to all policies taken by the government as an effort to prevent and combat Covid-19; second, although the response of Islamic boarding schools in Madura to Covid-19 tends to vary, their attitude is generally responsive when it comes to preventing the spread of the virus. They carry out this responsive attitude in the form of two approaches; structural-medical approach such as the implementation of social-physical distancing, and cultural-religious approach such as issuing religious edicts which contain theological explanations of the necessity to follow health protocols. They also provide procedures in carrying out religious rituals in emergency situations during pandemic.
Jurnal Sosiologi Agama Vol. 17 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Sosiologi Agama Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jsa.2023.172-07


This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of the emergence of da'wah using new media (social media) in Indonesia and its role in producing a new popular Islamic culture among millennial preachers in Indonesia. Methodologically, this study used qualitative research with a netnographic approach. Two types of data sources, primary and secondary, were used, taken from the 2015-2023 period. This study found two findings after analyzing the field data. First, the phenomenon of da'wah conducted by Hanan Attaki and Felix Siauw in the new media space, especially through the Instagram platform, creates a new popular Islamic culture involving netizens in consuming religious information. Netizens tend to be exposed to the glittering flood of information that can shift their conventional religious understanding and faith.  Second, at certain levels, the contemporary da'wah model shown by Hanan Attaki and Felix Siauw can represent the presence and existence of a new popular Islamic culture in Indonesia. This is because the contemporary style shown by Hanan Attaki and Felix Siauw, in many of their da'wah activities, contains elements of mass culture and the new media industry in the form of visualization and commodification of religious dimensions, values, and meanings